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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Fan Police Discussion...Centered around The McVargas Girls (those fans who are fans of Sean and Jesse and have made it very loudly known at concerts). Apparently they were at the stage door Saturday night and some fans took exception to their behavior...there have been various versions of what occurred; either they were being very obnoxious and Clay was upset or they were just having fun and Clay went along with it...depends on who you choose to believe. The discussion then veered off into their concert behavior which some who have been in proximity of them found less than desirable.


aikim--- I'm not sure about all that either. I didn't read much of it and didn't go to the OFC where the majority of the discussion was, early on. Someone said Clay used the word, obnoxious. Obviously, I wasn't there, so I figure I don't know shit. LOL!!!

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Oh I agree. It's just Clay being who he is. He doesn't know and therefore doesn't have to try. I do think he likes to goof around with it a bit now and then and responds to the reaction.

Yeah, that's it exactly. I do think there's time when he teases us (sorry about the "royal" there), but IMO is more of the "teases-haha" variety instead of the "teases-sexual" variety. The line gets blurred, though, in cases like the ring at the BAF gala. I personally was LOL at that moment, because I was going "that little s**t" while it seemed every one else was going "groan, mumble, holy s**t, etc."

Monday. Rats. :(

No freakin' kidding.

I can't actually see these pics on my work computer, so I'll just sigh and appreciate the captions... :wub:


luckiest, sorry to hear about your "interesting" morning today. Hope everything turns out for you and your son, and that you warm up!!!!

I think most of the latest story is a good round of "telephone tag." Nothing more, nothing less, IMO. *shrug*

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I can't actually see these pics on my work computer, so I'll just sigh and appreciate the captions... :wub:

bc, he seems to be screwing it.... and is having a hard time... I hope this helps...

Well, well, well...

With that thought in my head, I'm off to a staff meeting where I hope I won't be expected to be coherent.

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Fan Police Discussion...Centered around The McVargas Girls (those fans who are fans of Sean and Jesse and have made it very loudly known at concerts). Apparently they were at the stage door Saturday night and some fans took exception to their behavior...there have been various versions of what occurred; either they were being very obnoxious and Clay was upset or they were just having fun and Clay went along with it...depends on who you choose to believe. The discussion then veered off into their concert behavior which some who have been in proximity of them found less than desirable.

Ahhhh, thanks. So how does this tie into the album?

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Fan Police Discussion...Centered around The McVargas Girls (those fans who are fans of Sean and Jesse and have made it very loudly known at concerts). Apparently they were at the stage door Saturday night and some fans took exception to their behavior...there have been various versions of what occurred; either they were being very obnoxious and Clay was upset or they were just having fun and Clay went along with it...depends on who you choose to believe. The discussion then veered off into their concert behavior which some who have been in proximity of them found less than desirable.

Ahhhh, thanks. So how does this tie into the album?

Beats the heck out of me...that never really came up in the discussion...I think that was simply Playbiller's opinion.


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How the discussion ties in with the album for me. With the angst of 2005, early 2006, the angsters ruled the roost on some boards and any discention was either edited (because it was not going with the flow) or treated with condecension (you have no idea, you are an outsider) or attacked. I believe many on-line fans exited the fandom at this point. Right now, with the concert behavior guide and the FC fan trashing and the Mc whatever girls, people are being personally attacked and I can see this causing some people to see a very unattractive side to the fandom and then leave the unhealthy environment of the fandom.

I could indeed be over reacting, I still feel lousy, but it seems this fandom has some people who feel they get to decide for everyone how they should react and what they should like. I went to 4 different boards yesterday and found them all complaining about these people.

Add to it that these noisty fans are in their early 20's, enthusiasm could just be a fun thing for them. Granted, I have not witnessed them, but I have a story about going to a concert (I actually knew this person) and someone hitting me in the arm repeatedly in her enthusiasm, until I finally grabbed her hand to stop it, and that got deflected into her jumping up and down a lot. I could have complained, but she was a fan, and she was so excited, it was her only Clay concert ever on a free ticket provided by a friend, she has since fallen into abject poverty and disappeared off the radar, but that one day she had the time of her life. Did it annoy me, yeah, but she was loud and enthusiastic and I am sure that Clay would rather have enthusiastic fans than reserved ones like me. Fear knows her.

Fear and I were there by the barricade when Clay told us we were too quiet just like we were inside. I think that performers like people to enjoy themselves.

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I can't actually see these pics on my work computer, so I'll just sigh and appreciate the captions... :wub:

bc, he seems to be screwing it.... and is having a hard time... I hope this helps...

Well, well, well...

