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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Here's the stagedoor YouTube about the group that people were discussing.


I read the boards last night, shaking my head at all the sturm und drang. Would much rather have been reading about AI2 Rewind.

Thanks for the link. After watching it, I don't see what all the fuss is about, they're young, enthusiastic and the only thing I could fault them on is the paucity of their language.

Too bad they couldn't come up with some different words to describe his lusciousness.

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If you get to sit up front, more power to you. I have to say that after the Ai2 show, I have never sat far back in another concert, probably the furthest was off to the side in Greenville which was great, nothing in the way because we were on risers and the sign people were there in force. Other than Cary, I don't think I sat further back than 12th row. Shoot me. Granted, I could never help my sister with Raleigh concerts where they get really pushed back into the rafters, her tickets really sucked. And I so lucked out and sat in the 6th row at Musikfest by getting into the only group to get close tickets. That was where the first row was back about 20 feet from the stage and people kept crossing in front of you to get around during the show andthe train passes onthe side duringthe show, hehe.

When I go on IDF, I can see why the young girls never get the good seats, they are usually saving their babysitting money and don't have credit cards. Apparently the only fans with money are the older ones. Other times, they can't get a ride to the show from their parents, so they can't go.

Iguess at some point, Clay will have to become popular enough to have cheaper shows so the younger people can afford it. it is kind of a self fullfilling prophecy. Fewer people, more expensive tickets.......

I lost my train of thought.

How weird is it that I am so hungry, but also so icky that i could not find anything in the house to eat (I have pleny of food), so am making a frozen Pizza. Fat chance that will stay in place.

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I'd sit in the front row for every damn show if I could.

Honestly who wouldn't?

(Although, I'd probably wear wigs and dark glasses so Clay wouldn't think I was stalking him.)

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I'd sit in the front row for every damn show if I could.

Honestly who wouldn't?

(Although, I'd probably wear wigs and dark glasses so Clay wouldn't think I was stalking him.)

I wouldn't because I can't afford it and I don't want to be that close....not even for Clay.

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I was there Saturday right behind them at the stage door in the afternoon. I was annoyed as were many others. You don't get the full effect from that youtube video. The video cut off before he looked back and rolled his eyes at them. It does not show the 10 minutes of screaming at everyone (cast, crew, musicians) who exited the stage door before Clay appeared. Just for the record, I never said a word to them. They were not going to stop and there was nothing to be done about it. They are going to do what they are going to do. What makes me sadder than anything else is that, apparently, those of us who were there and bothered by it are not allowed an opinion without being labeled as "fan police." Whatever. I got my autograph. Next time I'll step back and just watch.

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Having seen the stagedoor video, I don't get what the fuss is about. They didn't seem particularly obnoxious to me, and Clay didn't seem to have issues with them. Sometimes, I think some people get jealous of anyone who gets a few extra seconds of his attention. (Still, FWIW, I checked another big board and it seems as though quite a few posters are now saying the girls weren't that bad.) ETA: keldanker, you are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that. I will admit that I was not there, so I can see how the video may not have shown everything.

I think most fans would sit in the front rows if they could. Sadly, though, not everyone can afford the brokers fees and subscription fees it often takes to sit close, not to mention the plane tickets, hotel rooms, and car rental fees it takes to go to multiple concerts.

I probably shouldn't say this, too, but I've also come to realize that there are sets of fans who know each other and who have the money and expertise to consistently get good seats -- and they offer such seats primarily to other people within their group. If you're within one of these circles, you will almost always get a good seat (although what constitutes a "good seat" varies. To some, anything outside the third row is unacceptable). If you're not and you don't have a lot of discretionary income, well, you'll have to content yourself with whatever the fan club will get you. I'm not saying there's anything particularly wrong with this. I've been the beneficiary of knowing someone, myself. It's only natural for friends to want to help out friends. But it does help explain why some people are always in the front, and others are not. If you are a younger fan (25 and under), not only do you lack the funds, but you may also lack the connections if you haven't befriended the right people.

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Grammys? Actually, I enjoyed some of it. Delete the Amy Winehouse pimping and the Kanye West self-adoration and there were some entertaining performances.

