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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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I'm back from the golf tournament.....hah! actually won some money on Monday. Fortunately I don't have to play golf to live.......although I WOULD be skinnier.

Tivo'ed Leno and the damn tape cut off RIGHT before he sang! But the interview was cute. It does kind of bother me that Jay is all nice to his face, and then makes the gay jokes at later shows. GDLA was really cute but I agree with all that are saying they're tired of the AI questions. Clay does handle them graciously though.

He's sure looking good. I have no idea what's going on - will need to try and catch up.

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So, didn't he do another LA morning show...I remember him being all cute and talking about politics. This wasn't good day LA?

I think that was the KTLA morning show, which was different from Good Day Live.

Here's a

of one of his appearances.


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I made a few screencaps after they put it up on the web page......

this is when he was saying that strangers were shouting "Lower the price!" :F_05BL17blowkiss:


and this is him saying "NO..." :cryingwlaughter:


this is him just being gorgeous..........



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I made some security changes on my NYC photo album which should make it easier to navigate. One thing I can say about SmugMug...their customer service is excellent.

You've got some beautiful shots in your album. I had to giggle at the picture of the Statue of Liberty M&M dispensers. I think the staff at the store must have been getting a commission or something on moving those suckers, because they were sure all trying to push them off on every single tourist that wandered into the store when I was there.

cha cha, thanks for the caps!

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Annabear..my shoes arrived. Thank you!!

Wow - that was fast! You're welcome. :)

In case I haven't mentioned it before, I work with a bunch of IDIOTS! On what planet is David A. "much better than Clay Aiken"??? :mallet:

I am not suprised about the comparison...but for goodness sake...tone for tone Clay's voice is so much better, has more range and he is more versatile and exciting. He also has tons more confidence and personality. I don't even think its because of David A's age...He seem to be the youngest teen Idol ever when it comes to personality.

So, I asked this question earlier and didn't see it answered. Is this the first time the Good Day LA people have met Clay in person? I'm just wondering if their change in attitude is due to that 'Clay Aiken in real life' shock factor. Not only do people realize he's 'that tall', but they also learn he's 'that nice, that charming, that smart, that funny, that handsome, that charismatic'. Seems like he managed to charm Jillian. Hope that creates a different reaction from her (from all of them) in the future when his name comes up on-air.

I made some security changes on my NYC photo album which should make it easier to navigate. One thing I can say about SmugMug...their customer service is excellent.

I remember Clay having an interview with them before. I am pretty sure he met Jillian before. But I'm not sure if its in person or one of those satellite feed deals.

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I like the video on Yahoo. I don't get in to the technical aspect of any of this and wasn't looking at the transitions or choppiness or any of the other criticisms of it. I was looking at the older pictures of Clay (some of the best, too!) and thinking what a great idea it was to record it that way. I just enjoyed it without critiquing it. I'm guessing not alot of money went in to making it. I mean, besides Yahoo or as the intro to guest shots, where does one play a video nowadays? I seriously doubt it will be on MTV....

I was gone from Sunday afternoon until this afternoon and Clay's name was not mentioned once....had a chance to take a look at things objectively. Clay is a celebrity - no matter which way you cut it! Whether you like his music or not, whether you like his song choices or not, whether you like his hair color or not - he commands attention by his very presence! People are interested in him and not a little fascinated by him. The "seeing Clay Aiken live" phenomenon is very, very real! There IS something about him. He's charming. He has charisma. He's intelligent and witty and he gives a damn good interview. AND ratings and attendance always seem to go up when he's in the building. I came to my own personal conclusion that RCA knew going in to last week what Clay was capable of selling based on market trends, internet whoosiewhatsis, etc. and that the care and maintenance of this promotional plan is long-term. I'll admit the reviews got me down - but, that's the asshats trying to put the square peg in the round hole speaking. Not every body who puts out a CD and is under the age of 40 needs to be pop/rock!!!! I still think Clay's niche has not been defined. Yes his fans have been defined and are talked about more than his music. And that disturbs me. On a positive note, except for a few people with nasty agendas, Clay's voice has not been criticized. So that's a good thing.