With that thought in my head, I'm off to a staff meeting where I hope I won't be expected to be coherent.


Playbiller wrote:

I could indeed be over reacting, I still feel lousy, but it seems this fandom has some people who feel they get to decide for everyone how they should react and what they should like. I went to 4 different boards yesterday and found them all complaining about these people.

I've been feeling under the weather for a few days myself play, so I understand. I was reading the boards yesterday also...even stumbled in to the 'make-up' discussion on the OFCMB. (whoa!) I have no answer for the bitching. I don't. Somehow I just see it as part of human nature. LOL. I mean we all bitch now and then. The trouble with the boards, when someone starts complaining, or worrying, it feeds the next person, and the next, until either it burns itself out or someone/s with a saner/calmer head prevails. Many time that's not until after a pile-on has occurred. Personally, I like to jump in to try to say something to show a different perspective. I believe in the old saying, 'all that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing,' but in truth, I don't always. Sometimes I just sit back and try to keep a level head and wait for it all to calm down. I think the hardest thing is to keep thinking for yourself and not get caught up in the group mindset of the moment.

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I just wanna comment re the eHP partay on Saturday, those of us who went to bed "early" It was Four Frickin' Thirty! Y'all pretending to take your butts to bed not 60 minutes later.

Of course, we were all up by eight. C'est la vie!

Topics du jour: I still love the TITN video with a sinful and unholy love - I desperately want to know what Matthew Rolston told him to get to perform that way (to me, Clay clearly has an inner beast - one of the reasons he may be what I see as a control freak. That's hot.) I do think he tapped a lot of what Rolston pulled out in his ISY performances - which I also love with a sinful and unholy love (claytonic, just for you, I've been forcing myself to go over 2003 and 2004 because I'm just sweet enough to go that extra mile for new minions. Scarlett, Solo, keepingfaith, and Kareneh were also willing to make that sacrifice. Of course, Scarlett kept forcing us to watch certain good parts over and over and over and over again for her own prurient interests. We watched with her to keep her company. I only forced repeats because I might have missed something.)

Fan Behaviour Police: Well, if I don't like something, I will criticize. But I tend to just absolutely HATE fuckin' behaviour that directly impacts my performance. Like loud, off-key singing along. Or 5 foot tall cardboard banners in front of me. Or that over the head, metronomic like constant waving of glowsticks. But I also tend to do on the spot criticism. To people's faces. If people can manage to do crap behind me, I don't care. Fans at the stage door? Let them show their enthusiasm however they want. In general, the only behaviour I can control is mine and people within arms reach of me.

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I've been feeling under the weather for a few days myself play, so I understand. I was reading the boards yesterday also...even stumbled in to the 'make-up' discussion on the OFCMB. (whoa!) I have no answer for the bitching. I don't. Somehow I just see it as part of human nature. LOL. I mean we all bitch now and then. The trouble with the boards, when someone starts complaining, or worrying, it feeds the next person, and the next, until either it burns itself out or someone/s with a saner/calmer head prevails. Many time that's not until after a pile-on has occurred. Personally, I like to jump in to try to say something to show a different perspective. I believe in the old saying, 'all that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing,' but in truth, I don't always. Sometimes I just sit back and try to keep a level head and wait for it all to calm down. I think the hardest thing is to keep thinking for yourself and not get caught up in the group mindset of the moment.

laughn, sorry to hear that your are sick too. Tis the season, unfortunately. I'm so glad I got my flu shot at least, but I'm still expecting some sort of cold before the season is out.

I totally agree with this paragraph. There were days when I actually did try to present an alternate point of view; sometimes others listened, sometimes I had my head bitten off. It always seemed to depend on my mood, as well the mood of the board (the best I could read it, that is...sometimes hard to do with just the written word. And a lot of emoticons. *g*) And there have been a few times where I know full well I played "Devil's Advocate," just to try and get a point across.

From my person experience though, and for my sanity, I finally had to give up reading and posting at most other boards. Yes, it made me incredibly sad, because there were (and still are) friends at these places. But, in many instances, I could find myself either falling into the group mindset, or else I was so frustrated at my inability to provide an alternate viewpoint, that I was getting physically ill. Didn't like either feeling. And so, I stopped frequenting these places. I may check a few of the minor threads at these places, but for the most part, I find that I'm simply happier if I just ignore. Yeah, maybe I won't get the up-to-the-minute Clay news immediately, but I'm learning to deal with that.

