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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Heh, I watched. Boss is out for the day, so wth. Not nearly as short as I thought it was going to be, and I love that he did the verses he did. My favourites. He looked and sounded great, and it was so nice to see the girls back with him again! :)

Thanks luckiest1! After watching, I have to agree with KAndre that I thought the Grand Canyon stuff actually WORKED in the context of the song. Beautiful song, beautiful scenery. JMO, of course.

I also watched the Invisible clip, and hey! He went UP on "smartest!" Hee. Yeah, I think that was a good reintroduction to Clay for some.

I know people are itching for him to show these uptempo songs to the mass public. I can agree -- to a point. I think he does killer with the songs, and he could very well change some minds. At the same time -- I don't think "we" know exactly what will work with the people who don't follow Clay that much. They might get totally turned OFF by the uptempo stuff. It's so hard to judge, really.

OK, I really am going to try and work now. Heh.

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give me 5 minutes of music promo over 3 days of tabloid discussion


ETA: After finishing my unpacking yesterday, I also have your book that you were enjoying oh sooooooo much, Cindilu! :cryingwlaughter: I would have packed your lotion with your sneakers, Couchie, but I wasn't checking my bag & couldn't fit it in my little bag for security!

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this is a really nice post on CH by squeakyclean that give us a bit of perspective on this promo appearance:

Stopping in for a minute to add my (contradictory) opinions as someone who could be considered a casual follower these days...

Although I knew this new album was coming out, I really wasnt conscious of it, nor was I of the GMA appearance. I watch GMA while getting ready and was pleasantly surprised to hear Clay would be on..

To me? I didnt see any standoffishness from Diane and I thought it was a nice segment.

Plus, it reminded me to order the album from ITunes, which I did this morning and listened to on my way to work.

YMMV, of course :)

I think I will be staying away from certain boards that are pretty concerned about sales...I am being zen about this. I want to think positively about this CD on the long run so I won't worry about the first week sales...

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to change the topic for a sec...found this on CH...a recap of an interview Debra BYRD did with a radio station...I thought this little paragraph was very interesting...specially considering Clay's recent Broadway stint.

The dj asked her if she ever openly disagrees with the judges or confronts them about their criticisms of the contestants, or whether she isn't that kind of person. She assured them she was "that kind of person", and would speak to them if she thought they were being too harsh and as an example, she said somewhere around the second season she asked Simon what his problem with Clay Aiken was, and he answered that he thought Clay had too much Broadway-style delivery and mannerisms. She told Simon, well don't worry about that - we're working to fix that.
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So I was just thinking, which can be dangerous, and I am no marketing expert by ANY means however, even I can sit down in front of my computer and write the most perfect roll out for Clay's album that would guarantee it twenty gazillion sales. It's really easy to do. What's HARD is actually being able to implement that. Not only do you need contacts which I don't have, you have to convince those contacts that your guy is better than everyone else clammoring for time. You also have no control over how the performer does or any reaction by the public. Sometimes one performance, like AI5 for Keeping Faith is all it takes - other times, someone seeing him on their local Atlanta station yesterday and then good morning america will be all it takes. Clay will be doing appearances all week so I'll just to hope that he is seen by enough folks to give him a good start. I care about sales in that I want him to rule the world heh but moreso as I don't think I'll be able to take another round of 2006 if this album doesn't do well enough. Now, off to work. Thankfully, cross training every spare part in the office paid off for me and I came back to if not clean, a very organized office.

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Hi All I'm baaaaack! Havent had time to catch up at all yet but I look forward to doing so. LOVED Spamalot! The whole cast was fantastic especially you-know-who.Unfortunately no stage door appearance the nights I was there but did get to meet Tom Deckman, one of my new faves.

Our whole trip was great. Got to meet the lovely ChaCha and Mr ChaCha in Washington who chauferred us around like royalty. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

We met up with Annabear and her mum in NY. Waving! (cant find emoticon- am brain dead/jet lagged)

Got lots of lovely goodies from KAndre for my own clack-fest! Yay! Claytonic I will be in touch soon!

PS. Wish I was in NY now :cry4:

Going waaaaay back a few days to *wave* to Ausdon, who got home & lost in the middle of the Spam Finale! We loved meeting up with her & her family in Shubert Alley. Wish we could have spent more time together, but I'm glad I finally decided to go over and ask if she was who I thought she was, as she was having trouble with her cell phone & we couldn't call each other! Hope you're finding your way out of all the laundry! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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...give me 5 minutes of music promo over 3 days of tabloid discussion.


I didn't get to watch GMA 'live' this morning and was a little alarmed by the online reaction as I waited on the downloads. But, watching the clip of Clay sing "On My Way Here", I expected the camera to cut away to the Grand Canyon...and when it did, I was completely startled (and delighted) when my whole body suddenly quivered with goosebumps. Unexpected reaction, for sure. Clay's voice is so...wow.

Clay looked (and sounded) gorgeous. I actually like the way they edited the song, quite seamless...the girls looked polished and pretty...band sounded cool. And on "Invisible", he sang the high note on 'smartest man', which he hasn't done in ages...and his 'wait, I already am' was guh...sexy.

