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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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eta...okay...I caved. But just once. I mean it.


I can't believe I'm holding out longer than you. Must be some kind of record. I think I'm just too tired to find the link.....

Acutally, I think it might be that my head is so full after last night. I am not quite ready to let that go so I can fit something new in. I'll be ready by midnight, though. I set my alarm in case I fall asleep. Beyond silly, I know. If the iTunes download is there, I'll listen. If not, I'll wait until tomorrow. Sweet anticipation.


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And then actually having a real FCA post-something gathering - just like a real board! :D It was fun meeting EVERYONE who was there. I just wish everyone here could have been there. That would have made it even better.

Ok, enough of this schmoopie stuff. Obviously I'm really, really tired. I haven't mention his hair or the eyeliner all day!!! :imgtongue:

heee..yes it was nice to actually have a reservation.. Thanks Play and Cha Cha for finding it for us.

and don't forget that if you do mention hair and eyeliner I will attack you with my new ship. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:


You really have a mean streak, don't you my friend! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Many thanks to my daughter for this precious moment in time.


OK. Gotta go get ready. I have a PARTAY to attend. Hope to see lots of you there!!!

Hey Perma - your tickets for Saturday night were lovingly used! Wish I had a chance to see you in person!

As for the picture - boyfriend certainly does look buff! It will be interesting to see how different he looks after a summer off!

- Jerome told him Clay is taking the summer off, but they are planning for a TOUR this September. (This timing makes sense to me; perhaps it is being kept underwraps or remain up in the air until TPTB get a sense of CD sales.) So, there is HOPE.

I know I am NOT alone because several of us discussed this over the weekend, but I HOPE there is no fall tour. I HOPE there is no tour until 2009. Many of his fans over-spent on Spamalot. Many used up many vacation days. I think many need a break to recover financially and recoup some of those vacation days. Sure to some it won't matter. Some seem to have endless money and endless days to follow Clay and I am jealous of everyone of them. But many more do not. This weekend alone cost me a fortune and it will take a long time for me to make up what I spent.

In that I also know I am not alone.

JMO and all that.

So why am I not chomping at the bit to hear this album?? Probably a good thing since there was no delivery from Walmart today and I am waaaay too tired to wait until midnight to see if my iTunes preorder is available for download and then listen to it. And I now this sounds weird, but I also sill have the entire show of Spamalot running in my brain and I am not quite ready to kick it out for something new.

And I want to be able to really listen the first time (YAY for lyrics! I love listening to a CD reading lyrics!) - let the man totally envelope me and seduce me into submission.

If he tried tonight I think I would have to say "Not tonight, honey. I have a headache."

So I think I will be a very patient Clay fan. I think I will keep Sir Robin in my bed for now. Maybe by the time I get home from work tomorrow I will be ready to share with Clay too.

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Last night was a thrill-ride. And I wasn't even there. Thanks to everyone for so generously sharing your experiences with those of us who couldn't make it. You all rock!!

Ahhh, but you were there in spirit! I did your ticket proud & screamed/cheered/laughed/clapped loud enough for the both of us - and then some! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm so glad you went and had fun! Yay, yay, yay!!!

WooT, Congratulations, Thankful!!

QUOTE(jamar1700 @ May 5 2008, 07:11 PM) *

eta...okay...I caved. But just once. I mean it.


Hee. Love that!

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10:00 PM

12:00 AM

Same difference, right?


I'm weak Falling.

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Beautiful CD liner notes!!! Shoot - I ordered from Amazon...where's mine! :cry4:

My thoughts on a tour are that he shouldn't wait until next year if this CD is to have legs. I'm guessing the tour might be around the second wave of promo? If he doesn't get radio play he's going to have to present it somewhere!

Interesting that he didn't have liner notes like he has in the past.....but I like the thank you to his fans! That's really nice.

LOVE that picture from Perma's daughter. Wooooeeeee.

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10:00 PM

12:00 AM

Same difference, right?


I'm weak Falling.

I listened to the very gorgeous, sublime cd on AOL first listen when the CH started up a "listening party" just as I happened to be passing through over there. On impulse, I joined in. I'm sick...I missed my personal cd release party with my buddies...my ears hurt...but I know I won't be up at midnight and heck, I wanted to hear it. Finally. So, I listened. Volume low out of consideration for throbbing sinuses...

It's good, y'all. Really good.

So, yeah, annabear, 10 is as good as 12, in my book. I waited a long time and I'm glad I didn't wait any more. Now, I am going to bed with a peaceful smile on my face, knowing I will love this album even more in the morning.

Home run, people. Home run.

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May I ask a serious question - as in not a joke, not as in dire or anything like that?

Why do so many consider AC radio an insult to Clay? Is it because when some think of AC they think of Barry Manilow? Or muzak? Don't people who listen to AC radio buy CDs? Its my understanding also that when you have an AC hit you hear it for years. Is that a bad thing?

And my second serious question is what is the difference between AC and Hot AC and what makes the latter more desirable in the Clay world?

I guess I am of the mind that ANY significant radio play would be a good thing - be it on AC, Hot AC or the much sought after by many Clay fans Top 40.


So how many of us are left who haven't listened to the CD???

ETA: Do any of the gif mavens know if its possible to slow down my avie? He looks like he's on speed!

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Feel better, 00lsee. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

GAH! This album is GOOD! It's really, really GOOD!

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And its only 11pm!

Am I awake enough listen and appreciate it?

Am I ready to gently push aside Spamalot????

What to do. What to do......

ETA: Ok, so I am downloading. I may not listen until I get home from work tomorrow, but there is no reason I can't download it.....

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%$^$*&^*(&^%^%#%!!!! I just got my e-mail from iTunes that my pre-order is available for download. Yeah! Right? BUT - I have to download an updated version of iTunes to get it. I've been screwing around with trying to download iTunes updates for months without success. I should be in bed, not wrestling with stoopid upgrades. CRAP!!!

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I just noticed that in the list of people who did background vocals on the cd there is a Jenny Hill listed. I know there is a Jenny Hill in the Spamalot ensemble and wondered if it could be her. Of course, that's a pretty common name, so it's probably someone else.

I was glad to see Angela and Quiana were listed as background. Already knew about Quiana, but was surprised to see Angela listed.

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Crap! I'm listening!

So much for sleep!

Does anyone need what you do with the "digital booklet"? Never mind. Figured it out. Told you I was tired!

Listening with headphones is a very good thing....

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Me too and it's only 8:something here.


Twin, I have no idea on your questions... I might ponder them later, but right now I just wanna listen to Clay.

I might fix your avvy in a few days... the digital booklet is just a shorter version of the CD liner notes. it's a pdf file. Nothing you haven't seen.

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Crap! I'm listening!

So much for sleep!

Does anyone need what you do with the "digital booklet"?

Hee. The digital booklet should open in Adobe when you click on it. It's the cover and a few other pretty pictures along with the track list ... etc.

I'm listening to the whole CD .... in order.

Probably will for the first several hundred listens. :wub:

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Got mine too--I'm getting everything ready to go for immersion. I did already listen to the bonus. A gospel-y feel to it, IMO (but only sonically, CG, not to worry).

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