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Hee! Clay world and politics collide.

Hm good article. The comment about McCain...

His choice of a running mate so evidently unfit for the office was a final act of opportunism and bad judgment that eclipsed the accomplishments of 26 years in Congress

Yes, and that act of opportunism backfired on him. I am still astonished, when I stop to think about it, that someone like Palin was even given consideration as a running-mate, never mind actually being given a shot at potentially stepping into the shoes of the most powerful person in the world. We have seen the mess GW did ... pretty much everyone I know has been making jokes about GW since before he was even in the hot seat, because it just was such a JOKE that he was running for it. And look what happened.... and 8 years later, he's effectively brought the USA down to its knees on so many counts.

You know, in many ways, his father is culpable. I doubt GW really wanted the job, I think he wanted to please his daddy.

Can you tell that I am still fuming about Iraq?

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I think perhaps some underestimate the effect of choosing Palin on people who are going to vote Republican no matter what, if they vote at all. IMO McCain was not trying to boneheadedly try to get Hillary supporters (for me, he just made his candidacy look even worse) but to energise the Republicans who mistakenly think lower taxes will benefit themselves, not realising that those cuts are pretty much for the wealthy.

I read a phrase elsewhere that sums up what I feel is happening - wealth is privatized, losses are socialized. And a lot of people don't see that, even as they are being fleeced.

But wow! A cute ditzy hockey mom with problems JUST LIKE THEIRS, who hunts! Really, she is a demographer's dream!

We all don't see her through the same lens or filter. McCain is NOT targeting Obama supporters; he is, IMO, aiming at Republicans who are leery of himself.

The spinning is awesome, guys - imagine if an Obama daughter was pregnant out of wedlock (if the same age as Palin's daughter). Or if Chelsea was single and pregnant. Sheer carnage on the family values front. Loud and strident denunciations, with no regard to the girl's feelings.

But - Palin's daughter an unwed pregnant 17 year old? How heartwarming that Sarah didn't make her kill the baby! Unlike how the baby-killer Democrats would have! What fabulous family values!!!!

The people behind the scenes are just counting their money, they don't give a crap who McCain picked as VP, it is immaterial.

yes, Claytonic - you bring up a good point - jokes and fore-knowledge about Shrub since before he "won" - and nothing changed.

In fact, all of the old Peter, Paul and Mary-type songs like Where Have All the Flowers Gone are still just as relevant today, 40 years later.

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You said it all. I especially agree with your "wealth is privatized, losses are socialized." I do not understand why most people do not see that. I have friends that are on social security and medicare and still vote Republican. Explain that? Another friend has a theory that people that are not really wealthy, and do not stand to benefit from trickle down Republican economic policy, but still vote and claim to be Republicans, are just trying to be better than the rest of us. Sad, that they would vote against the party that actually represents their interests. I have already voted, and you can guess what party I voted for. I like donkey's. Remember Clay rode on one. (mule, but still part donkey)

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I just want to rant a bit, sorry to intrude when I have not posted here before (or maybe once before).

Got to work and an email from the owner of the company was waiting for me. Basically it said that Obama as president would likely cause a smaller paycheck and smaller benefits as the company's taxes would raise. He wasn't endorsing either candidate, but wanted us to know the consequences of an Obama win so we wouldn't blame the company when their paychecks lessend.

I was sooo mad I could spit. Sounded a lot more like a threat than what I said above. I told my boss that it had upset me and he then revealed that he was instrumental in getting it out there and that they had a whole boardmeeting about whether to do it or not.

God, I hope Obama wins!!! I hope enough people are ready to sacrifice a bit for the good of the country. This country needs to have it's intire foundation rebuilt with integrity and dignity and if it takes a smaller paycheck, it will be so worth it.

From the Republicans, I see and hear fear tactics. From Obama, I see a realization that we're broke and we need restructuring to get the greed out of our government and our corporate world. Me first has led us to this state and we first will get us out of it cause we are a strong people and we can do amzing things when we decide to.

End of rant. Thanks for listening!

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I just want to rant a bit, sorry to intrude when I have not posted here before (or maybe once before).

Got to work and an email from the owner of the company was waiting for me. Basically it said that Obama as president would likely cause a smaller paycheck and smaller benefits as the company's taxes would raise. He wasn't endorsing either candidate, but wanted us to know the consequences of an Obama win so we wouldn't blame the company when their paychecks lessend.

I was sooo mad I could spit. Sounded a lot more like a threat than what I said above. I told my boss that it had upset me and he then revealed that he was instrumental in getting it out there and that they had a whole boardmeeting about whether to do it or not.

God, I hope Obama wins!!! I hope enough people are ready to sacrifice a bit for the good of the country. This country needs to have it's intire foundation rebuilt with integrity and dignity and if it takes a smaller paycheck, it will be so worth it.

From the Republicans, I see and hear fear tactics. From Obama, I see a realization that we're broke and we need restructuring to get the greed out of our government and our corporate world. Me first has led us to this state and we first will get us out of it cause we are a strong people and we can do amzing things when we decide to.

End of rant. Thanks for listening!

liney, that's terrible! We're surely going to get hit with windfall taxes but our PR department's too good for anything that blatant. People were even flaunting our record 3rd quarter earnings this morning.

