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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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I've been thinkin' some more...aren't y'all proud of me!

I went back to that Time article, you remember back in 'ought three and noticed this (all bolding mine):

Clive Davis is not a man easily stripped of his judgment. Davis, as he often reminds people, discovered Janis Joplin, Patti Smith and Whitney Houston. Despite his status as chairman and ceo of the RCA music group, he still considers himself an A.-and-R. (artist-and-repertoire) man, which means he loves matching singers to songs. It is Davis' job to gather material from professional songwriters for the Idol albums, oversee their production and put his stamp of good taste on every finished product. Shortly after the Idol finale, Davis invited Aiken to his home to discuss Aiken's debut. "I told him," says Davis, "that he is a marvelous talent and that This Is the Night is a very strong song, but it is a souvenir of a television show, and we have to get beyond that. It is my feeling that when you get into being a career recording artist, the stakes are different. People want to see if you can stretch and evolve. They want to know if you have some edge."

Before appearing on American Idol, Aiken was a special-education teacher in Raleigh, N.C. He is a devout Baptist who does not smoke or drink, though he claims to have a temper that emerges when he sees "people with disabilities treated like they're 4 years old." In his piety, Aiken can make Billy Graham seem like a rogue. He listened to Davis' advice about edge and then respectfully asked that he not be required to sing any songs about sex. "Clive tried to tell me that saying certain words in a song—or as he says, 'putting some balls into it'—isn't bad, it's just strong emotion," says Aiken. "Well, there are certain words and emotions I don't want kids hearing, and I'm not changing because they think it's going to sell better. This is going to sound horrible, but I got 12 million votes doing what I did."

Davis counters that Aiken is no longer selling to a TV audience. "You can't worry about who bought the last single," says Davis from his seat in an office studded with platinum-record plaques. "You can't be paralyzed by what the public expects of you. We're now competing against Justin and Christina and Avril and Pink, and if you allow the television audience to program your music, you will not be on radio and you won't make mtv. And then where are you? We have to stay ahead of the curve."


Aiken laughs off most of RCA's foibles—like the time he was forced to change his unstylish shoes before appearing at an industry convention, or the airbrushing of his eyes on the Measure of a Man album cover—because he believes that the label is clueless about how to market to an audience he knows instinctively. "I'm a battle picker," he says. "I try not to get upset about all this marketing stuff because I'm saving it for the time that they tell me that I need to do a song about 'Let's hook up and have sex.' But I'm like, 'Do not—ugh!—don't pretend that the public are a bunch of idiots! Don't pretend that you know what they want and they don't know what they want.'

Now, if I wanted to be messy, I would say Clive Davis has made it clear that he wants what the Conspiracy Theorists want...he wants Clay to compete with Justin, he wants edgy, he want his mtv. I think this article makes it clear that the CTs problem isn't Clive...it's Clay! Heh. heh heh. HA HA! I'm Clay's audience! He knows me instinctively! He knew I knew he didn't have blue eyes!

I think Clay got almost exactly what he wanted on ATDW...and I don't think he sees his target audience as some of the target audience thinks of themselves...

Oooo! Let me add the last paragraph of that article...

It is telling that in just five months with RCA, Aiken has won most of his battles. The This Is the Night video was scrapped at considerable expense. His album is family-friendly pop. Aiken got to name his record Measure of a Man, even though Davis lobbied for any other title. The marketing department now says its strategy is to "let Clay be Clay."

Honestly, I really don't think that's changed a lot. 18 months of recording that RCA paid for - which I bet was NOT cheap - gone. He names all his albums what he wants - no "Amore" for our man! I bet Clay is pushin' hard for QVC. And Clay, in his appearances, looks perfectly happy.

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The only thing that truly baffles me is no radio. If you're not going to pay anyway, why pick a song that has two versions still in rotation on the only format you're going to get. Pick something else. I understand that pop radio and Clay may not be compatible but the album is strictly AC..maybe some hot AC and it has songs on there that could get play. It will be interesting to see if they even bother after Xmas music has its run. I have just always found AC to be a little friendly towards clay.

Oh, just read the article about DOOL in Sponge's updates and Clay is going to get to act heee. Get him to the airport indeed..... perhaps they should have him lose his id...that would be perfect.

