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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Would someone please tell me what is the protocol for bringing recaps from OFC here?

There one from yesterday from BichonLover which I really enjoyed reading and would like to share.

The OFC message board is a bit of a different animal than the other fan boards since you have to pay to join. If you get permission from the original poster at the OFC to repost her recap, you can bring the content over. Otherwise, you can post a link here, and fan club members can go over and check it out.

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Thanks for your review Cindilu2. I hope you haven't been made to feel here like your review wasn't wanted. I've beenw waiting for it. 3 months and counting for me.

I agree that the appreciation by his fans is part and parcel of having Clay. I do understand why it would be puzzling. I think Clay fans respond to things that are Clay, not necessarily Sir Robin if that makes any sense. like just him saying a dirty word or dancing maybe? It's like they are left out of a joke.

Thanks for sharing!!

That's a good point. I remember reading somewhere that the cast was surprised that people were laughing or reacting to things they never thought was funny. But probably the fans are reacting to things like seeing Clay dance or showing his butt.

As long as fans are being open to the whole show and giving the other performers appreciation...I don;t think we should try and control our reactions to what Clay does. I think we should just go there and enjoy and not worry about what NJU's say.

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As long as fans are being open to the whole show and giving the other performers appreciation...I don;t think we should try and control our reactions to what Clay does. I think we should just go there and enjoy and not worry about what NJU's say.

Hear, hear. That's exactly what I plan to do! I'll be attending with my son, who is a fan of Spamalot, but not necessarily a fan of Clay (depending on his mood when you ask him, hee). I think between the two of us and our colliding fandoms, we will be showing the love to everyone!

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During Intermission I talked a bit to the guy sitting next to me. I just said the show was great, wasn't it, and he jumped right in. He liked it quite a lot even though he was only there becoss Wicked was sold out. He lives in NYC and goes to a lot of shows. I didn't mention Clay, he did. He said, and this is close to a direct quote, 'I like Clay Aiken and all, and he has a great voice, but there are a lot of great voices up there. The cheering for everything he does is a little too much.' I commented that Clay fans just do that. It's not really voluntary, and he nodded. None in my group cheered for Clay other than at the end of his numbers, but there was some cheering at atypical times. Not a lot though. I barely noticed it. And really, I don't think they can help it. Didn't bother me at all. Just not something that comes naturally to me.

It was all good. :clap:

ducky... bolded part (mine) CMSU :cryingwlaughter: Alsolutely true! It's part and parcel of watching Clay do anything at any time. In person or at home (well, at home I usually just get a silly grin on my face).

Heh, as a Clay Aiken fan, I believe it is my job to weigh in with an opinion based on no facts what so ever.

Play... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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I do understand why it would be puzzling. I think Clay fans respond to things that are Clay, not necessarily Sir Robin if that makes any sense. like just him saying a dirty word or dancing maybe? It's like they are left out of a joke.

On opening night I was sitting in the front row and could watch the reaction of the band - especially Sean. When the audience roared when Clay first said "shit" they were laughing and shaking their heads. I got the feeling they couldn't believe how much we reacted to Clay saying "shit"!

I suspect that maybe Sean warned them about Clay's fans, though.....

Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for all the hugs and good wishes sent my way, both here and by PM, for my father's death. Its never easy losing a loved one, even when you know it was time. We are a resilient family and we are doing ok, day by day. But life goes on and even in times of grief you mustn't let the joys of life pass you by.

And since for me, Clay is one of the joys in life.......

I have to wait until February 9th to see him again and I cannot wait. It will be interesting to see how he has grown in the role - if not in the white pants. :whistling-1:

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Having had a chance to digest my latest tour experience with the eHP, here's a little bitty part of some of my recap to tide you over. Heh. And anything I write is totally unbiased. Really.

