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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Because I agreed with the mods that the title could be called ATDW tour - note many others wanted summer tour because they won't go to a tour supporting ATDW - well, since then, every word is being picked apart in my post and I have to go back and clarify over and over. someone said he can't support it because her store does not have any ATDW CDs so I said my stores do, maybe that is why he tours in my area so much - well, on theorist decided that I said if Clay did not tour in an area, there are no fans there. Another person Claimed that Clay toured in their area but there are no CDs there so I was wrong. ETC. that was just the last part when I left, there were others, I just told someone to stop reading things that I did not say into my posts because it was rude, much like reading things into Clay's blogs.

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Silly me...I went over there to see what the hubbub was...

Good Lord...all that from deciding what the freaking THREAD title should be? :what_d_fuck::drama:

However, I did see one part of a post from someone (the rest was blahblah crap)...that seems to verify my earlier post this morning re: the chances of Clay whippin' it out...

His 'instrument' is the only one I really care about

So obviously, there are others who "get it", you know? :hubbahubba:

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How looney Tunes is that!!!

What people don;t realize...if there is suddenly some relaunch...and more aggressive promo for the concert...then there could also be another shipment of cds ready to go. There is no CDs in the store because there is no activity with that CD.

What people don;t realize is...things always change...what the situation is today...can easily change by next week.

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Unfortuneatly, there is a danger on this board as much as at the OFC, except here the danger is having anything you say changed to smut Glares at a number of people here

Hallelujah and amen! :allgood: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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It's really become a joke over there. I was replying but I've stopped now because there's just no way you can say anything that they can't twist into what they want to see. Now they're saying that even if he does sing some ATDW songs, that doesn't mean he is "supporting" the CD. So no matter what happens (and as far as I am concerned there is no way he's *not* going to sing them) they'll feel like they were right. ::rollseyes::

I really pity the mods over there.

I'm quite surprised that we don't have any more leaks today. I figured that even if we didn't get anything official, we'd at least hear about another venue or someone would read something on a band member's my space or.....well.....something! ::insert frustrated emoticon:: (hee, no graphics at work)

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I would really liketo se them banned for rudeness over there, they are so nasty.

Now here, I just accept the pleasant liberties that are taken with our posts as I know they are not trying to diss Clay by twisting my words, they are only trying to make me blush.

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they are only trying to make me blush

Ah, but pink is such a flattering color on you, play... :blush: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: and since you don't read my fanfic, I have to getcha wherever I can, donchaknow... B)

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It's really become a joke over there. I was replying but I've stopped now because there's just no way you can say anything that they can't twist into what they want to see. Now they're saying that even if he does sing some ATDW songs, that doesn't mean he is "supporting" the CD. So no matter what happens (and as far as I am concerned there is no way he's *not* going to sing them) they'll feel like they were right. ::rollseyes::

I really pity the mods over there.

You know, I guess technically if he sings mostly songs from ATDW it isn't in promotional support of the album because the "promotional cycle" (whatever that is!) for the album will have ended. Much like it had for MOAM when he did the NAT. Doesn't mean he doesn't like the album. Doesn't mean it won't help increase his fanbase either. It seems some over there think because they don't like ATDW no one will and any Not.Just.Us types who are at these concerts won't like it either, thus preventing him from expanding his fanbase.

Its their way or no way!

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So the NaT wasn't in support of MOAM then? Coulda fooled me. ::rolleyes::

Is it too early to start a pool to guess what he'll sing? I figure we'll get somewhere between 16 - 20 songs (and if there's more than that, woo hoo!). I came up with those numbers by counting how many he did on the NaT and the JBT (and medleys only count as one). So, we could guess the set list, and if it's a song that we don't already know, we could use the place holder "new original song" or "upbeat cover" or something like that.

Yeah, I'm bored at work today. :)

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Is it too early to start a pool to guess what he'll sing?


With a 42-piece orchestra. And lots of strings.

