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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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This truly is a diverse fandom.

Case in point, these two posts from the CH posted one right after the other.

First from berkely:

It was 11:45 before I heard "On My Way Here."

It was 3:15 when I finally went to bed.

::berkeley does quick calculations to see how many times a four minute song fits into three and a half hours, then gives up in sheer exhaustion::

I see some discussion of the use of strings and other elements that come from orchestral arrangements in modern music. Can this sound get Clay on the radio? Will his contemporaries accept it?

I've seen great examples from classic rock, but this sound doesn't have to be from the music of twenty-five years or more ago.

There's Lupe Fiasco's "Daydreamin" featuring jazz singer Jill Scott (link to youtube). I saw this white hot hiphop artist perform this song on Letterman several months ago, accompanied by a string section. From the 230,000-plus views, I guess his audience doesn't mind that sound.

And, of course, Ryan Tedder's band OneRepublic had a major hit with

(with "two million legal downloads", according to their MySpace) --- the intro and underlying sound is strings and piano. (This link goes to the video on Youtube.)

To me, this song is much more modern in sound and feel than the vast majority of ballads Clay has done, with the notable exception of "Lover All Alone". I think it sounds as contemporary as Coldplay or Rob Thomas or Snow Patrol. I think the crucial factor will be whether Clay will be able to gain access to the right markets so people can hear this new music (think viral marketing, the internet and label $upport): from my two examples and many, many others, neither the tempo of the songs nor whether strings are used alongside guitars and drums seem like decisive factors.

Now, all this linking has taking me away from my obsessive replaying dedicated study of "On My Way Here", so off I go! It remains to be seen if the overall sound of the OMWH CD is modern and radio friendly, but Clay has said that there is variety, so I eagerly await May 6 for the other ten new songs and my beloved "Lover All Alone".

So far, though, the album seems exceptionally promising.

I really love this first song.

I really love this courageous and gifted man.

And then this one from CipherBIF:

I guess I will just accept that Clay and I do not have the same taste in music. I am so disappointed. I want to love it, I really really wanted to love it but I just can't.

Not only is it slow and draggy to me, that high voice or tone or whatever you call it always sounds fakey and forced to me when Clay does it. It doesn't sound like he is singing naturally. The chorus isn't bad but that higher tone makes me feel like parts of the rest of the song are out of tune or something. I know the album should have better quality sound but just damn.

Well color me disappointed so far. Maybe I came into this with a negative attitude since I can't see getting all excited about some throw away One Republic song that they didn't choose for their own album. You also might as well stamp on this song we could give a crap about even trying for airplay if this is what they choose to lead with. In my opinion, this has a snowball's chance in hell of getting played on the radio.

I am happy that the majority of you love it but I guess I will head back in the foliage and wait for the rest of the album with my fingers crossed. I hope there is some variety on it.

With such extreme opposite points of view, how can we all be fans of the same man??

I really do hope there is something for everyone to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over on this album.

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With such extreme opposite points of view, how can we all be fans of the same man??

CG...I read those, too, and thought the same thing....and then I thought about how diverse and complex the man is, how many 'colors' of himself he's dared to share (no, not hair colors...but that, too! :cryingwlaughter: ) He's ever evolving yet always steadfast and true to himself. I'm going with this well-expressed summary by GoTheDistance at CH:

This is so close to what I was expecting (although I suspect there's going to be other surprises on the CD) that I'd have been confused to have it sound much differently. Releasing something that DOES sound like Clay makes sense to me. He is who he is. He has said he likes lyrics to tell a story and to have a beautiful melody. He's shown a preference to orchestration. And he said he was following his own desires on this CD, not those of radio. OMWH seems to hit all those marks and does it beautifully. I'm sure there'll be variety on this CD, and that Clay's sound will continue to change over the years but just this feels like a really good fit right now. This the sound that grabbed me at the beginning of this 5 year trip - just because he is capable of singing anything, going away from this sound would sound fake and perhaps trying too hard for me.

I do agree with some comments I've read, though, that this particular 'new' song is not going to be the one likely to change anybody's mind about Clay's music if what they've heard to date is not their cuppa. To some he's the king of cheese and they're not as fond of cheese as KAndre and many other are :F_05BL17blowkiss: I've already read about the 'sappy', 'typical' Clay Aiken sound of this not-so-different "new" song presents, and quite frankly, the first time I listened to it, I was thinking similar things (but with more love, of course)...I do understand how someone who might be drawn to listen to it because of the Ryan Tedder connection might then decide Clay Aiken ain't their thang, you know?