Well, as many who know me probably testify (but if they know what's good for them, they won't), I may have been a teensy bit late getting to the airport Friday morning. January 18 was my sons 21st birthday. Seeing that he is floating somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and I promise to call him, and since I had been up since two that morning, I log onto Skype, dial his number, and listen to it ring 500,000,000 times. Since I could see he was online, I persevered, because mothering hormones are stupid. I look at the clock in the kitchen and it says 5:15 AM. I think for a second, and realized that my flight is for 6:30 AM. I'd take a couple of minutes I don't have to tell the board that I'm going for the Airport, because I realized the other psychos in the eHP will be checking the boards (and I know that either Solo or perusingOne have already started a bet on who's going to be late and I want in on the action). So by 5:25 AM, locked the door to my apartment, slide into the driver's seat of my car, and realize I have about 1½ gal of gas in the car. But it's only about 35 miles to the Airport, and I figure fumes can get me to a gas station upon my return. Happily, at about three that morning, I decided to prepay the Park 'N Fly. I make it onto the Park 'N Fly shuttle bus by 5:58 AM, and am excessively impressed with myself. I was the first person on the shuttle, which should have told me it was a bad sign. The driver actually stopped for about seven other people, who repeatedly lollygagged around getting on the bus. We didn't leave the frickin' parking lot until 6:07. And of course, the Park 'N Fly was nowhere actually near the Airport. It is now 6:14. I figure that exiting the shuttle on a rolling stop isn't really that bad, vault over all the slow people, dashing through the sliding doors, and come to a horrified halt. The frickin' security line is wrapped around the entire terminal. Including the frickin' Elite line. I finally answer my phone, which oddly enough had been playing "Invisible" fairly regularly since 6:00 AM, from a number of people. Who are already on the flight I'm supposed to be on. Merrieeee answered the phone, and I explain I'm in the security line. Surprisingly enough, Merrieeee doesn't seem surprised. I look up and get behind people who know the drill, grin at the TSA guy, and make my classical run for the gate. It is 6:27 AM. I see a completely empty gate. I see the gate agent sigh as he sees me approach. They take my carry on bag away but my butt is on the plane. HA HA! Scarlet dances with joy in her seat as she sees me triumphantly take my seat across the aisle, ejecting some optimistic peon who thought they had a free window seat. Sucker! Merrieeee (who still hasn't learned the front of the plane is really better than the back of the plane) doesn't see me, but has faith in my running abilities. A little delusional, but we love her. The flight was uneventful, and I use my 4 GB flash drive to watch Clay sing to meet all the way to New York.

I call Solo as soon as we touch down. She implied that I might have cut it a little close, I had no idea where she gets these notions from. She and perusingOne and HeidiHo decided to abandon us at the airport and go on to the lovely hotel, as they knew perfectly well that Scarlett had packed all of her belongings that she has ever owned and checked them and it would take us a billion years to get out of baggage claim. Scarlett proceeds to proclaim "Ha Ha" as she is the only one who didn't check anything. We promised to write this date in our calendars and highlight it, as it will never happen again. Scarlett, Merrieeee and I manage to find baggage claim, managed to find the correct carousel, manage to acquire our luggage, managed to reach Solo on the phone, and managed to get within 25 feet of the door to outside. We only managed to get within 25 feet of the door to outside because it was fucking cold out there. Sole claimed she would be there in a few minutes. We believed her, so we kept a careful eye out. While we were waiting, we discussed cheap but attractive 70's furniture (and our sincere hope that black lacquer, glass, and fake gold trim will soon make a comeback - but not the glass covered wicker because that was a pain in the ass to clean. We have our standards.), cheap funerals, the fashion forwardness of aluminum Christmas trees (with the rotating four colored lights), the fact that Scarlett & Merrieeee are much much more evil than I, and where the hell was Solo? We go back to talking, and periodically I would take my phone out to check it. After another 15 minutes, I check my phone again, because that heifer Solo is taking frickin' forever. This time though, I decide to slide my phone open (which generally isn't necessary. Really. It really isn't. Don't you think I would have noticed if I needed to open the phone to see if someone called? I swear I would have noticed this if I needed to open it before now. Honestly.) and was surprised to notice that there were a couple of messages. I said, " Oh oh". I push the redial button, and a loudly shrieking Solo answers the phone, babbling something about calling each of us lots and lots of times and no one answers. We deny this. Since she already has been told to move along by the cops a couple of times, who are you going to believe, a clear criminal, or lovely group of women with a fondness for black lacquer? We promise to actually go out of the doors, and she says never mind. We ask why. She says because I can see you. We ask how. She says because I'm behind your silly asses. It was a miracle! She was behind us. She made us pay for parking, even though she tried to run over a parking attendant who was trying to wave her in the correct direction. She also said since curbs don't bleed, running over them doesn't count. And that she would put us out if we didn't shut up. We have discovered, however, that she won't actually put us out.

