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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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Big favor to ask...

Does anyone know how long there will be autographed Playbills? If anyone is going and they are still selling them, could you get me one? I was supposed to be there this week for 2 shows, but had to cancel to handle my mother's estate and get the house ready to sell. :cry4: Sometimes real life just sucks. I can send you a check or send money through paypal.

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OK, quick break in the action before going to another class.

Yes, CG, you can't listen to the interview if you want to stay virginal.

I agree with djs and Iseeme about the continual insistence of "the question." But, IMO, that suggests that people cannot get over obsessions with that kind of thing (and since I've seen other "obsessions" before in this fandom [/snerk] I'm not real surprised by it). To me, sexuality is a fascinating topic to so many because we're not really a free and open society about it. But that's another topic for another time. Anyway, I have no real problems with Clay going on Leno or Ferguson or anyone else like that. Again, I think all of us are a bit two-faced from time to time, so I'm not going to cast a stone.

Also, I wonder if this interview makes a few people unhappy, just because they were thinking that after ATDW, the question would never be brought up again. "Oh good, got all that damn mess out of the way the last time, this time will just focus on the music." As much as I don't like it, I truly believe he'll never dodge the question. I don't think Clay likes it either...and that's one of the reasons why he gives his response as "none of your beeswax." Anyway, publicity can't be manipulated as much as I think some would like it to be. In the meantime, Clay is a smart man, and he handles himself well in almost any kind of situation. I'm not worried.


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I don't care who it is - Billy Bush (little Larry King wannabe - bwaahahahah!) I'M TIRED OF THE QUESTIONS. They have nothing to do with Clay the entertainer. I've had people say "well, he won't answer!" That's not true. He's answered the question numerous times and right from the beginning in the RS interview. I don't blame him for not wanting to say it anymore. People will believe what they want to believe and his constant denials wouldn't make any difference and would just call more attention to the issue. Aside from being a gross invasion of privacy, it's nobody's busines and extremely RUDE. It just goes to show the level the 4th estate has sunk to for the almighty dollar. Why not talk about what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom rather than the wonderful contributions they make toward the well-being of children all over the world. I just get incensed when this crap comes up again. And it also pisses me off that Clay has to pimp his CD on shows like Leno and Ferguson - and then the next week those anal sphincters will turn around and tell gay jokes about him and show him utter disrespect. I know "it is what it is" - but it still makes me furious. (oops, can you tell?) Sorry, tangent over.

Iseeme, you Go, girl! :clap: Especially love your way with words ('anal sphincters'---BWAH! :cryingwlaughter: )

CG--You can listen to the interview, but then stop listening when they start to play OMWH...not only do they also play the first part of The Real Me, Clay then talks about that song and you won't like what he says.


Oh dear...look at the time! I really must get to work... :lilredani:

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"If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream," Aiken says.

Hee. I liked that part too!

OK Claygasm was first with a restaurant for SUNDAY< APRIL 27th... after the matinee if anyone wants to join us.

Its John's Pizzeria. Its right on 44th, almost across from the theater - more across from the theater where Phantom is. Just down from Sardi's.

Its a restaurant on an old church complete with stained glass windows!

If anyone needs my cell, PM me or get it from LdyJ if I'm not around.

My flight isn't until tonight but very busy day....

I wanna goooooooooooooooooooo! Have so much fun, peeps! KAndre, KF, Couchie, and whoever else is going! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

That actually was a great interview with Billy Bush. I don't think Billy pushed too hard on the personal stuff, and Clay was pretty articulate in response. Billy played all of On My Way Here and the beginning of The Real Me, and Clay discussed his take on the songs.

Totally agree... what an awesome, complimentary interview little Billy Bush gave Clay.

WaPo already tried to make TRM about Clay's sexuality and he got to rebut that and say what it's really about to him in his own words. So fuck 'em.

The beginning of TRM is gorgeous! I'm so excited about the whole album.

Wow, what a difference the actual mp3 of the interview makes! Great interview, and Billy Bush (whoever he is) is very complimentary of Clay. Love, love, love to hear him talk about the album and how it came about and what the songs mean to him. :)

Billy Bush is George's little cousin... the one with his tongue out staring at Clay. He's a little twit.


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Couchie, if you happen to eat at the Popover Cafe, try the apple butter. Have a wonderful trip!!

