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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Aww man. I feel so badly for the fans who made the trip today. And so badly for Clay. Knowing what he performed through in the past, it must be pretty awful for him to sit out. I'm willing to bet it wasn't wholly his decision. I know we all go into buying/planning with the knowledge that this 'could' happen, but I know how devastated I'd be.

(((((((fans in attendance))))))))


((((poor son-of-a-bitch who has to understudy him)))))

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It's true, Clay will not performing tonight as well as two other cast members..don't know who they are as of yet.

His slight cold must have turned into a full blown one...lots of nasty bugs going around...I never expected him to go through the entire run without missing at least one show.


Oh, I do feel badly for everyone...wow.

btw...I am not a CH member, but someone there mentioned they wondered who would step in for Clay tonight. I don't know, but when we posted the blog from the guy playing Robin in the touring co. now, (Lord, I suck at names!!agh!) he mentioned the guy he replaced is now in the Broadway co. The man he replaced is the Robin bottlecap and I saw perform when they came here. Bottle, do you still have the program with his name?!?

(man, it stinks getting old. LOL)

OMG I feel better...it was James Beaman's blog, and the guy he took over for was Robert Petkoff. Robert was in the touring co. we saw playing Robin. He's acting in some capacity in the Broadway troupe now.

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Hey, I would never have dreamed that Clay would end up singing an Usher song, but I thought he sounded terrific on "Yeah" this summer, so who knows what surprises he might have up his sleeve? I bet it'll be kickass and non-mandated, though. :imgtongue:


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Possibly the song that Clay is singing...the lyrics so fit him and his theme:

(Posted By Katymom)

Is this what he's singing??

On My Way Here by Ryan Tedder

I turn my first step

on the black and white kitchen floor

I sometimes wonder if that house

is even there, anymore

I had my first glimpse of love

when I was 5

I watched two people split apart

but still the three of us survived

I’ve seen the best

I’ve seen the worse

I wouldn’t change what I’ve been through

I’ve touched the sky

I’ve hit the wall

but I did what I had to ohhhh


on my way here

where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

and have to walk to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

but I’ve been loved

and in the end it all works out

faith has conquered fear...

On my way here. Oh yea yeaaa

My address has changed

almost every year

I found that standing still

can quickly make a lifetime disappear

I rather try to fail a thousand times denied

and this will never you thinking


No guarantees but I believed

that I would find

an open door

an open light

to lead me to the other side

I guess that is why

on my way here where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

and have to walk to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

but ‘ve been loved

and in the end it all works out

faith has conquered fear

on my way here...

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{{{{{fans missing Clay tonight}}}}}}

At least it was a Tuesday, when there are less people attending....

Understudies from the Playbill I ordered:

Brad Bradley, Thomas Cannizzaro, Matthew Crowle, Greg Reuter, Lee A. Wilkins

laughn, any names ring a bell?

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I am so excited and can hardly wait until tomorrow.

Sooo...when do you think the WRAL piece was taped? I am hoping that, hairstylewise, it was a while ago and that by now he has taken into consideration how much his fans prefer the mussed, tousled just finished the performance look to what he is wearing in those clips.

Poor Clay, he must be really ill to not be performing tonite and poor fans who are attending tonite. I suppose it was inevitiable that he would get sick at some time during his run in Spamalot during flu and cold season. I do hope he has someone making sure that he is eating good, nutritious food.

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I am so excited and can hardly wait until tomorrow.

Sooo...when do you think the WRAL piece was taped? I am hoping that, hairstylewise, it was a while ago and that by now he has taken into consideration how much his fans prefer the mussed, tousled just finished the performance look to what he is wearing in those clips.

Poor Clay, he must be really ill to not be performing tonite and poor fans who are attending tonite. I suppose it was inevitiable that he would get sick at some time during his run in Spamalot during flu and cold season. I do hope he has someone making sure that he is eating good, nutritious food.

Linda Loveland was at the show last weekend - so I'd guess the footage was shot then. Personally? I hope Clay never takes into consideration what fans prefer when it comes to his look. He'd go stark raving mad.

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I know it's fan nature. And I'm NOT telling anyone what to post. But I wish we could let Clay unfold his 'secrets' the way he chooses to. Digging up the songs? Meh.

I won't bother bringing over the information about the Producer that was dug up...I guess you all can find out yourself. I don't like the digging either, but I don't think you can stop the fans who want to know and I do think it is pretty funny that Producer turns out to be someone the fans didn't think of.


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Understudies from the Playbill I ordered:

Brad Bradley, Thomas Cannizzaro, Matthew Crowle, Greg Reuter, Lee A. Wilkins

laughn, any names ring a bell?