You know, this blog confirms a suspicion that I had regarding the 2007 Christmas tour. (OK, it's still a suspicion, but bear with me, 'k?) The 2006 Christmas tour had so much interaction with the fans, as did the DCAT. But the 2007 Christmas tour, he boxed himself up on a little bitty portion of the stage, with almost no time to talk with anyone on the stage, let alone the audience. I'm thinking he did that on purpose, and not just for artistic sake (although I do believe that was part of it as well). I think maybe he was practicing for Spamalot with that. He knew that he was going to have to pretty much cut off all transactions with the audience during the show, so the Christmas tour gave him an idea of how well he'd do with that. JMO.

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The mcVargas girls? Well as long as they are not screaming out during his Spamalot performance I don't really care what happens at the stage door. Clay can handle that. His little sensibilities are stronger than people think. And I bet Clay knows more about them than "we do." We can't make everything perfect for Clay or how "we" want them to be for him. I think many times Clay doesn't think about these fans on the fan's list the way the fans think about them anyway. Just a lot of wishful thinking sometimes that he can't stand them.

Ugh, it's Monday.

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I think I'm between couchie and CG with my feelings on the TITN video. I loved it at the time, thought it pretty hawt, but I never once thought it really fit with the song. Now, 4 years later....I'm OK with it. There are still a couple of looks that he gives that still give me chills (like the one bottlecap posted, whew), but in a way, I don't think the video has aged particularly well.

Why do I think Clay nixed the video? I think Ralston shot him as "hawt and sexy" and he wasn't comfortable with that at all. I'm still actually not convinced that he thinks that way about himself even today. I know I'm in the minority for that, but there's so many times where people say "he so knows" when he does something some fans find so incredibly sexy, and I'm thinking "he just playing with the damn microphone stand, he doesn't even know he's doing that." I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it.

EEEEEEEEEE! Clay was just on my TV. Doing that train maneuver. Which may have been planned to be sexy. *g*

I have very similar feelings about TITN. I can see how some scenes can really be sexy and hot...but there were also some scenes that seem pretty awkward. The general feel didn't really fit the song and some of the looks Clay had was not flattering in my eyes...particularly those where he was sitting in the floor. I think what was exciting about TITN was to see a different side of Clay and to see the potential for a hot video. But I don't think that really worked at the time and was glad that RCA agreed with Clay and nixed the video. CG...I think whats important here is not how we see him but how he sees himself. At the time the video didn't fit the image Clay wanted to project and it is up to him to determine what that is.

ITA on the unconscious sexy things he does. I think he may do things that gets a reaction like the shirt tug but he does it because we react not because he believes he is sexy doing it. That was how I saw the gala auction behavior. he was willing to do things that were getting reactions from people and getting the auction going but I never thought he did it to look sexy. I think when he ends up laughing ...thats when he thinks about him being sexy. He just loses the moment IMO.

Fan police behavior...I think its pretty understanding when people complain about loud fans. But what makes me wonder about the discussion about the McVargas is what are some people actually complaining about...the fact that they are loud and do shout outs ...or the fact that they do it for Jesse and Sean. I mean someone said it was so inapprorpiate for them to do a Ilove you Jesse during the skating event...but why was that inappropriate? lots of people do shout outs in that situation...I thought it was great that Jesse has his own fans giving him support.

I also think that a lot of the fan behavior discussion about the stage door is the result of speculations about clay's lack of eye contact with fans. I think the answer is simple...lots of fans...lots of autographs...little time to do it...

Another thing that is fueling the discussion is the behavior of BFM and her crew. I really think they should just be ignored.

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Good Morning!

I'm probably gonna messed this mess up!


I think I'm between couchie and CG with my feelings on the TITN video. I loved it at the time, thought it pretty hawt, but I never once thought it really fit with the song. <snip>

Why do I think Clay nixed the video? I think Ralston shot him as "hawt and sexy" and he wasn't comfortable with that at all.<snip> I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it.

I don't know jack, but I bet when he saw the rough cut for TITN, he was shocked! I don't think he was ready at that point to see the sexy in him. Hence, his calling the look 'mean', etc.

I do think he's 'grown into his sexy' and maybe believes it - somewhat - today.

I do believe the sexiest - is when he just moves unaware.

He is one of the most sensual beings I've ever seen!

So, are you saying when he put his toungue through the ring vbefore autioning it off, he had no idea, even after he did it?

Oh, yeah. Sometimes I do believe 'he so knows'!

I was there and I had a little trouble picking my jaw up off the floor!

I tell you what. Clay Aiken has done more to stimulate (takes a moment) the U.S. economy than any other single human being during the last five years.