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Ahhh, John's & the Popover Cafe - 2 more places we missed while in NY! More reasons to go back! Another reason to go back? Even with eating good food & drinking good wine, I managed to lose 8 lbs. thanks to all the walking! Who woulda thunk - The Spam Diet!! :cryingwlaughter:

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You know, I KNOW he has to appear on those shows and I know it's "show business" but it still irks me that there is such a lack of personal integrity in late night hosts (other than Jimmy, of course, who took the time to get to know Clay for the wonderful guy he is!!!!) Anything for the laugh!!! It's going to be worse when Jay retires and Conan takes over. ICK!!!!

There was another restaurant we tried to get in to but there was a 90 minute wait...... it was "something" Starlight Cafe. The waiters all sang. Rats. Wish I could think of the name of it. We didn't eat there - obviously- but heard great things about it. I'm not a big fan of Junior's - to be honest! But it's always fun to meet other Clay fans after the show.

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they also play the first part of The Real Me, Clay then talks about that song and you won't like what he says.

OH SHIT!!!! If its what I think it is I will NEVER listen cause then it will cloud my ability to listen to the words objectively. I won't be able to get out of my head what he said!

Maybe AFTER I listen to the song I can listen to what he said about it - or not!

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Well crap CG. I was going to post for you that if you wanted to hear the interview without hearing the songs, skip from the 4:00 to 7:52 minute mark, and again from 9:00 to 9:43 mark. (All you other truly virginal types, this will help you stay that way. *g*) But if you don't want to know what HE feels the song The Real Me is about -- well, I think I'd just not listen to it at all. Sorry.

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You know, I KNOW he has to appear on those shows and I know it's "show business" but it still irks me that there is such a lack of personal integrity in late night hosts (other than Jimmy, of course, who took the time to get to know Clay for the wonderful guy he is!!!!) Anything for the laugh!!! It's going to be worse when Jay retires and Conan takes over. ICK!!!

I enjoy Jimmy Kimmel, buit don't think he is any better or worse than any other late night host. They have to talk a lot every night and I thinkthey run out of material a lot. Don't forget Kimmel is good friends with Conan and with Ripa and that since people got bored with complaining about Conan, he has cut back tot he occaisional joke. He was more stubborn about outlasting us, I think, not to mention his main writer was pissed about having his peta campaign pulled and being malighned by people suddenly not a fan. So much of show buiness is dealing and getting over it and moving on with career opportunities. I think this is one reason why I am so offthe Clay relationship roller oaster. I won't dislike people because they were mean to Clay. Maybe the exception is Ripa because I saw her diatribe live and was quite horrified at the fact she was allowed to go on so long without someone slapping her. I guess that makes two shows that will never make the best of R&K. WIth Clay and complaining about Clay.

Gossip, if it were only a few, but it pervades our society, I know I have talked about Britney, so obviously, I too, and guilty of following celebrity. I have definitely gossiped about Ripa, and she so deserved it. The fascination with sexulaity is an issue., but whatcha gonna do? Clay has to deal because real news is not followed anymore by the decreased ability to understand real information and all the boringness of actually having to understand about the issues with things like the international relationships and treaties that affect our dealings with Pakistan and the ilk. So much easier to judge a celebrity and adopt their opinion because we like them.

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they also play the first part of The Real Me, Clay then talks about that song and you won't like what he says.

OH SHIT!!!! If its what I think it is I will NEVER listen cause then it will cloud my ability to listen to the words objectively. I won't be able to get out of my head what he said!

Maybe AFTER I listen to the song I can listen to what he said about it - or not!

Maybe it's just me, but I don't have a problem with knowing how a singer relates to a song...in fact, I like knowing. But it doesn't have any bearing on how I relate to it. Does that make sense? It's kind of like when I hear someone say they can't relate to an Elton John love song because they figure he had a guy in mind while singing it....WTF? A love song is a love song. A song about the Real Me is obviously going to relate differently to just about everyone who listens to it (or sings it). I can't even imagine skipping certain Clay interviews or Clay appearances because he may say something I don't like. But hey, whatever floats your boat. Differences make the world go round! ;)

ETA: Just wanted to point out that Clay specifically states that he would rather let people relate to the songs without talking about his feelings, but the interviewer pushed it, so he answered.

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I wondered what it might take for me to post again. I guess this interview is it.

FLOVE!!! Whatever things Billy has or hasn't done in the past, this is a good interview. He's respectful of Clay and comes across as really liking the CD. Yes, he asks about the 'issue'. Perhaps we wish it would never be mentioned again - but that isn't reality. Clay keeps saying the CD is about his journey over the past five years, and for better or worse, that's been a part of the journey. He handled the questions with style and Billy accepted his answers and let him speak.

