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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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From Butterflyshine at ofc:

good crowd tonight,looks sold out to me. good balance of nju and fans. crowd enjoying play, good energy tonight,crowd laughing at Clay parts. he is on fire,in great voice. his guard scene was hysterical. His dancing has reallyh improved since i saw it 3 wks ago. his slow mo horse is hyhpnotic. his ogling and flirting improved. he is very on tonight.

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Aiken follows a multitude of "American Idol" participants into their Broadway debuts-Fantasia Barrino, Diana DeGarmo and Frenchie Davis among them. His part isn't very large (he plays Sir Robin, among other roles), but for him, they've added verses of songs here and there, as well as a number of lines. He sings well (unsurprisingly), is a solid dancer (the "Fiddler on the Roof"-inspired "You Won't Succeed on Broadway if You Don't Have Any Jews" is a show-stopping highlight) and nails almost all of the jokes.
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Agh...gah...those eyes...looking down. Looking down, not into your eyes, but perhaps at your throat...perhaps a little lower...intense concentration, studying....just before those lashes lift and he once again spears you with the full force of that gaze. I can only imagine what his lips must look like in this photo.




Just scatter me gently, y'all. Scatter me gently.

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Heh, I just went over to the OFC for the fan club discount for Spamalot tickets - yes they say discount until 5/4 - Oh wait!!! It is the same old same old discount everyone one gets until March =- whoops. Good ole Clique, we can always tryust them to amuse us.

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Yeah...I got all excited and then saw that the discount stops two days before I get to NYC.


Oh well. There's always SRO...or same day/half price or whatever. All I know is that while I'm in New York, I'm gonna see Spamalot as many times as I can without getting arrested.

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Sniff yep I got excited until I saw it was the same contest posted yesterday. I started working on my budget today and all I have to say about my new york trip is lord help me.

The eyes photo is quite mesmerizing. Has any other celebrity's body been so chopped up and examined? LOL...I wonder how that feels to Clay.

Great emoticons!!

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Sniff yep I got excited until I saw it was the same contest posted yesterday. I started working on my budget today and all I have to say about my new york trip is lord help me.

I was shocked when I added up all the expenses incurred when I went on the 18 & 19!! I took the train, only stayed one night in a hotel, and got a ½ price tkt for the Sat matinee!!

Sometimes I think we are all really insane........

Other times I KNOW WE ARE!!! :cryingwlaughter:

BTW - I found a couple of good youtube vids today!

Here's a really cute montage, I think I've missed at least one of the news clips because this has footage I didn't seee yet!!

Clay Aiken-Spamalot Silly Montage

This is nice too

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Dang! I missed her by 20 minutes! :cry4:

Oh Oh...I'm going to be hanging up here all night. Will someone bring me a coffee in the morning? Thanks.

Eeeeee! MUAH! Thanks goodness you're here. :thbighug-1:

I'm grinding up some -- do you prefer Jamaican Blue Mountain or Texas Pecan? Now if only I can figure out how to work this thing -- it's a supposed to be a self-tamping expresso maker. (Yes i'm only just now exploring the world of small home gadgets. Such wonders! Will also be needing advice with an iced tea maker -- *mystified* didn't know we needed anything more than a pitcher and sunlight)

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Texas Pecan sounds good but I don't know anything about ice tea.....at all. I'm Canadian and a Maritimer to boot. If it goes beyond the choice of Tetley or Red Rose, I haven't got a clue.

But I have to go to bed. I actually have something to do tomorrow.....at a set time. :countingsheep: I don't know too much about structure either.

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Recaps from last night:

from bfs (OFC):

Hey all back from the play...yes there are pictures and while i am processing them, i thought i would do a recap.

Clay was on fire tonight. I haven't seen the show for 3 weeks and i thought he was superb 3 weeks ago, his comfort level has grown exponentially....

His dancing especially seems more effortless, more like he is comfortable with the steps and isn't thinking so hard.

His opening scene talking about the coconuts...just love it...it is so hysterical...

And then when he collects the dead again, very funny and well played..

And when he becomes Sir Robin and sings the idol of the ages...it is just so thrilling...and the guy in front of me laughed and laughed at that line...

His interaction with dancers in the Camelot/Spamalot is a joy to watch. I wasn't close enough to hear his banter, but he has ogling down to a t....

slo mo horse...dear God, it should come with it's own warning...

drunken guard...the lady beside me, a nju, laughed and laughed at this as did the rest of the audience....

Clay's solo...wow, i was so blown away by his presence and command of the stage...his dancing especially the bottle dance is no longer tentative, but he attacks it with fervor...it was a beautiful thing to behold...

Brother Maynard...just so silly....

The coconut horse clip clopping remains a personal favorite...it is just something that makes me smile.

Hannah...wow she is so impressive...she just blows me away...she still sang the Britney line...i do expect it to change...

Patsy...one of my favorites...i love him...

Tom Deckman and his many characters the man is simply amazing...

Sir Lancelot...i love him, he is so talented...

The King he plays the straight man so well....

The peasant tonight was an older gentleman and he couldn't have been more cute on stage...just adorable...

Nights of Ni--did the rehab thing and it was hysterical...

Clay seemed very well accepted....

The NJU sitting beside me said Clay did quite well...he wasn't the lead, but she enjoyed him, and thought his voice was wonderful....