I was expecting 'more'...but got a different kind of 'more' than I hoped for. For what it actually turned out to be, it was still a positive appearance, IMO. No television time is wasted time when you look and sound as good as Clay did this morning. I hope enough people saw it to be intrigued. Did I mention he looked good?

Nice jeans, Clay. :)

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OOOH...I LIKED the OMWH clip on GMA! He looked yummy and sounded good (after a few wake up notes in the beginning...heh)...And all I could think of during the Grand Canyon shots was that they needed to keep the tag "Wonders of America" up when they went back to showing Clay! :cryingwlaughter:

Loved his restless fingers (gah) at the end of the song---he was tapping, flicking them (:Thud:) against that beyotch Ms MicStand...boy just can't be still, can he? :whistling-1:

So I wonder who'll end up being THE band for the next tour? I know we're getting studio guys for these appearances now, but I wonder....ooooh, I want Andy back on guitar and S'von on keyboards and Derek or Felix back on drums (although Felix is a bit heavy handed for my tastes, he's still fun and nice on the eyes)...And it'll be interesting to see how the 'girls' are worked in. I was noticing just how little any background vocals are used in the studio versions of these songs...

Anyhoo....I can check that appearance off the list and look forward to the next one! And the next one! And be vurra vurra happy that I don't need to worry whether or not there WILL be a next one. 'Coss---all the 'cool' dudes and their 'righteous' opinions to the contrary---this man's a star and he's not goin' anywhere 'ceptin' where he wants to go. :DoClay:

ETA: Wait! INVISIBLE? Where's the Invisible clip? I didn't see no Invisible clip! :huh:

ETA: Oh! I found it! (t/m Sir Robin) heh...

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I keep forgetting to tell everyone about my very EXCITING celebrity sighting on this last trip to NYC......

Al Roker walked past me and boarded a plane at the gate next to mine at La Guardia on Monday morning! Isn't that EXCITING?!


Yeah, I thought not too....


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I have always felt that the fans helped (at the least) set the tone for the reception of ATDW, and I don't know about anybody else, but I know I can't and won't be part of another round of 2006-calibre angst. It was and is so incredibly (to me anyway) unfair to Clay. It's also incredibly (to me) premature for this go around. All the things I've seen so far give me a feeling of long-term planning for this one. I am so in agreement with idea that I'd rather see him get five minutes like this morning on GMA (Robin getting the name wrong TWICE notwithstanding. Jeez) than the three days of tabloidism he got last time. This was much the same as any other musical guest would get. I kinda like that.

I simply refuse to get caught up in first-week numbers this time.

ETA: Anna, I remembered the book when we were in the cab. Darn! Now I'll never know how it ends. Al Roker huh? Heheheh.

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From GetClayAiken:

Arrived at the studio around 8:30-ish, and managed to get video of Clay off-camera.

Screen caps:

Talking to Quiana:


More, clickables:





Feel free to share. Got lots more stuff. He looked happy. But he apparently asked if he could go back to bed!

His exit from the studio into his SUV was super-fast! He might be an actual blur on my video.


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Thanks, ldyj! He does look quite CUTE, if not a little sleepy.

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Woohoo! Pretty posters are now in at my KMart, so I'm taking my lunch hour to go pick up our boyfriend!

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Cindilu said:

I have always felt that the fans helped (at the least) set the tone for the reception of ATDW, and I don't know about anybody else, but I know I can't and won't be part of another round of 2006-calibre angst. It was and is so incredibly (to me anyway) unfair to Clay. It's also incredibly (to me) premature for this go around.

Well, I have been sitting in a booth in a nice dark bar with Ron The God of Irony - pouring pitchers of beer down his throat. He is confuzzled by the current orders given elsewhere to only say nice stuff about OMWH in order to give the impression that every single fan lurved every single note, so as not to hurt sales. By pretty much the same people who trashed ATDW all over the place. I guess they MEANT to hurt sales? Is Clay sending super sekrit messages to people saying which CDs to trash and which to praise?

I hope pictures of Angela and Quiana show up!

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He is confuzzled by the current orders given elsewhere to only say nice stuff about OMWH in order to give the impression that every single fan lurved every single note, so as not to hurt sales. By pretty much the same people who trashed ATDW all over the place.


Muski looks to make sure no names were named in this post and that this was not posted under HER name so that she won't get another accusatory PM on another board by an FCA lurker, and then she nodds her head furiously in agreement with djs. :cryingwlaughter:

PS...I'm not in love with OMWH on the CD. And I'm not in love with the Muppet song. And I'm not in love with FIEKY, although that one might grow on me. But ding dang it...his voice is sublime on all of them. And I'm not in love with As Long As We're Here yet, but I ain't giving up. I'm in freakin' passionate lust with ASHES and EIDN and Falling and Sac Love ( :hubbahubba: heh )...

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From GetClayAiken:

Arrived at the studio around 8:30-ish, and managed to get video of Clay off-camera.