I bet we see a TV special or something "big" before the end of the year. I also think that whoever heard Jerome say they would be touring in September probably heard right. I - and many of you - have said all along that Clay would not put his heart and soul into this CD and then sit in his backyard drinking sweet tea and watching his puppies!!!! Maybe they're waiting to see how it sells. Or maybe they're not - maybe there is really a plan in place and it's just waiting for execution.

In any case.............I'm happeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

As for AI....David A. is so out of his league right now. And it is most disturbing that he's still being pimped by the judges.....This week he was particularly not good! I don't see what people see in a 17 year old who appears to me to be socially inept and immature, pleasant voice, no personality, awkward at best and singing words like "my boo" and trying to rock a Chris Brown song. Bad. Just bad. And the only people would compare him to Clay are people who haven't a clue!!!!

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Clay's self-depreciation? It doesn't bother me any more than my over-the-top confidence - it's just who we are. If he cringed defensively while doing it, I could see people wanting it to stop - but he does it with all the panache of a person who truly knows his worth. He likes being funny and frankly comedy tends to zing somebody and he's a fairly equal opportunity zinger - ask Angela or Quiana. You wanna cringe-worthy self-depreciation? Look at David A on Idol this year - if I watched him for more than 30 seconds at a time, he would drive me insane.

Frankly, the only reason the "we" bugs is because the online fandom goes on and on and on and on about it - no one else cares. Just like the Claymate thing.

I coulda swore he's been on the Good Day thingie before....

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Somebody was named Chiquita, apparently....

BWAHAHA! :cryingwlaughter:

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One LA morning show I remember him being on was co-hosted by that blonde chickie poo named Juliana DePandi or Depanda or something like that? And her co-host might have been Jerry Finicoli? I'm probably only remembering part of this. Juliana was kind of gushy as I remember. And, of course, I cannot remember the name of the show. I

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If some people think they can manage a singer's career better, maybe they should go and help Ricky Smith. He is talented, and deserves and evidently needs the help. I'm sure he will be famous in no time!

It's a good thing water cleans up easy and isn't sticky... this totally CMSU!! And I like Rickey, but good point!!! :cryingwlaughter:

I think today I'll add ATDW into the OMWH mix. I miss it. And it makes my blood boil when I surf other boards and see it being put down, as usual. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

You know, I know that people didn't like the covers concept - I would have preferred original too - but I really do like this CD. I'll never pretend to always know what instrument I'm hearing, or if something is 3/4 time or whatever, my limited music background was playing the viola (poorly I might add) in middle school, but I know what I like to listen to and I do like this CD. I imagine it has to do with the voice (or must I say VOX?), but I thought this turned out pretty darn good. Oh well, I guess I'm just easy or my tastes are just pedestrian...

ETA - heh, the Miss America moment, I drove to AC, bought a ticket to the second show, figuring I could meet up with fans, but guess what - we fit right in! I went up to a bunch of women in boas, figuring I found one group, but noooooo, these women always wore boas and came to the MAP! I went from group to group and could not find anyone I know or anyone who could be identified as a Clay fan. I did mark out the women walking around with photos of their favorite's head shot on a stick!

So this is where I out myself... I've been around the local and state pageant world for a little over 20 years now... never went to the MAP, but yes, there are some interesting folks in the pageant world. They just like to have fun and cheer on their representative, but to outsiders, I'm sure they appear waaaaaaaaaaay OTT. It's really kind of similar to what goes on in the fandom here... even the bitchy whiney about all kinds of shi.. stuff... :cryingwlaughter:

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Frankly, the only reason the "we" bugs is because the online fandom goes on and on and on and on about it - no one else cares.

Nope. That's not why it bugs ME. Could care less about the 'online fandom's' this and that. It bugs ME because it is weird. Just is.