As for his thoughts on The Real Me... well he specifically said he didn't really want to give his reasons for/relationships with the songs so that other could interpret them for themselves. That each person could relate to them in their way. He gave his perspective on the song. He feels it's about God. If people choose to deprive themselves not only of enjoying it, but of ever listening to him sing it because of that perspective? That, I don't understand. But I don't need to, as it isn't me.

Couchie, try not to fall over too hard, k?

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ETA: Just wanted to point out that Clay specifically states that he would rather let people relate to the songs without talking about his feelings, but the interviewer pushed it, so he answered.

While I was reading luckiest's post I was forming my response - then got down to the ETA and didn't have to!!!!! I think The Real Me is going to be one of my favorite songs - regardless of how Clay interprets it!

Also - I'm not on the "hate anyone who disses Clay" train - let's make that perfectly clear! BUT, having said that, I think so-called comics or late night hosts that make certain people or people's lifestyles the butt of their nasty jokes is disgusting. I'm no prude. Far from it. But some of the character assassinations that take place after prime time make me sick. Just because he's Jay Leno he can say whatever he wants without ramifications? On television? Sorry. Not buying that. As for Kelly Ripa - I have never liked her. She's an attention-whore with little or no talent who has an over-aggrandized opinion of herself.

I don't know whether I prefer Jimmy because he's a so-called friend of Clay or because his brand of humor isn't quite as cutting and nasty as it used to be. Just my opinion.

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You know, I KNOW he has to appear on those shows and I know it's "show business" but it still irks me that there is such a lack of personal integrity in late night hosts (other than Jimmy, of course, who took the time to get to know Clay for the wonderful guy he is!!!!) Anything for the laugh!!! It's going to be worse when Jay retires and Conan takes over. ICK!!!

I enjoy Jimmy Kimmel, buit don't think he is any better or worse than any other late night host. They have to talk a lot every night and I thinkthey run out of material a lot. Don't forget Kimmel is good friends with Conan and with Ripa and that since people got bored with complaining about Conan, he has cut back tot he occaisional joke. He was more stubborn about outlasting us, I think, not to mention his main writer was pissed about having his peta campaign pulled and being malighned by people suddenly not a fan. So much of show buiness is dealing and getting over it and moving on with career opportunities. I think this is one reason why I am so offthe Clay relationship roller oaster. I won't dislike people because they were mean to Clay. Maybe the exception is Ripa because I saw her diatribe live and was quite horrified at the fact she was allowed to go on so long without someone slapping her. I guess that makes two shows that will never make the best of R&K. WIth Clay and complaining about Clay.

Gossip, if it were only a few, but it pervades our society, I know I have talked about Britney, so obviously, I too, and guilty of following celebrity. I have definitely gossiped about Ripa, and she so deserved it. The fascination with sexulaity is an issue., but whatcha gonna do? Clay has to deal because real news is not followed anymore by the decreased ability to understand real information and all the boringness of actually having to understand about the issues with things like the international relationships and treaties that affect our dealings with Pakistan and the ilk. So much easier to judge a celebrity and adopt their opinion because we like them.

I so agree with you Playbiller!!

I'll go one step further and say that comedy is SERIOUS business, and although I have never watched a live Kimmel show, I have looked at tons of his stuff on YouTube, especially all the Clay ones, and the impression I have is that Kimmel (and his GF Sara) would do anything for a laugh, (read: would stoop at nothing to promote their own careers).

And ditto for Ripa. Clay has never publicly said a negative word about her. The only reason Clay did the hand-to-mouth thing was in gest, total and complete fun because after all, that was the relationship Ripa herself "created" when she did that spoof on Clay doing Invisible. I totally understood why Clay would have felt comfortable about what he did AT THAT TIME. If Ripa genuinely didn't like it, she could have been a lot more gracious about it. And THEN to go on and on about it to Regis. I just don't understand why she is so popular. I find her voice irritating.

As Clay WOULD say, if he wasn't such a gentleman, FFFFFFFFForget Ripa!

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Oh my. His voice in that snippet of the beginning of TRM. Such vulnerability. I'm toast. :wub:

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If people choose to deprive themselves not only of enjoying it, but of ever listening to him sing it because of that perspective?

cindilu, just to clarify from MY perspective...I didn't gather that anyone is suggesting that they are not going to listen to the SONG here...just that they'd rather not hear Clay say what the words mean to him before she hears the song.