Ok, now that is just mean!

ETA: Did you all know that since Clay has not said one positive word about ATDW since he used the word "mandate" that means he hates this album with every fiber of his being? I guess that means all the postive things he said before the "real" truth came out were lies!

I have often thought Clay used the word mandate as a bit of snark directed at the those on the boards that were convinced Evil Clive held a gun to his head and made him sing all covers. I guess those who have latched on to that word as gospel think he was just lying when he talked about it being Clive's "suggestion" and lying with what he said about Clive on the liner notes.

Can anyone tell me, did he only use the word "mandate" once? And which show(s) was it on?

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He used the word mandate twice - the first and most famous was on the Tyra show - people cam streaming out of that filming and this was the improtant piece of news - well some actually thought that Clay being hot was news, but most of us knew that already. Nope- this was the important stuff. I think he used it on Jimmy again, but I would have to check. It could have been on some other show or interview.

Of course, sayingthat the album was most like him was lies, damn lies, we only believe Clay when he says what we want him to say, much like the haters. Not much difference between those folk now a days.

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I guess those who have latched on to that word as gospel think he was just lying when he talked about it being Clive's "suggestion" and lying with what he said about Clive on the liner notes.

Yeah, I was told in no uncertain terms on another board that those liner notes were obviously written under duress. Yes, Clay not only had to thank Clive, he had to say nice things about him as well! ;)


With a 42-piece orchestra. And lots of strings.

Are you insinuating orchestra's can't rock?! :argument: :09: :finger:

Oops, sorry, forgot we aren't at the OFC......heh.

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He used the word mandate twice - the first and most famous was on the Tyra show - people cam streaming out of that filming and this was the improtant piece of news - well some actually thought that Clay being hot was news, but most of us knew that already. Nope- this was the important stuff. I think he used it on Jimmy again, but I would have to check. It could have been on some other show or interview.

Of course, sayingthat the album was most like him was lies, damn lies, we only believe Clay when he says what we want him to say, much like the haters. Not much difference between those folk now a days.

He didn't use the fateful word on Kimmel in September and I don't think he used it on Kimmel in February because the talk by the poddies was how he didn't mention the album at all. You know, Tyra was late November. It was the last promotional appearance of the year (I think) because he then went into Christmas tour mode (where he has never mentioned any non-Christmas album). He has only been on 2 TV shows this year - GMA to talk about UNICEF and Kimmel to show off his new pearly whites. So of course he hasn't said anything positive about the album since he used the word mandate! He hasn't said anything about it because he hasn't been out there promoting it!

Oh, I forgot. He hates the album. That's why he's not promoting it! Silly, silly me!


I guess those who have latched on to that word as gospel think he was just lying when he talked about it being Clive's "suggestion" and lying with what he said about Clive on the liner notes.

Yeah, I was told in no uncertain terms on another board that those liner notes were obviously written under duress. Yes, Clay not only had to thank Clive, he had to say nice things about him as well! ;)

Yeah, Clive was probably holding Raleigh and Durham hostage until Clay wrote nice things about him for the liner notes!!

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Hi all,

I haven't had a chance (or, quite frankly, the inclination) to tour the other major boards, but I take it that the joy of an upcoming tour has already been tempered by the same stale, old declarations? One can almost predict what is to come.

1) As fans hound venues and extract a few dates, we see a chorus of protests that Clay has not announced the full schedule.

2) As the schedule is announced, invariably some locations are left out and we see a fresh wave of anger and bitterness that their region was not represented, with many taking any exclusions as a personal diss from Clay.

3) As details about the concerts are revealed, condemnation flows freely, with a few declaring that they will not attend.

4) Once sales begin, there is the predictable rancor toward Ticketmaster, the OFC, venues, ticketbrokers and fans who buy from ticketbrokers.

5) At concerts, anyone who is noticed by Clay is declared a famewhore and is blasted on the boards.