So if Clay is going to have an EP only at Walmart I hope they sit those puppies on the counter so people can see them...a $5 impulse buy should be a peice of cake. Also I work 3 minutes from a Walmart...guess I'll make my third trip in soon. I'll pick up some extras as well for those that have a problem.

I'm not going to a commune with a bunch of women ..no bread baking, no flower selling, no passing out tracts. heh. Oh Clay is going to be there too? I need to rethink my position.

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Quick drop off, from the CH:

From Vincent at the CB, about a possible Tyra airdate:


The date that is being heavily considered is Wednesday, November 22nd! (They have great hopes for this show)! Spread the word!

Crap. I'll be in the car on my way to Minnesota to visit the in-laws. Crap. Double crap. Triple crap.

Off to read the missives of the lovely KAndre and couchie!

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Kandre and ldyjocelyn...WORD

Yup...maybe we should make a pin...In the long run with Clay...anyone want to design it??? :)

Sorry, Running and Clay is just wrong!

Clay and Tyra is very cute on TV, but imagine if she ever showed up on a red carpet with Clay - Poor Tyra, it would be all over with some fans. Kind of makes me think of all the fan factions - there are certainly the "Clay is mine" people. Right now, I can't think of anyone I would have a problem with him dating, guess I don't care enough or, maybe, I think it is good for a comment, not much more. Well, whatever, I am looking forward to the show and to the early tonight when the reports come in from MM. Why do I think he will bring up her remark to Ruben about only buying his album. He does like to keep things in context and probably tivoed his good friend.

waves to FearofH2O Some people lurk way too much and post way too little.

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Kandre and ldyjocelyn...WORD

Yup...maybe we should make a pin...In the long run with Clay...anyone want to design it??? :)

Sorry, Running and Clay is just wrong!

Clay and Tyra is very cute on TV, but imagine if she ever showed up on a red carpet with Clay - Poor Tyra, it would be all over with some fans. Kind of makes me think of all the fan factions - there are certainly the "Clay is mine" people. Right now, I can't think of anyone I would have a problem with him dating, guess I don't care enough or, maybe, I think it is good for a comment, not much more. Well, whatever, I am looking forward to the show and to the early tonight when the reports come in from MM. Why do I think he will bring up her remark to Ruben about only buying his album. He does like to keep things in context and probably tivoed his good friend.

waves to FearofH2O Some people lurk way too much and post way too little.

WHAT...MM said she only buys Ruben's albums? Heh...I think she will be teased by Clay about this one. Of course it depends on their working relationship and the fact that he has worked with her twice and she has seen his nipple up close....What???you all forgot that significant event?... I can predict that they are fairly comfortable with each other...

*waves to fearofH2O*

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LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Clyra stories! From the shoes to the flowers, Clay certainly seems to have made an impression.

Yep, I do think it's possible that a decision was made to extend the promotion through the Christmas buying season, at the very least. Makes sense. What's also interesting is that most of these appearances are not just performances with a minute or two of interview. Leno, Kimmel, The View... of course. But he did a cooking segment with Martha, a full hour (or two) with Tyra, and a full hour on KTLA. There's the co-hosting possibility for R&K, and well, we'll see what's in store for MM. Even the DOOL appearance seems to be more than just a performance and cameo. It seems as if TC is really trying to give Clay the opportunity to showcase his personality. I've often thought that Clay's sense of humor could be his key to broader acceptance. Hopefully, people start to notice.

Here's a random theory: What if TC always planned a two-wave promotional strategy? Wave 1 created album awareness and addressed the rumors, Paxil, and other personal questions, to satisfy the public's curiosity after a long absence. GMA, People, Larry King -- balanced by fun appearances like Leno, The View and Kimmel. Let a little time pass. The public's memory is short, so by the time you start a second round of appearances (Martha, MM, Tyra, R&K, DOOL) the focus is no longer on his personal life. Now, as you start heading into the holiday buying season, you try harder to sell his personality, his charm, and of course, his voice. By late November and December, people are no longer thinking about his personal life. They're thinking about how cute and funny he is. And perhaps, if he makes a big enough impression, that could open up more opportunities for the next year.

I know, some would say that these November appearances are second tier, and it still doesn't quite explain radio. I'm not claiming it to be comprehensive. It's just an idea...

Did I mention that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Clyra stories?

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couchie, don't think of it as a commune...think of it as a primitive spa!

