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#57: Oh yeah, he really is just. that. good.


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40 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • My, my, my...my boyfriend is making me feel all cougarish and slinky and growly
    • I'd better hold on to my fedora cos I ain't seen nothing yet!
    • He exhilarates me!
    • Unremitting Fangirl reporting for duty. I'm easy and I'm proud of it!
    • The man is made of awesome.
    • Clay Aiken can still curl my toes.
    • Clay Aiken = happy sigh
    • I'm a satisfied Clay fan.

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cagney, I collected those Beatles cards in 1964.

Me, too. I remember trading them on the playground at school, but I don't remember the details. I mean... there were only 4 guys, I guess there were multiple pictures of each and maybe some group pictures, but still.... trading?

Great picture of everyday Clay.

I love the sweetness of anticipation.

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I knew Clay would show up sooner or later! He looks yummy! So maybe an AI appearance? Ruben is in L.A. also.

(Of course, all the people who looking for the nearest ledge yesterday are now very happy and waiting for a Clay appearance...you could get whiplash!)

Me? Because frankly, I can eeeeeeeee over the photo and still get whiplash from shaking my head at three-plus months of silence.

Nope...wasn't talking about you...sorry if I left that impression. So Quiana is with Clay...can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve for us!


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A Man and His Sandwich (and he didn't have to actually MAKE the Sandwich):





merrieeee, I agree about Crying. That thing he does! I can't imagine skipping any of these. Each has its own special charm. It's Impossible just melts me. My mother adored Perry Como and I never would have believed I could fall so hard for that song. I may not admit it to my mother.

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There are long snippets up at Decca

Decca Records

OMG Crying,.....just gah!!


Leering looking at some guy with blindingly white cinnamon legs, bare toes and sandwich in hand while listening to those long sound bites from TnT is making my day!! :listen:

A thoroughly wrinkled hawt mess with a magnificently sexy vox just "ooooooooozing life" all over my senses :Thud::Thud:

There's a mass of contradictions giving me fits in my mind right now and I'm a bit high tingly giddy from it! :whee:

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My friend and I have been debating what he will sing for appearances. My money is on Moon River if it's a ballad and Make Believe if he goes for the jazzier sound. Heck, it's short enough that if they cut the musical interlude out he might actually get to sing the whole thing.

It's Impossible might just kill me. And Crying? Still say it holds some of the most beautiful sounds he's ever made.


After scrolling back I see Quiana is with him. Hmmmmmmm! I'm kinda hoping it isn't to sing Suspicious Minds. Much as I love it he's already done that on TV.

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KA, the Macca Man was a gorgeous 26 & 27 in 1969, and yeah he wasn't a monkey man. That was Mick Jagger!

Check out the record label on the cover. CONTENT!!!!

I get that it was too old for an 8 year old in 1969, but I swear I'm gonna catch you up one of these days. And I promise you won't have to look at current pictures of Keith Richards, who, believe it or not, is younger than Paul McCartney. Money can't buy you love, home grown tomatoes, or good genes.

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Not listening to the snippets...going to wait until I have the CD and savor the whole thing.


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I'm watching Idol and I don't see how either of these two are going to have careers, must less set the world on fire. Lee D. is singing his "winner's first single" song -- and it's a cover. U2's Beautiful Day. A sad version, I must say.

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The "winner's first single" for Crystal B. is another cover, Up to the Mountain. She's going to win, but I don't know how many copies of this she'll sell. Gawd, she just totally sucked up to Simon for his "last critique on the show."

She can't lose this thing now, but is it too much to ask that she brush the knots out of her hair at least once?

Needless to add, there was not a BOTW moment again this year. And no mention of the guests tomorrow night. Just "surprises for Simon."

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6 Days until June 1st and The New CD/GMA Appearance!:04:

7 Days until Clay is on The View!:yahoo:

17 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago!:yahoo:

26 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC!:yahoo:

43 Days until Clay is Addressing The Key Club Convention!:yahoo:

58 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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It could be worse - at least I had a faint idea of who the Beatles were in '69 - the Rolling Stones didn't enter my consciousness as a group until the mid 70's.