I really enjoyed watching the play a 2nd time, i picked up on the many nuances, i missed the first time.

Clay appears to be having the time of his life....

Stage door...it was a bit quiet...no look goods...his valentine song from last year was sung to him....he seemed in good spirits, if a bit rushed... My pictures have him very solemn...not sure you can gage by that b/c i was missing a lot of shots due to someones head and arm....

Waited for Hannah tonight, she couldn't be more lovely.

And Chris S. as always is very personable...he is leaving March 23, and he is not sure who will be replacing him...he will be in Shrek....

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butterflyshine at CV wrote:

butterflyshine wrote:

Clayngel at CB wrote:

So what does a single, 21 year old Claymate do when she realizes it's Valentine's Day and she has no plans whatsoever for the evening???

Why, hop on a train and go see Clay in Spamalot of course!

I didn't get to the city until around 6:30 since this was such a last minute decision and when I got to the box office they said the show was nearly sold out! There were a few orchestra, mezzanine and balcony seats left, but none of them were that great so I opted for Standing Room instead. The view was still really great and the ticket was so cheap that it was definitely worth it.

I think the cast got some notes last night at the meeting because things seemed to be a little different than the last few times I've seen it. Nothing major, just subtle changes here and there. But Hannah still did the Brittney Spears line during her song in Act 2. The audience was great and there were a lot of Python fans there who seemed to be loving Clay which made me really excited! They were having a blast and laughing like crazy.

Clay was amazing of course! I love how every performance he does is different. Every time I've seen it he's either added something, or changed how he does something, he never puts on the same show twice. It's impressive because not everyone does that, but he's such a natural comedian that he plays with his lines and comes up with something even funnier than the last time. You never know what he's going to do and I love that! Something that I noticed tonight was that in his big number, it starts out with the Claymates cheering and clapping along and then as the song progresses he pulls the rest of the audience in and by the end the whole place is laughing, cheering and applauding. He has to be gaining new fans at every show.

Everyone in the cast got nice receptions at the curtain call, but Clay definitely got the most applause tonight. And everyone got a standing ovation for the company bow. Oh and Clay has a lot of fun with the confetti!

There were a lot of people at the stage door tonight! Everyone wanted to spend Valentine's Day with Clay! He was adorable as always and tried to sign something for everyone. Some people need to realize they're not the only fans on the planet and be quiet once and a while, but other than that everything was great! While he was signing my Playbill I said "Happy Valentine's Day" and he looked at me and smiled. *Sigh* Can you say perfect Valentine's Day?! (Is that pathetic??? Oh well...) At one point after Clay passed me he reached back to sign something for someone else and he kind of bumped into me. Is it odd that I got excited that Clay's coat touched me??? Only a Clay fan could understand! When he got to the end of the line, Jerome gave him the tap on the back to go back inside, but Clay resisted for a few seconds to get in the last few autographs for the fans. Jerome seemed to want him to go back in, but it was so sweet of him to get those last few done. Then when he was going back inside, another cast member (I think) was coming out and did this scream thing at her. It's really hard to explain, but looked like some sort of inside joke. I'm trying to get the video I took on the computer now for you guys, but my camera is giving me issues. I'll do my best!

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Good morning, y'all! ldyjocelyn, for some reason the links don't work when copied with the quote function, but will work if you copy them directly from the source post.

Poohbear at CB wrote:

Wanted to share some pics I took at the stage door this weekend. I think I took these on Saturday night....but I was in The Fog so I can't be sure!



blushnlavender at CB wrote:

This pic is from tonight.


Here's some more. Gurgle.

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Expenses to see Spamalot - yup, it adds up FAST.

On my first trip I took the cheap train (37.50 roundtrip) shared a hotel room with 3 others so that wasn't terrible ($57.50), meals - well, we only had dinner and it wasn't too bad - maybe $25. I bought a program ($25) but that was about it for purchases. My biggest expense was the ticket - and I paid for that months ago so it was like it was free! So that overnight trip only added up to $145 plus the ticket. (Only??)

My second trip was a matinee. One reason we decided to do a matinee was it wold be much less expensive. Well, the ticket was the same price. No hotel. I bought a t-shirt and that, like the program, was $25. But I took Amtrak because there is a stop 15 minutes from my house where parking is free on a Saturday, and it is faster so I didn't have to leave as early. But it also cost me $108! We bought one meal and that was maybe $15. So my "cheap" matinee trip added up to about the same as my overnight!

I have no money, yet I am looking to go again between now and my March 30th ticket and again in April!

This man truly makes all common sense fly out the window!

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Good Morning Everyone,

79 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

81-88 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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from KSChristian4Clay at CV...

I had a friend who went to the show last night and here's the report (Bob is her hubby - they went to the show for their anniversary):

Hannah and Tom are back, and Clay was great. He's definately getting comfortable.

The Knights of Ni sang Amy Winehouse's song "Rehab".

Britney is back in, Posh Spice is out.

The chosen "peasant" was in D101 and was a MAN.

Bob got silent clack outside, no audio for some unknown reason. But hopefully there'll be some from the other side, cuz she stopped the man in his tracks. She froze like a deer in the headlights and he said to her "Ya gotta give me somethin' honey." then he saw the playbill in her hand and he grabbed it to sign.

He should know better than to say that to just any woman. :cryingwlaughter:

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