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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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my favorite...

I would have picked this song for Clay, only because it has such depth. I think he could handle it and I guess I wanted to see him work with it. Hard choice really. One song quite popular at the moment, Halleljah, with many comparisons to be made to other performers, and the other, WAMLAW, with really only one performance to compare to, but that one is iconic.


Thanks for the video link. I saw KD Lang sing Hallelujah on TV once and was amazed. It is one of my favorite performances. I would love to hear Clay sing it because it has such depth, and he has the voice and the power to sing this type of beautiful song. I do not think that many singers can do this song justice. WAMLAW is one of my all time favorites, for personal reasons. I do like the Percy Sledge version, and I think Clay sings it hawt, but it does not showcase the power of his voice. JMO

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Remember Orb's wedding, the closing scene from "Being a Green Mother".

EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK - I love those books. Have not read them in a couple of decades.

*high-fives jmh123*

Lord, I can't stand Piers Anthony (there's only so much punning I can take!)

Yeah, you only just happened to "know" books from two different series enough to talk about them.

I won't mention any other guilty pleasures - I have no guilt about Clay.

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00lsee... great rundown on Halleluheh. Thanks!

Delicious. Yup. I would most certainly call Clay delicious!!!!!

So, Sunday is my lurker friend's birthday. For some crazy reason she had a hankering to go to NYC to see "Spamalot" for her birthday! And you know what? Telecharge gave her a really, really nice birthday present that I get to share! Front row center seats!!!! Woo hoo!!! He'll be coming right at is during the bottle dance!!!

Now that's what I call a birthday present!!!

CG... I so agree with your bolded part... yup!!! Congrats on the great seats and Happy Birthday to lurker friend. N.I.C.E. birthday present, specially since she's sharing! Enjoy!!!

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00lsee - thank you so much for the explanation of the Hallelujah lyrics. I just knew there had to more to it, and as much as I tried to make sense of them, the more confused I got!

I watched the Shrek link and listened to k.d.lang's version. I love her voice, and it would be interesting to hear Clay sing it. Maybe he'll sing all 3 of those top three songs! I see that WAMLAW won the poll. I voted for Amazing Grace.

I read on another board that Clay is scheduled for American Idol of May 6. Is that confirmed?

I read the recap from the girl who was with Tyra and Clay. OMG, what a day she had! And she's only 16!

Crap - look at the time! I was going to play around on teh computer some more but it's tired time!


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From snowdrop at CH:

My Spam recap 4/22

I was at Spamalot tonight. I've been debating about getting the picture since I heard about it. I REALLY wanted it (you know I'm a picture person, and I've never had the luck of a M&G, so I thought I'd kick myself forever if I didn't get it this time.) But it's a lot of money (it was $300 tonight), and my mom kept trying to talk me out of it.

But when the time came to decide about paying for the picture, I just left the theater because I got my picture with Clay for free. Tonight, I was the peasant. :) I STILL can't wipe the smile off my face, I'm worried that it might stick this way. I'm glad it was at the end of the show because I hardly remember a thing that happened after that!

My seat was B101. I knew I had a chance, but my luck generally stinks, so I figured it wouldn't be me. I read that Sunday's show was B101, so I thought they'd change on Tuesday. I started getting nervous about midway through the 2nd act (I'm not one to speak in front of a crowd!) Then I realized, idiot, it's not going to me, just get over it. So then I was fine. Clay was hilarious as the monk (no singing for Amen, though), they threw the holy hand grenade, and B101 showed up on stage. And suddenly everyone around me started pointing and said, it's you! But, I STILL don't believe it, I know sometimes the numbers on stage don't always go to the seat number, so I was still trying to talk myself out of believing it. My mom, however, was really excited for me.

So then Patsy came down, and asked me to stand up. OMG!! I did and he magically pulled the grail from under my seat. Then he told me to sit down. Now, I forgot that they don't just bring you right on stage and I thought, you've got to be kidding me, for the first time they aren't bringing the peasant on stage? LOL. So then Clay says the line about bringing the peasant up (EEEE!!!), and so up I go. On the stage. On a broadway stage (I LOVE Broadway.) One of the things I was nervous about was tripping, but I ran up those steps!

So, I look around at everyone. At some point, even though it seemed longer, it was a millisecond I'm sure, but Clay looked me right in the eye. Silly, but, yea, I'll never forget it! They all were great though, they all looked me in the eye too. ;) I didn't want to be rude, so I didn't just stare at Clay or anything (and part of the time, I would have been blocked from him anyway.) I looked at the audience, and it's true, I was blinded by the lights, and could only see the first 2 rows, if that. I could definitely spot my mom, at least! Not seeing thousands of people helped me not freak out, I'm sure!

