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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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My bestest friend just called me to say Clay was on the View - well, actually she called because she thought there was someone in the audience that looked like moi and she wanted to leave a message that I had been outed! Ha!

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So the big announcement is that Whoopee is going to be the narrator of the tonys?

So far no mention of Clay except the initial intro the Clay would tell his opinion about American idol They are now talking about Jason and his outing. So they say, well, Clay Aiken will be on the show, we should ask him about AI. Then there is cheering. Elizabeth said there are Claymates in the audience and Whoopee said there are claymates at the tgable. Aww

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they were talking about Ai and Joy said clay is on so lets ask him...and big cheer

so they said lots of claymates in the audience...at this table and talk more claymate topics after commercial...

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GIbby...no need to edit out the info on sales...some people may be interested in it. For those that rather not know the scroll bar is your friend.

I really don;t think we have to shy away from posting things that are worrisome or unpleasant or controversial. I think this board has good enough perspective that it won't get people all pissed and panicky right away. At times its also good to post those issues cos there are some calm people here that can help other people de-stress about them.

Yep...and I may not be obsessed about it, but I'd like to know the sales, or the spins and which radio stations are playing Clay. Claytonic love your glossary and we must add some of FCA's special terms.. and the eHP heee. I always get PMs to ask what that means exactly. heee.

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I thought Patrick Stewart was supposed to be on The View with Clay as well? I really wanted to see two of my favorites in one show....

Aww that would've been good too but no...not patrick. Its robert talking about his movie...I guess whoopie is in that movie too I think.

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When I saw that Extra clip about CLAYMATE ALERT! and CLAY DISSES AMERICAN IDOL!, I wanted to do serious harm to somebody. What a piece of editing! All the times Clay's had to suffer the inane AI questions in interviews--overandoverandoverandover again and has patiently and politely answered the same way. Yet that's not what they show. They cut and slash from various interviews until his words spit out a "To Hell With AI" message...

And of course, that just opens the door for Simon to have his minute or two in front of the cameras to 'comment on' Clay's dismissal of the 'show that made' him. "What do you think about how Clay dissed AI, Simon? After all, where would he be without you?" gawd.


I say again. I honestly do NOT know how Clay deals with all the shit.

Ahem...now....is he on The View yet? :lilredani:

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Oh dear...talking about politics now.

talking about Hilary and Obama.

oh dear...getting a bit testy between Joy and Elizabeth pretty interesting

love Joy right now

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Well - he does kind of diss American Idol but he does it from the standpoint that it isn't a group of innocent people trying to break into show business - which is what it touts itself as. I think he finds it more professional now - which is NOT what it touts itself to be. He's always so careful to say he wouldn't be where he is now without American Idol. Can't these people think of anything else to ask him about other than American Idol....sheesh!

I'm beginning to think he could say the sky is blue and some asshat would report that Clay Aiken is dissing astronomers!!! What IS it about Clay that attracts so much negative attention and publicity! Honestly. Does he ever say anything in public that isn't twisted like someone's bunched panties! It gets very tiresome.

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hee... love whoopee too!!!

oh good...they changed the topic...

was afraid they were goign to take the whole hour...

no wonder Rosie just couldn;t stand Elizabeth...

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Robert Downey is on now...

hey tha Iron man clip was funny...I want to watch it now...

he can be so screwed up but he is pretty talented too.

oh dear...unless they have some other inane feature or something the only other guy that will be on there is clay...

and its only 11:30!!!

lets hope it will be a long segment.

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Muski its EXTRA its pretty much the most tabloidy of the news entertainment shows. I am not worried about this. Clay is getting attention for it. Its his honest opinion and I love that he is not afraid to be honest...I wouldn't worry about it because this is a very common criticism about AI right now. I think people will end up respecting him for it. Will that hurt his relationship with AI? I don;t think so. They still gave him that cool feature on Broadway.

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hee Robert is just too funny

oh dear I missed what joy said that embarrassed Robert...


its clay next and its still 15 minutes...


thats a perfomance and interview...cool!!!

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of course the invisible clip again

geesh...there he is

sportscoat and striped shirt olive green.

ok started with a question about the final show for spamalot..he said ltos fo fans there

then asked him what he will be doing for mothers day...he said he will be on promo...and he aske them to greet his mom for him

so they did

Whoopee asked him about wanting a talk show...he said he wants somethign like merve griffin or charles gurault talking to people around the coutnry

then they asked him about the CD...and he said the usual spiel about the CD

then Joy asked him to be specific he mentioned ashes and aid that he sees that some of what his mom said is true..then he asked is this live and made a face to the camera...very cute

then they asked him about his statements about AI..the usual response...

he is singing now...

well I guess he probably is just getting one segment cos they did rush that a bit...oh well it was still good

jsut so many of them talking at the same time...

nice set up for the song though...lots of stars and such

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yeah the pink envelope went by too fast...I think its like the mother;s day promo for the CD...

the song was just as short as GMA..then Elizabeth came to the stage soo enthusiastic...I LOVE IT...I LOVE IT...

and after she was talking to him..I love that song...I love you...very sincere.

Very nice segment...he was treated like the star he is...and they really like him there.

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He looked so young and casual. I saw no pink envelopes either. Where are we supposed to get the pink envelopes - don't make me go out and buy any more!

So he won't see his mother on Mother's day, the woman from the view wished her a happy mother's day.

Beautiful version. I know some people are upset that he is singing the shorter version of the song, but it is the radio cut.

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Very good performance. At first you only see Clay, then more and more members of his band come into view. It's a tight group; he sang well and sold the song, IMO. I think he did well in the interview section also. It was very quick--point to point, but no foot in the mouth. Very diplomatic response to the AI question--best yet. About how part of the appeal was seeing ordinary people like himself and Ruben do well. The View ladies said, we're ordinary looking people too. Whoopie always seems a little standoffish, but Elizabeth loves her some Clay Aiken!!

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So that last 5 minutes was mostly commecials...geesh...I bet the ratio is now 20 minute commercial and 40 content.

the conversation went so fast...each one had a question and Clay was talking so fast...I have it on again and maybe I can give a better recap of the interview.

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Okay historians - we've seen that shirt before!!!!

Generally speaking I don't care for Elizabeth but she does like Clay and usually gushes over him! I always laugh when I see Whoopie around him - I don't think she knows what to make of Clay and his fanbase.

I have another hour and 45 minutes before it comes on here.....

He does look cute in those pictures - when he dresses down he looks alot younger than in a suit and tie! Is that a teeny little lip bite?

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