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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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Clay leading the singing of Happy Birthday to Tom Deckman (Prince Herbert, who is hiding his face), thanks to alindasong at the Clayboard:


How freakin' cute is that.

KAndre, I simply lurve your recaps.

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:cryingwlaughter:Kandre loved the recap, and knowing the 18-yr (only not) old whereof you speak....must say you have her dead on.

Reading, you had me terrified about your plane "adventure' even though I already KNEW you got there OK! :lol:

I'm the one who's sitting in the waiting area 2 hrs before the flight.

I love ALL the recaps! Especially the fangirly ones of course, 'cause that's just me. But fangirly or not, bring em on! More detail the better! Pictures too! Dark, blurry, knees only...whatevah! BRING . THEM . ON.

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From sweet carolina girl at CV:

Speaking of Tom Deckman, I found this great article written by Tom about his various Spam roles:

Tom's Journal

Hee! Somehow, I think an actor who plays his big scene in a nightgown and tights is not really all that embarassed by having a bunch of fans sing Happy Birthday to him at the stage door...

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Thanks for that link, bottle! Wow, Tom plays a lot of roles - and he does all of them extremely well. Talented guy!

From the CH:

The Idol Thoughts blog went to today's matinee performance of Spamalot and wrote a review.


Color Me Surprised - Clay Aiken is Fantastic in Spamalot


If I'm being totally honest, I didn't go into today's matinee performance of Spamalot with the highest of expectations. Since it had been announced that Clay Aiken was joining the Broadway cast in the role of Sir Robin I've been dubious as to how good of a fit the American Idol runner-up and the Monty Python show would be.

Well color me very pleasantly surprised -- Clay was great!

His voice was, of course, fantastic, but it was his comic timing and his dancing that shocked me the most. From the moment he appeared on stage, he was totally, and delightfully, in character, and he maintained that commitment throughout the entire show. He delivered his lines like an old pro, and completely embraced his character's often quirky movement, footwork, and comic bits, even when they required him to make fun of himself.

Best of all -- he appeared to be having the time of his life. The often irreverent humor of the show seemed to fit him like a glove, and he imbued each of his scenes with what appeared to be a genuine sense of joy.

I was a big Clay supporter back in Season 2 of Idol, but his attitude the past several years has turned me off a bit to him. However, seeing him sing, dance, act, and laugh, I remembered the charming, dorky fella' who shocked us all with his pipes back on Idol. I half-expected him to be stiff and awkward -- instead, he was loose and relaxed, creating real chemistry with his co-stars.

Speaking of his co-stars, the cast is more solid and the show tighter than it's been since it first opened. As Sir Lancelot, Rick Holmes was a hoot and a half, and a more accomplished song-and-dance man than Hank Azaria, who created the role. Chris Seiber has returned to the show, and although he appears to have put on about 30lbs, he was funny as ever playing Sir Galahad. Tom Deckman played the roles originated by Christian Borle with a delightfully deadpan gaze plastered across his face, and Hannah Waddingham, imported from the British version of Spamalot, was perfection as the Lady of the Lake.

All in all, Clay and the cast have managed to make Spamalot a must-see once again.

EEEEEEE, a good review! Who knows what 'his attitude the past several years' means, but that's a small quibble in the midst of all of the positives!

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Just a question. IF Clay's CD comes out in May, as he hopes, or shortly thereafter, do you think Spamalot will help its PR and sales?

For the life of me, I can't figure out how or why it would have that much of an impact. Clay has had a fair amount of national publicity from Spamalot, but as his run continues, that will die down, if not disappear completely. There might be some local mentions as it goes on and perhaps some mention at the end of his run, but I can't see where that would propel CD sales. I am not even sure that his run in Spamalot will cause many to go running to the stores to buy his CD! Even if you liked him a lot in Spamalot, that is so different from what you would expect on a CD. I mean, he doesn't even sing that much!

I can see how Spamalot could have significance if he were to pursue other acting roles, but as far as his CD goes, I think the most it will do is be a note on his resume. I guess maybe a few NJU's who liked him may pay more attention to him than they otherwise would have, but that's about it. They are just such entirely different entities.

I have read some who feel the CD should come out immediately after Spamalot to capitalize on the publicity being generated by his appearance. It is being compared with the "lost opportunity" of not getting ATDW out immediately after his AI5 appearance. I am just not seeing it and am wondering what you all see.

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THREE great reviews: Cindilu, Kandre, and Idol thoughts!

(And, Cindi, there's just NO too fangirly for me.)

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Just a question. IF Clay's CD comes out in May, as he hopes, or shortly thereafter, do you think Spamalot will help its PR and sales?

For the life of me, I can't figure out how or why it would have that much of an impact. Clay has had a fair amount of national publicity from Spamalot, but as his run continues, that will die down, if not disappear completely. There might be some local mentions as it goes on and perhaps some mention at the end of his run, but I can't see where that would propel CD sales. I am not even sure that his run in Spamalot will cause many to go running to the stores to buy his CD! Even if you liked him a lot in Spamalot, that is so different from what you would expect on a CD. I mean, he doesn't even sing that much!