6) No matter what he sings or does, there will be complaints--about his appearance, song choice (especially if Quiana or Angela get solos), meet and greets, etc. Some will take offense at something he says in jest, and people will overanalyze every word to support their own individual doomsday scenarios.

All this, despite a Clackflow that would make any fandom envious. (Sigh!)

Anyway, it's good to see the celebration here. I agree that Clay will sing songs off ATDW, that it will be used to support this album, and that the concerts will be fantastic.

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Hey Jenna!

3) As details about the concerts are revealed, condemnation flows freely, with a few declaring that they will not attend.

This made me laugh because this has already started - in spades - at the OFC!

Business as usual in the Clay world!

I for one am soooooo looking forward to this tour.

We'll have fun over here even if no one else does!

Its finally 5:00pm here! YIPPEE! Its been a very long, very slow day. Time to go home (after I run a variety of errands)!

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Hee, I was going top post what Claygasm did - yup, so man sites so little information, so many threats of non-attendence.

Do you ever wonder how many people are no longer fans and are jsut hanging around so they can get in their "I hate this" kind of remarks? I do think we have been infiltrated by haters, seriously.

Where is the love people? Where is "Clay can sing the phone book" (but no Clive slobbered over covers and it damn well better be rocking so I can look hip im my grey hair and jeans!)

Here is the thing, it is the same people posting the same stuff over and over and over in thread after thread after thread - it looks like it is a lot of people.... but it is not. Personally, I had to do work, so I can't hang around and defend myself from these people all day. I am here and then I am gone. I can barely keep up with one big thread, and a few small boards.

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Its their way or no way!

I think that's what bugs me more than anything else -- the poddies have their world defined in black and white. There are NO shades of gray. And anyone who doesn't see things "their way" are kicked to the curb.

Is it too early to start a pool to guess what he'll sing? I figure we'll get somewhere between 16 - 20 songs (and if there's more than that, woo hoo!). I came up with those numbers by counting how many he did on the NaT and the JBT (and medleys only count as one). So, we could guess the set list, and if it's a song that we don't already know, we could use the place holder "new original song" or "upbeat cover" or something like that.

I'm trying to figure out which song on ATDW he will NOT sing (because there's usually one per album). And you know what? I want to hear him sing every song off the album, even the ones I don't care for all that much.

Is it too early to start a pool to guess what he'll sing?


With a 42-piece orchestra. And lots of strings.

BWAH! I think I'll post that over at the OFC. Anyone want to lend me some kevlar armor?

He didn't use the fateful word on Kimmel in September and I don't think he used it on Kimmel in February because the talk by the poddies was how he didn't mention the album at all. You know, Tyra was late November. It was the last promotional appearance of the year (I think) because he then went into Christmas tour mode (where he has never mentioned any non-Christmas album). He has only been on 2 TV shows this year - GMA to talk about UNICEF and Kimmel to show off his new pearly whites. So of course he hasn't said anything positive about the album since he used the word mandate! He hasn't said anything about it because he hasn't been out there promoting it!

Oh, I forgot. He hates the album. That's why he's not promoting it! Silly, silly me!

Shoot...I guess that DOOL appearance, when HE SANG A FREAKIN' SONG FROM THE ALBUM, doesn't count as promotion. Ah, but that was filmed in November too, so it doesn't count for December publicity. Also, there's that pesky Mike & Juliet show, where obviously he was forced to NOT talk about the album, but instead made to play a game with a fan, and make crafty type things. (Clive wants him to sell glue sticks, that's gotta be it!)

Meanwhile, muski just killed me with those pictures. Hot damn, that man is fine.

YAY Jenna! Glad to see you around! I think you list is spot on...unfortunately. And as CG said, it's already started.

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And anyone who doesn't see things "their way" are kicked to the curb.

Or served trout with an extra helping of "naughty-naughty" sauce on the side. <_< :finger:

I want him to break into a Hall & Oates medley, damn it. :clap:

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