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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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I'm slow, but I just noticed the reflections in Clay's eyes in the banner - face on the right, four dots. Does anyone have that picture clear enough to blow it up to see what the four dots are?

The reason I ask is that I have a great picture of my Granddaughter that, when I use as my desktop, is large enough that you can see her parents (who were taking the picture) reflected in her eyes. It is a great picture.

ETA. I expect they are just flashes or lights, but maybe not.

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It is all over the net that Clay is being dropped by RCA. They say that Clay is no longer listed and that if you do a search for him, you get directed to his fanclub site. I seem to recall getting an email or reading somewhere that the RCA site was "under construction" and that was why they were directing everyone to Clay's fanclub site. Anyone know anything?

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Love that picture of Clay. Never seen it before, and would have never known it was him, if not for Jerome. If that's pre-Martha Stewart, what a difference a stylist makes! However, I do like him messy.

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It is all over the net that Clay is being dropped by RCA. They say that Clay is no longer listed and that if you do a search for him, you get directed to his fanclub site. I seem to recall getting an email or reading somewhere that the RCA site was "under construction" and that was why they were directing everyone to Clay's fanclub site. Anyone know anything?

I've been reading around today too, and I've seen this mentioned several times. Here's my opinion on that:

I don't care.

Honestly, I think Clay's gonna have a career. A good career. (Heck, IMO, he's had a pretty good one already...) And I have every confidence in Clay that he'll do what feels best for him in regards to his career. If it takes him more "behind the scenes," so be it. If it keeps him on Broadway, so be it. I've always been one that has felt that he's much more of an entertainer than simply a really great singer, so if the recording thing somewhat goes away, I truly think he'll find another outlet for his creativity -- and his humor.

Or not.

He'll do what he wants.

If that doesn't involve "touring," yes, I'll be incredibly sad. But I'll deal. And I certainly hope he doesn't listen to ME for ideas on his career.

I love that mess of a man.

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It is all over the net that Clay is being dropped by RCA. They say that Clay is no longer listed and that if you do a search for him, you get directed to his fanclub site. I seem to recall getting an email or reading somewhere that the RCA site was "under construction" and that was why they were directing everyone to Clay's fanclub site. Anyone know anything?

I've been reading around today too, and I've seen this mentioned several times. Here's my opinion on that:

I don't care.

Honestly, I think Clay's gonna have a career. A good career. (Heck, IMO, he's had a pretty good one already...) And I have every confidence in Clay that he'll do what feels best for him in regards to his career. If it takes him more "behind the scenes," so be it. If it keeps him on Broadway, so be it. I've always been one that has felt that he's much more of an entertainer than simply a really great singer, so if the recording thing somewhat goes away, I truly think he'll find another outlet for his creativity -- and his humor.

Or not.

He'll do what he wants.

If that doesn't involve "touring," yes, I'll be incredibly sad. But I'll deal. And I certainly hope he doesn't listen to ME for ideas on his career.

I love that mess of a man.

My dad thinks he'd have a great career doing a show in Vegas since he's such a good all-around entertainer.

As for being dropped by RCA... Eh. It certainly doesn't make me happy, considering that's generally viewed as you're not marketable anymore... I want him to be able to keep touring and keep putting out CD's. Especially since I haven't had the chance to see him in concert. :shrug:

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Not an expert by any means but I enjoy Facebook a lot. The whole idea of it is to use your real name and people who know you can search you out. That was my biggest issue with it at first, because it is so ingrained in me NOT to use my real name on the internet. I know it's not as private as I like to think it is, but I try to remember to always choose "only my friends" in anything that gives me an option as to who can see it (i.e. photos, notes, etc). I don't add anyone who I haven't met or who I don't know personally, and up until now, I haven't mentioned it to anyone at work, because, while I like the people I work with, I don't count them as friends, and I don't know that I want to start mixing business with pleasure.

I found a good link the other day about 10 ways to make your Facebook more private, but I sent it to my home email and I can't access it right now. I'll try to remember to post it later.

I agree with all of this and enjoy Facebook very much! Easy, some cool applications, and just....fun!



that is all

This just HAD to be seen again! You made my day, ldyj...wasn't that easy?? Holy crap! I probably wouldn't have recognized him without Jerome either, other than perhaps a vague sense of familiarity....he looks JUST like several of the guys I dated in the '60's :hysterical:...and I LIKE it!

