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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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keepingfaith, ya feelin' better? Missed ya.

Missed you too. I'm still a little puny, but I've worked myself up to chicken noodle soup today. Yippee.

Yay...Well, you totally missed the new eHP slogan: "Clay IS the sex"...okay, well, it's not the official new slogan, but it was fun while it lasted. lol

Oh, and random facts: Scarlett looks good from the back, even when plugging in electronics...Solo is a great listener. KAren IS Guitar Hero...and merrieeee knows her accents. :)

So, in parting, close your eyes, breathe deeply, clear your mind, and repeat the mantra...BE the sex. BE the sex. BE the...yeah. It's working, isn't it? hee

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Just a totally random aside, does Clay still sell concert t-shirts when he tours? My mom thinks it's too "obsessive" (have you been paying any attention at all the last few months, mom? we passed obsessive a little while back...) to have a shirt with someone's face on it and so doesn't want me to go to Cafepress.com or make an iron-on pattern with Clay's face on it and would only let me get a shirt with his face on it if it was a concert tee to a concert I've actually been too.


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Oh, and random facts: Scarlett looks good from the back, even when plugging in electronics...

So, in parting, close your eyes, breathe deeply, clear your mind, and repeat the mantra...BE the sex. BE the sex. BE the...yeah. It's working, isn't it? hee

Something is clearly wrong when the eHP has more pictures of my behind than Clay's. I'm almost at the point where I'd be willing to log on to the OFC message boards just to send a desperate plea to TC -- Help! we need some fresh Clack!!! (well, almost but not quite. Hee!)

ETA: And Solo, you know I'm going to get even for that one! *plans to hold your Frisco Clack hostage & send a ransom note for a midnight exchange at the docks Houston Port Authority (somehow that doesn't have v. much zing to it as a hostage exchange scene)... and your Minneapolis too! -- blows raspberry!*

EATA: clayzycoffin, not at the last JNT (sigh, that was soooo long ago) but maybe at a pop concert! *keeps fingers crossed*

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Thanks for the nummy yummies, Scarlett! :tasty:

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lord what kind of rag tag state do I live in. They need to lock those politicians in without food until they pass a budget.

hey 00lsee..I see ya'll had quite the party :lilredani:

I loved the JBT -- such a fun concert. Thanks for bringing it back Scarlett. It made me put in a DVD to watch the whole thing. Sailing..la la la...that's for you KAndre. :cryingwlaughter:

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Kareneh, always good to see you here!!!

annabear, would you mind tearing the drool cloth in two so that I can share?

Too excited over the disks that kimiye's going to send!!! :thankyou:

Just wanted to re-post the site with the mpg's and mp4's for those who want early copies. My favorites are Mandy, WDC and the 80sMedley. I'm sending the files to geekette for processing; the wmv's will be on the CH/CV/CU link.

Sailing..la la la...that's for you KAndre. :cryingwlaughter:

Actually, Sailing is quite good on this set since you and ldyj were right in front of the piano. KAndre might change her mind. Not.

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Good Morning Everyone,

I thought I was doing so good not getting any kind of bug at all this winter but it appears my luck has run out and I now have a cold. I would stay home but I have a meeting at our library system today which is about 45 minutes away and it is raining...I so do not want to have to go out today. I have never driven there myself either, so I am a little nervous about that...hoping I don't get lost. Okay, done whining, on to the good stuff:

18 Days until Daylight Savings Time! :yahoo:

30 Days until The First Day of Spring!


49 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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From mustbeme at CV:

I have to give Ruben credit for standing there answering this guys questions! The guy asks about Clay and Parker....I'm glad Ruben is a man of few words!!!

the video.....

Radar on Line

Ruben Studdard: I Don't Watch Idol

Hey Ruben, what's up?

RadarOnline.com caught up with the Velvet Teddy Bear at the airport in Salt Lake City and talked to him about his new album, Clay Aiken, and if he ever watches American Idol.

This looks like an "ambush" video to me, but I love the way Ruben handles it. Answers that are short, sweet, and to the point...good for Ruben.



Broadway Bears Raises Over $150,000 for BC/EFA; Spamalot Bear Is King

Broadway Bears Raises Over $150,000 for BC/EFA; Spamalot Bear Is King

By Andrew Gans

February 17, 2009

For the second consecutive year, the Spamalot bear — signed by former "American Idol" finalist and Spamalot star Clay Aiken — raised the most money at the annual Broadway Bears fundraiser, which was held Feb. 15 at the B.B. King Blues Club & Grill on West 42nd Street.

The Spamalot bear brought in $16,000 for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Broadway Bears XII — hosted by Bryan Batt — earned a total of $152,116 for the charitable organization.

Other top money-makers were Alan Strang with Nugget from Equus ($10,000), Glinda from Wicked ($7,000) and Growltiger from Cats ($5,500). Lorna Kelly was the evening's auctioneer.