We think it's weird and that's all we're going to say about it right now. :whistling-1:

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I have to agree with Muski......I don't care much for the royal "we" - think it sounds fake! And since I have never thought of him as fake, I have to chalk it up to a silly little affectation! Sometimes I think the man lives two lives - the real Clayton, and the entertainer Clay Aiken. He works very hard to keep them completely separate - like church and state! I do think his self-deprecation is just part of his schtick. He probably still can't think of himself as sex or wanted by women, and his "little hobby" has turned in to quite a career. Even after 5 years it still has to be a bit mind-boggling! In any case, I shudder a teense when he says it and then get lost in the smile and snark....

Does anyone know where I can find his Leno performance? I apparently didn't record enough time when I set it up. Dang-it. Looked at CU but it doesn't seem to be there yet.

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Clay's self-depreciation? It doesn't bother me any more than my over-the-top confidence - it's just who we are. If he cringed defensively while doing it, I could see people wanting it to stop - but he does it with all the panache of a person who truly knows his worth. He likes being funny and frankly comedy tends to zing somebody and he's a fairly equal opportunity zinger - ask Angela or Quiana. You wanna cringe-worthy self-depreciation? Look at David A on Idol this year - if I watched him for more than 30 seconds at a time, he would drive me insane.

Frankly, the only reason the "we" bugs is because the online fandom goes on and on and on and on about it - no one else cares. Just like the Claymate thing.

I coulda swore he's been on the Good Day thingie before....

We may not agree too much on music but you often speak for me KAndre...that I don;t need to post much...I think thats why I am a minion...

To me his self depracation is not a characteristic that I tolerate...its one that I love cos as Kandre says it does not come from a low self esteem but from a position of pride and confidence. He acts this way because he knows that his success comes from his worth as a person, his talent and is not dependent on the packaging. I find that totally sexy. I also think that by him saying I am no Justin Timberlake...he is such a great role model cos he tells the world...anyone can be in his position. I love his honesty...his realness...I think if he is any different I wouldn't love and admire him so much.

One LA morning show I remember him being on was co-hosted by that blonde chickie poo named Juliana DePandi or Depanda or something like that? And her co-host might have been Jerry Finicoli? I'm probably only remembering part of this. Juliana was kind of gushy as I remember. And, of course, I cannot remember the name of the show. I

I think Jillian used to be blond right?

Frankly, the only reason the "we" bugs is because the online fandom goes on and on and on and on about it - no one else cares.

Nope. That's not why it bugs ME. Could care less about the 'online fandom's' this and that. It bugs ME because it is weird. Just is.

We think it's weird and that's all we're going to say about it right now. :whistling-1:

if you really look at the time he uses we and us...its when he is talking about situation where he didn't make decisions on his own...but when he probably got a lot of advice and collaboration with TC or with his producers. When he talks about his performance he does not say we...I think this comes from his need to give credit to all the people in his team. I know this may not be common but I totally understand where this is coming from.

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Does anyone know where I can find his Leno performance? I apparently didn't record enough time when I set it up. Dang-it. Looked at CU but it doesn't seem to be there yet.

CU link to Tonight Show folder :)

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I wasn't expecting the song of the day and was going to listen to it at 5, but Holly decided to run away from home (I yanked onthe lead to keep her from killing my garden and it broke) and that kept me busy. Will listen now.

But, I was eating dinner and clicking through channels and clicked through Fox where Fantasia was on and did she have her surgery yet, because if she didn't , she should not have been singing like that. I can see where she is killing her vocal chords, whoa! And I just did not get the song, maybe they are having sound problems on AI this year.

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Annabear - THANK YOU!

Jillian was blonde at one time......but the person I'm thinking of is a different one. I think she also did some red carpet stuff...

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But, I was eating dinner and clicking through channels and clicked through Fox where Fantasia was on and did she have her surgery yet, because if she didn't , she should not have been singing like that. I can see where she is killing her vocal chords, whoa! And I just did not get the song, maybe they are having sound problems on AI this year.

