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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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Love these kinds of discussions--

1. What is your favorite Clay recorded song?

If You Dont Know Me By Now. Too bad 90% of the world never heard this.

--Does this count? I prayed for him to sing it this past summer, maybe next time.

2. What is your favorite Clay live performance?

Clay sings great on Leno--every single time. Invisible, The Way, Solitire, MDYK--all great!

On Joyful Tours--Jingle Bells 2005+2007 [Clay does jazz]

3. What is your favorite Clay tour?

Almost every song from the JBT, especially Motown Hat-Soulful-snapping Clay.

also BFM, Just You, TRD, 1000Days-- all the originals

4. Can you guess that I would love a Soulful/Jazzy album?

ps~ Thanks playbiller for the shared clip

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If You Dont Know Me By Now. Too bad 90% of the world never heard this.

--Does this count? I prayed for him to sing it this past summer, maybe next time.

I remember when ATDW came out it took me forever to listen to the "extras" - both LAA and IYDKMBN. I think Ansa asked me for a week what I thought..and I kept saying I haven't listened yet. heee. So much going on back then. And then I finally was able to download them both and I was so blown away by IYDKMBN that it took me forever to even appreciate LAA. I love my green eyed soul man and he kicks all kinds of butt with this song.



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hola.gif More news for the news people

From the Tehran times!!!

???? title??

Topic seems to be Christmas around the world

Pope Benedict XVI receives gifts from children in native costumes as he celebrates the Christmas Midnight Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.

Peru's traffic police officers, dressed as Santa, dance with children during a Christmas show in Lima.

UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken celebrated Christmas at a flood shelter with the children of Ostuacan, Chiapas. In one weekend last month torrential rains in produced the worst flooding the region has seen in more than 50 years.

Children sing during a special mass ahead of Christmas at a Catholic church in Taiyuan, Shanxi province. There are some 10 million Catholics in China.

A Santa Claus impersonator is surrounded by children at the Christmas Post Office in Himmelpfort, which means 'Heavens Gate', in northern Germany, in a photo provided by the Deutsche Post AG.

Children light candles at a church on the eve of Christmas in Kathmandu.

Syrian children dressed as Santa Claus hold candles as they take part in a march to celebrate Christmas in Damascus

Children from the special language school Angeles walk to the post office where they will sing Christmas carols in Santiago,

Kind of interesting about world news.

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Bwah, today is just busting with Clay news - from CB and Pearlqjr

A daily double question, the eventual winner made it a true 'daily double' (and got it right)


what 18-- Tennesse politician who ran for the presidency lost to Ruben Studdard on American Idol.

Answer: Henry Clay Aiken


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Bwah, today is just busting with Clay news - from CB and Pearlqjr

A daily double question, the eventual winner made it a true 'daily double' (and got it right)


what 18-- Tennesse politician who ran for the presidency lost to Ruben Studdard on American Idol.

Answer: Henry Clay Aiken


I'm guessing this from Jeopardy...love it! I would so love to see Clay on Celebrity Jeopardy...you just know he would kick butt and be funny at the same time!


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Oh mah goodness! I just watched the Sasha/clay video mumbledymumble times. He's so freaking CUTE! :ilovemypc:

ETA: From TweetyGal at the OFC:

I posted this on the TV Appearances thread as well but ET is did a small blurb about Clay's UNICEF trip on tonight's show. If it hasn't yet aired in your area, it will be on about 12 minutes into the show.
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Back Flap? They're criticizing his back flap? :cryingwlaughter:

I haven't read a word out there.

What's a back flap? Is it that flap on the bottom/back of a suit jacket? Are you serious?

I'll play, but I don't do rules unless the consequences are dire.

1. What is your favorite Clay recorded song?

Broken Wings

Lover All Alone

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

Mary Did You Know?

Everything I Have

(I liked ATDW!)