Exactly! Well, not all that primitive, really. When I suggest a commune, it's a given there will be hot tubs and a wet bar. And CAC. And chocolate truffles. (We can grow those, right?) And the all important resident masseur.

This would not be your mother's commune, people.

Though ldyjocelyn baking sounds nice. Do you do croissants?

Yes, Kandre should be in charge. She has minions and seems to be very decisive. I'm more of an idea person; all concept, no action. Completely unsuitable for even the most relaxed version of an HOA. Or whatever the ruling body of a commune is. Plus I like to sleep in.

I love that People picture of Clay. It's now one of my favorites. He looks good in a reclining position, the hair is gorgeous, the jeans are perfect and there's that beautiful smile. I hope he's in the print edition. I want to spend more money on Clay.

Speaking of more money; I'm bummed that AIW is no longer an online option. I have no Walmarts within 40 miles, and I'm not expected to be cleared to drive until early next year. No, I did not get a DUI; it's a health thing. I should of jumped on that sucker when it had no picture and was listed as having 0 songs. How could I let 0 songs stop me? It's Clay!

But I'm expecting them to change their minds. Online shopping is a Constitutional right (The 19.99th Amendment) and they need to respect that.


Here's a random theory: What if TC always planned a two-wave promotional strategy? Wave 1 created album awareness and addressed the rumors, Paxil, and other personal questions, to satisfy the public's curiosity after a long absence. GMA, People, Larry King -- balanced by fun appearances like Leno, The View and Kimmel. Let a little time pass. The public's memory is short, so by the time you start a second round of appearances (Martha, MM, Tyra, R&K, DOOL) the focus is no longer on his personal life. Now, as you start heading into the holiday buying season, you try harder to sell his personality, his charm, and of course, his voice. By late November and December, people are no longer thinking about his personal life. They're thinking about how cute and funny he is. And perhaps, if he makes a big enough impression, that could open up more opportunities for the next year.

By golly, I think we may have a winner here. Jenna, that makes more sense than any CT I've read. A lot more. As far as radio goes -- on AC, Clay gets it at Christmas. MDYK was pretty big last year and I think it will get even more play this year. He's had at least four Christmas songs in the top 10 - 15. TPTB can than ride the back of that airplay with a stronger single than WY, since he's slipped into the AC consciousness during the holidays. Hmm ...

Edited by strummer6
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There are walmarts all around me and I plan on getting a few extra for people who can't get it for varuious reasons. If you want, I will put one aside for you.

That is what is good about this fandom, someone will always buy for others. I am used to havingto get things for someone who can not always get something since Clay sells out in North Carolina a lot.

As to Walmart - Clay - Find another business partner - first you make me walk into this store - something I try and avoid and now you are making me break my vow not to buy anything in there because I like CHristmas music and because I know some people will need this album. I hate , hate, hate this store. It makes me felel so slutty.

I am just assuming they are going to press a million, like they do with Hallmark, except I think this will be an early sell out.

And adding, I have always felt there would be a three pronged push - this is a love song CD and there should be promotion for Valentines day.

Edited by playbiller
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couchie, don't think of it as a commune...think of it as a primitive spa!

You can always count on Kandre to give anything a positive spin...so you giving Clay lessons... ;)

No fair!!! I wanna give Clay lessons!!! (In what? Well, well, well...as if I'd tell you people....*g*)

Here's a random theory: What if TC always planned a two-wave promotional strategy? Wave 1 created album awareness and addressed the rumors, Paxil, and other personal questions, to satisfy the public's curiosity after a long absence. GMA, People, Larry King -- balanced by fun appearances like Leno, The View and Kimmel. Let a little time pass. The public's memory is short, so by the time you start a second round of appearances (Martha, MM, Tyra, R&K, DOOL) the focus is no longer on his personal life. Now, as you start heading into the holiday buying season, you try harder to sell his personality, his charm, and of course, his voice. By late November and December, people are no longer thinking about his personal life. They're thinking about how cute and funny he is. And perhaps, if he makes a big enough impression, that could open up more opportunities for the next year.

I think this is an excellent theory, and one I can believe. Although, I'm with playbiller in that I think a third wave will happen just after the first of the year. Why? Both for Valentine's Day (what better to give your honey than a collection of gorgeously sung love songs?), and for the premiere of AI6.