I have to admit, I was totally underwhelmed with the final two on AI yesterday. And yet, I will sporadically watch AI in hopes that Clay's shiny red head (I do like his current hair color) will pop up. We're gonna pretend no one can smut from that comment, right? Right.

Nobody said anything about Newsweek saying Clay was an music icon!

Looking at those candid leg shots - I have to say, occasionally I miss orange Clay.

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Sorry, KA, but I've already had extremely impure thoughts about a shiny red head popping up. You're SO guilty -- shameless, but guilty! And our timing is off on the Stones. I didn't like them after the 70's. Specifically once Ron Wood joined the band the magic was gone. I was a Brian Jones and then Mick Taylor fan. When Wood came on board, the scuzzy factor was on overdrive and just overwhelmed me, I guess. The Stones didn't have another great song for me after Wood joined the band.

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Oh, I didn't like the Stones - I had just heard about them - right now, I couldn't tell you the names of the guys in the band beyond Mick and the Cryptkeeper...and the only songs I know are "Jumping Jack Flash" (from the movie with Whoopie) and "Beast of Burden" (because my sister liked it and played the fuck out of it). I don't think I actually know any other Stones songs. Well, I might, but don't know if the Stones sang them...

Clay is such a dude...we will be seeing those damn shorts until sometime in 2030...

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I was chatting with couchie the other day, and she reminded me about this:

Are ya'll up for a listening party?

I'm thinking of holding one on Friday evening June 4, and also Saturday, June 5 (split the album in to two halves, one for each evening). And then maybe holding a similar one again later in the summer, maybe mid July, with the same kind of deal.

Post and let me know what you think.

I can't believe it's almost here! I look forward to savoring that voice.

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For once, I have nothing but time, as evidenced by my incessant post ho'ing these days, so count me in. I'm not a daytime TV watcher, so y'all please try to tolerate me for the next few weeks.

I'm uncertain that I know exactly what a listening party is, but if it's listening to Clay, no problemo!

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I knew I should have explained the concept a bit more...LOL.

What we've done in the past is this: Start with the first song on the album, and everyone at their computers or CD players puts the song on repeat for 15 minutes. During that time, since we're all listening at approximate the same time, we make comments in a special thread (which I create). After 15 minutes (and I'm STRICT with the time limit, ask couchie), we go to the next song. And so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby.

We usually can complete half the album in one night, and finish it the second night. We usually also try to time it so that it's not too late for the East Coasters, and not too early for the West Coasters. I think we shoot for starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time, so we'd finish up about 11:00 p.m. or so.

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Wow, it's been four years since Clay took ownership of my heart on May 24, 2006. I still remember saying, "Who is that? Who IS that? It can't be CLAY!" I realize that it wasn't a surprise for board members at the time who got a heads up, but that total surprise was an amazing experience for a lot of people. My sister was just freaking that Clay didn't have a new album available then. She told me the next week that if Clay had a new album coming out after that show he would have sold a million in one week. He had been off our radar for a couple of years then.

Now, completely unrelated. I had a dream last night, a very strange one. I was living in a little cheap apartment and a new neighbor moved in. I went to visit her and it was Susan Boyle. She was a totally different Susan Boyle who drank, cussed, smoked, and was a real gossip, which totally shocked me. She was loud and wild. Told me that everything about her persona and discovery was created by Simon Cowell, and that he had her pretending to be this rather emotionally fragile, frumpy person and created an entire backstory for her. She was scared of him and was hiding out because she didn't want to play that "Susan" anymore. It was one of those long dreams that seemed to go on forever. When I woke up I remembered more of it than I do now, but thought it was strange that I dreamed about her since I didn't even buy her record. Then I also remembered that her big song was "I Dreamed a Dream" -- how weird is that? For some reason I think Couchie triggered this dream. She mentioned her fondness for John Lennon and I started thinking about how I had never dreamed about Paul McCartney, but often dreamed about John. I remember dreaming of spending the day in NY with John, and another dream when I went to the Cannes Film Festival and John and Yoko were sitting on a bench outside because they couldn't get in, and I befriended them and we spent the day hanging out. Anyway, John was often in my dreams, even after he was killed. So, I was remembering that yesterday, and last night have this crazy dream about Susan Boyle! Why I never dream about Clay Aiken and Paul McCartney, I just don't understand.

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