The King asked my name, and he and Patsy wished me luck. Sir Gallahad blew in my ear. When I won, I clapped. :) The King said the thing about being as famous in NYC as Joey B & the Naked Cowboy (I'm so thrilled.) BTW, the peasant trophy is kind of heavy. I thought it'd be hallow & light, but it wasn't. Then I felt stupid not knowing how to hold it while I was up there, haha. Then I guess it was time for the picture, and they all moved around. Clay was kneeling in front of me. I didn't have to worry about smiling because, as I said earlier, that smile was permanently up there! They gave me the picture, and I turned and shook one hand (I think?), I went to shake Clay's, and he hand just turned to leave. I was dissed by Clay, haha! I think it was Lancelot (my mind went blank pretty much as soon as I went up there) that said, "ooh, sorry about that", and he made sure to shake my hand. I believe I shook hands with Sir Gallahad, the King, and Patsy, and then Patsy led me down the stairs (he told me how many stairs there were.) When I went back to my seat, I think they were all on stage looking at me, and smiling (including Clay.) Or maybe something happened in between, I don't remember! But that was cool, too.

I completely zoned out when the LOTL was out there switching her dress, and most of the finale, though I remember Clay sounded great, I don't remember anything else! After the show, lots of people congratulated me. Most asked me if I knew in advance, and I said I didn't know until the numbers appeared on the stage. Then they asked if I didn't see the grail under my seat. Hate to give away some stage secrets, but Patsy puts it under there once I stood up. ;)

OK, let me backtrack. We got into NY really early, and ate at Juniors. Towards the end of our a meal a really nice father/daughter sat next to us. They have seen pretty much every broadway show for the last few years (jealous!), except for Spamalot. When they heard Clay was joining, they had to finally see it. I'm horrible at guesstimating ages, but she was around 12-14, maybe? And a Clay fan. Always good to see that! They asked if he signs autographs, and I said he normally does, but since they are doing this for charity, he wasn't doing stage door until end of the month. I told them about the picture, and that was way too much money, but I also said I thought there was a playbill signed by everyone for $40, and he said that was more like it, haha. We ran into them waiting to get into the theater later, but I wish we could have gotten their reaction after the show. He was impressed when we told him he was doing more than one part.

After eating we walked around for a bit, then made it back to the theater around 30 min before being let in. I was surprised there wasn't a line, so we stood inside. I bought the button, took a pic of the shirt, but the magnet was sold out. Woman selling stuff said they might get them in before final weekend, but she also told the guy we chatted with earlier that the picture was going to be $500 tonight, so I'm thinking she doesn't really know what she's talking about.

I'm really horrible about detailing everything in the show. I probably have forgotten a few things in my excitement, too. But bottom line, Clay was phenomenal. I thought he was great when I saw him opening weekend, but he's improved so much. He WAS the character(s) he played, it was seamless in the acting & dancing. I really hope he does more of this sort of thing.

This was the 3rd time I've seen Spamalot, second time with Clay (I have one more, going to the final show.) So I've been able to see it taking everything in, watching from a far and watching everyone (and know all the songs inside out, I've listened nonstop to the soundtrack since '05 when I saw the show.) Tonight we were in row B, and I admit that I did watch Clay most of the time he was on the stage. He was just amazing. Let me try to remember a few specifics that stuck out for me as being different.

When he's ringing the triangle during "I'm Not Yet Dead", the second ring he hit air instead of the triangle. So the third time, he was very deliberate about ringing it.

In Camelot, he looked up a girl's skirt, and seemed quite pleased about it. When they were were twirling around the mace, he got scared, turned away, and hugged the wall. When he finally turned around, he said, "that's dangerous!" He tried to catch the LOTL's arm, but it was no where near him, and he just laughed. While he was watching the LOTL sing, he did this lip bite that just...it was one time I wish I could take pictures, I'll just say that! It was one of the only times I saw him as Clay up there, not Robin/etc. He is SO much fun to watch in this entire number. I smiled throughout.

Can't remember anything specific from Brave Sir Robin, but I just LOVE his facial expressions in this. He gets across what Robin is thinking even better than if Robin was talking about his feelings.

For his Broadway/Jews number, wow, he has improved 10 fold since I saw him in January (and I loved it then!) He just OWNS it, it's amazing. He pushed his tunic way up when we went to sit on the piano. Not that I would pay attention to that sort of thing, but it was a clear view. Lots of screams for that (and I forgot to mention, it didn't seem like a Clay crowd, but he got loads of applause by the time the show ended!) During the bottle dance, he had this hilarious look on his face, like "omg, am I going to make it through this" that I don't remember seeing in January. So cute. He was really pumping his fists and proud after that number, and then he realized the king was there, but the king didn't seem to care about that (don't remember that in January either?) Non-Clay related, but even 3 shows in, the "HAY" part of this number is probably my favorite part of the whole show. It's so silly and a twist, I know it's probably stupid to say, but I love it.