One interesting thing. I really love Alicia Keyes (some stuff, that is) and when she sang her hit "No One"...I kept noticing that she was 'pitchy' (tm Randy)...seemed she was really struggling to hit the higher notes cleanly and so she often sounded just under them. I wonder if I'd have noticed that BEFORE I became accustomed to the near perfection that Clay showers us with when he sings live?

I thought Tina Turner was a freakin' inspiration! The woman's 65 years old and still wearing skin tight clothes and showing her boobage and shaking her booty with Beyonce! Awesome!

But please....Kid Rock singing an oldie with a chanteuse from fifty years ago? KID ROCK? :rolleyes:

Andrea Bocelli and Josh Grobin were wonderful, even though again I could hear some dissonance from time to time. Interesting voices---I much prefer Bocelli's, although I can certainly appreciate the training apparent in Josh's. I can't help wishing, whenever I hear such pairing of powerful and beautiful voices, that Clay can one day have the chance to do that with someone he admires vocally.

Sigh. Another day of trying to find airfare bargains.... :scream:

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Well, I think it's one thing to say that fans did something that annoyed you and quite another to name them, categorize, them, castigate them, pass judgement about how Clay feels about them, and then beat the living shit out of the poor dead horse from one board to another.

Now, THAT's my idea of bad behavior.


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Well, I think it's one thing to say that fans did something that annoyed you and quite another to name them, categorize, them, castigate them, pass judgement about how Clay feels about them, and then beat the living shit out of the poor dead horse from one board to another.

Now, THAT's my idea of bad behavior.

yup and thus my major issue. And of course let's not forget those people we do it to is never on OUR board and OUR people never have any bad behavior.

I mean if we want to discuss how about the people that leave early to get outside to the line, or left during Quiana's performance or chat like they are at a picnic while Clay is singing or cellcerters that are so damn loud they interrupt the people around them. Look in the mirror on that one first before picking your next villain of the week. And I don't even want to watch the video.

Keldaker, I just really find the constant discussions of specific fans to be OTT and it overshadows Clay. I mean does their behavior garner a week of discussions? There are rude people everywhere in life. It reflects only on them. IF they are that OTT they should be ignored not given the attention they may seek. Same goes for Baby mama and the texting delusional one. Are these McVargas girls now going to be reported on as though they are part of the show?

I'm on a diet this week; very grouchy already. LOL.

I have no problem with any one and their front row seats. I've enjoyed Clay no matter where I was sitting.

I'm not watching Rewind. I'm taping it on the DVR.. but will probably just download the whole thing from the vault and delete those on my DVR. Is there a way to get stuff off the DVR to your computer? I've just seen it all before, many times. And I watched the entire show not that long ago. If this was Motown night Kim was that bad...and she really had to scracth and claw her way out of that bad performance. Took several outstanding performances in a row though. Now that they are in the top 10 is Clay still having a role?

I bitched and moaned about the Grammys but it was actually a pretty great show. I loved the old school people especially Tina Turner and was thrilled when Herbie Hancock won best album.

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I did enjoy the show(s). Clay is wonderful, as is the rest of the cast. Front row was amazing. Enjoyed a different view from standing room at the evening show. Was disappointed not to see Hannah as the Lady of the Lake. Hopefully she will be back when I go in March. And I love my autographed poster and playbill.

But I think I'm going to be lurking for a bit. Not feeling so great right now about posting.

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Doesn't it strike you odd there is so little rewind discussion? I wonder if the clack has spoiled us and we have seen this show and Clay's performances too many times.

Yep, strikes me as odd, too. It's almost as if no one cares......because we already have the clack of the show, I guess. But there Clay is, every week, in new interviews, offering his perspective on the season. And maybe not everyone appreciates seeing his performances in context (after all, the original full episodes have been available for some time) but for those of us who didn't watch from "Take" and haven't spent the time to go back and watch, it's pretty damned cool to see.

I think most fans would sit in the front rows if they could. Sadly, though, not everyone can afford the brokers fees and subscription fees it often takes to sit close, not to mention the plane tickets, hotel rooms, and car rental fees it takes to go to multiple concerts.

