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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Just watched the clip via WRAL streaming.

Two songs mentioned: On My Way Here (the ballad, could be the album title) and Ashes (the uptempo track).

He's shooting for LAA to be on this album too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On My Way Here is the theme of the album.

Kipper is the "secret." He has also written a track for Clay that has an R&B feel. (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!)

They are supposed to have audio clips up on the WRAL website soon.


Whew. That was exciting!


ETA: Article on WRAL.com up already! And they have the video up too!

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Loved the interview! Love that there is going to be an R & B song (even though I am probably the only one in the fandom that doesn't like Clay's version of If You Don't Know Me By Now...I tried, I really did!)

I am so excited for this CD...sounds like Clay is getting exactly what he wants on it and I love this new Producer!


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Hows this for coincidence- turns out that Claytonic and I live probably an hour away from each other!
This is so cool for you Australian Clay fans! You'll have to plan a meeting--maybe for the CD release? I know I LOVE having Couchie so close, even though we don't get together all that often...

LOVE the news! Woo Hoo!

LAA! Yeay!

R & B? YEAY!

Do it to me one more time, Clay! :hubbahubba:

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I hope that LAA is a bonus track - on the recorded CD - so it doesn't use up any space for other songs. I love it, but I want NEW!!

And are people starting to angst at all over this (from the article at the WRAL website):

It's been five years since Aiken put together an original album, or at least he says, 95 percent original.

"Some of it is, you know, a kind of half-way version of original," he said. "But it's all stuff that I'd imagine 90 percent of people have not heard."

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OMG! The 16 minute video of Lynda Loveland talking to him - or more aptly Clay talking - about music is INCREDIBLE!!!

Click on WRAL Exclusive: Clay Aiken Spills the Beans on Upcoming Album underneath his picture.

Clay Aiken Spills the Beans on Upcoming Album

Posted: Today at 7:07 a.m.

Updated: 33 minutes ago

New York, N.Y. — Raleigh native Clay Aiken is a busy man these days, performing at night on Broadway as Sir Robin in "Monty Python's Spamalot," and working on his upcoming studio album during the day.

It's been five years since Aiken put together an original album, or at least he says, 95 percent original.

"Some of it is, you know, a kind of half-way version of original," he said. "But it's all stuff that I'd imagine 90 percent of people have not heard."

The songs had to meet two qualifications.

"They have to be something I'll enjoy and that I can do well," Aiken said. "And at the same time, they have to kind of fit into this common theme of 'On my way here."

"On My Way Here" is one of the tracks and might end up being the album title.

Aiken was working on two songs the day he invited WRAL's Lynda Loveland to the recording studio. The second is called "Ashes".

"Someone told me what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger," he said. "(The song) talks about bad things that might happen to you. You know, there's been some stuff that's happened in the last five years that I would rather have not happened, but you learn from things like that."

For the first time, Aiken's album is being produced by one person. He kept that person secret, until now.

Known only as Kipper, he is from the United Kingdom and might be best known for producing a Grammy award-winning album for Sting.

"We wanted to find someone who had a great reputation and had done stuff in the past that was kind of edgy and current," Aiken said.

Kipper is coming up with a new sound for Aiken and even wrote a song for him that's got a bit of an R&B vibe to it.

"We've captured some really great moments," Kipper said. "I'm very optimistic we're going to have a record where people will go, 'Is that Clay? Is that Clay Aiken?"

Aiken also hopes to include a song he's penned with producer David Foster, "Lover All Alone."

"It was my first attempt at writing anything, and David Foster wrote the melody," Aiken said. "He said, 'Take it home and write some lyrics."

It was seven months later, however, when Aiken was inspired.

"And then one day, I was sitting in Los Angeles, and all of a sudden, I had this idea, and I wrote it in, maybe, 15 minutes," he said.

Thursday at 5 p.m., Clay takes WRAL's Lynda Loveland behind the scenes of "Spamalot."

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Exciting videos!

CD release parties: Well, I think that if a group of Claymates stripped down buck naked and ran through a mall yelling "BUY CLAY'S CD!!!" that would be cause for angst about fans drawing attention to themselves, but if people want to organize parties to buy Clay's CD and even want to advertise it, I don't see how that's going to detract from Clay or hurt anyone. People did it for Harry Potter, and no one seemed to think that took away from the author in any way.

It's easy enough to not go.

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I'm so sorry about your Aunt Hilda's passing, Cotton. :bighug:

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OMG! The 16 minute video of Lynda Loveland talking to him - or more aptly Clay talking - about music is INCREDIBLE!!!

I assume someone in the Clay NAtion is ripping that video as we speak??????

I hope so, it won't play for me, just keeps buffering.

Cotton...Big Hug!


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Thank you, guys.

I'm sad. But at the same time I'm at peace.