We eventually make it to the hotel, and perusingOne says she's hungry, which makes us hungry. Looking out the window of the hotel, we see some sort of pubby restaurant, and we braved the cold to go get something to eat. We get seated fairly quickly and our waiter soon discovers why we have come to New York. The waiter has the gall to criticize Clay's appearance on Larry King (even though he claimed not to follow Clay that much). He said he was a journalism major. We explain how we thought much of journalism sucked, especially the new version of CNN and how Larry King hasn't been a good interviewer since the middle ages. The waiter was entertaining nonetheless, and promised to let us come back and do anything we wanted. I like men like that.

We realize that we must make our way into the big city. Soon. Since this was Clay's opening night, we had to do some serious dressing up. People, with me, dressing up means heels. That is simply one of the bastions of civilized life. That means within 75 feet of me going anywhere, I'm going to start bitching, and the father I go, the more I'll bitch. Especially, if there are stairs involved. Stairs are the instrument of the devil, and if I wanted a thigh workout, I'd hit up Chrissy from Three's Company. Even worse, Solo was sick(ish). She actually told us to look up where we're going, and how to get there. Worst of all, she thought we actually did it. She soon discovered the error of her ways, as we wandered up and down various stairwells, some of them three times in a row. We eventually escaped the subway system, and wander down Broadway. We see our erstwhile companions, and make the mistake of choosing Bubba Gump's as our pre show snack, which involved waiting downstairs for 20 minutes, finally giving up on official seating, and headed upstairs for the bar. To tell you how bad it was, they actually fried some sort of vegetable matter along with the calamari. That's unnatural. We get tired of this, and decide to go to Sardi's early, as it couldn't be worse than Bubba Gump's. We send a minion (ficus) to scout out the place, and she reports back they have a table for us. It's up some more god damn stairs. However, I had an overpriced glass of wine, could feel my feet again, and was out of the wind. Life was good.

HeidiHo and I decided to go to the theater early, so I could pick up my will call tickets. Having picked up my will call tickets, there was no way in hell I was going back outside, so I'd just got in line there, and dragged Heidi with me. We got a little separated at the door because a delightful old man with a cane kept pushing Heidi to move faster. I got held up by the 75 year old ticket taker who decided this was a good time to flirt with me. My first seat was on row three, three seats in from the far left. I was directly parallel with the tower on the left side of the stage. Right behind me, was a seriously excited clay fan. Her friend had called her up and asked if she wanted to go to the show. That was 20 minutes ago. She said she ran a brush through her hair, slapped on some moisturizer, and ran for the train. She said clay would just have to deal with her just wearing moisturizer. And then I got the clay fan who should never be allowed caffeine. She was 18. She was really popular. At least she kept telling me she was really popular. She had met clay. Her friend had gotten on the bus. The TV cameras kept looking at her. Because she was lively. This is the first time she had coffee in seven years. She had to get her boyfriend a valentine's present. She had to sneak it in the back so he wouldn't see. The coffee was some sober vanilla stuff. She's been to a lot of shows. She's 18. She's really popular. She doesn't know why everyone wants to meet her. People keep coming up to her. Apparently they were invisible people, because I sure as hell didn't see them. She's really popular. I had to ask who the hell she was. She told me. Still didn't know who the hell she was. Still didn't care who the hell she was. She kept hinting she had to use my phone. Ha ha! The woman next to her bought her a program to shut her up. It didn't help. Happily as the lights went down, so did her voice.

I had stayed a Spamalot virgin because clay said it was special to wait (heee!). I had seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail years ago and loved it. So I had a vague idea what would happen. I was within 10 feet of the narrator when he began. Enjoyed the Finland skit. I was shocked at how dirty King Arthur's uniform was when he first came out. And the quiver of excitement when I recognized the voice of the first guard-I couldn't see him at all because of the angle, but the voice was unmistakable. And he sounded so very cockney! And nerdy! I didn't hear any nerves, just a young guard having a conversation with a guy in the crown pretending to ride a horse while a peasant clopped coconuts together. It was all very natural. His rhythms were good and he had a believability about himself. He wasn't at all distracted by the squeals upon his appearance, upon the first word he said, or even when he said, "shit", because the squeals after that were unreal. He really worked the fourth wall. When he came out as the dead person gatherer supervisor (as he just collected the money but didn do any actual work), the banter between Lancealot and him was different in feel than the movie or DHP's work; I think he portrayed the dead person gatherer supervisor as more feckless and more innocent. I will have to disagree with other fans, as I still don't think he's a natural dancer, but he can do it if he put some work into it. His foot position is so very awkward. Great dancing from Clay is not a requirement for me though. He is freakishly good at blending his voice in with the chorus though. Clay does look good dirty though. I'd hit that.