I can see how Spamalot could have significance if he were to pursue other acting roles, but as far as his CD goes, I think the most it will do is be a note on his resume. I guess maybe a few NJU's who liked him may pay more attention to him than they otherwise would have, but that's about it. They are just such entirely different entities.

I have read some who feel the CD should come out immediately after Spamalot to capitalize on the publicity being generated by his appearance. It is being compared with the "lost opportunity" of not getting ATDW out immediately after his AI5 appearance. I am just not seeing it and am wondering what you all see.

Its all about promo opportunities. If he gets great reviews and gets good buzz the way Fantasia did, he will get more opportunities to get written up in articles, or be invited in shows, specially if it is seen as a huge financial success...that will be a story. Its not about people going out and buying because of Spamalot...its the media having more interest if he is seen as coming from a successful project. Then more talk shows will be interested in booking him for the CD promo if he is hailed as a Broadway success...its just the type of feel good stories the media likes.

TC is also taking advantage of promo set up by spamalot. the last few articles and interviews he had was for the show yet he was able to put in news about the CD. That is raising awareness of Clay and his projects into markets that may not read about Clay Aiken singer. At this point Clay already had a lot of press due to his appearance...more than he had when he has no project. keeping his name out there can only help a CD.

This reminds me of the time MCWL came out...he had four very different projects, LTS, the TV show, the CD and the concert and the promo of each one flowed from one to the other and helped sell CDs and concert tickets.

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Another one here who received the pins with no postage due! They're very cute! Thanks, Couchie & Cindilu. :)

Thanks also to everyone who's shared their adventures in getting to NYC and their thoughts on Clay as Sir Robin. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I've been watching 00lsee's DHP clips this weekend - so funny! Can't wait 'til April.....

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Just a question. IF Clay's CD comes out in May, as he hopes, or shortly thereafter, do you think Spamalot will help its PR and sales?

Well, it will give Clay a more positive "hook" than he had for the ATDW promos when the interviewers wanted to focus on the rumors about his personal life. I could see the narrative being that his stint on Broadway helped him polish his comedic and performing skills. I think for a lot of people, the idea of Broadway has a certain amount of prestige to it - case in point, all the TV actors that want to perform there. ["Clay Aiken, fresh from his appearance in the hit Broadway show Spamalot..." vs. "American Idol Runner -up..."] I also think it doesn't hurt for him to have ready access to the national news outlets based in NYC.

And finally, Clay often seems to make useful contacts when he undertakes a new project that work to his advantage in other areas. Who knows what kind of entertainment business folks will have an opportunity to see Clay in Spamalot and will be favorably impressed?

Maybe none of those things will actually translate into album sales, but I don't think they'll hurt... :idk:

ETA: Kellie Pickler's Fifth Grader episode is being re-run tonight on Fox. [Geez, she's unbelievably stoopid and Jeff is being kind of mean to her. Couchie, you were a strong woman to have survived seeing this trainwreck live.] Hope they show Clay's show again!!

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I also think that a May release is one way to take advantage of TV sweeps period. Clay is really very effective doing promo on TV and it will be good if he can take this opportunity before reruns start. I really think they have a more aggressive plan in promoting Clay this time around. If May does not happen, I think the earlier the better cos Clay usually concentrates on Christmas by November and December. I also think he may want to re-release MCWL so that means he needs some time in the end of the year for that.

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KAndre, I decided to print out your recap so that I can embarrass myself while reading in at 7 am on a bus with semi-somnambulant people. BWAH!

CG...yeay! You're back! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hee! I cannot WAIT to see this---to see HIM! I think this was such a perfect decision on his part---perfect show for him. He basically acts this way normally, anyway, you know? He's a ham and a goofball and melodramatic and snarky and silly and adorable and all that ---just like Sir Robin---or at least, Clay's Sir Robin...the reports and the DHP clips I've watched?

Perfect role for Mr. Aiken!

Thanks to all for the recaps and DAYUM! Some of the stage door pics are just too gah-worthy. (KAndre, loved your wanting to hit 'dirty' Clay...I hear ya, woman...I hear ya!)

I agree with ldyjocelyn that Clay's 'no comment' is just---"Not interested in/able to talk about that right now, so (to quote the sentry) "Bugger off!"

In a nice way, of course... :cryingwlaughter:

OTT---hubby and I went to see There Will Be Blood today. Daniel Day Lewis is outstanding. Unbelievably outstanding.

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Kandre I thoroughly enjoyed your short little recap. Maybe later, when you have time, you could give us a more expanded version. :cryingwlaughter: Will there be a Part III?

Couchie your comment about the Others possibly thinking they were on the outside of a private joke was spot on. I imagine that pretty well describes it.

I, too, think Sir Robin is a perfect character fit for Clay. Loved the Idol Thoughts review. One question - who is Idol Thoughts?

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Just a question. IF Clay's CD comes out in May, as he hopes, or shortly thereafter, do you think Spamalot will help its PR and sales?