Can't remember if I actually said it - or if I just thought it - but when people were talking Broadway attendance numbers of late - I was wishing there were a way to calculate the money that has been/will be spent ALL BECAUSE OF CLAY AIKEN in/getting to, etc. NYC between Jan 18 and May 4!!!

I believe it would be staggering!!!

we are all grownups here.


Maybe . . .

the only behaviour I can control is mine and people within arms reach of me.

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Remind me not to piss K off if we happen to attend the same shows!!!

Have a good day all!

Hope you feel better Play!

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You know, this blog confirms a suspicion that I had regarding the 2007 Christmas tour. (OK, it's still a suspicion, but bear with me, 'k?) The 2006 Christmas tour had so much interaction with the fans, as did the DCAT. But the 2007 Christmas tour, he boxed himself up on a little bitty portion of the stage, with almost no time to talk with anyone on the stage, let alone the audience. I'm thinking he did that on purpose, and not just for artistic sake (although I do believe that was part of it as well). I think maybe he was practicing for Spamalot with that. He knew that he was going to have to pretty much cut off all transactions with the audience during the show, so the Christmas tour gave him an idea of how well he'd do with that. JMO.

That's not a bad assumption. I thought maybe he was just trying to 'change things up' a bit...to make this Christmas tour different from all the others, but you could very well be right in what he was trying to accomplish. That would make sense.

I totally agree with Couchie on this...

We can't make everything perfect for Clay or how "we" want them to be for him.
I think a majority of all the bitchin', pissing, and moaning...all the fear and angst...stem from this single truth.

I think many times Clay doesn't think about these fans on the fan's list the way the fans think about them anyway.
Thankfully, I think this is true as well. Actually, I don't think he holds 'us' against 'us'. 'We' are probably as unique as a pop singer's fanbase as he is a pop singer. LOL.
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Ah, the sign bitching. How sweetly I remember that. During the solo tour, I turned around and noticed a young girl with her father jumping up and down trying to see Clay, I thought that ws cute. later during the show, while Clay would be singing and coming to our side, I would here her voice in the background, so I turned around and there was woman holding a sign up so she could not see as well as otehrs behind her. Clay came over again, and I heard her young voice again, the sign was up again. I reached over and back and asked the woman to look behind her and see how many cound not see, could she not hold the sign up for so long when Clay was nearby and give the others a chance to see, and she put her sign down on the floor. Maybe I scared her.

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And now for something completely different - a new conspiracy theory!!!!

From someone's blogspot. (we probably know this person, I just don't know where to look it up)

What's funny about last week's Wildcard episode is that the editors used the same footage of "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" as the original (except for the first few seconds), but used different "sound". The music was too small, the back vocals were messy, and the whole song sounded weak and flat. If you compare the two versions, you could tell the instrumental sounds are completely different.

She is basically claiming they are weakining Clay's voice in rewind.

If my observation here is correct - I have no idea how disastrous this is going to be. Either way, what they are doing is intolerable and unacceptable. We have to keep our eyes wide open. Simon Fuller, the AI creator and the CEO of 19 Entertainment, is now practically retired from the show, selling his company to CKX, Inc. at the beginning of Season 4. Interestingly enough, that was also the last season Clay tuned into the show. The head of FremantleMedia Creative Networks has changed since Season 3. The boardroom is now filled with people who don't know Clay Aiken sensation in real time. Tracy Verna, the new producer of AI Rewind, is absolutely no "Claymate".

I guess we have to think life is not worth living without an enemy. Isn't that the basis of 1984?

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I love Clay's blog---

If anyone is locked out of CV, here is DM's post addressing the matter



There are reports that some people cannot get into CV. I think it's a DNS issue....which means we can't fix it on this end. They need to contact their service provider to help resolve it. I could reboot the server but I don't think that that is the issue since some can get in and some can't. That usually means it's a DNS issue that has to resolve itself. Sorry!! I know I would be pacing if I was locked out.. If it continues into the late afternoon I will drag jpellet off her sickbed to look at it....she has the crud that is going around

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That is just over the top. The problem here is...what we hear come out of our tv is affected by a lot of factors. The sound system of our TV, the settings and even the originating station. I know that when I watch AI I usually do so with east coast and west coast feed...and I always find that the west coast feed sounds worse and the most of them do not sound as good. This happened to me not only in AI2 but during other seasons as well...even during Canadian idol Then there is the difference when people capture it. Depends on how they do it and if they fix up the sound. Some people need to chill I think.

I have been reading some of the mcVargas discussion...I agree with Play. Why is this even an issue? In this situations we will find all kinds of behavior...some will be cute some will be irritating...but unless they are compromising the show or the safety of Clay...I say just let them be. I don;t think its right to project our feelings on to the performers or the the NJU's. Ff they irritate you and you find them obnoxious...then so be it...but to justify the public scolding by saying the performers and NJU's will be upset is going too far IMO.