2. What is your favorite Clay live performance?

Mack the Knife (AI2)

Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me (Wilcard, AI2)

Solitaire (AI3)

Good News (JNT1, Sewell)

I'll Be Home for Christmas (JNT1, Sewell and the Chicago Clack)

Emmanuel (JNT 05, Baltimore)

3. What is your favorite Clay tour?

The Jukebox Tour - It had everything, even the promise of new music not to be.

JNT 04, Williamsport - I still laugh every time I think about a few banter bits.

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Oh mah goodness! I just watched the Sasha/clay video mumbledymumble times. He's so freaking CUTE! :ilovemypc:

ETA: From TweetyGal at the OFC:

I posted this on the TV Appearances thread as well but ET is did a small blurb about Clay's UNICEF trip on tonight's show. If it hasn't yet aired in your area, it will be on about 12 minutes into the show.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just saw the teaser! He sings a snippet of White Christmas and giggles. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I saw it , I saw it - yes, he sang White Christmas, held a small child, shook hands, etc. So cute snuggled in between celebrity divorces.

It was cute! My only complaint is that it should have been longer - it was about all I could do to sit there for the 10 minutes leading up to his segment. I could care less who got divorced in 2007, how many millions Paris Hilton isn't going to get from grandpa, or who got arrested for what overnight in Hollyweird.

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I saw it , I saw it - yes, he sang White Christmas, held a small child, shook hands, etc. So cute snuggled in between celebrity divorces.

I WANNA SEE! I WANNA SEE! *hissyfit*

Is it that flap on the bottom/back of a suit jacket?


Are you serious?

Duh. The NJU will think he's FAT !!1!!!1!!


Can I say I could live the rest of my life without hearing about the "n-j-u" ... or how many MEN are at the concerts? Sorry...pet peeve.

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I saw it , I saw it - yes, he sang White Christmas, held a small child, shook hands, etc. So cute snuggled in between celebrity divorces.

I WANNA SEE! I WANNA SEE! *hissyfit*

Is it that flap on the bottom/back of a suit jacket?


Are you serious?

Duh. The NJU will think he's FAT !!1!!!1!!


Can I say I could live the rest of my life without hearing about the "n-j-u" ... or how many MEN are at the concerts? Sorry...pet peeve.

OMG, thanks for saying that. It's right up there high on my list also.

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Saw the clip. He's cuuuuteee! And fortunately, I didn't see any upclipped back flaps. Otherwise, people around the world would think he's fat, and we CAN'T HAVE THAT, PEOPLE!!!! :huh:

Whew! Got home from work about an hour ago, and proceeded to shovel, shovel, and shovel snow. And it's still snowing out there. I guess I already got my workout tonight, and I can skip the gym!

I'd list my favorites, but I'd never follow the rules, and I'd list about 15 to 20 things in each category. And I gotta eat supper and take my kids out for their evening activities soon, so I'll pass on this one. :)

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Cutie Pie 00lsee posted this on CH and I just had to bring it over because it CMSU! :cryingwlaughter:

Somewhere, there's a skating fan blogging:


Not good. Some of the skaters wobbled on their landings and there were a couple of times they weren't skating quite "together". Did you see that messy spinning? Ugh. Sasha's dress? Hate. And Phillipe's hair? Cringe-worthy.


Oh, and I don't think we should discriminate by commenting only on how many men are in a Clay Aiken concert audience. I want to know how many 29 year old brunettes with big boobs there are, for crying out loud! For Clay's sake! :cryingwlaughter:

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What-evah. I'm lovin' this crazy, convoluted journey with this infinitely fascinating and enigmatic man. I don't always think he does THE best thing or make THE best choice (as if I know what that would be! :cryingwlaughter: ), but I'll be damned if I haven't enjoyed the results of everything he's tried! Maybe not equally, but I've had fun careening around every single curve!

Muski... :F_05BL17blowkiss: WORD!!!