Well, it will give Clay a more positive "hook" than he had for the ATDW promos when the interviewers wanted to focus on the rumors about his personal life. I could see the narrative being that his stint on Broadway helped him polish his comedic and performing skills.

Bottle used a dirty word!!!!!! She said narrative!!!!

I guess the reason I don't see Spamalot as the big PR vehicle for the new album that some seem to is its only January. Its only his second week in the show. What will the PR be like in April? Unless this keeps him in the national news, I don't see how Spamalot will have any bearing on his CD publicity.

It's true. It can't hurt, but I just don't see it as something they need to cash in on.

As for the possibility of a summer tour and his "no comment": Seems to me he can't comment on something that isn't set even if he wanted to. Until they have a written in gold CD release date, they aren't even going to think of a tour. Then there is that "something in development that may prevent a tour" comment he made at a M&G. Who knows what that may be.

Personally, I hope there is no tour until at least August as I have no vacation time until then! Actually, I would rather see him promote the album this summer, maybe overseas this fall and then do a Christmas tour and hopefully the CD sales would then help fuel the concert sales for a 2009 tour. If he tours almost on top of an album release, he just may end up playing to the same 3000 people again.

I am curious about the type of music on it, though. I have a feeling it won't be what some expect it to be.

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Hey, any of you techies out there have any idea why, when my 1GB flash drive shows NO files on it, I still can't copy a file on it because it says there's not enough space? When I click "Get Info", it tells me that over 800 MBs of space is used, but there are NO file showing anywhere!

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I guess I can't see holding Clay to something he said in a M & G months ago...personally, I never take anything from a M & G without a huge bucket of salt...too many filters. He could have been referring to Spamalot as the something in development or something else.

Clay has always been one to keep things pretty close to the vest, so for him to mention May as a release date for the next CD, I would have to think that it is a good possiblity and I don't see why he couldn't tour in July/August.

Spamalot's affect on CD sales...I think it will have an effect...maybe not a huge effect like some think, but I think it will have some effect.


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Well personally for me it's he significance of Spamalot. Yeah it's only January but he's in the show straight through May. And in that time I expect he will erase a lot of preconceived notions. That alone makes spamalot a wonderful lead in to an album. And having followed fantasia, she didn't get good press at the start of her run..she got it the entire length of the run and wrap ups when it was over. It's adding a layer, a new and different layer to Clay and that can only help when the album is released. It's a great jumping off point IMO. And if it comes out in May I can so see him being on Idol in a triumphant return from his Spamalot run. I'm not putting a number to this..just think it will be much better than coming out of nowhere like ATDW.

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Hey, any of you techies out there have any idea why, when my 1GB flash drive shows NO files on it, I still can't copy a file on it because it says there's not enough space? When I click "Get Info", it tells me that over 800 MBs of space is used, but there are NO file showing anywhere!

Make sure you have checked off the "show hidden files" option on your Windows Explorer. There is most likely a hidden trash folder somewhere that you need to delete.

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I am curious about the type of music on it, though. I have a feeling it won't be what some expect it to be.

What? REALLY? In this fandom? No way! :cryingwlaughter:

hee well I can honestly say I have no idea what to expect and it gives me a rush. I hope he keeps on surprising me forever.

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And if it comes out in May I can so see him being on Idol in a triumphant return from his Spamalot run. I'm not putting a number to this..just think it will be much better than coming out of nowhere like ATDW.

Then we can watch heads explode when Simon says "I always knew you had a place on Broadway" and then they would replay this comments from season 2! :cryingwlaughter:

Just curious because I don't know these things. Is there any usual pattern with other artists as to how soon after an album release they tour? In this case, I wouldn't use new artist. Let's say an established artist on their 3rd or 4th album. Is there any pattern? Is there no pattern?

We seem to assume that he will tour very shortly after his album comes out, but that has yet to happen with Clay. MOAM was released in October and it was February before he toured with it. ATDW was released in September and it was the following summer before he toured with it. Only with MCWL did he tour right away, and considering that was a Christmas album, it was kind of a given. So considering his pattern, why are we even expecting him to tour within a month or so of the CDs release?

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I am curious about the type of music on it, though. I have a feeling it won't be what some expect it to be.

What? REALLY? In this fandom? No way! :cryingwlaughter:

hee well I can honestly say I have no idea what to expect and it gives me a rush. I hope he keeps on surprising me forever.

Well... I betcha it ain't gonna be all ballads! I'd love it if there were a humorous song on the cd. I think we'd all enjoy that.

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Thanks, luckiest...I don't know abuot that, but I just went into system preferences and erased the 512 invisible files on my flash drive. heh. It MUST be Clay stuff and I'm sure I've already copied them on'

1. the home desktop computer or

2. my laptop or

3. my work computer! :cryingwlaughter:

Yeah...I know you can never have too much Clay Aiken, but geeeeeeeez! :imgtongue:

And since my hubby spent most of yesterday putzing around with the internet connection, thereby rendering my laptop and its heretofore wireless connection kaput...(grrrrrrr!), I had to do some downloading on the home cmoputer and get it to my laptop.

sigh....I wish I were more versed in techie shit stuff.

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