I also just watched the video...I love that its there and people can see it for themselves. IMO...it was gentle teasing between him and these girls and everyone was just having a great time. Clay looked relaxed and he does have eye contact with people and comment on what they say. He did seem very familiar with the mcvargas girls and maybe there lies the problem.

if people are interested to see this exchange for themselves the you tube link was posted in the OFC by Yollie950.

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Well, I think it's one thing to say that fans did something that annoyed you and quite another to name them, categorize, them, castigate them, pass judgement about how Clay feels about them, and then beat the living shit out of the poor dead horse from one board to another.

Now, THAT's my idea of bad behavior.

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Rewind: It could be a station problem or a problem with the remix. I think she needs to wait until the group 12 this past week to judge if everyone is affected. It seemed like Kim Locke sounded even worse this time around, but I am too lazy to drag out any original tapes I have, if I have that one, heh. I think she really had a hard row to hoe to get past the first performance.

Doesn't it strike you odd there is so little rewind discussion? I wonder if the clack has spoiled us and we have seen this show and Clay's performances too many times.

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Well, I think it's one thing to say that fans did something that annoyed you and quite another to name them, categorize, them, castigate them, pass judgement about how Clay feels about them, and then beat the living shit out of the poor dead horse from one board to another.

Now, THAT's my idea of bad behavior.


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Personally, I think people are bitching because they think the "PYT" are taking the attention away from them.

This group of girls are not the only ones in the front at every stage door appearance. There are many others who show up there every.single.time and I don't mean the Ewwwwww Crew. I don't understand why they have to be in the front every time....what about the people who haven't gotten the chance and are never going to get the chance because they aren't going to wrestle someone for the front of the line?

I also think that some of this has to do with people going to several shows...the behavior becomes more and more "obnoxious" because they've been exposed to it several times.

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Rewind: It could be a station problem or a problem with the remix. I think she needs to wait until the group 12 this past week to judge if everyone is affected. It seemed like Kim Locke sounded even worse this time around, but I am too lazy to drag out any original tapes I have, if I have that one, heh. I think she really had a hard row to hoe to get past the first performance.

Doesn't it strike you odd there is so little rewind discussion? I wonder if the clack has spoiled us and we have seen this show and Clay's performances too many times.

I know its too bad. I actually thought a lot of people sounded worse than when FCA did a review on AI2 about a year and a half ago. I know at that time I really liked Ricky but I wasn't that impressed with him this time around...and yeah Kim Locke really sounded bad...so did Charles. The one that I thought wasn't that bad was Julia. But I thought Clay sounded great. Loved seeing it again.

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wanda, I kinda like your style. *g*

Rewind: It could be a station problem or a problem with the remix. I think she needs to wait until the group 12 this past week to judge if everyone is affected. It seemed like Kim Locke sounded even worse this time around, but I am too lazy to drag out any original tapes I have, if I have that one, heh. I think she really had a hard row to hoe to get past the first performance.

I went to her blog, and read her "critique" for the Motown show. Sounds like she's not going to be watching Rewind any more, there's too much messing with Clay's stuff for her taste. Oh well.

Doesn't it strike you odd there is so little rewind discussion? I wonder if the clack has spoiled us and we have seen this show and Clay's performances too many times.

Could be. I also wonder if, even after 5 years, there's still some hard feelings regarding what did (or didn't) happen during his AI years. I personally am enjoying watching the show again after some time has past. I'm getting some perspective on some of the other performers, and I love the "way back machine" thing for Clay. (I also loved his "how sweet" in regards to the signs made for him. Little did he know at that time....)

I don't understand why they have to be in the front every time....what about the people who haven't gotten the chance and are never going to get the chance because they aren't going to wrestle someone for the front of the line?

Totally IMO, but I think for some it's "all about MEEEEEE"; this fandom has it's share of that, and this is why the same people have front row tickets too. Sure, it's hard to not have front when you HAVE had front row (I can speak from experience on that), but there's a level of selfishness in some that simply overwhelms me. I can kind of see that here as well.

Besides, I'm so tall that when I do get to do this in March, I'll be three rows back from the railing and I should still be able to reach over everyone there and get my autograph. *g*

I also think that some of this has to do with people going to several shows...the behavior becomes more and more "obnoxious" because they've been exposed to it several times.

Very true. And, in a way, I think the reporting of this will "cement" the fact for some, including those who haven't experienced the stage door phenomenon yet. I find that rather sad.

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