The guard was just hilarious! I can't remember laughing that hard! I thought it was funny in January, but it doesn't compare to now. The timing, the facial expressions, everything is spot on. The bit with the ribbons (is that new from earlier?) was hysterical. At one point, he started braiding the ribbons, and pretty much the entire audience lost it. I need a thesaurus for more words other than funny/hysterical/hilarious!

During the curtain call, when the King was talking about what you could purchase for charity. The last thing he talked about was the picture, and he said something like "Clay has generously donated his face for the cause", and Clay started caressing his face, and tilting his head. Hilarious & cute at the same time, this was the other time I wish I could have taken pics! BTW, the picture tonight was Clay & Hannah (I know I would have caved and bought it with both of them!) There didn't seem to be many people getting it, though. And I thought I heard you could watch them get pics, but they were telling people they had to leave if they weren't getting a picture. We ended up getting the Playbill with everyone's signatures. The chorus girl pointed out Clay's name (we never brought him up), and I said, you are all fantastic. So she pointed out her name, too. ;) Rick was standing by the outside door collecting money, and as we approached, I saw someone took a pic with him. So we put some money in his bucket, and asked if I could get a picture with him. He said "of course, I don't cost as much as Clay!" Hee. We both said how amazing he is, and he thanked us. He also said I did a good job up there. ;) I posed holding my award, hee. So, I spent $40 instead of $300, got a pic with most of the cast, a pic with Rick, and everyone's signature. Not bad!

A few non Clay comments.

Tom wasn't there tonight, but I thought his understudy did a good job. I like Chris better than the current Sir Gallahad, but he definitely played up the "I'm so good looking" slant better, and I think he was just as good as Chris as Herbert's father. My only problem with him was his accent, or lack there of. When Dennis turns into Sir Gallahad, you should be able to tell a huge difference in the accents, but they sounded the same. *shrug*

Was VERY happy Hannah was there tonight. We were so close, I could see her sparkly lipstick. I sort of just skim the recaps (I didn't want to be over saturated on Spam before seeing my 2nd show), so I don't know if this is new or not, but the lines were different in her Diva's Lament song. I know the Brittany Spears part was taken out before, and changed to one of the Spice Girls. Tonight, though, I could tell the lines were completely different again (something about PMS & pills), and this time she's replaced by Heather Mills!

The Knights that say Ni improv was the PA primary results, that Hillary was leading (he gave the percentages.) Then he said "guess that means it's McCain in November!" The audience exploded laughing, and so did the King. He couldn't even look at the Knight, and had a hard time getting his next line out.

One annoying thing. The woman in front of me was taking pics with her cellphone. And I don't mean she was trying to sneak it. She was in the front row, and holding her phone way up to get a picture. And not just once, she did it a few times during "I'm Not Dead Yet" and then "All For One" (and yes, just of Clay.) I was happy that an usher came over to her to say not to take pics. However, she did it JUST as Clay was singing the "Idol of My Age/etc" lines, when he was right in front of us. Really annoying, no one sitting around me heard either line. Then during curtain call, she started taking pics with her digital camera. Lots of pictures. From the front row. When the cast was practically on top of her, looking RIGHT at her. When she's the 2nd seat in on the row. Security came over to her, took her camera, and deleted the pics. They stood and watched her until everyone left the stage.

Eek, that ended up longer than I expected!!

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I'm also hoping that at least for ONE of the closing weekend shows he'll SING the 'Amen' during his Brother Maynard role. :praying:

Yeah. I was sad that he didn't sing the amen at all during my weekend there. *snif*

I did love his singing out of Bring Out You Deh--ead, though! Quite lovely. I'm surprised no one ever mentions that in the recaps!

I have been working a lot and looking for a car so not online much.

Try to lurk and catch up a bit, but it's a losing battle!

Have a great day, All. Wish I had a plane to catch!!! :)

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I read on another board that Clay is scheduled for American Idol of May 6. Is that confirmed?

Wow, it's crazy how fast rumours can travel, isn't it? I saw the original post over on CH where someone searched on Clay and brought up the AI listing. The very next post was someone stating that you could bring up the listing by searching on any well known past AI alumnus. So in short, no, not confirmed at all.

