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#66: "I'm Clay Aiken, and I Approved This Message!"


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It's not bad. She just keeps referencing showing up. Obviously a reference to his supposedly no show at committee meetings.

It fades out at the end but she appears to say she will debate him.

BTW Happy Birthday lady J

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A birthday present for MEEEEEEEEEEEE! That is one fantastic article!

Yes, I'm sure some of it makes fans feel depressed -- the whole "I'm not going back to singing" thing. That's tough to hear.

And the whole "Sylvia" thing makes me cringe a little...


He comes off as someone who is willing to listen. Someone who isn't afraid to get a little smell on him. (BTW Clay -- chickens smell a whole lot worse than pigs, coming from a farmer's daughter. Just sayin'.) Someone who knows he's got a hard road ahead of him.

Someone who is willing to take a chance, and try to make a change.

God, I love him.

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He certainly doesn't come off as a Hollywood lightweight.

Why would anyone still be depressed about the no more singing? They should be over it by now. It has been made pretty obvious numerous times. That ship has sailed! Oh I'm sorry I forgot it's still all about me.......don't you know!

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That was a great article. I could swear that many has written about Clay before.

I pretty much think Clay will not do much singing anymore. I think there will be opportunity to hear him now and again if you have the money to go to him. If it turns out otherwise I'll be happy about it.

ok eeek about the nude photo takers getting what they deserve if leaked. Remember boob picture? Same exact thing. Whether it's credit cards or just personal thoughts, you have the right not to have that stolen from you.

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Yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled about his reactions to the nude photos. I finally have something I don't necessarily agree with him on -- heh. Doesn't mean I still don't love him.

Did y'all see the cool pictures with the Washington Post article slideshow?










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merrieeee, I think a fair number of us are still hanging on to a glimmer of hope that he will one day come back to singing (in an affordable format). I know the days of huge tours and throngs of fans are gone, but I still think he could do Broadway or smaller plays like Ogunquit or even sing in intimate venues again, if he wanted to. I expect that he'll continue in politics regardless of whether he wins or loses this election, although in what arena I don't know. I don't wallow in despair over it or anything, but yeah, to me it's depressing when someone who is so good at something, quits doing it. I've had this experience with a few other fan favourites of mine, and it's hard. But ultimately it's their life to live, and they have to do what makes them happy.

Belated happy birthday ldyj!

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luckiest, I really like the way you're dealing with all this. However, I really don't feel that Clay will every really go back to performing in the entertainer sense, no matter how small a venue. He's had a taste of this new side, and I think he likes it an awful lot.

As far as someone being so talented giving it up...well, you know...people do that all the time. It is sad, but it's a fact of life that some don't do what they are so naturally talented at. Besides, I think Clay likes a challenge -- and singing just wasn't challenging enough for him.

In the end, though -- I think I'm with almost all of us here, that he needs to do what makes him happiest.

Time to catch up with the selfies and pictures from yesterday (not connected with that article):


Lora Staten

3 hrs · iOS ·

This is my brother Earl Mills and Clay Aiken that he's posing with. My brother graduated high school and still couldn't read and was well up in age before he joined a literacy program. Since joining he has learned to read, has become a motivational speaker for literacy, has published numerous books on poetry and travels to many different cities speaking. He's always trying to encourage someone to let them know it's not too late. Clay isn't the only person he's met, he's also had the privilege of meeting Barbara Bush. So proud of our brother and man of God!


Megan Bradshaw

43 mins ·

Look who we met at the parade! Clay Aiken! And yes I was embarrassingly star struck


David Trip Stentz

Follow · Just now ·

Clay Aiken makin' a show at turkey festival...


No description on that one...


Melinda Wright

about a minute ago

Selfie with Clay Aiken @ the Turkey Festival Parade #ExitRaeford.


grace @MyHeroAmeezy

So idk if any of you remember clay Aiken from American idol but he's at this parade here pic.twitter.com/CB1r5QammT

I'm going to stop here for now and start a new post...

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Peyton Hartgrove @peytonlaine

Got a selfie with clay Aiken!



Two from Instagram.


Monk âš¾ @ScrewDan_

Selfie with Clay Aiken pic.twitter.com/QjodlKx1hM



No captions on these two.


Linda Howell McGirr

7 hrs · iOS ·

Clay Aiken was at the Turkey Festival. Shook my hand. Looking a little pudgy. I voted for Renee Elmers. Probably will again. Thanks for cruising by Clay, gotta go wash my hand now.

(Boo on that comment...)


Ellen Jean Kenyon Shinn

7 hrs · iPhoto ·

Had a nice day, Brenda's Birthday, Birthday dinner Mexican, Ice cream cake, cup cakes, Turkey Festival Parade the girls marched in the parade. And Brenda got a picture with Clay Aiken a country singer who lives in North Carolina and is running for congress. Now all kids in bed. Time for Brenda and I to workout. Having a greratttt timeee in North Carolina with Brenda and my girls.


Faith L McLean with Keturah Lahocinsky

48 mins ·

This isn't even fair!!!! Hahaha Clay Aiken came into Pete's and Keturah and him got a selfie!!

Clay's also starting to post "nice to meet you comments" on the Facebook walls of people who post their selfies. Pretty cool.


Emily Greene @emilyrgreene

That time at the Turkey Festival when Clay Aiken asked my name and I asked for a picture...… instagram.com/p/tIOyQhPxW0/

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From Clay's Instagram Account:

clayforncHoke County sure knows how to put on a Turkey Festival parade. Enjoyed joining Sheriff Peterkin and his team for a great event! #ncpol #nc02


clayforncGrab a copy of the @washingtonpost if you haven't already. Today's edition features a front-page story from the campaign trail. #nc02 #ncpol


I tried to find a copy of this today, but couldn't. Wah.

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I have uploaded a TON of pictures from SueReu at CV, who put these on her Facebook page. She allowed sharing, as long as she gets credit! These are from last night's event. Here's a link to the album I created:


I guess the green plaid shirt was auctioned, and got $2800 for it. Also, two dinners with Clay were auctioned; only one planned, but two groups were bidding so as long as they each matched for it, they both got it. Each group or 10 paid $28,000!

Also, overnight, there are ton of YouTube links from what is believed to be Clay's "tracker." This is his upload page, and you'll need to scroll through to see everything. It's a treasure trove:


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The National Inclusion Project just posted on Facebook pictures of the auction -- 200 kids sent to camp!

Report from tonight says he sang three songs: "Bring Back My Love," something the reporter didn't know, and "Because You Loved Me."

ETA: The third song was "If It Wasn't For Your Love," from one of Heather Headley's albums.

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New tweet (and an adorable one too!):

Amazing night with amazing supporters of @includingkids #magicofasmile


Also, Ken Arpino tweeted this earlier tonight:

RT #Claymates! 4 every $100 donated 2 my fundraising page- I'll share fun photos of @clayaiken! #spreadtheword clayaiken.ngpvanhost.com/fundraising/Ke…
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Hee I am way over to the left just out of the pic.

It was one if the best galas! Clay stopped by every table to personally thank us for coming. He looked soooo good! And we had a new song which had a lot of us sniffing!

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