The yearly event features a host of teddy bears dressed as famous Broadway characters, many autographed by the original stars who wore the original (human-sized) outfits. Among the bears that were auctioned this year included Sir Thomas More from A Man for All Seasons, Be Our Guest Eggbeater from Beauty and the Beast, Gabriella from Boeing-Boeing, Growltiger from Cats, Nugget with Alan Strang from Equus, Mama Rose "Some People" from Gypsy, Mama Rose "Rose's Turn" from Gypsy, Mimi Marquez from Rent, Sir Robin from Spamalot, Wendla from Spring Awakening, Glinda from Wicked and Elizabeth from Young Frankenstein.

Last year's auction, also hosted by Batt, brought in $127,000 for the charitable organization. The Spamalot bear — signed by Clay Aiken and David Hyde Pierce — was the top-selling bear, bringing in $17,000.

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is the nation's leading industry-based, nonprofit AIDS fundraising and grants making organization. By drawing upon the talents, resources and generosity of the American theatre community, BC/EFA raises funds for AIDS-related causes and other critical illnesses across the United States. Since its founding in 1988, BC/EFA has raised over $150 million dollars for critically needed services for people with AIDS and other serious illnesses.

For more information about Broadway Bears XII or Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, visit the BC/EFA website at www.broadwaycares.org or call (212) 840-0770, ext. 268.


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This looks like an "ambush" video to me, but I love the way Ruben handles it. Answers that are short, sweet, and to the point...good for Ruben.

Thanks for posting that vid. I love Ruben, so glad he and Clay are still great friends. Although I would have obviously preferred Clay to win, I am glad that if Clay had to be the runner-up, that Ruben was the winner! I don't follow his career at all but I just like to know he's doing well and is still pals with Clay.

If anyone is going somewhere special and wants new ideas for shoes, these from Japan might help you stand out in the crowd...


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KAndre wanders in, muttering "BE the Sex" repeatedly and still trying to straighten out her fingers from Foghat and that damn guitar...

Dang, next time we are gonna get a girl-in-a-bubble suit and just fetch keepingfaith, as out of the first 16-20 songs on Guitar Hero, that heifer Scarlett knew a grand total of...two. I at least knew three. We played the hell out of them all!

Like Sailng? Never in the lifetime - but I'll be damned if Clay didn't get me to listen to the whole damn song - repeatedly.

I see comments from way back when...communication in a wonderful thing. Doesn't always work, especially in a written medium. And I love how international our board is - though I am well aware of how very Americanocenic some of us can be (but then again, you never know when someone on this side of the pond started out from). This community also has a lot of weird-ass history and it is not all universal. All I can suggest is that ya do the best you can. Newbies, ask anything you like - someone will always roll their eyes at the gerbil wheel/dead horse/mythology - and slapping is occasionally out of the question (I never rule out any mod techniques) but from many perspectives, many if not all of "gates" are freaking hilarious. Or at least I find them funny. But I'm biased. Hell, I know I'm seriously invested in one Clay Aiken - I simply think my level of vestment works for me and everyone else should be exactly like moi - and I find much about him, his career and his fandom as funny as hell. [Solo, don't look at the following sentence. I don't want you to be shocked.] And I like bitching about stuff. I like it a LOT. And a little whining too... I try to be funny with it, but it's still bitching. I honestly believe if you eliminate complaints, especially about other people, 40% of all communication would disappear. And we would be boring as hell. Of course, I will put the smackdown on if necessary when bitching becomes OTT - so aren't y'all lucky I like bitching?

Thinking back on communication - one of the things that came up were words that we read and knew but didn't really hear aloud and didn't know how to pronounce (merrieee allowed us to pick her brain - even though British people don't seem to have a clue as to what they're drinking - lemonade is NOT fizzy! La la la I can't her you! Barley water? OMFG! Some sort of sucrose water stuff? Wha????) like reticule. It wasn't until I hit college before I connected the spoken and written forms of 'epitome,' 'segue,' and 'paradigm' (I swear, I thought it was "eppy- tom" , "seg" (I don't know why I thought the "ue" was silent) and "pa-ra-dig-em"). Or ethereal. Or catastrophe. Or couchie's "Guala"! It's difficult to tell sometimes even where the communication is falling down. But all in all I think we do pretty damn good.

I'm enjoying my week off not doing a damn thing!

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KAndre... I like your bitching/whining, too... cause you are dang funny at it and always entertaining.

Scarlett... or anyone else who can help... I am trying to convert a powerpoint presentation onto a DVD that can be played at a tradeshow in a continuous loop. Do you happen to know the best software to do that??? Or know someone who has done that??? I read your free software list, but don't remember anything like this. Don't even care if it costs, if it works. Thanks!

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liney, can you hook up your computer with PowerPoint on it to a projector? Because I'm pretty sure there's a way to make a PPT loop as you are asking within PowerPoint.

OK, off to try and get tickets to see Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion live....

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Yay for the Spamalot bear and the good the money will do.

Great post K. The fact that nary a day has gone by since 2003 that I haven't checked in on a Clay board kinda says a lot about my level of vestment..yet on the other hand it tells you nothing. We are all different.

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