'Course, we all know that Clay's already got quite a fine thang without those morons, anyway, right? :hubbahubba:

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Ya know? I don't. If someone doesn't like it, so be it. OMWH is Clay Aiken, and if someone really thought something like this wasn't going to be on the album, they were just deluding themselves. Three-quarters of what I've heard Clay do was some sort of mid-tempo ballad. And he does them freakishly well. As soon as Clay got some serious input in his CDs (anything after MOAM) - the orchestration increased. The man likes strings. If you don't like them, don't listen to him. I don't listen to most of his acoustic stuff - the AOL MOAM things, the GMA MDYK - because I don't like them as much as I do a full bodied sound. Just don't. The ballads (sloooow song schtick notwithstanding - the boy likes him some ballads. And slow songs.) At this point, he does have a distinct sound. Now, finding out who likes it is why artists throw their stuff out into the world. Sometimes lots of people like it. Sometimes lots of people don't.

I don't think the fandom can figure out why or why not non-fans like or don't like Clay's stuff. I personally don't care. I do want him to sell enough to put out as many CDs as I can get, and to keep touring.

Cheese is good stuff. But it's like Bobby Flay - I plan on never, ever going to his restaurants because as far as I can tell, he throws some sort of freakin' mexican pepper in EVERYTHING. Including chocolate. I watched him do an Indian meal this weekend on Food Network, and he threw cilantro and hablanero in every frickin' dish. But that's Bobby Flay. And one of the reasons he is "Bobby Flay" is that he chops a frickin' pepper up in everything. If I want the subtleties of flavor without a five alarm fire going off in my mouth, I will eat elsewhere. I'm sure Bobby doesn't care enough not to through a frickin' pepper in my cinnamon roll. He's not going to stop being Bobby Flay because I think his food is crap.

I was listen to my Clay Aiken greatest hits, and thinking to myself, that it's possible that my tastes don't run to stripped down arrangements because my default favorite musical style is R&B and soul - and they throw everything but the kitchen sink. It gives you room to play. I need me some drums. If there is nothing but a piano and a guitar, my first thought is bleh. If you've been through it once, what more is there? But that's me.

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Just popping in before I have to grab my address book and come up with a guest list for the wedding...Oy! (tm Sir Robin)

I haven't been surprised at all by the reactions to the songs; the people I knew wouldn't like it didn't let me down...I probably could have written their posts. You would think after 5 years they would have realized that Clay is Clay and is never going to be or sound like who they want him to be. Some time there has to come a time of acceptance and maybe it is just time to cut bait instead of always waiting for that CD that may never come.

Loved the webisode...Clay is just happy talking about this CD and I love that he has a studio family; can't wait to hear the song that the studio musician did back up on.

I have had OMWH playing in the back of my mind all day...now off to listen to the real thing!


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I hear ya Kandre', I've kinda been saying for awhile that this is the type of music Clay is drawn to and in my opinion excels at, Is it all he can do? No. We can go all the way back to his demo recordings and see that 80% of those songs are ballads of some type. For his demos he could choose from millions of songs and he picked mostly ballads.

I do think this song has a fresh sound, but if I was banging my head against the wall waiting for something rockin' maybe I'd be disappointed too, but I wasn't, and I'm not. Clay says that there are some more rockin sounding songs on the CD. I believe him.

Some have interpreted Clay's schtict during the summer tour about Slooooooooowwwwww songs as being about him wishing to be cool and have cool uptempo songs to sing. It may have been more about those who can't be cool if they like Clay Aiken because he doesn't sing cool and rockin' songs and therefore want him to sing more "cool" songs so that it is more accepted to be his fan.

I do think most really good CDs have a mix of tempos and I expect this one to, but since OMWH is all we have right now, I'm gonna give it lots of hits and celebrate having new music from Clay.

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Yep - Somehow, when everything is said and done in Clay's career, I will lay y'all a bet now, that his signature song will be some sort of power ballad. But then for the last 40 years, the really big acts all seem to have some sort of power ballad. A ballad is NOT a bad thing.