I probably shouldn't say this, too, but I've also come to realize that there are sets of fans who know each other and who have the money and expertise to consistently get good seats -- and they offer such seats primarily to other people within their group. If you're within one of these circles, you will almost always get a good seat (although what constitutes a "good seat" varies. To some, anything outside the third row is unacceptable). If you're not and you don't have a lot of discretionary income, well, you'll have to content yourself with whatever the fan club will get you. I'm not saying there's anything particularly wrong with this. I've been the beneficiary of knowing someone, myself. It's only natural for friends to want to help out friends. But it does help explain why some people are always in the front, and others are not. If you are a younger fan (25 and under), not only do you lack the funds, but you may also lack the connections if you haven't befriended the right people.


I couldn't hack the chill at work, so I begged off and brought my work home with me. I love my boss. Now if I could just keep my eyes open.....hee, I've already been up almost 12 hours, don't I deserve a nap yet?

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Well, I think it's one thing to say that fans did something that annoyed you and quite another to name them, categorize, them, castigate them, pass judgement about how Clay feels about them, and then beat the living shit out of the poor dead horse from one board to another.

Now, THAT's my idea of bad behavior.

yup and thus my major issue. And of course let's not forget those people we do it to is never on OUR board and OUR people never have any bad behavior.


Keldaker, I just really find the constant discussions of specific fans to be OTT and it overshadows Clay. I mean does their behavior garner a week of discussions? There are rude people everywhere in life. It reflects only on them. IF they are that OTT they should be ignored not given the attention they may seek. Same goes for Baby mama and the texting delusional one. Are these McVargas girls now going to be reported on as though they are part of the show?

Yes, it strikes me that the McVargas gals are pretty OTT; and then the fan's reactions to them are OTT; and the reactions again are OTT; and so on, and so on, and scooby dooby dooby. It's one big endless circle.

keldanker, I'm sorry you felt like we were talking about you here. I personally didn't see any of wanda's list from you, so you're cool.

I do have to say, though....it's so hard to be non-judgemental. As a matter of fact, being non-judgemental, IMO, is in it's own way being judgemental. Another one of the endless circle things, and I think it's something that every single human being does.

I'm on a diet this week; very grouchy already. LOL.

*hands couchie a rice cake and a glass of water*

I have no problem with any one and their front row seats. I've enjoyed Clay no matter where I was sitting.

Oh, I don't either. But I do agree with Jenna that frequently the "connections" are what get the tickets. And yes, I've been privy to those connections more than once. And I just wish I had the "money is no object" thing for me so I could utilize those connections frequently. Again, I know I can't judge....but it's hard sometimes.

I'm not watching Rewind. I'm taping it on the DVR.. but will probably just download the whole thing from the vault and delete those on my DVR. Is there a way to get stuff off the DVR to your computer? I've just seen it all before, many times. And I watched the entire show not that long ago. If this was Motown night Kim was that bad...and she really had to scracth and claw her way out of that bad performance. Took several outstanding performances in a row though. Now that they are in the top 10 is Clay still having a role?

couchie, I think there's probably some way to get Rewind off your DVR, but I don't know what it is. Yes, Clay still has a role in the show, but in much less capacity for now. They really had to edit the Motown episode a LOT -- performance, very brief comments from the judges, and then the 2007 interview on that performance from the person who sang. The results were given in less than 2 minutes. Wish AI did it like that NOW instead of dragging it out for a whole damn hour. *g*

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I was there Saturday right behind them at the stage door in the afternoon. I was annoyed as were many others. You don't get the full effect from that youtube video. The video cut off before he looked back and rolled his eyes at them. It does not show the 10 minutes of screaming at everyone (cast, crew, musicians) who exited the stage door before Clay appeared. Just for the record, I never said a word to them. They were not going to stop and there was nothing to be done about it. They are going to do what they are going to do. What makes me sadder than anything else is that, apparently, those of us who were there and bothered by it are not allowed an opinion without being labeled as "fan police." Whatever. I got my autograph. Next time I'll step back and just watch.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I hope your next time will be better. I do understand that talking about it and seeing it live are two different things. I hadn't even paid any attention to it until I saw the YouTube.

I thought it was just more commentary; you know, another day in Clayland, but I can see where you're coming from.

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The results were given in less than 2 minutes. Wish AI did it like that NOW instead of dragging it out for a whole damn hour. *g*

No kidding!