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That sounds like intimidation, and in a way, a veiled threat to get their employees to vote Republican. I would even consider it coercion. Isn't that illegal? If someone working in that company wanted to make trouble for the owner, I think that person would have a good case. The company could also be using an Obama win as an excuse to lower wages and less benefits. Sorry, Liney, but IMO you are working for an idiot or a bunch of idiots. Good luck. I sure hope that they do not follow through because it looks like Obama is going to win. IMO, they are violating your right to vote for who ever you want, without fear of reprisal. Is this America?

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Thanks, gals, for listening. It really upset me. Owner stated a couple of times he was not endorsing any candidate, I think, to get himself off the hook. I have worked at this company for just over 5 years and love my job and would have said my boss was a man of high ethics and integrity, but this just really was not a good thing. I'm betting we get some people finding other jobs over this, like the straw that broke the camels back. I know if someone offered me a comparable job and wage I would seriously consider it and yesterday I would have said no way. It makes me sad and mad.

Well, he got what he wanted, in that I now know what might happen if Obama wins and I will now make an informed decision. But, they lost my respect in the bargain.

There could be more of this kind of thing going on, so I would not assume Obama will win until he has. Those running scared are fighting dirty. I heard about fliers being distributed on campuses telling students they couldn't vote there, but had to return to their hometowns to vote. Flyers saying that because of a huge expected turnout, that Democrats would be voting on Wednesday... now this one is just plain stupid, but there are people out there who might believe it.

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I would say that's unbelievable, liney, but then again, sadly, it's really not. It is awful, though. And ridiculous!

I've printed out my working draft ballot to fill in & take with me on Tues. since I didn't request my mail in ballot in time. I'm so looking forward to all of the crap filling the airwaves & my email inbox going away!

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A poll on whether Sarah Palin is qualified to be VP. Vote your choice.

Hi all... just a quick note .. Hope you area all well and voting ( 'natch) on Tuesday!!

PBS has an online poll posted asking if Sarah Palin is qualified.

Apparently the right wing knew about this in advance and are flooding the voting with YES votes.

The poll will be reported on PBS soon and will SURELY be picked up by mainstream media.

This is serious...It can influence undecided voters in swing states.

SO Please do two things -- the first takes 20 seconds. MAX

1) Click on link and vote yourself.

Here's the link:



2) Send this to every single Obama-Biden voter you know, and urge them to vote and pass it on.

The last thing we need is PBS saying their viewers think Sarah Palin is qualified.

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Obama's campaign - big spender/penny pincher

interesting story on how he's spending all that money he's raised... last paragraph on page 2 cracked me up.

Speaking of which I've gotten emails from Obama, Michelle, and Joe Biden yesterday all asking me for $5. LOL.

Wow, if God willing, he becomes president and he runs the country the way he runs his campaign, then we'll be in good shape. I like a man who can budget.

And liney, what your boss did is horrible. It's no better than what the McCain/Palin team have been doing for the past few months. Lies and distortions and using fear tactics to scare people into voting their way. Well, so far it looks like those tactics aren't going to work anymore, at least for now. We'll know in a few more days and then either my nail biting days will be over, or I'll start packing for Canada. Hope its not the latter because I really hate cold weather.

Oh, and no she's not qualified and I put in my vote. Also already did the early voting, mainly because my daughter's pocketbook was stolen and we had to replace her card anyway. So we got in our two Obama votes, and since we're one of the states that had some problems with machines flipping, I made sure to watch to make sure it went through. Plus, the machines we used had a print-out on the side so you could make sure the correct candidate was recorded.

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I just tried it, and djs is right -- it comes up with the message "Your first vote for this poll has been registered. Any subsequent vote will not be counted. This is not a scientific poll."

So, it's only one vote that counts.

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I just tried it, and
is right -- it comes up with the message "Your first vote for this poll has been registered. Any subsequent vote will not be counted. This is not a scientific poll."

So, it's only one vote that counts.

So how did GW get elected? LOL

For what it's worth, here's a fascinating segment on The View for Oct 31. (They are in costume for Halloween)


This segment has a numerologist and a metaphysical intuitive giving their take on the election.

They say it is going to be a very close election.

The metaphysical/intuitive says that in 2012, 3 women (including Palin and Clinton) will run for president.

Even if you don't believe in this stuff, it is entertaining.

(I am open-minded about anything ... )

Oh and the numerologist says some very nice things about the #2 ....so you know who I thought of, right?

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There could be more of this kind of thing going on, so I would not assume Obama will win until he has. Those running scared are fighting dirty. I heard about fliers being distributed on campuses telling students they couldn't vote there, but had to return to their hometowns to vote. Flyers saying that because of a huge expected turnout, that Democrats would be voting on Wednesday... now this one is just plain stupid, but there are people out there who might believe it.

Misleading or maybe I should say leading advertising is already going on. While shopping in my favorite pet store today I heard on the radio "Are you worried about Obama winning? So am I". I didn't hear anything else as I went around a corner, but I can imagine the double speak. I'm sure there are a lot of hidden messages in ads now.

Elizabeth Dole pulled a great negative ( being sarcastic here) on her opponent, Kay Hagen, running for the senate. The ad was about Kay accepting a donation from a member of "Godless America" or some such name. He attended a fundraiser put on by John Kerry for Kay. At the end they show a picture of Kay and a voiceover which was not hers saying "I don't believe in God". Kay responded and I believe Libby is the one who got the negative reaction.

The candidate for the House that I have been working for has been given only negative comments by our local newspaper with no chance to respond as they do it in the editorials. The newspaper endorsed John McCain for Pres, by the way.

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