The first wave really did get the "nasty" stuff out of the way, and he did it in a charming and forthright manner. These second appearances will show his playful side, and also his quickness in thought. The third wave, IMO, will focus back on the voice again.

Did I mention that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Clyra stories?

So, Jenna, what did you think of the Clyra stories? I'm not sure...

Though ldyjocelyn baking sounds nice. Do you do croissants?

Sorry, but no. I'm more of a banana bread or zuchini bread baker, myself. And I'd demand at least 4 days off a week. Hey, if I'm gonna be the bread winner (HA!) around here, I deserve time off.

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Goodness! Everyone is showing how smart they are today!

A big fat WORD to all (and even to play on her opinion of Walmart.....)!

And the spa/commune sounds good to me - as long as you make sure there is vegetarian food there - and I don't mean Hot Pineapple Salad! :P

eta: oh I was going to mention that I hope you get another report and you share with the group. I think he gets to sing twice today...one from the album and another duet with Megan...I am soooo looking forward to that!!!!!

Well, I emailed her and told her I needed to know as soon as it was over and I needed to know EVERYTHING! She said I was the 4th person to demand that! :lol: She is getting something to eat with the people she is going with after, then has to do some kind of motherly committment thing, so she's not sure when she will report, but as soon as she does, I will definitely share.

I don't even know when MM airs around here! Guess I better check.

Then there is this, from EAYOR by way of CV:

From CV, although I have reduced the size of the font.


Clay has two In Touch mentions this week:

Found this mention in the 11/13/06 In Touch Magazine page 28 under Seen & Heard.....

Hot Tickets

Clay Aiken ran barefoot from an apartment building in Santa Monica on October 17, but he was too late. Two parking tickets were already on the windshield of his Volvo, and the meter maid was long gone.

The second was just about DOOL. What I want to know is, whose apartment was he running out of barefoot??

Someone said Jaymes has an apartment there.

I swear I read that Kelly had one there.

Or maybe its Tyra's..... B)

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Hot Tickets

Clay Aiken ran barefoot from an apartment building in Santa Monica on October 17, but he was too late. Two parking tickets were already on the windshield of his Volvo, and the meter maid was long gone.

Ooh! Barefooted Clay! Is there CLACK??????!?!? :blink:

And ahhh...such sense being made here...I've always assumed Clay would be promoted...only a freakin' idiot wouldn't make sure he can be seen and heard. He's always been the best salesperson for anything he's got to offer (drool)...hell with the press releases, sappy Clive statements, etc....just get the Aiken on camera, on stage...in an interview, performing, just BEING in the public and the ClayNation will grow.

If he exposes himself (heh) to the masses, they will...er... :unsure: come. (double and triple heh B) )

Ok...first 'event' checked off. things going smoothly so far...However, if I EVER hear of any of you submitting a proposal to present a workshop back in February, getting accepted in June, receiving all registration and confirmation instructions in two emails and letters in August and then sending me an email two days before the beginning of the conference asking for "my" fee waiver, otherwise I can't present....when all the info was very clear that only presenters whose school or org is an affiliate of our organization GETS a free conference attendance....and if you then say "Well, I can't present then, if my attendance isn't free." TWO days before you're supposed to give your workshop and it's in the printed program guide and has been on the online schedule and workshop description website for over a month now...

Well....if you ever do that to me, I will NOT let you watch when Clay and I finally hook up.

And that's final.

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Hee. One of the LA CV'ers noted that RCA Records has offices in Santa Monica and that they may have apartments available for their out-of-town clients. Santa Monica is also where the blue shirt / studio pictures were taken at the end of August.

That's provided that the blurb is even credible, of course, considering it's from a tabloid. :glare: The idea is certainly alot more fun than most of the magazine mentions so far this year, though.

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Oh Good Gosh Muski...although your instructions were not quite clear...I will make sure not to cross you...EVAH!!!

KAndre...very interesting quotes you presented this morning...so did you post that anywhere else in the fandom??? Cos when you take that article and see where they have taken Clay...it would seem as if it was Clive that gave in to Clay...that it was Clive that eventually let Clay be Clay since he has said time and time again that this CD is more him that anything he has ever done before.

Oh but of course...this will be seen as aaaaallllll spin..... <_<

Jenna...thats why you are my brain twin...exactly what my theory is...same with the radio play...