Clay then comes out as they introduce the lineup of knights. Man, and he makes them all look old. He does that slightly elevated chin, eyebrows faintly arched, gazing slightly heavenwad, and a slow move from profile to full face, that looks so frickin' good. I'm afraid he's much handsomer than Galahad. Much. That's hot.

For me the Camelot dance number reinforces the idea that dancing is never going to be one of his strengths - his improvising usually consists of shuffling his feet until he gets to one of the bigger moves (he does more and more of the actual choreography the more performances he does, but it's clear he has to work at it)

His requests for clarification after the king talks to the foot of god - it's so sincerely naive it's perfect.

My favorite part of his performance? It has got to be You Won't Succeed on Broadway if You Don't Have Any Jews. Every bit of this is perfect- from his matter of fact imparting of information to the king to his reaction to the appearance of the piano (Chopsticks was fuckin' brilliant) to his singing on the piano to the yarmulke and "Papa, can you hear me?" I'm lucky I didn't pee myself. So much of his acting seems to be through his body position, facial expression and his eyes. The boy is just good, people.

My second fave? Clay's musical theater grail. Dude, is just hot! Hot, hot, hot. Hot. And their stuff is all clean! I like clean.

I admit the constant shrieking whenever Clay did anything (including breathe) sort of tickled me. After the show, we went and looked at the stage door. We looked at the stage doore because we couldn't get within a 100 feet of the damn thing. But with my heels, I could see his eyebrows! It was exciting!

We then went back to Sardi's and got some over priced badly done food, talked to lots of people, and eventually went exploring the mysteries of the NY subway system. Again.

Part 2 - where we lie and say we're gonna get up early and do stuff but sleeping is more fun. And how having the thermostat set at 80 degrees is perfectly normal. Really.

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For me though *fangirl alert*, Clay IS Sir Robin - he is completely, 100% believable in it. The desire to sing and entertain. And maybe even moreso the guard in scene one - his snarky, not-going-to-get-by-with-anything-dumb banter with the King is priceless. And sooooo Clay!

cindilu... I agree with the above. This play/parts was/were tailor-made for Clay... fits him to a tee. I think he is a great comedic actor. I think he could do meaty roles, too, cause I LOVED his ending stalk-out in Scrubs. He protrayed angry/hurt at the same time very well and I watched that part over and over again. I think he is so empathic that he can put himself in the place of someone who has experienced that same thing very easily.

It is going to be sooo much fun to see where this man goes in his career. I just know that whatever direction it takes it will be interesting and fun and I'll be there to watch and enjoy! Love that man!!!

KAndre... I laughed till my stomach hurt at your adventure just to arrive in NYC... CMSU!!! THANKS!!! Please feel free to do more!

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Hey CG!!! great to hear from you again!!!

thanks for sharing your observations of the band...thats too cute!!! Love Sean and happy about how he was able to embrace the fandom...

I actually don;t get the huge reaction to the word shit...oh I do know why...but I don't really think its that shocking or surprising since it is part of his role. Now if he does that in public or in regular banter in concert...it would get a big reaction from me...

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OMG...KANdre...that was just toooo funny. Now that I have met you and Scarlett...I can so see this whole airport drama in my head. I wish I have met merrieee and solo so the picture would be complete.

Thanks for your impressions on the show. I really don;t expect much from Clay's dancing which is cool cos I didn't think any of the knights in the DL were really dancing like pros...but rather like people that had to. Which I guess is part of the appeal of the show. The chorus line were the ones that had to be sharp in their dancing. As long as Clay is not fumbling and seem to be counting his steps...

can;t wait for the next part...

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As playbiller said a while ago, Clay made it perfectly clear to us (the Wednesday night group) that he prefers noise to silence. He sort of chastised us for being too quiet during the performance, when he came out to sign autographs.

Here are a few shots, as usual not too good.





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OMG...KANdre...that was just toooo funny. Now that I have met you and Scarlett...I can so see this whole airport drama in my head. I wish I have met merrieee and solo so the picture would be complete.