Sorry ldyj, I edited my post above. It was Robert Petkoff who we saw playing Sir Robin. He is now a member of the Broadway troupe according to James Beaman....so maybe he won't be stepping in for Clay because his name isn't on the list.

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I know it's fan nature. And I'm NOT telling anyone what to post. But I wish we could let Clay unfold his 'secrets' the way he chooses to. Digging up the songs? Meh.

I won't bother bringing over the information about the Producer that was dug up...I guess you all can find out yourself. I don't like the digging either, but I don't think you can stop the fans who want to know and I do think it is pretty funny that Producer turns out to be someone the fans didn't think of.


Maybe you missed the 'not telling people what to post' part? I just stated my personal opinion on it, that's all.

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I know it's fan nature. And I'm NOT telling anyone what to post. But I wish we could let Clay unfold his 'secrets' the way he chooses to. Digging up the songs? Meh.

I won't bother bringing over the information about the Producer that was dug up...I guess you all can find out yourself. I don't like the digging either, but I don't think you can stop the fans who want to know and I do think it is pretty funny that Producer turns out to be someone the fans didn't think of.


Maybe you missed the 'not telling people what to post' part? I just stated my personal opinion on it, that's all.

See this is why I am better off lurking; I always manage to stick my foot in my mouth when I do post. Really need to engage my brain before putting fingers to the keyboard. So sorry for mis-interpretating your post and getting snippy.


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According to the February Playbill

The Standbys are Anthony Holds and Michael O'Donnel

The Understudies are

Thomas Cannizzarro, Matthew Crowle, Greg Reuter and Lee A. Wilkins.

See this is why I am better off lurking; I always manage to stick my foot in my mouth when I do post. Really need to engage my brain before putting fingers to the keyboard. So sorry for mis-interpretating your post and getting snippy.


What? you don't want to be mistaken for me, the original foot in mouth poster?

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ok people...its early in the album promo cycle...too early to get snippy with each other... :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ok for those interested...I found this link to the lyrics ...you can listen to the demo and it does sound like the same song...

Ryan tedder lyrics

hey aikim...don;t worry about it...its pretty common in the boards.

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I know it's fan nature. And I'm NOT telling anyone what to post. But I wish we could let Clay unfold his 'secrets' the way he chooses to. Digging up the songs? Meh.

Clay is a smart man. Seen in another light, perhaps this IS the way he is choosing to unfold his secrets. He must have a fair idea by now of "how his fans are"...and he may be throwing a tantalizing offering out there deliberately, keeping the rest close to the vest. Only he knows for sure. But yeah, I know it's irritating sometimes. :)

And I'm going on record now to say that the demo guy's voice does nothing for me. But I suspect Clay Aiken is going to melt my heart all over again.


What? you don't want to be mistaken for me, the original foot in mouth poster?
Don't think of it as a foot...think of it as a chew toy. heh (WWHD - What would Holly do...er...chew?) You never told me how she gets access to your mail, btw. Enquiring minds want to know
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Is it sad that the only Sting song I can think of is Every Breath You Take and I am now convince Clay will do an entire stalker type album! It fits, people!

I wandered over to Kippers' website and Sting is the only one I recognized of the ones with pictures of their CDs - I did recognize all of the other "extras" at the bottom...I wonder why they are 'extras'? Not wondering enough to really care though.

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Tom Deckman is also out tonight; lots of people trying to get their money back...this is per posters at the CV.


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I think there's room in the fandom for those who want to ferret out every piece of information and those who don't. It's easy enough to scroll.

Different strokes, you know. One way's not necessarily better than another.

I love the song lyrics, by the way, and Kipper looks good to me. I expect that if Clay REALLY wanted to keep him hidden, we wouldn't know a thing. It's almost March, so I think we'll be getting more and more "leaks." That's the way it works in the music business--how they build interest.

I'm so excited.

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For some reason....I'm imagining this scenario right now...

Clay, in his apartment in NYC. Dressed in a bathrobe (not going to say what is underneath the robe *g*). Chicken soup at his side, as well as cough drops and some antibiotic. Sitting at his Mac. Reading the boards. Laughing uncontrollably at how quickly his fans figured out both the song and the producer. Coughing fit from the laughter. And then he goes to bed and sleeps.

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Tom Deckman is also out tonight; lots of people trying to get their money back...this is per posters at the CV.


ack! Tom and Clay both out. I wonder who the third person is...?

Poor people trying to cover. I wouldn't want to be backstage right now.

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