OK, its a bit slow at work today so I ventured out of these hallowed halls to see what was being discussed elsewhere. Let me know if this summary is about right.

I think I have discovered that the downfall to Clay's career is that he lied when he said he was cheesy and saying that just doomed his next CD because no one will know its a rockin' CD and that his voice sucked so badly the special wasn't even worth watching, and his hair looked liked Moe from the Three Stooges - which would turn most everyone off - but the worst offense of all was - and I was SHOCKED to read this - SHOCKED I tell you - the worst offense, the one truly unforgiveable thing, was a badly, sewn back flap on his suit jacket! :Ahh:

No wonder he hasn't won any Grammy's! No wonder he doesn't get radio play! Doesn't he know the key to success in the music industry is a well sewn back flap?????? :lilredani:

Claygasm... :cryingwlaughter: I LOVED this post! :cryingwlaughter:

I just want to say one thing about DSIAFCD. I think (JMbitchyO) that people have become so used to audio-corrected sound and lip-synching that they expect every note to be perfect. Well, the human voice just doesn't work that way. I LOVE the gravel tones and even the occasional cracks. They tell me that Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice (OH, if only it were his body), balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net. Why can't that be enough to fill us with joy??

Wanda... Love this (bolding mine) I hope it makes the thread title for sure!

1. What is your favorite Clay recorded song?

One... one... AIW... I don't care what time of year it is, when I need a lift, I play this over and over and over. Something about it lifts my spirit and feeds my soul.

2. What is your favorite Clay live performance?

Anything from Long Island. He was the personification of triumph and courage that night!

3. What is your favorite Clay tour?

JBT hands down!!! tho I LOVE the banter from JNT06 and SST.

I stayed at work an extra half an hour just to post, since I cannot from home, so don't expect anything else until I get back to work tomorrow.

I peeked around a bit today and I must say... I LOVE FCA!!! Thank you all for being you!

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Whew! Got home from work about an hour ago, and proceeded to shovel, shovel, and shovel snow. And it's still snowing out there. I guess I already got my workout tonight, and I can skip the gym!

Speaking of workouts..I got one too....my butt was on a bus for the first time in years. I have a nice walks on each side of my ride. I call this the But I wanna see Clay Aiken in the heartland form of exercise. It was him or get the car fixed. Guess what I chose :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Loved the ET clip!

So maybe we could start a list of buzz words that are nails on the chalkboard...mine would be:


Musical Direction


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Loved the ET clip!

So maybe we could start a list of buzz words that are nails on the chalkboard...mine would be:


Musical Direction



I can't think of two that bug me more than those at the moment though. Especially when uttered by pseudo-expert wanna be's.

Oh, and I don't think we should discriminate by commenting only on how many men are in a Clay Aiken concert audience. I want to know how many 29 year old brunettes with big boobs there are, for crying out loud! For Clay's sake! :cryingwlaughter:

Heheh, I've got two out of three of those covered. What's 14 years between friends? *g*

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That sounds like my form of prioritizing, Couch Tomato! Hee!

Oh, and I don't think we should discriminate by commenting only on how many men are in a Clay Aiken concert audience. I want to know how many 29 year old brunettes with big boobs there are, for crying out loud! For Clay's sake! :cryingwlaughter:

How about 31 year old red heads, muski? There was one of those in Merrillville...... :lipstick:


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Speaking of workouts..I got one too....my butt was on a bus for the first time in years. I have a nice walks on each side of my ride. I call this the But I wanna see Clay Aiken in the heartland form of exercise. It was him or get the car fixed. Guess what I chose :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Well, I'm glad you decided on that workout, Couchie, cuz I got to see you again! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Shoulders! And darn, that stupid ET logo is right where I wanna ogle that cute little butt.


Brett's in this pic:




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AHHHhhhhhh :hubbahubba:

Did you see those SHOULDERS in the last second of the ET clip?????


Great minds run in the same gutters, Gibby.

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