The most entertaining part of Fantasia's performance to me was when they cut away to Simon and he had a textbook WTF?!!! expression on his face. :cryingwlaughter:

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She kind of reminded me of a matchstick with the fire red hair and the black pants outfit. There were a lot of fast words and I couldn't understand them, but maybe I am dog (chasing) tired and it ws my ears. Still want to know about the surgery.

maybe not a matchstick, but Reddy Kilowatt or is the a NJ thing?

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if you really look at the time he uses we and us...its when he is talking about situation where he didn't make decisions on his own...but when he probably got a lot of advice and collaboration with TC or with his producers. When he talks about his performance he does not say we...I think this comes from his need to give credit to all the people in his team. I know this may not be common but I totally understand where this is coming from.

Heee, Ansa! I knew somebody would present this scenario...and in some cases, I agree with you. On Leno, though, and other times he answers questions with "we" when it just.sounds.weird.to.me. For example, on Leno he answered a question about his hair being different the last time he was on by saying, "Yeah, it was different the last time we were here." I showed my hubby the clip on my computer and, in addition to saying how funny Clay was, hubby picked up on that one. "We? Who's he talking about?" :cryingwlaughter:

Yeah, I know he was probably talking about 'we' including Q&A, etc., and the sentiment is not lost on me. I just think it's strange to the 'average' ear (translated: ears belonging to heads of people who don't know every little quirk or cute CLay-ism. :cryingwlaughter: )...

Ooops. We lied. We said we weren't going to talk about this anymore. We apologize. :imgtongue:

BTW...can someone please explain to us me where the ding danged dedication is on the cd liner notes? I think I must be losing it because I looked and looked and couldn't see it. :unsure:

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I wasn't expecting the song of the day and was going to listen to it at 5, but Holly decided to run away from home (I yanked onthe lead to keep her from killing my garden and it broke) and that kept me busy. Will listen now.

But, I was eating dinner and clicking through channels and clicked through Fox where Fantasia was on and did she have her surgery yet, because if she didn't , she should not have been singing like that. I can see where she is killing her vocal chords, whoa! And I just did not get the song, maybe they are having sound problems on AI this year.

Color me clueless - what surgery are you talking about?

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BTW...can someone please explain to us me where the ding danged dedication is on the cd liner notes? I think I must be losing it because I looked and looked and couldn't see it. :unsure:

The page with the BAF info, opposite the credits.

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The page with the BAF info, opposite the credits.

Uh...thanks, annabear...GOSH (t/m King Arthur), could it BE any bigger? How embarrassing. :blush: I think that since the first pages had lyrics to the song in that position on the pictures, I didn't even look there!

heh...I'll leave that 'bigger' question up there for somebody else to smut with... :whistling:

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Yeah, I know he was probably talking about 'we' including Q&A, etc., and the sentiment is not lost on me. I just think it's strange to the 'average' ear (translated: ears belonging to heads of people who don't know every little quirk or cute CLay-ism. :cryingwlaughter: )...

See, I think this is where KAndre's comment comes in, because I'm not sure if any "average" ear would even notice such a thing. Some will, but I think just as many won't. I have to admit I never really noticed it until the boards pointed it out to me. My husband has never pointed it out to me either, and he's watched more than a few Clay interviews with me.

To me, Clay is the epitome of the "Southern gentleman," spreading credit to those around him as much as to himself -- and that then gets spread out to things that don't necessarily need "credit" (such as a change in look from different Leno appearances). His use of "we" is from years of training on his part.

There's a part of me that says that as he gets older, he'll be more accepting of his "sexy," taking credit, and stuff like that. As people age, I feel they do tend to do that. Then, there's a part of me that thinks he knows exactly who he is, and in that way, he's way more mature than me even.

He sure is a dichotomy. And I love him all the more for it.

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