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More recaps from last night...

from stripedshirts (CV)

Small, but some significant Spam tidbit:

I swung by Shubert theatre tonight to see what's doing, & got a brief moment w/ Brad Oscar, (Sir Bedevere). I was shocked to hear from him that this is Brad's last week w/ Spamalot - his last day is Sunday. He has a new gig lined up someplace else.

The original guy who played Sir Bedevere, Steve Rosin is the name, will return to resume his old role next Tuesday.

So more goodbyes on Sunday for Brad Oscar. I'm sure Clay will make a beautiful speech, gesture of goodbye since he, Brad & David Hibbard share some dancing at the last no. He will be missed.

ETA: Prince Herbert Standby Michael O'Donnell will be subbing for Tom Deckman until Friday...unless Tom decides to return earlier.

from Austenfan at the CB via CV:

part 1
Recap? Anyone say recap? Folks brains are probably halfway mush due to gorgeousness of album song snippets. I'm trying to find a little space in the left hemisphere somewhere between OMWH and Falling. I think we're seeing the second Spring Break Oy....It's Passover week and lots of folks have off from school or are taking off work. The first two and last two days of Passover have services so not too many shows then. But in between it's a good time for folks to go to shows and youth groups take trips etc. I'm taking my chances with the booth this week. Not the best seats but they are a great ode to Hebrew retail. Buy Oy...

Usually Passover is around the same time as spring break but it's very late this year. I was sitting next to some 'frum' (Yiddish for religious) Jews tonight. They had a blast. I think they were Python fans because they knew some of the lines. But didn't seem to know the show. They were hysterical at You Won't Succeed On Broadway which got an enthusiastic response. Clay's intro...Broadway a special place with very special people who can sing and dance- often at the same time....People who need people....who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in the world. Huge gut laughs on each impeccably timed line. Some likely Python fans yelled animal noises along with the cast when Clay sang about animals from zoos. Clay's raising of the tunic was especially artistic tonight. The curtains parted slowly and steadily to reveal a great, sight - wooly tights in all their glory....Not too woolly. Just perfect. Oh so perfect.

Clay got screams and even some catcalls on that. Ow....He sat down at the piano searching for the keys to play. Guffaws on that. He crossed his legs and slapped his knee his eye down and intense. His shoulder going back and up as he shook his hair back....that 'oh I'm so ready for an 8x10 glossy except it's no camera taking that picture...it's the minds eye of the audience....And then he gets up and stomps and shimmies.....huge cheers as he kneels down and stretches that mighty leg out, suspended in mid air and slides across on one knee and then the other, smoother then faster....and Chasidic dancing back up....then 'Hey' as the cart of hay goes by and Clay kicks at it. Papa, can you hear me? The big finish...the Yamulka and cane in hand and the high kicks as the audience screams and then down on one knee, hand over heart, head tilted with such overdone beckoning....Brother can you spare a dime....or $10,000....but he knows....his fists pumping in the air and then he sees the King....concern....worry....the King says 'Gosh'.....Clay waits....'We better go and find some Jews then.'. The King didn't notice the triumphant bows and fist pumps...relief....

A note on the Fish Schapping dance that was descibed earlier. A while back at stagedoor these lovely young ladies said they were from Finland. Clay asked them if they really slap each other with fish there? They said 'Yes, every day'.

Huge screams for Clay at the Tower scene. The folks next to me said 'Clay Aiken' when they heard the telltale hot, pop singer screams. Great reaction for Idol Of My Age. Just love Clay sideways, half smile at the end of each line on this. So Hollywood on Broadway. When Clay dances with Lancelot (Rick) at Bring Out Your Dead he does this little tap dance bit and tonight that got a big high kick. During Camelot as well. Clay added some full stretch, fully pointed kicks.

At Camelot Clay did quite the shimmy and pointed at the different girls like he was trying to choose. And did his leer under the dancer's skirt. Very deliberate....When the dancing girls started twirling the maces Clay look terrified and turned to the wall and then almost turned off stage. But Brave Sir Robin found his courage as those lovely ladies danced by. Sitting and watching LOTL throw her armor. Sipping at his drink. Clay stood on the dice and did his dance steps for the end of Camelot all while on top of the dice. Maybe the new guy is shorter and they're planning to change the choreography. Whatever. Exhaulted Clay perched above all so we can see and admire....I'll take it. Grail dance had Clay again turning forward with hand claps and forward pointing to the audience. Bobbing his head down and putting his upper body into it. Clay you got it. Rock on!!!

part 2

Guys were so powerful on Find Your Grail ending they were heard over LOTL. LOTL sang wonderfully as always but she did come around the stairs instead of over them for 'You're Not Alone Arthur'...so I"m guessing she's still protecting her injury. She did do the $300 picture with Clay so hopefully she's okay. LOTL changed the lyrics for Britney Spears/Posh Spice'. Tonight it was 'I take too many pills'...They're replacing me with Heather Mills...Heather Mills....and then a scream of fright....funny though I think the audience loves when she sings 'What I want, what I really, really want. Maybe they're making this an improv thing or at least changing every night. The peasant tonight was a pretty, young woman. Clay didn't try to shake her hand. He did applaud her and smile sweetly. The King usually says 'You will be revered here in New York forever along with Mayor Guilliani and either Joey Buttafuco or Leona Helmsley. Tonight he said ' Mayor Guilliani and the Naked Cowboy.

