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Thanks everybody. I am really happy that you're liking them, and I appreciate the suggestions! I edited these into the first post, but I'll post them here too.





Oh! Great job, Cindilu! I'm really liking Aa & Cc.

These are my favs as well. They are gorgeous. Just one picky thing: Could the "SIR" be more centered with the "ROBIN" or maybe the S in SIR even with the N in Robin? It seems lopsided to me. Probably just a matter of taste so feel free to ignore me. I'm so in awe of your talent!!

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jmh, there really isn't room to move the Sir up (I tried before) without making all the writing smaller, and then it just gets hard to read. If I make the crest smaller, there is too much black. I will try nudging it up a little and see. Maybe if it does go for 'proofing', the pin people can fix it.

this is it moved up some - more centered with Robin, but I'm not sure it really makes much difference. Three letters versus five is always gonna be lopsided I guess!


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Love B

Love the crest ©... can the words read FCA on bottom, then Doing instead of Finding and then, maybe, Sir Clobin?

I'm going to wait for a few suggestion before I change anything, liney (my hand is sore!!)

But, it's only gonna say Sir Clobin if somebody else makes one. :cryingwlaughter: (Sorry, I hatesss strongly dislike the 'Clanguage'.)

Cindy, they're awesome! My first choice would be Cc..as long as it's as you have it, no "doing" and no "Sir Clobin" for me.

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jmh, there really isn't room to move the Sir up (I tried before) without making all the writing smaller, and then it just gets hard to read. If I make the crest smaller, there is too much black. I will try nudging it up a little and see. Maybe if it does go for 'proofing', the pin people can fix it.

this is it moved up some - more centered with Robin, but I'm not sure it really makes much difference. Three letters versus five is always gonna be lopsided I guess!


I see what you mean. Thanks for trying. To heck with symmetry! It's such a cool pin!

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Love B

Love the crest ©... can the words read FCA on bottom, then Doing instead of Finding and then, maybe, Sir Clobin?

I'm going to wait for a few suggestion before I change anything, liney (my hand is sore!!)

But, it's only gonna say Sir Clobin if somebody else makes one. :cryingwlaughter: (Sorry, I hatesss strongly dislike the 'Clanguage'.)

Cindy, they're awesome! My first choice would be Cc..as long as it's as you have it, no "doing" and no "Sir Clobin" for me.

Ah, but "doing" is an FCA tradition!!!

I am loving Aa more and more! Its just so colorful and fun - like Spamalot. Cc is nice but there is no Clay and the colors make it look rather serious.

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I much prefer option Cc probably because although I like the designs of A and B, I just cannot see myself wearing a pin which says "doing Clay"...sorry...just not me.

I haven't been a fan long enough, I guess.

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I believe she means the 'Doing Clay' pins. Doing Clay (DCAT), Doing Clay in the Heartland, now Doing Clay on Broadway.

Lotus, though there is a double entendre - think of it like 'doing lunch'. Not at all smutty that way!! LOLOLOL

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What series are you talking about? There have been a bunch of FCA pins.

Someone, somewhere mentioned this is the third "in the series"... maybe the summer tour (DCAT), then CITH and now Spamalot? Maybe that's not correct then - that there is no series per se?

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What series are you talking about? There have been a bunch of FCA pins.

The "Doing Clay Aiken" pins, starting with the DCAT pin and then the Doing Clay in the Heartland pins. At least that is the series I am talking about. I know it isn't an official series, but it could be!

I am still loving Aa the most with D now my second choice.

I bet we could get enough to order both like we did with the CITH pins...... I know I would order both!

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I am LOVNG Aa and also Cc.

If I were forced to choose one it would be AA because I love the colors and because it is so Monty Pythonesque and because I just love the little FCA tomato for the 'O'. That's sort of become an unofficial FCA symbol. I also like it better because it mentions Clay specifically. And because it would truly be the third in a continuing series of FCA "Doing Clay" pins. I mean, how can there be a Clay concert/event where FCA doesn't "do" Clay?

If I had my way (what do you mean it isn't all about ME?????), I would have one of Aa and one of Cc.

Yeah. That.

I'd like one of each Aa and Cc, please. They're both genius! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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ohhkay...D is it! Yep, I really like it.

Although doing Clay is a double entendre...let's face it...how many people reading that pin are going to think of doing lunch and much as I would love to do Clay I just cannot wear a pin announcing that desire.

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I'm an Aa and D person myself. Cindilu, you are a GREAT pin designer!!! Thanks! And, thanks to couchie for ordering and dispersing. Make sure you charge enough for shipping when you tell us the cost!!!

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