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# 63: Clay Aiken for President!


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A follow up tweet, via his friend Cameron:

OMG! NERD ALERT! RT @camerons: Technically this Green Lantern is Alan Scott of the Justice Society with different powers so sorry

I think I love Cameron...not as much as Clay, mind you, but still...

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So after 2 days of writing out addresses as a (very) temporary 9-5 job, my writing hand is in a brace. LOL I took it on cause it was easy money and only supposed to be 2 days, but I'm going to have fun this weekend finishing the job. I was handed a list of 770 names...to hand address...including the return addy because the owner of the company wants it to look entirely personal. Yup. I don't have many left, maybe 150 at most, but at least I can take my time because they don't have to go back till Tuesday!

It would also have helped if he had all 770 letters had been signed, but he only got to a full ream till he decided to get it digitalized and printed for the other 4500 he has to have.

So... Clay's Twitter is working again? :lol: I haven't seen the internet much in the last 48 hours.

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You must have lovely handwriting shortyjill. At least at the start! I could see someone paying me not to write on any of their letters! :D

Hope you've got your hand in ice.

Our TV has finally given up so we have just come home from getting a new one and also a new bed. So tiring.

Me in a short while---> :couch1:

DH and DS1 have gone back in the bigger car to get the TV - hope they can fit it in! (Not such a big TV, more a case of smaller cars!!)

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Awwww, I missed 00lsee's B-Day.

Hey, where are the emoticons hiding ??

Oh well, just pretend I posted a big party emoti (cake, hats, balloons, drinks.....lots of drinks) here, k.

Yep -- this is an upgrade for the board. I'm used to it, because of another board I frequent. But it might take a little getting used to! If anyone has questions, contact me and I'll try to help best I can.

One of the things I want to investigate is that I know we can do a "sidebar" that will list Clay's tweets as they come in...

I like this idea (bolded) :)

So, no pictures of the new boy toy here yet? well poopy :(

shortyjill, I hope your hand/wrist is better soon!

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shady, make sure you have plenty of wrist support! Carpal Tunnel is bad!

treenuts, when you click on the emoticon smiley face, it shows only a few of the emoticons. But underneath those few, there's "Show All" which brings up the entire list.

I managed to see this at CV a couple of days ago:

Flick Photo Slideshow from the GLSEN dinner This was the event he attended the day after the CApp finale. Looking through them again yesterday, I think the new "boyfriend" (his name is Dan) is in one of the pictures with Clay. Dark curly hair -- he's cute.

And yes, I'm using "boyfriend" loosely, as we know diddly squat about Clay's personal relationships.

Honestly, I'd rather have a new picture of Parker, but I know that will never happen.

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14 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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You must have lovely handwriting shortyjill. At least at the start! I could see someone paying me not to write on any of their letters! :D

Hope you've got your hand in ice.

It's not super pretty but it's clean, simple and legible. :lol:

shady, make sure you have plenty of wrist support! Carpal Tunnel is bad!

I know you meant me here :teehee1: but yes I have supports! :) A few of them in fact... and I already have CT thanks to a life of computer use

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And I just caught that I called you "shady" not "shorty." Whoops. That's what happens when you read at different boards....My bad.

Went out today and bought a new swimsuit. For once, it wasn't torture to get one! I'll be needing one, because in a few weeks, we're taking off for a few days in Memphis. Lots of music history to be had there, not to mention barbecue and swimming!

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My daughter lives in New Brunswick and she was out today trying to buy sandals for her girls and she said they had hardly any stock left and no more coming in. In one corner of the children's store they had winter jackets. I find this ridiculous since we haven't really had ANY warm weather yet, to speak of. Talk about pushing the seasons.