At slo-mo horse riding Clay sucked in his cheeks as far as they could go letting his tongue curl completely as he stretched it out. Then his mouth opened wide as he could, his tongue sticking out as far as could be. Bending low and back and forth....Good horse....Really good horse.

Clay patted his horse quite a bit before dismounting at the French Castle. Then a huge, slow leg lift, helped by his hand it was so high and big. And more patting of the horse. Cow only got a talking to tonight. Looks like Clay is partial to the horse. Me too. Can Can Dancer did another, strong forward thrust on Clay's posterior. And then a bunch of slaps on the rear. Then she grabbed the back end of his tunic and tried to pull him back from running away by the tunic. Methinks Can Can lady wishes she Could Could. No chance daughter of a window dresser. Get in line.

Soiling was classic wide stance, side to side wobble with a protective grab of the derriere and proper 'Oh G-d' yelp. Second soiling with a squat down and legs lifting up like a chicken. A chicken hearted Sir Robin did his thing. And during the Killer Rabbit scene a full, deer in the headlights look with a long squat and hand to the rear. When Clay said 'What's he do nibble your bum?" He did bunny nibble motion and put his hand by his backside.

Knights of Ni was Hillary 54, Obama 46 and looks like McCain in November...Good laughs.

The Guard scene just wowed -em. Clay wobbled and swayed as he nodded his head in such assurance to the instruction. All the funnier. This brought hisses of uncontrollable laughter. Clay was so into braiding the ribbons, father had to practically pull him up by the neck. More screams. 'If, if um..if, if um.....little flutters and stutters....then his hand waving the father back strongly which in his confused state is even more belly laughs 'I remember'. The high pitched laugh of 'Oh I thought you meant him....(pointing to the guard) and laughing at the silliness of that idea was so huge and then the arms waving enough and sharp transition to 'guard duty'...oxygen needed laughter on this one....Father leaves with his last instructions and Clay says in the American accent 'What' even more out of place funny and confused that way. Father cut off a bit there or it would have gone on even longer. Father/Galahad is settling in and getting laughs. Tom Deckman is missed. Not much fangirliness with Herbert tonight. Still hysterical alltogether. Brother Maynard just about brought down the house with complete clergy formality for this supreme silliness.

At the finale Clay and Patsy (David Hibbard) and Bevedere (Brad Oscar) did high, bent leg kicks from side to side with little shimmys. Then they all turn around and Clay shimmies his rear at the audience. Booty shake to make Beyonce proud...Tyra too...and the audience went wild....just screams.

The king said he knew we'd paid alot of money to get in and they were going to ask us for some more. Clay held up the signed posters and playbills and displayed them Price Is Right style. Then the King introed the pictue taking and said Clay has been so generous with his time and his face. Claly moved his open and all around his face to feature it. Oh my. A nice line of folks to take pictures. More folks than you'd think as the lines moved fast and people came up as they saw space on line. I could see lots of different folks on stage. Rick Holmes (Lancelot) and Brad Oscar (Bevedere) held buckets for donations. Rick Holmes kindly took a picture with the 'peasant'. Rick was so appreciative of the folks who put money in the buckets. They weren't getting something for that and I think he was particularly appreciative because of that. He and the others in the cast are such nice and kind people. What a great show.

Sweet Dreams!!!

From RockysMom at the CH:


I see snowdrop posted her recap! Just want to say that she did the CH and ClayNation proud last night....lovely young lady who had a great and much-deserved moment in the spotlight! Bravo sweetie!

Show was fabulous except for Tom's not being there....his replacement did pretty well as Not Dead Fred but I thought he sucked as Herbert. Since I'm always torn between watching Clay lying there breathing and watching Tom be hysterically funny last night I got to just enjoy watching Clay.His ribbon-fondling is getting funnier every night.

Had my picture taken with Clay and Hannah!!!!EEEE!!!I got lucky....best fucking photo taken of me in at least 40 years I swear. Funny part is that when you sign your credit card slip they ask you for your phone number....I mean Clay Aiken just had his hand on your back and they expect you to remember not only your name but your phomne number??? Good grief!!