Screen caps:

More, clickables:



Holy smokes, that's CUTE!

Off to draft a snippy pm to muskifest regarding her diss of the Muppet song. :naughtywag: I lurves it when Clay gets all gospely and whatnot.

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Is Clay sending super sekrit messages to people saying which CDs to trash and which to praise?

He's texting them, dontcha know? :cryingwlaughter:

I've been watching iTunes for a couple of years now, periodically taking note of which of Clay's songs are most popular. I'd love to know whether the popularity ranking of songs of a particular artist is for all time sales, or based on current sales or what. BOTW was at the top for Clay for a long time, but then was passed by MDYK, and it has remained at the top until today. "On My Way Here" is now on top. The songs most popular (i.e. most downloaded) on the album "On My Way Here" as of today are:

On My Way Here

Lover All Alone

Where I Draw the Line

The Real Me

Grace of God

Something About Us

As Long as We're Here


Sacrificial Love


Weight of the World

Everything I Don't Need

Yesterday the list was:

On My Way Here

Where I Draw the Line

The Real Me

Lover All Alone

Something About Us

Grace of God


As Long as We're Here

Sacrificial Love


Weight of the World

Everything I Don't Need

So "Lover All Alone" is working its way up pretty quickly. The album is #6 #5 on the all-albums chart, and #2 on the pop albums chart. "On My Way Here" is #52 on the pop songs chart. An interesting thing about that chart is that the release date of those songs ranges from 1993 to 2008. Only 37 songs of the top 100 on the pop chart are from 2008.

"On My Way Here" the song was the first to crack Clay's top 20, with "On My Way Here" at #12 most popular last night. Today, it is #1. These are the 25 most popular songs by Clay on iTunes right now:

On My Way Here*

Mary, Did You Know

Bridge over Troubled Water


This Is the Night

Lover All Alone*

Where I Draw the Line*

The Real Me*

The Way (from the Way/Solitaire EP)

A Thousand Days

The First Noel

O Holy Night

On the Wings of Love

Grace of God*

Something About Us*

Without You

As Long as We're Here*


Measure of a Man

Sacrificial Love*

Because You Loved Me

Right Here Waiting


I Will Carry You

Measure of a Man

Either "On My Way Here", the album and the song, are Clay's most popular iTunes entry ever, or these stats are for only the day, the week, the month, whatever.

Just for comparison, here's Clay's top 20 most downloaded songs on iTunes when I last checked in February 2008:

Mary, Did You Know

Bridge over Troubled Water

A Thousand Days


Without You

Right Here Waiting

Because You Loved Me

When I See You Smile

Everything I Have

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

Everything I Do (I Do It for You)

Broken Wings

Every Time You Go Away

Lonely No More

These Open Arms

Here You Come Again

Lover All Alone

This Is the Night

O Holy Night

The Way

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More from GCA --

More screen caps/clickables:

Pulling something out of his hair:





*joins Ron the God of Irony in a drink*

I love almost the entire CD. There are a few songs that haven't grabbed me quite yet, so they are in the "really really like" column. I'm going to listen to the album again this afternoon and then come up with my "rankings" -- if I can. I will say that I woke up in the middle of the night singing WOTW (specifically the "unbreakable" section), and surprisingly, I woke up to the Muppet song (*waves at bottlecap*). I love the gospel tinged flavor of it, and also it's utter simplicity. I know that makes some people go "blech," but I like that. (I can also see him adding that song to the Christmas repertoire...)

Thanks jmh for the iTunes reporting!

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:ninja: Quickly checks to make sure PM box is already full then...

Bottle, babe. I've only listened to the Muppet song once, so admittedly I haven't really been fair to it. Can't really judge it after only one listen. However, the fact that I'm not in a humongous hurry to give it another listen tells me something... :whistling-1:

If it helps any, I absolutely aDORE Kermit and Ms Piggy and Bert & Ernie and Elmo and all those little Muppet folks. :lilredani:

I was amazingly excited to hear and see Clay sing that little snippet of Invisible! Forever a Clay Aiken song! :DoClay:

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Whee, he absolutely NAILED that performance of Ashes. He is incredible. The girls (whom I adore) hit a couple yikes sounds there - hopefully they'll listen back and make some adjustments. They were much better by the end. MAN that made me feel good. The 'band' looks young and fresh, Clay looks HOT and SEXY and his voice is right on the money. FLOVE!!!!!!!!!!!

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Muski looks to make sure no names were named in this post and that this was not posted under HER name so that she won't get another accusatory PM on another board by an FCA lurker, and then she nodds her head furiously in agreement with djs. :cryingwlaughter:

Oh, who the fuck? People are so god-damned weird. Ordering me to say anything? LMAO!

GMA was good for me. Of course, I'm only looking at it as a lowly television viewer so maybe I'm just an idiot. ::eyeroll:: Bossy fans are on my last nerve already.

Ashes was great, but I'm sorry, as much as I like Q&A, and I do, they kinda ruined it for me with the screeching in the background. I hope that changes a bit for the future.

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