Solo, and I are the shy retiring ones of the group!

I really think now Clay knows there is not going to be any shout-outs just for him and undue clapping for him, that he has become used to the audience loud reactions. He really did not want to be singled out and it appears that once the rest of the cast said All is Well then he's ok too! So now he is fine with telling us to bring it on!

I thought it was funny that the only shout-out I heard was for King Arthur!

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KAndre, can't wait to hear the rest of your wonderful recap. And this?

People, with me, dressing up means heels. That is simply one of the bastions of civilized life. That means within 75 feet of me going anywhere, I'm going to start bitching, and the father I go, the more I'll bitch.
is so true. And rather endearing. She does clean up well, y'all. :)

So, my friends in Houston, are we still getting together Feb 4th? Hubby is trying sneak out of kid duty (oh, okay, so he has to fly out for yet another business trip, but it's still sneaking)...so I kind of need to know if the thing is still on.

Reading backwards, so yeah, I'm behind again.

ETA: Off-topic, but if anyone knows of a helpful budgeting program/method/software, would you please let me know? Quicken has its limitations in the planning department, or maybe I just don't know how to use it properly as more than a glorified check register. My mom swears by the "envelope method" (sounds like a form of birth control, doesn't it?) but I'm not sure it is the best method for me. I'm anxious to not even start fighting with my husband about making a change in the way we handle our finances, but his seat-of-the-pants-method just ain't working. I've learned over the past couple of years that I am more of a logical thinker than I ever suspected. Self-discovery is always nice, but I find where money is concerned, I need a PLAN!!!

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Oh goodie, a K'Andre story, not that I had any work to do or anything. Why do such terrible things happen to such nice people? The trials and tribulations that make other go argh, seem written to amuse us here!

OK, I asked in the pin section, but no one answered, so I will ask here - now that the pins are arriving, is anyone going to get FCA pins to Clay or shouldI just show up oin a slow day and hand him mine?

I figure as it warms up, it mayl be harder and harder to get near Clay as more fans pour in the city or regulars find it worth the wait for him to come out ot autograph. Maybe I have to check the representing lists and see whne they are smaller.

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I will have to disagree with other fans, as I still don't think he's a natural dancer, but he can do it if he put some work into it. His foot position is so very awkward. Great dancing from Clay is not a requirement for me though. He is freakishly good at blending his voice in with the chorus though. Clay does look good dirty though. I'd hit that.

BWAH, KAndre, I loved your recap! And I'm looking forward to more.

You mentioned Clay's awkward foot position. I'm wondering if part of it is his turned out feet (he calls them duck feet; 'turned out' is ballet lingo). I imagine it would be a bit more difficult to learn dance moves if your feet are turned out. Anyway, I'm interested to hear from those who attended the opening show and will attend the closing show, to hear if his dancing improves. My bet is that it will.

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Pfft, I attended Opening night and less thabn a week later, Clay had improved., I think he was a bit nervous opening night, not to the point of catatonia, but still probably was jsut being careful to get everything right which insures something being wrong.

Fear is having problems tafgging her pictures, can anyone help her?

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Oh goodie, a K'Andre story, not that I had any work to do or anything. Why do such terrible things happen to such nice people? The trials and tribulations that make other go argh, seem written to amuse us here!

OK, I asked in the pin section, but no one answered, so I will ask here - now that the pins are arriving, is anyone going to get FCA pins to Clay or shouldI just show up oin a slow day and hand him mine?

I figure as it warms up, it mayl be harder and harder to get near Clay as more fans pour in the city or regulars find it worth the wait for him to come out ot autograph. Maybe I have to check the representing lists and see whne they are smaller.

hee that sounds like a good idea...oops unless we are still planning to send him a gift or something.

But I think a copy of FCA pin would be great. Oh but maybe Jerome won't let him take things from the fans...y'know security risks? Did anyone try to give him something before?

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found this recap at CH:

Here's a review of yesterday's matinee from PJMain at the CB:

I was at the matinee today and while there were definitely Claymates there, I would say the audience was mostly others. full house. Lots of men - couples, father/son types, buddies, etc. The show had a different feel than Opening Night that's for sure, when it was all US.