He sure do clean up good too! :hubbahubba:

P.S. Ohhhh, cindiluuuuu-oooo :whistling-1:

Anything you can do with that? I know it isn't a good quality file.

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Have to agree ldyj...it really is a non-issue. Either Clay is with RCA or he is not and eventually we will find out which it is...but I really don't think it is that big of deal.


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It is all over the net that Clay is being dropped by RCA. They say that Clay is no longer listed and that if you do a search for him, you get directed to his fanclub site. I seem to recall getting an email or reading somewhere that the RCA site was "under construction" and that was why they were directing everyone to Clay's fanclub site. Anyone know anything?

It looks like it is not so much "all over the net" as it is the same tired passive-aggressive crap that a few blogs have decided to run with.

Blogs that are usually crappy to Clay.

Heeeee.....they all have "exclusives" that consist of doing a search for Clay on RCA's site and interpreting the findings in what they hope is the worst way possible, in order to stir up Claymates.


The comments must be very disappointing - 97% are pretty much "Good! RCA SUX!!!!!!".

One person wants RCA to drop Kelly, too, because her new song sucks. :-O

Remember, they can't get hits any more by saying they have a good source who says Clay is GAY!!!!!!!!! Must be frustrating as hell. We were all supposed to leave the fandom.

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Whether or not Clay is still with RCA has also been discussed on the boards with all the reasons why he is isn't...so it wouldn't be a stretch for these bloggers to just get their information from us and use it for their supposition. Nothing official, just a lot of heresay and who really is going to care?


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It is all over the net that Clay is being dropped by RCA. They say that Clay is no longer listed and that if you do a search for him, you get directed to his fanclub site. I seem to recall getting an email or reading somewhere that the RCA site was "under construction" and that was why they were directing everyone to Clay's fanclub site. Anyone know anything?

It looks like it is not so much "all over the net" as it is the same tired passive-aggressive crap that a few blogs have decided to run with.

Blogs that are usually crappy to Clay.

Heeeee.....they all have "exclusives" that consist of doing a search for Clay on RCA's site and interpreting the findings in what they hope is the worst way possible, in order to stir up Claymates.


The comments must be very disappointing - 97% are pretty much "Good! RCA SUX!!!!!!".

One person wants RCA to drop Kelly, too, because her new song sucks. :-O

Remember, they can't get hits any more by saying they have a good source who says Clay is GAY!!!!!!!!! Must be frustrating as hell. We were all supposed to leave the fandom.

Not all were "passive-aggressive" bloggers. A few I read were from people who like Clay and were actually glad for him saying RCA/Clive Davis never promoted him anyway. Just sayin'. I wasn't worried just thought I had gotten an email or read somewhere that the RCA site was changing stuff around and while they were doing that, they were directing everyone to Clay's fanclub site. Does anyone remember that or am I hallucinating?

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whatavoice - that's a great question - the problem is, nobody really knows, unless there's some serious backchannel I missed. The facts are these: (and the dates are not mentioned because lord knows I can't remember) Clay was doing a Joyful Noise tour with Angela, Quiana and Jacob as usual - Jacob's solo was Emannuel (here comes some heresy: I don't like the song, and even worse, I liked Jacob's version a titch better than Clay's. Sue me.) which came about the middle of the show (for certain clack takers, a good time to change tapes). During one show, Jacob was singing backup as usual but after intermission was nowhere to be seen. Clay did Emannuel just fine and never said jack shit to the audience about what happened to Jacob - and neither Clay, Jacob, Quiana, Angela, Jerome, Faye, Jaymes or anyone has ever discussed it one way or another. Rumors abound - Clay fired Jacob, Jacob quit in a huff - I personally go with "abducted by aliens who like skinny guys and Clay out ran him". He's still working as a professional musician, mostly out of Utah I think.

Anybody know any more facts or better yet, wild and crazy rumors?

I saw Jacob in a Colbie (the bubbley song girl) video

he also as a cd out

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OK Don't all hate me at once but I don't like the pic and I can't tell you who I first thought it was.


I saw the google alerts but didn't read them. Seems some got their info straight from the Clay message boards.

I'm one that doesn't want him to get dropped from RCA but life would go on and they have nothing to do with his touring. They had nothing to do with getting him Spam. So basically like others said his career will go on.

ETA" good for Jacob. It seems he's been a working musician for a good long time which means he's a success.