One last thing....very sweet usher lady was joking around with me and some of the other frequent show-goers before the show started.I told her she only had to put up with us and our enthusiasm for a little while longer. She said everyone there was going to miss us....that they'd decided that if they were at the Shubert for another 20 years,no matter who was there,in what show...there would never be anything like the time Clay Aiken and his fans were there. We're one for the history books y'all.

Awww. Love that very last paragraph.

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How cute, the Tyra girl jsut posted at the OFC and she is just so cute and so bubbly. She doesn't want her post copied too much though.

Do you have the link? I can't find it.

ETA: What is the 'triangle' as mentioned by Clay in this YT video?

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Good Morning Everyone,

Today's countdown is dedicated to Cotton:

5 Days until Clay is on QVC! (4/28)

7 Days until Clay is on Tyra (4/30)

8 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown (5/1)

11 Days until the Closing Night of Spamalot (5/4)

13 Days until On My Way Here is Here (5/6)

19 Days until Clay is on Leno (5/12)

22 Days until the Climmel! (5/15)

Everyone have a great day!


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How cute, the Tyra girl jsut posted at the OFC and she is just so cute and so bubbly. She doesn't want her post copied too much though.

Do you have the link? I can't find it.

Since MsMarm quoted this on the CH I am assuming it's ok to copy it here.

Cheer4Clay870 at OFC wrote:

i might as well fess up already since my whole face is floating around is now floating around on the internet. hahah i was trying to keep it SUCH a secret because i read in the contract i signed that i wasnt really supposed to tell what went on.

but oh well here i go.

yes its me that was picked! my name is tara and im 16 years old from south jersey. i had never MET clay before ever (well except for a few handshakes and shoutouts from the audience). so this was basically my DREAMMMMMM coming true. i FLIPPED OUT when the producer even CALLED me to even be considered for this! i wrote this big sappy story to Shira Piell saying that i was always made fun of in school for liking clay and that i got so depressed because i felt like i had no friends. but then i read LTS and it changed my life. i wrote too that i didnt have a sweet 16 party because i went down to Orlando, FL to see him on my birthday instead and that i have met most of my best friends from having clay in my life.

they told me that i had to come up to nyc on that wednesday to have a producers meeting or something? i was told to have my hair and makeup done (but they obviously re-did it when i got there) and to be prepared to be on camera and bring lots of outfits and clay shirts for them to pick from. ok???? i said.

when i got to the studio they picked out my outfit (i should have had a clue when they picked the spamalot t-shirt) and they told me that i was 1 of the 5 finalists. the other 4 girls were off somewhere else. we were all going to be the very first to see "clays new wax figure". we would each see it at different times and the girl who had the best reaction would win the biggest fan competition.

ok????? easy enough!

so we went outside, they put a BLINDFOLD on me so i wouldnt know where i was going (i thought we were going to madam tousous or something). i had to walk all around nyc IN HEELS and i had to get in a cab and whatnot. ugh it was painful on my feet.

so finally we get to the destination and they tell me to say this line in the camera something like "HI IM GOING TO BE THE VERY FIRST ONE TO SEE CLAY AIKENS NEW WAX FIGURE AND I AM SOOOOO EXCITED"

then someone came up to me and was like "YOURE SO EXCITED?!??!"

and i was like "YEAH??"

and she was like "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS?!?!"

and i was like "NOO!"

and she was like "...you dont know who this is?"

(of course i knew who it was! it was TYRA BANKS right in front of me!)


so then i was like "OMG IS THIS TYRA?!?!"

and she was like "YES!!!"


and she was like NOOOO!

then she was like theyre rolling the wax figure out right now! reach out and touch it!

so i was touching its CHEST and what was going through my mind was this

"wow this shirt is so soft. wait they put actual clothing on these wax figures? hold on a minute this does NOT feel like a wax figure..." then the thing jumped at me. and i screamed. and i took off my blindfold.

and it was clay aiken in the flesh right in front of me.


litterally. i even fell on the ground at one point.


during one point in the whole thing i was thinking about the other 4 finalists and i turned to tyra and was like "wait, what about the other 4 girls?" and she was like "GIRRRL IT WAS JUST YOU THE WHOLE TIMEEEE"


it was THE. BEST. expierence of my entire life. i got a backstage tour of spamalot and everything. the next week i was sent back to be on the actual show. hahah im shaking even thinking about this!

once the show airs ill add more details and all that jazz.

this may float to the CB. just dont give it to access hollywood or anything.

