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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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From CV

Clayperfect just called back and said something is going on in the Shubert alley. Guys in suits pulled up and are standing around. They've set the barricades up in an L shape. She said it's almost like they're setting up for a red carpet or something. Didn't we hear that there were going to be some VIP's there tonight?
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Laughn You beat me to it, I was just going to post that! Very interesting!


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:wein::voll: to Clay and cast and crew

just posted at CV...

Call from toni7babe before the show:

They have the stage door blocked off - apparently had to so that people who needed to use the door could get in. Crowd in the alley is huge!

The saw Mike Nichols go in the stage door. Also Chris Seibert.

Nick was outside the theatre - he has a beard!

Quiana is inside the theatre - sitting in the center section.

Jerome is here there and everywhere.

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I think I'll just let Laughn bring over the updates...you sure have a quick finger on that clicker! :cryingwlaughter:


OMWH is #9 on Amazon!

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I think I'll just let Laughn bring over the updates...you sure have a quick finger on that clicker! :cryingwlaughter:


OMWH is #9 on Amazon!

I swear, it must be like a Spidey sense or something. I was away, doing school work, when I felt the need to check the board. :cryingwlaughter:

...don't depend on me though...I really am here and there.

#9? Whoo-hoo!!

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Hi All I'm baaaaack! Havent had time to catch up at all yet but I look forward to doing so. LOVED Spamalot! The whole cast was fantastic especially you-know-who.Unfortunately no stage door appearance the nights I was there but did get to meet Tom Deckman, one of my new faves.

Our whole trip was great. Got to meet the lovely ChaCha and Mr ChaCha in Washington who chauferred us around like royalty. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

We met up with Annabear and her mum in NY. Waving! (cant find emoticon- am brain dead/jet lagged)

Got lots of lovely goodies from KAndre for my own clack-fest! Yay! Claytonic I will be in touch soon!

PS. Wish I was in NY now :cry4:

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Clay owns that alley right now. And tonight he'll say good-bye to it. And that's the LEAST of it.

One of the last things I did in New York before we flew home a few of Sunday mornings ago was walk through a deserted Shubert Alley a final time. I certainly hope I'll make it back to NYC again in the future, and I may even walk through that alley again, but I imagine it will be all long time before it buzzes again with the kind electricity that Clay's stage door appearances brought.

Farewall Sir Robin. You brought chivalry to a rude and churlish time.


Hello, Mr. PopStar. You've learned to fly...


I've read a few posts in the past couple of days that have made me choke back tears. This was one of them. Even with the excitement of the new cd ahead I can't help but feel a little sad that his broadway run is over. The successes that Clay has had can't be taken away by the words of some asshat music reviewers. I think keepingfaith's post about the relevance of music reviewers rings so true. Why would people take their word for anything, when they can listen to snippets and make up their own mind.

So take your final bow brave Sir Robin, you can make it anywhere now........ :F_05BL17blowkiss: crack like an egg, my ass.

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posted at the CB by ritanow

I was on the OFC chat and they said that the Florists delivered 118 arrangements.. Also that one of the people who work there said that if they work on Broadway for 20 more years they would never forget Clay Aiken and his Claymates.....hope that is good

crack like an egg, my ass


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Just talked to Suz

The dancer when she was doing the shimmy rubbed all over Clay.

She said she thinks they are speeding things up a little.

Great crowd. Jerome brought Angie in and seated her. So they are all there.


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Intermission report from toni7babe:

Angela arrived just as the lights were going down. She, Quiana, Nick, and Mary are all sitting together. They are greeting the fans and getting pics taken with them at intermission.

LOTL sang Invisible again.

Lots of special attention paid to Clay by the girls in the Camelot scene. One gave him a kiss on the cheek. The one he shimmies with put her hands and arms around him. The nun stood in front of him and prayed. hee.

Great show and fabulous audience.

That's it.

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I am really getting all verklempt with the attention the cast is giving him tonight...

too cute for Hannah to sing invisible...wow its going to be so different around that theater after he leaves...

sniff...and the touring family is there...is Jesse there?

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*hands out Kleenex*

Interrupting the kerklemptness to post this:

LaLate eLATEd first episode

It has their video review of OMWH, and it's a good one. They single out SAU as the standout track.

In other news....I'm a realist. Always have been. Therefore, when I think about Clay, I tend to keep things in check when it comes to expectations for him. It's a fine balancing act....realism vs. expectations. Therefore, that's why I keep this as my mantra -- I want what he wants. I hope he does well, and think he will do well enough to keep recording far into the future.

And cool? Screw that. I'm proud to be a middle-aged woman who loves Clay Aiken. I have fun dammit -- and no one can take that away from me.

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh - ldyj, thanks for the vid ink.

Key phrases......"OMWH is lyrically brilliant!" "Something About Us is a sweeping song that showcases Aiken's talent!"

Great review!!! Very positive. Nice one to end the day on!

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crack like an egg, my ass


Something cracked all right--but it wasn't Clay.

People keep talking about the difference in the PR between Spamalot and the album PR, but I don't think it's the PR that's different. It's that Clay has been treated with so much respect and love by his peers on Broadway, compared to the way he is too often treated by too-cool folks in the music biz. On Broadway, talent and hard work and heart are respected far more than "cool" points--that's what Ms Too Cool Levy didn't get.

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Found this at CV..

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:38 pm GMT Post subject: Reply with quote

Partial recap from the Clackhouse Spamcert.....

-Everyone on stage is giving Clay lots of attention....kissing from the girls in Camelot, hugs and rubbing against him, smacks on the butt.

-The audience is giving tons of love to all of the cast.

-Major screams for Clay when he first appeared in the tower. The cast are all expecting it and the king looked around as if to say "Where's that coming from?"

-Quiana, Angela, Nick etc. all in the audience

-Audience completely full......even the boxes.

-Family and friends sitting in Row 6.

-At "Not Dead Yet" scene Clay said '$%*%' when Fred started dancing and 'Son of a @%*@+' when the guys on the cart started singing

-Hannah sang Invisible again during her lounge act.

-The nun stood in front of him with hands folded looking at him in awe.

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*hands out Kleenex*

And cool? Screw that. I'm proud to be a middle-aged woman who loves Clay Aiken. I have fun dammit -- and no one can take that away from me.

Here! Here!!!! :clap:

No one can rain on my parade but me and that ain't happenin'!!!

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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!!! My laptop now has a US IP (at the hotel), so I was able to download OMWH from Amazon. You have NO idea how thrilled I am!!! :cryingwlaughter:

Only thing....it didn't ask me for payment information! Just went ahead and downloaded....scratches head........what's up with that?

Did anyone else do this? Do they bill you or something?

EEEEEE tyvm never though of that.

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From GBB at CH.

On the phone with Ficus. The family's going up on stage!

from smittenwithclay at the CV

suz reported:

knights of ni sang "my baby takes the morning train"

full on flash when he sat down at the piano

during the string brading part he went on and on and on, after a few minutes prince herbert sat down, and the king sat on the stage and patsy sat down and let him keep braiding and braiding.

someoen else will have to report the curtain call, she couldnt remember many details for me haha, but the screaming was INSANE


spot and deborah760 were crying

all the girls in the backline of the chorus were crowding around him at the end

when the king came out for his bow, he didn't take his "stance"

he immediately knelt down and held out his arm for Clay


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Bringing this over from getclayaiken:

Listening to the CV cellcert & there are huge screams from the crowd. They said CLay is up on the roof waving and blowing kisses at the crowd. The crowd is going crazy.
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