I think they decided to pour pre-release promo dollars into TV ads. They chose the most AI like song as a single cos it is great for TV and the best way to catch the attnetion of the AI Clay fans that bought 613K MOAMs in the first week. But as a radio single I think WY was meant to simply soften the AC market for Clay. Something to rekindle the interest but it was really not the one they were planning to push since Christmas music is just around the corner. November comes and time for the second push to start...Christmas music that will further get the AC listeners used to Clay. Then January...I hope they will now introduce the second single with serious payola money behind it and start the promo for valentines and the ATDW concert tour. The great thing about hits on AC...I do believe it also drives listeners to buy the CD. It happened with Buble and Groban...it can happen with Clay too...if they do give it the right support and if the choose the right song.

Can't wait to hear about Megan Mullaly show...I wonder if there will be cries for the Clegan after their duet...


I wouldn't be surprised if Clay does have a place in LA...he is there often enough I would think it may be a good investment. But of course that is not quite as much fun as imagining him visiting a "friend"... :o

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Even worse than alllll spin - oh but that was from 3 whole years ago and it's not in their timeline! Therefore it could not be true! And what Clive said 30 years ago (before Clay was born) is much more relevant than what Clive actually apparently said to Clay...maybe I'll wait until the "Zombie Clive is the devil" mantra starts up again and post it...

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For those interested...Clay sold another 11K this last week

82. Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways: 11,407 (377,545)

That's 29% down from last week. Hopefully, we'll see an uptick in the weeks to come.

That makes me happy cos I was hoping he sells more than 10K

So lets hope Megan will help bring that number up. I think what will also help is when they start playing his Xmas music.

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Why do I get a kick out of that In Touch blurb? I think it's the reference to him running barefoot. Hmm.... As for the ticket, poor Clay. I must say, I've received more parking tickets in the LA area in the six years I've lived here than I had my entire life before. Parking enforcement is swift and merciless. If the report is true, it's interesting that he'd have his Volvo out here. Assuming it's his (and not a rental), it would suggest that he's spending quite a bit of time in the area.

I wouldn't be surprised if Clay does have a place in LA...he is there often enough I would think it may be a good investment. But of course that is not quite as much fun as imagining him visiting a "friend"...

So, true! I could at least see him having some sort of short term lease. But I do like the idea of a special visit! Maybe I should hang around Santa Monica a little more... Santa Monica is, like, 6 miles from where I work....

Musikfest, good luck with the event!

I could see a Valentines Day promotional drive, perhaps in conjunction with tour promotion. I do find it quite intriguing that Clay would have a special Wal-Mart Christmas CD available. Why go through the effort if Clay were simply to be "abandoned"?

Thanks for bringing over the number, Ansamcw. Now I don't have to wade through the doom and gloom to find them!

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So, true! I could at least see him having some sort of short term lease. But I do like the idea of a special visit! Maybe I should hang around Santa Monica a little more... Santa Monica is, like, 6 miles from where I work....

I was going say "Get yourself over to Santa Monica right now and start lurking around" until I realized Clay is in Megan's studio right now.... DUH... :blink: Hee. And while we're on the subject, let me ask you another Santa Monica question: Do they really have parking meters in residential areas? In my midwestern mid-sized city, we only have parking meters in the downtown business district. There are some apartments and loft-type condos springing up downtown here, but they normally include parking facilities for the residents. Why yes, I have spent entirely too much time trying to figure out the logistics of this probably bogus blurb, tankqueberrymuss. :P

Radio play: Hasn't seemed to help Ruben's sales much, so I'm wondering if it would really help Clay's. I'd vote for as many primetime and other TV appearances as Team Clay can swing.

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So, true! I could at least see him having some sort of short term lease. But I do like the idea of a special visit! Maybe I should hang around Santa Monica a little more... Santa Monica is, like, 6 miles from where I work....

Well JennaZ, I think its your duty as a Clay fan to stalk, er, I mean, stake out the area and at the very least see if you can find who lives there! ;)

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Yep, I do think it's possible that a decision was made to extend the promotion through the Christmas buying season, at the very least. Makes sense. What's also interesting is that most of these appearances are not just performances with a minute or two of interview. Leno, Kimmel, The View... of course. But he did a cooking segment with Martha, a full hour (or two) with Tyra, and a full hour on KTLA. There's the co-hosting possibility for R&K, and well, we'll see what's in store for MM. Even the DOOL appearance seems to be more than just a performance and cameo. It seems as if TC is really trying to give Clay the opportunity to showcase his personality. I've often thought that Clay's sense of humor could be his key to broader acceptance. Hopefully, people start to notice.