Interesting thing, this. I love to conjecture and project what Clay 'means' by choosing to sing a song, by singing a song the way he does, by singing it when he does, etc....but he's right. For me, it's better NOT to hear him say what the song means to him in some ways...because then the song is personal to ME without any filters...

Whatever. The VOX...that's the bottom line. :wub:

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You know, I KNOW he has to appear on those shows and I know it's "show business" but it still irks me that there is such a lack of personal integrity in late night hosts (other than Jimmy, of course, who took the time to get to know Clay for the wonderful guy he is!!!!) Anything for the laugh!!! It's going to be worse when Jay retires and Conan takes over. ICK!!!!

There was another restaurant we tried to get in to but there was a 90 minute wait...... it was "something" Starlight Cafe. The waiters all sang. Rats. Wish I could think of the name of it. We didn't eat there - obviously- but heard great things about it. I'm not a big fan of Junior's - to be honest! But it's always fun to meet other Clay fans after the show.

Ellen's Stardust Diner. :)

See, I just see the talk shows as venues to market product. They're just simply commercials. USED by artists and entertainers to promote product. They are tools. :)

Clay has to deal because real news is not followed anymore by the decreased ability to understand real information and all the boringness of actually having to understand about the issues with things like the international relationships and treaties that affect our dealings with Pakistan and the ilk. So much easier to judge a celebrity and adopt their opinion because we like them.

Play, I agree with most of your post, but not this part. One does not preclude the other. People can be highly interested, very capable of understanding, and very involved in the real world, using their own extremely rational and intelligent brain, and still toss around a piece of celebrity gossip or two. It's not our best quality, but it is indeed a very real part of our culture.

You proved it right here:

Gossip, if it were only a few, but it pervades our society, I know I have talked about Britney, so obviously, I too, and guilty of following celebrity. I have definitely gossiped about Ripa, and she so deserved it.

But then, you know, some people just can't resist an opportunity to poke at someone else. They just.can't.

So, what are the acromyms for OMWH?










Plus I just learned a whole new set from a new client yesterday. I'm gonna be in trouble if their datasheets use any of those ^^! :lol:

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I love large and in-charge Clay. In charge of the interview, and in charge of his album. Convincing RCA to let him choose songs that HE wants. Choosing lyrics that resonate with him, songs that he can sing beautifully, songs that are organic for him. And from what I've heard so far, he chose extremely well!

Yes. However, I will say until the cows come home that the reason RCA gave him a more freedom for this album is because of the negotiations for ATDW. I'm POSITIVE that there had to be some "give and take" 2 years ago between him and RCA. My opinion is that he KNEW if he did what his bosses asked of him last time, he'd get more leeway THIS time. To me, it's been a successful journey. He also knew, IMO, that he had time in his career to get the album he wanted, and that there would be detours along the way. I still don't believe that many of the fans believed that -- they needed the LAST album to be THE ONE. Unfortunately, I don't see much of Clay Nation as particularly patient. In my case, though -- I tried to be. I love ATDW, and am going to love this one as well.

I agree with you 1000%! And I'm excited that he's had the leeway this time to make his own decisions about the album.

I'm at work, so can't listen to the interview right now. I'll be listening right when I get home, though! And will be catching up on any other new stuff that comes up in the meantime. I'm glad I'm working today, though, instead of QVC day. Gotta see that one live!

Cindilu, good to see you posting again! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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OK, who is screwing around on the internet and logging me out everywhere when I try to reply?

Sometimes I think of people in my real life when I reply, I have relatives that live for gossip, that is their main focus. Yes, I occaisionally get into who did what and may have made some get Lindsay some help comments, but I know people who live for those commentsand their politics is strictly celebrity driven. I find a lot of people in real lifve less knowledgible of world events than years ago, it is almost as if it is too much for them to stand. So, unless I live in a bubble, I do believe the world has become to complex. That goes for people who agree and people who disagree with me. I ran into a 24 year old the other day that I used to discuss politics with and he is still back in the old days, has formed few new opinions, as if no one discusses anything with him before. I used to make him disagree with me because I told him I make plenty of mistakes and have lots of wrong opinions, so he better come up with some of his own. But now there seems to be some group think that is easier, he believs things I said to him years ago or he believes things his friends ahve said to him, but critical thinking is missing. It is almost like disagreeing with someone means you don't have to like them. This is totally contrary to the way I believe. Disagreement is needed for growth and it helps you to see the different sides of things. Disagreement is a good thing - see, I disagree with YSRN and that is a good thing, heh.

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