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I've been gone a couple of weeks while moving/relocating and am trying to get back into the swing of things. I have not caught up here but wanted to add that I too love Facebook!! It can be a lot of fun. I have only used it for personal stuff though not in a professional sense.

better late than never, love the banner!

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keeping looking at that picture trying to think who Merieee could think Clay looks like

I thought he looked like a college guy.


i use to go to the RCA message board. It was just removed without notice. When you tried to go there it did send you to the OFC homepage. There was something posted there about wanting Clay fan's to have one place to meet (something like that)>

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Just a quick update....if your OFC membership was set to expire tomorrow (02/20/09) or 02/24/09, it should now be set back to 02/27/09. By that time butterflyshine, who is one of the mods there, believes they should have the glitch that is impacting renewal fixed so that renewals can begin.

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Add me to any list, poll, thread, blog or whatever who doesn't give a flying fig if Clay and RCA have seperated. I can't do a thing about his career or personal life so I just have to have hope that team clay has a plan. :8:

Now here comes my bad memory. Wasn't there pictures of Clay and Diana Degarmo on the previous night before Martha and Clay was cleanshaven? Or maybe it was the Duff sisters?

Hi claylove, hope you had an easy move. :canfly:

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Oh my goodness! I love Clay Aiken to pieces, but he looks like he's getting ready to play Shaggy in the next live-action Scooby Doo movie in that picture! :hysterical:

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Add me to any list, poll, thread, blog or whatever who doesn't give a flying fig if Clay and RCA have seperated. I can't do a thing about his career or personal life so I just have to have hope that team clay has a plan. :8:

Now here comes my bad memory. Wasn't there pictures of Clay and Diana Degarmo on the previous night before Martha and Clay was cleanshaven? Or maybe it was the Duff sisters?

Hi claylove, hope you had an easy move. :canfly:

I do miss some of the people on that messge board :( they are really sweet & now impossible to find. what picture are you talking about? The one where Clay went to see Diana in hairspray? or a different one?

Oh my goodness! I love Clay Aiken to pieces, but he looks like he's getting ready to play Shaggy in the next live-action Scooby Doo movie in that picture! :hysterical:

that would actually be pretty funny & cool

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Bearded, casual Clay = YUM!!!

Sorry - but those reports of Clay leaving RCA read exactly as though they were lifted from fan boards. I'll never understand how people think they're helping/supporting Clay in any way by doing that - but then I've been scratching my head for years over that one. Guess it's just fun speculation and discussion. *shrug*

Hopefully whatever the reality of it all is, we'll know soon enough - and from Clay, not fan-detectives (or anonymous insiders who see fit to speak to speshul fans).

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OMG...this has nuthin' to do with nuthin', but I'm reading a book in which the main character is a wise-ass--a real joker who always has a smart-assed remark ready. Anyhoo....he asks a female detective who's working a murder case with him, "What's the difference between a computer and a woman?"


Are you ready?

The computer will accept a 3 and a half inch floppy.




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:hysterical: Kind of like asking a skunk to show you how to stop smelling bad! :hysterical:

LOVE the batiks!....and that you're still using your Clay Aiken color selection method. I think that's awesome!

Hee! FromClaygary, if that's how skunks live I don't ever want to smell good again! :)

Indeed you do! You're on a slippery slope now, I tell ya! ;) Love your colour choices, BTW and I think your quilt choices are pretty. Don't think I'll post any pictures of all my scrapbooking goodies though - I'm scared to think of how much I've got in accordion folders!
Thanks, Bella, and please post your scrapbooking goodies! *puppy eyes* Would love to see them!!!

Bwah! :hahaha: True! I've got stashes of quilting fabrics, bear fur and costume fabrics & trims, paints, inks, yarn, markers, colored pencils.... :blush:
Oooooh, I would love to roll around in your stashes, annabear!!!

I don't know anything about John..he seemed like an ok dude and a great friend.
I kinda liked John way back when.

Guh! Gah! FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay! Remember his description of himself in the 'Clarity in Cabo' blog? I think my response to that post was, 'can we pay him to not shower and shave'?
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Bwah! :hahaha: True! I've got stashes of quilting fabrics, bear fur and costume fabrics & trims, paints, inks, yarn, markers, colored pencils.... :blush:
Oooooh, I would love to roll around in your stashes, annabear!!!

Sweet lil Scarlett's a FLIRT! Who knew?! :cryingwlaughter:

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