ETA: I can't watch YouTube at work but the only two definitions for "triangle" I can think of in relation to Clay are 1. the instrument he plays in the Not Dead Fred scene or 2. The Triangle as in the area which Raleigh is a part of in NC.

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YAY! It worked! I am activated! Any other furriners, try it! Go to the Mozes site and sign your cell # up that way, follow the instructions to text "go" to 66937, and maybe it will work for you too!

[sv]Yes, I am in my second childhood. What of it?[/sv]

Me too!! It totally MADE my (12 hour) workday yesterday to receive a text from Clay in the middle of it. Eeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!

ah man am I going to have to give up my aversion to phones so I can vote for Amazing Grace. WAMLAW is just so so... I don't know. Never understood the fandom's preoccupation with this song.

Oh please!! Me and my 12 relatives are losing! :cry4:

Could someone here please explain Hallelujah to me? Somewhere along the way, when people were discussing their lists of "songs I want to hear Clay sing", this song kept popping up over and over again. I had never heard of it, so started clicking on the links that were provided, of many different artists singing this song. None of them did anything for me at all. Am I all alone on this one? Am I missing something important in the lyrics? I really don't get the attraction, but I'm open to other's interpretations, and why this song seems to resonate with so many.

You're not alone. I have never gotten it at all; I've heard kd lang's version that everyone raves over :shrug: and hate it, and Jason Castro's version, which "sucked donkey balls" to quote a well known personage :lol:...and I still don't get it.

oolsee I appreciate your explanation....now I like the lyrics :cryingwlaughter: but I STILL don't like the song! Maybe if I heard Clay do it, I dunno.

I like WAMLAW, but would love to hear something different.

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Remember Orb's wedding, the closing scene from "Being a Green Mother".

EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK - I love those books. Have not read them in a couple of decades.

*high-fives jmh123*

Lord, I can't stand Piers Anthony (there's only so much punning I can take!)

Yeah, you only just happened to "know" books from two different series enough to talk about them.

I won't mention any other guilty pleasures - I have no guilt about Clay.

Hell, I know books from at least seven series of his - I liked his Tarot stuff, really liked the Bio of A Space Tyrant stuff, Cluster was OK, started out amused by Xanth but just rolled my eyes at the 17th billionth book (hell, Steven King has nothing on this dude!), worked my way through the Immortality and Phaze series - hell, I give authors I like at some point 2nd, 5th, 23rd chances....

Day after tomorrow! Woo Hoo!

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YAY! It worked! I am activated! Any other furriners, try it! Go to the Mozes site and sign your cell # up that way, follow the instructions to text "go" to 66937, and maybe it will work for you too!

[sv]Yes, I am in my second childhood. What of it?[/sv]

Me too!! It totally MADE my (12 hour) workday yesterday to receive a text from Clay in the middle of it. Eeeeeeeehhhhhh!!!

Woo hoo, we're 2 for 2! :clap:

O/T for the Claynadians on the board - today is the official Taste For Life day across Ontario. If you can't get to NYC to support the Broadway Cares/Equity for AIDS fundraiser, you might want to consider going out for dinner tonight at one of the participating restaurants. 25% of the cost of the meal going to HIV/AIDs related charities. We're eating Mexican tonight! Only 8 and half hours until dinner.....is this week extra-long, or what? Feels that way.

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How cute, the Tyra girl jsut posted at the OFC and she is just so cute and so bubbly. She doesn't want her post copied too much though.

Do you have the link? I can't find it.

ETA: What is the 'triangle' as mentioned by Clay in this YT video?

I believe it is the cities of Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC. Also known as the research triangle

Thanks for linking the clip, I had never seen that one before. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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OMG so Carman's little comments about Clay getting more help than her has turned into a TMZ story? And her newspaper has to defend her and the Clay fans are rightly called out abut how stupid they are? Really? This is just too much. Her comments deserved no comments at all. Of course Clay got more help than she did. Why is that so hard to beleive. Do we want behind the scenes look at idol at all or just want to hang on to the delusion that Idol hated Clay and he was so downtrodden. I don't get it. And now the fiirst comment I read was DEFENDING TMZ's attack on Carman. DEFENDING TMZ? Never thought I'd see the day. We need lives.

That paragraph brought to you by the word we but I realy don't include myself in this madness in my head heee.

OK is there a time table to pre-order from itunes to get the bonus track..any time before May 6? And bonus tracks are also on QVC? Do we know of any other bonus tracks that has to be ordered before May 6th?

The Tyra show recap was cute. What an experience.

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It's not really a big deal, but this mama need to protect Clay from every thing, even insignficant things is my pet peeve. I probably need to get over that cuz it's been 5 years now and I doubt it will change. Desert News

LOL when I saw the Tyra girl..but read it on the OFC I thought Tyra had a membership. Why that didn't make me burn rubber I don't know. Twas fun to read about Tara's experience.