Bathing suit shopping isn't my favourite passtime...the lighting in the fitting rooms is terrible and the mirrors, I'm sure were purchased in a "fun house"...at least that's the story I'm sticking with. ;)

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13 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Well shoot, I can't let that be the only post all day, but I have nothing interesting to say. Let's see, tonight I had dinner out and forgot to tip the waitress. I never do that because I used to wait tables myself. By the time I remembered they were closed. I'll go back and leave something next week, but in the meantime she's going to think I stiffed her. Boo. She was very nice, and a college student.

Oh and I listened to Steadfast on the way there and back. :wub:

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New tweet from Clay. I just learned about this whole thing with Jason Alexander today; I usually watch Craig Ferguson's show, but skipped that episode.

This @IJasonAlexander apology is the most sincere and classiest I have ever heard! Great job! huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/03/jas…

jmh, I hope that waitress will forgive you! And it's funny...I just listened to "Steadfast" again this week too. It's such a great album...and I always put "Bring Back My Love" on repeat!

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I've been listening to Steadfast pretty regularly too. I can't get enough of It's only Make Believe. I love jazzy Clay.

I'm taking advantage of the Clay break to wash the windows in the house. We discovered that one of our newer windows has a crack in the glass. I'm hoping that Pella will replace it. It's a small bathroom window and can't imagine what could have caused it. I left that one dirty so they don't think I broke it washing it.

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I'm glad Clay is still tweeting. I think he will as long as he has something to say. He doesn't seem interested in tweeting nonsense like many celebs do. I hope everyone had a great weekend! Hey, Couchie, when's the next A's vs. Giants game??

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12 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I'm just making it in by midnight so the day won't be without posts.

I've been working all day on an editing job that threatens to go on forever and heard from another for the first time since December. Would love to get these two things finished and move on & would love to get paid!

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Having an annoying problem; even though I check the remember me box, I still have to sign in everytime..anyone else?

11 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I use IE to acess the board and have no problems but when I am on the old Mac laptop, I get "You are not allowed to access this board". It does recognize my board name and all I have to do is click on new content. I do have trouble posting sometimes as the menu is in the middle of the reply and I have to post above it. If I post too much I can't see it.

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Been busy at work lately. I survived my annual performance appraisal, but I also have to write and give appraisals as well. I have 8 to do, and they all have to be done by next Tuesday.

I'm hoping that Clay announces a video blog soon...

But hey! His tweeter works! Anybody watching CNN to see what this was about? (I'm personally watching the premiere of Storage Wars myself...)

Hey @BrookeBCNN just put your hand over his mouth! Good grief! Is he ever gonna let you speak?
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10 Days until Clay is singing with Michael Feinstein at the Great American Songbook event! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I forgot to post this the other day. The National Inclusion Project received another $25,000 via Celebrity Apprentice.

ACTV8.me Sweepstakes winner donates $25,000 to National Inclusion Project

]Contribution Made During Season Finale of Celebrity Apprentice

Cleve Collado considers himself the real winner of the Celebrity Apprentice. On the night of the show's Finale, he won $50,000 just by playing along on his phone! Collado remembers that night, “When I found out about the money, I was in denial at first because I didn’t know that just by playing along with The Celebrity Apprentice iPhone app I would win such an amount! When it eventually settled in, about 5 minutes later, I was ecstatic because I realized that I would be able to help my family out with expenses and that was the greatest feeling.”

ACTV8.ME created an app where audiences of Celebrity Apprentice could interact with the content and story narratives in a personalized and more meaningful way. To encourage participation, users were given the opportunity to enter a $50,000 sweepstakes throughout the entire Celebrity Apprentice season by registering from within the application.

ACTV8.ME aligned with the philanthropic nature of the show by announcing half the earnings would go to the winner’s charity of choice. “I chose the National Inclusion Project because a child with a disability just wants to be treated the same as everyone else. They want to live as normal a life as possible despite their disability. This is the goal of the Project - to make sure that no child is left on the sidelines,” says Collado.

This $25,000 brings the National Inclusion Project donations total to $75,000 since the Celebrity Apprentice Finale aired on May 20th.

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