Waiting to get in I heard 2 women talking about Clay only being in it for the month, and they hoped he was at this performance. I filled them in on his run. They remembered him from AI and were eager to see him. Unfortunately I couldn't find them to ask what they thought later. I did ask afew people around me - none particularly Clay fans and all were enthusiastic. People nearby mentioned this being the first time they've seen any "AI" in a performance. I have no doubt he will have many more fans soon enough

I went with my brother, who majored in theater and works in NYC and he was VERY impressed with Clay. His favorite scene was Sir Robin misunderstanding God, thinking he was looking for quail. He also commented on the guard banter. (My brother is a Monty Python fan and honestly had hoped to like Spam. a bit more than he did) He thought Clay was one of the best on stage.

I did not follow any of the reports after opening weekend, so not sure how this compares with the rest of the week. The audience appreciated the humor, and Clay definitely got some applause/shouts specific to him but nothing like opening night. For me, i was absolutely so blown away by the whole package opening night that this show was a tad less magical, but still amazing and wonderful to see Clay in this role. I still laughed outloud in parts even though i knew they were coming. I thought his accent was even better tonight, more natural somehow. I didn't notice him looking to others for footing cues or reaching to the left for a prop on the right (Things I found endearing opening night!)

There was a surprise for me re: the audience participation at the end (and I daresay a surprise for the person in A101 from what I heard) but not sure if sharing that is a spoiler? I would like to find out if they switched it up other nights, too. Anyone?

Oh, and in the Knights that say NI scene, king Arthur and the Knight mixed up a line. Not sure exactly what it was supposed to be or who flubbed, but they worked it right in to the dialogue, correcting the other one, saying something like "that was supposed to be MY line". I was hoping for INVISIBLE but it was an Oscar Mayer Bologna bit instead. the flub worked out fine, but SO GLAD it wasn't Clay, who would likely be critiqued publicly for one flub.

I wasn't able - AGAIN - to go to the side door, so can't give any report about that.

My next ticket isn't til closing night, but I daresay I need to find a way to get there as feb-march-april's an awfully long stretch!!


p.s. one flash from the mezzanine early in the show, but I didn't see another one. not sure if they were caught or just stopped.

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Glad to see you back, CG.

Great recap, as always, KAndre.

I think every production with a "star" performer expects a big reaction when he or she does something. It sounds as if the cast does not resent it, especially as much of that enthusiasm is directed toward others as well. I can see how some N.J.U.'s might be annoyed, but I would guess that overall, Clay fans are far more of a positive than a negative. Often, a responsive audience motivates all the actors to give a little more because they enjoy the appreciation. Besides, I'll bet that the most over-the-top fan responses occurred on Opening Night or shortly thereafter. As more of the shows have fewer Clay fans, I expect there will be less of the "laughing-just-because-it's-Clay."

Clay is only in his second week of Spamalot. He may not be a natural at dancing, but I believe he will continue to improve as the run goes on.

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Diva took some purty stage door pics.


The rest are here:

Diva's stage door pics

:hubbahubba: Just an FYI - Licking the screen after munching on Cool Ranch Doritos? Probably not a good idea. :blink:

Clay is only in his second week of Spamalot. He may not be a natural at dancing, but I believe he will continue to improve as the run goes on.

Hope so, as laughn and I just added tickets to the 2:00 show on April 12th to our NYC itinerary. Row EEEEEEEE!!!

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Oh goodie, a K'Andre story, not that I had any work to do or anything. Why do such terrible things happen to such nice people? The trials and tribulations that make other go argh, seem written to amuse us here!

OK, I asked in the pin section, but no one answered, so I will ask here - now that the pins are arriving, is anyone going to get FCA pins to Clay or shouldI just show up oin a slow day and hand him mine?

I figure as it warms up, it mayl be harder and harder to get near Clay as more fans pour in the city or regulars find it worth the wait for him to come out ot autograph. Maybe I have to check the representing lists and see whne they are smaller.

hee that sounds like a good idea...oops unless we are still planning to send him a gift or something.

But I think a copy of FCA pin would be great. Oh but maybe Jerome won't let him take things from the fans...y'know security risks? Did anyone try to give him something before?

Ansa.... Play... I would give Jerome the Finding Clay on Broadway pin, but his name is copywrited and giving him the Finding Clay Aiken/Sir Robin one might get us in trouble if he's in the mood or someone on his staff is. I'd definitely give him the Broadway one, tho, cause it's so cute and apropo to Spamalot.

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