Here's a random theory: What if TC always planned a two-wave promotional strategy? Wave 1 created album awareness and addressed the rumors, Paxil, and other personal questions, to satisfy the public's curiosity after a long absence. GMA, People, Larry King -- balanced by fun appearances like Leno, The View and Kimmel. Let a little time pass. The public's memory is short, so by the time you start a second round of appearances (Martha, MM, Tyra, R&K, DOOL) the focus is no longer on his personal life. Now, as you start heading into the holiday buying season, you try harder to sell his personality, his charm, and of course, his voice. By late November and December, people are no longer thinking about his personal life. They're thinking about how cute and funny he is. And perhaps, if he makes a big enough impression, that could open up more opportunities for the next year.

And adding, I have always felt there would be a three pronged push - this is a love song CD and there should be promotion for Valentines day.

I think they decided to pour pre-release promo dollars into TV ads. They chose the most AI like song as a single cos it is great for TV and the best way to catch the attnetion of the AI Clay fans that bought 613K MOAMs in the first week. But as a radio single I think WY was meant to simply soften the AC market for Clay. Something to rekindle the interest but it was really not the one they were planning to push since Christmas music is just around the corner. November comes and time for the second push to start...Christmas music that will further get the AC listeners used to Clay. Then January...I hope they will now introduce the second single with serious payola money behind it and start the promo for valentines and the ATDW concert tour. The great thing about hits on AC...I do believe it also drives listeners to buy the CD. It happened with Buble and Groban...it can happen with Clay too...if they do give it the right support and if the choose the right song.

I could see a Valentines Day promotional drive, perhaps in conjunction with tour promotion. I do find it quite intriguing that Clay would have a special Wal-Mart Christmas CD available. Why go through the effort if Clay were simply to be "abandoned"?

Seems like a bunch of us are sharing a brain here. This is the kind of promotion Barry Manilow gets--everything isn't geared to sales for the first week only. Remember the article that came out in Variety earlier this year, in which the distributors said they wished the labels would promote for the long term? I agree that the Christmas CD is an indication of things to come. Clay has a rep as the go-to guy for Christmas music, and a new EP helps reinforce that image as well as encouraging sales of MCWL and ATDW. I'd love, love, love to see another Christmas special this year, although I guess we'd have heard about it by now if one were in the works. QVC for Christmas would be great--pair ATDW and MCWL and throw in something special just for QVC. A single could be shopped to radio after Christmas, then, yes, another round of promo for Valentines Day, and why not AI6 promotion as well? I'd love to see him be one of the folks who work with the performers, but those are always long-established musicians so it probably wouldn't happen, but perhaps a performance on one of the early shows and/or some kind of cameo appearance. Given the album is apparently aimed towards AI viewers, it would be great to take advantage of that.

Oh, and almost forgot--the first quote from JennaZ. Yes, indeedy, Clay got some big-time TV: three days of GMA, almost an entire segment of LKL, couch time with Leno. This is far more than the average musician releasing an album gets. Clay isn't treated like a typical pop star at all--more like a TV star who happens to make records.

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And while we're on the subject, let me ask you another Santa Monica question: Do they really have parking meters in residential areas? In my midwestern mid-sized city, we only have parking meters in the downtown business district. There are some apartments and loft-type condos springing up downtown here, but they normally include parking facilities for the residents. Why yes, I have spent entirely too much time trying to figure out the logistics of this probably bogus blurb, tankqueberrymuss. :P

If the apartment is on a main street, or near a main street, there may be parking meters. You would think there would be enough parking for residents and guests, but in this area, parking is not always a given. Many apartments have only one assigned spot per unit, so if more than one person lives there, someone has to park on the street. Guests have to find their own way. However, a more expensive complex/condo would have enough assigned parking and some sort of guest parking.

Your question raises an interesting point. If this were Clay's apartment, chances are, he would not have to use a parking meter. If the story is true, the fact that he did have to use a meter makes it much more likely that he was just visiting someone, but perhaps, not a celebrity.

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