Well, the wind & cold blew through my area this weekend and tonight the snow/sleet/freezing rain crapola is supposed to be on its way. Is it April yet??

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Since I started the whole fan police, ekldanker, let me reply. Besides agree, as always, with Wandacleo. let me give you some specifics.

it is fine to say something annoys you. it is fan police to make threats against them or feel that you, as a group, need to find a "solution" to these people. Posting pictures of people on the internet to identify them is fan police. people do things to annoy me all the time at shows, concerts. I could focus on them or I can focus on having a good time, my choice.

In Philadelphia, there was a guard on video patrol who kept walking over to me and looking over my shoulder, it was pretty annoying and he did not smell good (I think most people did not smell very good in that heat), I concentrated on the show. People walking out on Quiana's performance were pretty distracting when I was trying to watch, have we tarred and feathered them yet? Oh wait, we actually know these people by name. There are the "we love you Clay's" which was pointed out by one young fan her only way to communicate to Clay, but most yellers are adult. There is the constant drowning out of the last note on any Clay song by cheers or applause Drives.me.nuts. That is pretty much the majority of the fandom. perhaps we can get rid of all the annoying behavior and there will be 10 modest and proper fans left. All I am saying is - most of us annoy someone. I annoy people by posting at all, other people annoy in person, young people are louder than older people, generally speaking. Comnplan allyou want, but keep it in perspective, this is an outdoor mish mash and not ruled by any general rules of behavior. Someone said these girls are there after every show, if true, I have never seen or heard them.

People keep saying Clay needs more young fans, but young fans are enthused in different ways than older fans. If we want the fan base to grow, we have to become more tolerant of younger fans.

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Clay has a smaller role as narrator, but he is interviewed several times - they cut out all the intors and post singing stuff and added interviewsd frome everyone on the show. I find it fascinating to see those that know and those that are still deluded. it is worth watching.

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i haven't been able to check this board as much lately because i'm actually trying to work harder at my schoolwork this semester, however i've never been a particularly dedicated student. i wasn't 20+ years ago, and i'm not much better now. thankfully, i'm halfway intelligent, so that saves my butt.

i did want to comment on some things i've read though. after saying how much i enjoy this board for its pretty open conversations without knocking people over the head trying to change people's minds. people have their own opinions on things and all we can do is give our own opinions. sometimes i've had a certain opinion about something, and then someone will give their opinion, and it helps me see a different side to the issue. i like that, even if it doesn't always change my opinion, it does give me more perspective. hope all this makes sense, i'm suffering from lack of sleep and i have a party thing i have to do for my daughter who turns 21 tomorrow.

sorry to all of you who are sick but i'm really glad its not contagious over the internet. also sorry for whoever it is on the diet. i have given up on dieting because i have no will power.

as far as the ott fans, whether they be the obnoxious ones or the fan police or whoever, i just read it all with amusement. some people just like to bitch about something, i think it makes them happy.

and as for the whole sexy clay thing, i agree that while clay may know what he's doing sometimes, i don't think he actually believes he's sexy and i think he thinks its funny. and that is why he is actually so sexy to me, because he doesn't act like he is god's gift to women. i couldn't stand constantine because he actually looked like he was trying to be sexy, where clay just is. he does it without even trying. i mean, how many of us actually noticed how a singer worked a mic stand before clay, or pursed a perfect pair of lips, etc cause there is just so many gorgeous things he does that i can't name them all. never before did i pay any attention to any of that. i listened to the voice, maybe thought someone was cute or liked the way they danced, but i've never examined every detail of anyone before, other than my kids, and that was for an entirely different reason.

ok, i have to go now and get ready to celebrate.

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I did enjoy the show(s). Clay is wonderful, as is the rest of the cast. Front row was amazing. Enjoyed a different view from standing room at the evening show. Was disappointed not to see Hannah as the Lady of the Lake. Hopefully she will be back when I go in March. And I love my autographed poster and playbill.

But I think I'm going to be lurking for a bit. Not feeling so great right now about posting.

keldanker, I watched the video, and didn't get what was so annoying until you posted your perspective about what it was like being there. I can see how they would get really annoying if they were yelling like that for 10 minutes before Clay come out! I think it's totally okay to come here and post your opinion, even if it's not a popular opinion. I hope you won't stop posting.

