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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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From Canuck2010 at Clayversity:

I was so pleased that it was confirmed that it was "zoopy" that won the dinner. I was a tad twitchy about that one. I so didn't want the winner to be someone who would ruin the dinner for Clay & Co

So, I don't know who "zoopy" is but ....

HAH - sorry, incorrect information. Canuck was thinking of Spooky and she did not win the dinner. In fact, no one knows who won the dinner. I'm sincerely hoping it ain't FBM and her crew!!!

Not possible, this is the good news....purchasers were "vetted" first. Only approved purchasers allowed to bid.

can someone help me clue a fellow Canadian in on how to preorder on itunes and any other preorders that are hard for Canadians to do?

:thankyou: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

chacha, is it that he/she thinks they have to do it thru the US site (not true, and in fact impossible)...or is the person actually having trouble doing the preorder on the Canadian site?

On the Canadian site....bring up Itunes. Go to the Store in the task list at the left of the screen, or via the "house" icon in the grey bar at the top.

In the "Quick Links" square at screen right, see "Power Search". Click on it.

In the white "artist" bar at the top on the resulting screen, type Clay Aiken.

Hit Search.


On My Way Here is to the top right.

Click on Preorder.

Type your password, and click Buy.

It will ask you to confirm.


Hope that helps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

On a second note:....Is there anyone going to Spamalot prior to the end of the EC/BFA promotion that could purchase a signed Spamalot for a friend of mine?

She has paypal and would be most appreciative.

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On a second note:....Is there anyone going to Spamalot prior to the end of the EC/BFA promotion that could purchase a signed Spamalot for a friend of mine?

Hee check your PMs.

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Ok, what was that bit just about on 30 Rock??? I heard Alec Baldwin talking about going to see Clay Aiken in Spamalot - something about every night until it closes or he leaves the show!

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30 Rock Clay mention - it seemed like Alec saw his nemesis, and said something like I should have known, first Clay Aiken in Spamalot, and now you show up, then there was something about the guy staying here until Clay left or the show closed. I was so shocked to hear Clay's name said I didn't catch it all - didn't seem a diss, and the assumption was that anyone would know who Clay was.. Hopefully someone TIVO'd, a clip would be nice!

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the snippets!!!! :flirtysmile3:

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From RCA Marketing

QVC sent out an email blast tonight with this image.

Also, in the next RCA newsletter will be this video mother's day card but he wanted us to have it first!

Mother's Day wishes

For the first time in my life I wish I were a mother just so someone could send me that!

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Snippets are like only having one small chip with a titch of onion dip - never enough!!! But overall the CD has such an intriguing sound! I can't pick out details like some of you can but I just get the feeling that this is a very mature Clay Aiken singing these songs. His voice sounds more controlled or more modulated or something. I do hope there's at least one glory note in there somewhere. I enjoy the goosebumps they cause!

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Holy triple whammy! Amazon snippets, new auction, and Mothers Day greetings from Clay! I think my evening is complete! :cryingwlaughter:

Amazon snippets - OMG! Love them all.........going to save 2 so that I will have a couple of fresh songs, so I chose not to spoiler myself on The Real Me and Everything I Don't Need. Love the rest! I think As Long As We're Here is my favourite right now........that could change tomorrow, or in 5 minutes, though. ;)

YWSOB score on Ebay - I would give anything to be able to afford to bid on it. I have a thing for sheet music. I'd LOVE to own that. Good luck to anyone bidding! I would think it would go for a pretty hefty price.......

Mother's Day greetings from Clay - for some reason, it made me all schmoopie. Awwwwwwwwww, Clay wished me a Happy Mother's Day! I FLOVE it!

And now I'm supposed to go to sleep? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..............

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The promo is wonderful compared to last time. I don't give a crap that some think Clay going on QVC to sell his cd is somehow lacking in class... so was AI when it started and look who started showing up there to mentor and perform. Bon Jovi has done QVC and he's not exactly chopped liver! Someone asked why would he do that since he has already sold 6 million records, written a best seller, has a very loyal fan base, etc. Well, said I, cause up till now, radio won't play him, so he needs the exposure. (not that kind of exposure, sadly)

One tiny segment on AI got his cd moving up Amazon very nicely. QVC will sell thousands of cds and bravo for it!

Love the longer snippets! I'm only going to listen a couple of times, tho. He sure is singing more in his lower register on these snippets. I like that a lot! I love Ashes and Falling, but somehow with just the snippets, I really like I Walk The Line. There are a couple of places where he holds a note for a bit that I can see becoming a fantastically looooonngg note in concert! YAY!

LAA really stands out. Maybe cause it has a softer background and a softer sound, but even tho I have heard it LOTS, I still think it is a classic and can't wait to get reaction to it from others who are just hearing it.

He wished me Happy Mother's Day! He's such a thoughtful BF!!! And, so CUTE!

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I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.

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I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.

Me too, annabear, me too.

I'm in a quandary about whether or not to listen to these longer snippets. I sorta don't want to, but then again...things in real life are not so terrific right now so I think I'll let the man sing to me.....

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I'm in a quandary about whether or not to listen to these longer snippets. I sorta don't want to, but then again...things in real life are not so terrific right now so I think I'll let the man sing to me.....

Yes, muski, let the man sing to you - you won't be sorry!

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