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I really do hope there is something for everyone to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over on this album.

Ya know? I don't. If someone doesn't like it, so be it. OMWH is Clay Aiken, and if someone really thought something like this wasn't going to be on the album, they were just deluding themselves. Three-quarters of what I've heard Clay do was some sort of mid-tempo ballad. And he does them freakishly well. As soon as Clay got some serious input in his CDs (anything after MOAM) - the orchestration increased. The man likes strings. If you don't like them, don't listen to him.

I haven't been surprised at all by the reactions to the songs; the people I knew wouldn't like it didn't let me down...I probably could have written their posts. You would think after 5 years they would have realized that Clay is Clay and is never going to be or sound like who they want him to be. Some time there has to come a time of acceptance and maybe it is just time to cut bait instead of always waiting for that CD that may never come.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! I can just WORD KAndre & aikim instead of slaving over a post. :)

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QUOTE(Claygasm @ Apr 7 2008, 05:03 PM) *

I really do hope there is something for everyone to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over on this album.

You know, Clay said it himself....some songs on this album will be loved by some, and others will not. I think he fully expected a mixed range of opinions. This only makes me want the entire CD more. I want to know what else is on there....agh! I am one of the, 'I like this song' people, though I'm betting if I dislike some of the other songs on the CD, someone else will be lovin' them.

Let me just get down on my knees right now and light a candle for at least one growly, angry song and one happy, 'bouncy man' song. I love to see both of those guys in concert. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I am getting the feeling, from what little I've seen that people are taking a wait and see attitude. After all this is only one song. and there are 10 more that noone have heard. But it is so very Clay. But nobody has universal acceptance for every song they've ever sung and espcially this fandom. Anything he manages to bat over 500 is probably pretty good :cryingwlaughter:

I'm not surprised there is a disconnect. Between the association of covers with slow songs and orchestras and the amazing number of people that thought his DCAT schtick meant he hated slow songs, to the "That's Clay Aiken" with a question mark, but getting That's Clay Aiken with an exclamation point instead. heee.

I think things will be fine. I just have faith that there will be something for everyone. And if not, at least they will have their final answer because I do believe this is all Clay. See now me? I always knew Clay and I had different tastes heee. He was just always able to make me love his taste (mandy)

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I am about to leave my office but before I go I have a serious question you all can answer while I am on my trek home.

What the hell is "edgy"???

Seriously. How does one define "edgy"? Is there a universal definition of what makes a song "edgy", what makes a voice sound "edgy", what makes an arranegment "edgy" and why is it so necessary to be this elusive "edgy"??

I keep hearing that word being used over and over and I suddenly realized I don't really have any idea just what any of them mean by "edgy"??

I thought I did, but the "edgy" I think of is nothing I would ever expect of Clay!

So, I ask you, my FCA friends. Just what is "edgy" and why is it soooooooooo verra, verra important to Clay's career???

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I am getting the feeling, from what little I've seen that people are taking a wait and see attitude. After all this is only one song. and there are 10 more that noone have heard. But it is so very Clay. <snip>

I'm not surprised there is a disconnect. Between the association of covers with slow songs and orchestras and the amazing number of people that thought his DCAT schtick meant he hated slow songs, to the "That's Clay Aiken" with a question mark, but getting That's Clay Aiken with an exclamation point instead. heee. BWAH!

I think things will be fine. I just have faith that there will be something for everyone. And if not, at least they will have their final answer because I do believe this is all Clay. (Muski nodding head furiously) See now me? I always knew Clay and I had different tastes heee. He was just always able to make me love his taste (mandy)

Re: Mandy.... :bravo::preachit::iagree::word: I'm STILL waiting (not) for somebody to sing this song and make it halfway palatable. Barry certainly didn't do it; even Clay couldn't do it for me! :shrug:

Oh. and as I perused our emoticons, I saw this and thought, "MAN! What I wouldn't give to actually USE this one now and then!" :stfu: (present company excepted, of course... :whistling-1: )


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Hell, I personally think true "edgy" isn't even popular - if you sell gold to the hoi polloi, you ain't edgy. The Clash, back in the 70's, were edgy before Rock the Casbah - they couldn't buy a spot on American charts - but somebody was listening to them. And they influenced lots and LOTS of acts who made their "edge" accessible to the masses.