Doesn't it strike you odd there is so little rewind discussion? I wonder if the clack has spoiled us and we have seen this show and Clay's performances too many times.

Yep, strikes me as odd, too. It's almost as if no one cares......because we already have the clack of the show, I guess. But there Clay is, every week, in new interviews, offering his perspective on the season. And maybe not everyone appreciates seeing his performances in context (after all, the original full episodes have been available for some time) but for those of us who didn't watch from "Take" and haven't spent the time to go back and watch, it's pretty damned cool to see.

My problem right now is that I simply don't have time to watch the episodes, let alone post about them. Opening night for my daughter's high school musical is in a week and half, and we have rehearsals almost every day. I'm the rehearsal and pit pianist, and have 327 pages of music to play! :blink: It's keeping me out of trouble! But I have all of the AI RW episodes either recorded or downloaded, and plan to watch them all at some point.

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Well, I think it's one thing to say that fans did something that annoyed you and quite another to name them, categorize, them, castigate them, pass judgement about how Clay feels about them, and then beat the living shit out of the poor dead horse from one board to another.

Now, THAT's my idea of bad behavior.

Yeah, kind of makes you afraid to do/say anything because you could be next based on someone's filters... eh, maybe that's just me. <_<

I just can't work myself into a lather about the stuff I have no control over - hell, there's plenty in my real life I can't control and I know I can't control anything in this fandom except how I handle myself. I don't mind the discussions - in fact, I like reading everyone's opinion even though I often do not add mine. I think discussion is good - and there have been times where just reading through everyone's two or ten cents has made me sit back and think - and occasionally caused me to take stock and realize that I needed to readjust my opinion.

The thing I have the hardest time with, and I realize it is MY issue, is the angst/worry/handwringing over things that a person can't do anything about... the new one (although it really isn't new just being rehashed in a new format) is how some of Clay's friends haven't been to the show yet so it's obviously an indication of their lack of respect or support to him even though he gives and gives and gives... is it possible to at least wait until May 5th before crucifying his friends for their lack of support? And even then, who knows why someone didn't get there. Sheesh, it can wear a person out... Eh, another reason I keep my opinion to myself most times - I'll probably get in trouble... but for once, thought I'd say what I think too.

And front row - yeah baby, if I had the means - I'd absolutely do it... maybe not every single time but for sure a couple times each tour or whatever. But that's only if I had the money, which I don't. Damn tree in my backyard isn't of the money persuasion! So, I get whatever seat my bologna budget allows... :cryingwlaughter:

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I was there Saturday right behind them at the stage door in the afternoon. I was annoyed as were many others. You don't get the full effect from that youtube video. The video cut off before he looked back and rolled his eyes at them. It does not show the 10 minutes of screaming at everyone (cast, crew, musicians) who exited the stage door before Clay appeared. Just for the record, I never said a word to them. They were not going to stop and there was nothing to be done about it. They are going to do what they are going to do. What makes me sadder than anything else is that, apparently, those of us who were there and bothered by it are not allowed an opinion without being labeled as "fan police." Whatever. I got my autograph. Next time I'll step back and just watch.

As I said in my post...I don't have a problem if people are talking about their experience and how they felt and how these girls affected them. Your experience of course is very different from seeing the video because you were directly affected by their actions and by all the emotions being there with all those fans will bring. So no one really can say you were wrong to feel like that and by all means share your opinion...sorry if our discussion makes it seem that you cannot give your POV. I don't see that as being a fan police at all.

The reason why I wanted to see the clip for myself is because some reports are getting posters who were not there all riled up by saying that these girls' actions were derisive of the performers and that they are leaving a bad impression with NJU's about Clay and his fans. To me these are very strong claims because they bring out the protective instincts of the fans and are in effect creating an unhealthy atmosphere on the boards for these girls. From what I can see ...they are loud and may also annoy me if I was there beside them...but I didn't see any signs of them disrespecting the performers...or even Clay. The looking good and decent interchange seem to be an inside joke between Clay and them. I do believe the eye roll Clay gives was in the film...but I still don;t think he is necessarily angry at them...just that he can see that their loudness can be a problem for others.

I just think these girls are simply enjoying themselves with no real wish to make enemies or be rude to Clay.

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