Is it Saturday yet? I may have to rethink not going to Spam until Sunday night. What am I thinking?

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Shrek, the original is perfection... can watch over and over..the sequels? once was enough.

You are me, Couchie.

I'm back at work today. There wasn't any fresh fruit or complimentary coffee in my kitchen this morning. I'm sure the kitties won't be cleaning the apartment while I'm gone today. What's this about having to drive myself to work? And I won't be able to take a 15 minute stroll up the street to see Clay and his Spamily tonight. :cry4:

Just 4 days in NY & I'm spoiled. Oh well, I'll just put on my iPod, listen to OMWH & look on the bright side of life. :)

Hope everyone has a good day! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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You know wherethe fans go, the haters follow. Some of the comments were OK, some were silly, the TMZ story came out before the fans really wrote a lot. There are always some idiots, etc.

I admit posting on a board that the reason taht Carmen received less help was because there was less she could be helped. a minor bitch, but I believe probably true. What is really missed in the bruhaha is, besides the example of Clay receiving more vocal help) she complained a lot about the stylists let her go on TV dressed ugly. From what I understood, the stylists could advise, but not insist. If she wants to be upset, be upset at her guardian for that one! What was interesting in her defense, Carmen stated taht she used Clay as the example of someone given more help because he is the most famous. I guess she really does still live in her own world. because this makes me wonder if indeed it was him, or was it someone else? It was an oddly worded sentence. <- this is not a defense or offense, but just a musing.

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I am so happy with OMWH's numbers on itunes this morning !!! #7 album !!!! :clap::clap:

As far as fans' overreaction to whatever is written about Clay ? I don't unerstand it. People will keep writing this sort of thing for hits as long as there is a reaction. TMZ ? .....pfffft.... I can't stand what they do whether it is to Clay or other celebrities. So I don't read and I don't watch. I think TMZ is what is wrong with the media today, the need for sensationalisn at all cost.

I am just happy that we are getting a new album with new music. Happy that Clay's run in Spamalot is such a success. Happy that there is going to be a tour this year sometime. I am so there. I love that man.

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Just a reminder...today is the last day for the Broadway Cares Spamalot auction on ebay. Link is here. This should be fun to watch during the day. Even without all the frenzy of last minute bidding, they've raised almost $22,000. Not to mention the photos, on-stage auctions, collection buckets, and signed items for sale. They are certainly going to raise a pretty penny, and that makes me glad for the power of the pocketbooks of part of the Clay Nation.

OTOH...this latest article on the Carmen story just makes me shake my head. I know it's done in the spirit of "protecting" Clay, but sheesh. The man is almost 30 years old. He may have had a lot of possible questionable things happen in his life. BUT -- we all do. He does NOT need my protection. And yes, I know it hurts to read things that seem to "attack" someone I care about a lot. But golly gee, I think a certain singer has managed to find a lyric to help me with that...

At least whenever you feel pain

It lets you know that you’re alive

And I think that sums it up quite well for me.

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Eh, I wasn't impressed with Carmen's little story (which was a little whiny) and not that impressed with the Clay fan "attacks" - which mostly seem to be the same ol' people and even less impressed with the even whinier tone of the Deseret article. A quick Google search of "Rasmusen" came up with a grand total of 19 articles - one about somebody who bowled a 300 game and two about David A. It doesn't even look like the Clay fans attacked in force. Honestly, the "laughing baby" thing on You Tube got more negative responses. I admit I haven't looked at TMZ, but hell, I never look at TMZ.

And under other stupid ways to get media attention (and I admit, I think Carmen dropped Clay's name to get hits), is the new scoop on Kelly Clarkson apparently walking around nekkid in front of strangers. Oooookay. Let me go back to my New York countdown...

Hey! I see claytonic done there! Did you and ausdon get everything?

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As far as fans' overreaction to whatever is written about Clay ? I don't unerstand it. People will keep writing this sort of thing for hits as long as there is a reaction. TMZ ? .....pfffft.... I can't stand what they do whether it is to Clay or other celebrities. So I don't read and I don't watch. I think TMZ is what is wrong with the media today, the need for sensationalisn at all cost.

oh god me too..and what's doubly sad to me is that they are the go to people for the so called legit press. It really muddies the waters. It's hard for me to watch CNN anymore since they started spotlighting TMZ on all their shows. Yes the news is all about entertainment these days, but do they have to go to people that sensationlize things so much the little kernel of truth (some of times) can not even be found?

Yay for Itunes....do they do their tally like amazon..where it's this rolling count ever hour?

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