If you are sitting in the middle of the bell curve, you ain't edgy!

You heathens! Mandy totally RAWKS!

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Once we figure out the definition of "edgy", could we work on "uptempo" cuz I swear my definition of uptempo never seems to fit with the majority of the fans.


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So, I ask you, my FCA friends. Just what is "edgy" and why is it soooooooooo verra, verra important to Clay's career???

I don't think it IS important to Clay's career (unless that is the only way he'll ever be "allowed" to get decent airplay.) I think it is much more important to a select group of Clay's fans, who aren't really inclined to like anything that is too slooow, or too "pretty", or too "sentimental", or too......fill in the blank.

Yep, KAndre and aikim up above read my mind and wrote my post for me regarding the expectations of some fans.

And FWIW, I FLOVE berkeley- always have and always will, but especially this from this morning:


I could tell you all about how the modem on this network fried out at 7 PM, how I resigned myself to not being able to hear this song until Monday afternoon, how my nephew's girlfriend left her laptop here for me after she finished her homework and went home, and how some anonymous neighbors really should secure their wireless network...

but I'd rather just push "Play" again, and listen to Clay Aiken break my heart, then heal it with his song.

How blessed I am, to walk the world at the same time as this breathtaking, blue moon talent.

Back to top )


PS- I LOVE OMWH- as if there were ever any doubt!!!!!

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From the CH: Corabeth

From RCA Marketing

In addition to the Amazon (physical) preorder, there will be an exclusive digital preorder on Itunes which will begin on April 21.

This digital version of the album (which will include the standard album and a digital version of the booklet) will include an additional bonus preorder only track.

That song will only be available when the album is purchased during the pre-order period

yay another song from Clay :clap:

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I think we need some lyrics and some pretty pictures on this page!!!

On My Way Here

I took my first step

On the black and white kitchen floor

I sometimes wonder if that house

Is even there, anymore

I had my first glimpse of love

When I was five

I watched two people split apart

But still the three of us survived

I’ve seen the best

I’ve seen the worst

I wouldn’t change what I’ve been through

I’ve touched the sky

I’ve hit the wall

But I did what I had to



On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I’ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

My faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

My address has changed

Almost every year

I've found that standing still

Can quickly make a lifetime disappear

I'd rather try and fail

A thousand times denied

At least whenever you feel pain

It lets you know that you’re alive

I’ve been a fool

I’ve been afraid

I’ve been loved

I've been lied to

I've been wrong

I've been right

I stood up when I had to


On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I’ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

My faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

No guarantees

I believed that I would find

An open door or a light

To lead me to the other side

I guess that is why

On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I‘ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

where I am now

I've learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I've fallen hard

But I've been loved

And in the end it all works out

My faith has conquered fear

On my way here

I'll start!!


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Let me just get down on my knees right now and light a candle for at least one growly, angry song and one happy, 'bouncy man' song. I love to see both of those guys in concert.

Muski...calling muski......

I had the track on all day today at work. I still love it! I was singing it on the way home. Seems catchy to me. The only thing wrong with it is that it is not followed by 9 more songs.

The eHP and I almost parted ways last night! Yup it was that serious. I have been working 21 days straight and most days going in at 5:30am and coming home at 10pm. Last night the Shell Houston Open was finally over and I got home and crashed!

Kandre said they were going to call me at 1:00 am so I could listen to the song! Let me tell you I would not have been a happy camper! Now I am the "nice" one of the group :whistling-1: but I would not have been too nice if they had done that.

You know in reality though I probably would have squealed for joy and loved it. Isn't it great to have Clay buddies?

Ok so when is the QVC thingie? I guess I will have to buy one on there. Is there a limited amount?

OK so I have one ordered from Amazon. will get one from QVC and now one from iTunes! Alrighty then!

Look up the word "edgy" in the dictionary and you will see eHP. Yes that's us :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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Yay, a bonus track!! More music from Clay! :clap:

chach, you want purdy pics? I'll post a few of my recent favs:




And I have to throw in one of chestnut Clay, just cuz (Kareneh, this is work of art!):


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< ------------------------ :hubbahubba:

:hubbahubba: I love this shot from the new webisode!!


eta: YUM!!! gibby!! :hubbahubba:

And THANK YOU for the lovely screencap! I've been looking for a purdy new avie, and looks like I found it!

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