She was a feisty little gal. And she'd lived a sometimes rough, sometimes good, life - but always - ALWAYS - she was her own stubborn person!

She was 4'10" - but a SPITFIRE!!

But you couldn't find a more generous spirit!

She's been in pain - especially in the last couple of years - all due to a drunk SOB who T-boned her when she was driving home from waitressing in Myrtle Beach 30 years ago. Crushed her pelvis and shattered her bladder. She was a walking miracle coming off that alive!

But - her little stitched-together bladder was walnut sized and the last few years she had interstitial cystitis. In other words, she had cystitis ALL. THE. TIME! If you can imagine that.

She, like my Mama, wasn't very good at letting other people take care of her, so she would not have been happy in a care facility. She was still living by herself in her little apartment and refused offers - Like my Sis and her DH asking her to come live with them.

So - she lived and died a very independent woman!

Thanks for letting me blather on!


Now - I gotta go find that download! I watched what was on the WRAL site! :hubbahubba: Love that guy and love what I'm hearing so far.

Big surprise! :cryingwlaughter:

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yay..this is all so exciting. They are doing an excellent job laying things out. Hopefully this news will be picked up all over. Clay's local media used to be so good to him in 2003 and 2004 so I hope this is a sign that they are returning to that.

Parties are good. It's easier to organize parties in one location. I don't like RCA being any sort of defacto arm of the parties so I hope it returns to being a fan thing. Other than that...it's up to each individual to go or not.

Sorry Cotton but am so happy you have such good memories to hold onto.

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I know what you are talking about, Cotton, I was having a very hard time dealing with my Mother after her stroke, she really didn't want to be taken care of but still had several problems, like not being able to write well and not being able to talk or bend over to wash floors, not being able to cook....Luckily I found an aide who helped out a couple of hours a day and would go out and eat with my Mom for lunch. When she died after her heart attack, it seemed more fitting. She never wanted to be an invalid, not that she wanted to die, she just needed to be in control of her life. I always felt my Father decided to die after a stint in the hospital where they tied him down against his will to keep him from walking around at night.

Sigh, after 3 hours, I have a new cell phone, my 5th this year (never buy a chocolatre LG phone, pure crap) but it has no numbers in it. I was just copying the numbers out of my phone, but didn't finish, now I don't have any...... argh!!! Hatesses Verizon. SO if you want to be in my phone book, you have to call my cell. They tell me that my phone numbers for 3 months ago (last phone exchange) is backed up on-line, but not all the recent ones. Anyway the on-line system is down for a few hours - I ask how long has it been down, they say 3 days! I asked when it will be back up, they say, try again in a few days!! I hate them.

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GAWD. I'm so freakin' happy about this whole thing. Just knowing he's so happy about this thing! And do you all realize that even if the cd DOES drop on May 6, we're still talking...

TEN weeks from now, people! :cry4:

How the HELL am I gonna wait that long?

Oh...wait....I do believe there are a couple of Spamalot trips on my calendar before then... :lilredani:


OH ETA---and it looks as though Mr. Aiken had his way re: who's singing backup with him on this cd, doesn't it? :whistling-1: So much for Susie whatshername! Hee!

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R.I.P. IttyBitty Aunt Hilda,

A little lady who

marched danced to the beat of a different drummer

and lived life on her terms.

I wish you could have known her!

{{{{{{cotton and family}}}}}}

She sounds like a cool lady and I do wish I had known her. Sounds like she lived and left life on her terms. Good for her! I have a good friend who is 84 and I keep telling her I want to be her when I grow up... LOL

I can't watch this interview until late tonight, so thanks for all the recaps! I'm so excited for this cd!

This is going to be a heck of a good year for Clay and his fans... I truly feel that in my bones!

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RE: CD release parties. In the beginning, I thought the press releases and media attention were helpful in creating buzz. Now, I tend to believe that they should be purely for the fans to enjoy themselves, and not part of any effort to participate in the CD's marketing and promotion. If RCA or Team Clay choose to make these parties part of their plans, that's fine. However, no matter how many "experts" this fandom may have, I just don't think we're qualified or knowledgeable enough to foist ourselves into media mix.

I haven't seen the WRAL video yet, but judging by the article, it sounds like we do have some exciting things to look forward to.


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I just keep listening to/watching that whole 16:03 minute interview over & over with a permanent grin on my face..... he's so animated and excited and involved and in charge.... GAH!! :flirtysmile3:

Oh yeah - and CUTE!!!

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I freakin' LOVE that interview!

And he looks so CUTE!

And he sounds so in control!

And he looks so CUTE!

And he sounds great!

And he's so in CONTROL!

And he sounds happy and excited!

And he looks so CUTE!

And in control! hee

I'm so excited for this album!!

DH just drove up.

Gotta go.

I can't wait for OMWH by Clay Aiken!!!

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