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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Heh - Salsa keeps you moving, we do sombas in Aerobics and I can't get as many steps in as the intructor calls, My feet just don't move that fast.

QUick off topic question - anyone sew? I can't find my machine's instructions and when I ran out of bobbin thread, it only took me an hour to get the bobbin reloaded, now I can't get the bobbin to stay in at the bottom - I can get the thread up, but when I start to sew, the bobbin falls out the bottom and I have a thread jumble. It seems in firmly, I can't seem to shake it loose, but when I start....

I guess I will have to order a new manual from the manufaturer.

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Hey Muski, have you seen Menopause. Diva? YSRN? I thought that might be a fun thing to do when Diva hits town. It's playing right at Pier 29..well one of those Piers.

Wait! YSRN is gonna join us, too? :woohoo:

Oh Lord. Picture this:





Together. In the same place. At the same time. In San Francisco. At a musical called "Menopause".

It boggles the mind. :blink:

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Heh - Salsa keeps you moving, we do sombas in Aerobics and I can't get as many steps in as the intructor calls, My feet just don't move that fast.

QUick off topic question - anyone sew? I can't find my machine's instructions and when I ran out of bobbin thread, it only took me an hour to get the bobbin reloaded, now I can't get the bobbin to stay in at the bottom - I can get the thread up, but when I start to sew, the bobbin falls out the bottom and I have a thread jumble. It seems in firmly, I can't seem to shake it loose, but when I start....

I guess I will have to order a new manual from the manufaturer.

Playbiller, if you haven't already tried this, you might be able to get trouble shooting help on line, I've been able to do that with a few appliance type things that I've had trouble with, also, sometimes you have to make sure that the bobbin thread catches before you pull it through

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I kind of figured the scandal contest was just Clay venting, all along. I didn't take it seriously and had no intention of entering it. However, that didn't stop me from putting something together. Of course me being me, it is completely tasteless. Would never fly on OFC or probably anywhere else. :laugh2:

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I figure a lot of people had fun within the contest parameters - but I also figure that perhaps a very few people didn't really read or comprehend the part that said "wait for the rules". (Or maybe didn't think the rules applied to them, or maybe they thought they could read Clay's mind and thus "know" the rules?) It seemed to me that once a few days had passed with no rules or whatever, the contest was not real, because Clay knows how "enthusiastic and creative" his fans are!

I am thinking that yeah, it was blowing off steam, and personally, I think that some of the things that got worked on may have had more to do with the creators' agendas than with Clay's tabloid problems.

I don't believe he really likes truly nasty or intrusive crap made up or projected on to his friends and family, and I would have been surprised if he had further encouraged stuff like that from his own fans. Especially stuff that would most certainly be cut and pasted elsewhere.

Prolly several cans of worms there. I think the rantlet served its purpose very well, though!

Got picked up by the media, and kept some fans busy and occupied for a bit, and I bet there are all kinds of funny creations out there, ready to be shared!

He made his point.

JMO and all that!

I am looking forward to seeing some of the creations; maybe we can have a thread for them??????

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Found this at the CH:

Updates on the SixDegrees/Kevin Bacon Fundraiser for TBAF. We are still sitting pretty at #1:


538 Donations

Bubel Aiken Foundation Inc


Please help us keep TBAF at #1. Link to donate your $10.00 contribution:


Something New for St. Patrick's Day:

Send The Green To

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation

For St. Patrick's Day

This is an official TBAF announcement to give us all something to do for the Beta Alpha chapters from March 17 through midnight March 31st, while we win the pot of gold for TBAF. Click below for the flyer for important details:

msword document

PDF version

Aron Hall will send this to all Beta Alpha chapters. Please also post the flyer on all boards and send the flyer by e-mail so that complete instructions and links are posted. This campaign for the Beta Alpha chapters begins on St. Patrick's Day March 17th, so let's get ready to SEND THE GREEN TO TBAF!

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Hee. I think any blog that gets posted at 5:00AM, like the scandal blog was, was probably put together in the heat of the moment. I'm sure various heads on Team Clay exploded when they saw that it...

I think the Clay Nation has the Six Degrees thing licked, so I'm not too worried about TBAF staying in the Top 6 for the matching funds at this point.

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Ansa, I just got an email from Aron about this. (I'm so special. :D ) While I haven't had my full dose of caffeine yet, it sounds like if you donate through the Six Degrees site on March 17 or after (through March 31), it will also count toward the Beta Alpha chapter you belong to. Once you've made your donation, send a copy of your receipt to Aron (and if you need the email address, I have it), with your Beta Alpha chapter in the subject line. Your donation will then be also credited to Beta Alpha as well. This makes me happy, for I hadn't made my Six Degrees donation yet, and this will help FCA-MAD too!

I went back and reread Clay's "give them a fing...er, hand" blog last night, and the "rules" were clear as a bell to me. He says that the "contest" would require "thinking and planning," but that people should "WAIT" for the rules before beginning. I suppose, though, that since I didn't pick apart every single space in the blog for a clue on what he was REALLY saying, I totally missed the point. :medium-smiley-070:

bottlecap, I agree about the posting of the blog so early. I wonder if he had a sleepless night that evening, considering that was the GMA morning. Maybe the blog came to him in a dream!

What's this? I see posts above mine WITHOUT emoticons. This.Will.Just.Not.Do.


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I would welcome the newbies...but then you would go..WTH? I may have been a member long time, but dang if I cant get my butt to post more.....I should...I will! (Betcha were just holding your breath for that one! lol)

I never really thought that the scandal 'contest' was real anyhow......just Clay blowing off some steam...rather well at that...

playbiller...when you put the bobbin in, does the bobbin holder have like a little latch on it..hard to explain..a piece that you can pull .....you have to hold that out and put the bobbin in to lock it.....other thing to check is bobbin tension...if that gets out of whack it can do that too

Edited by rcknrllmom
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You know, if we keep getting newbies like this, the members may finally out number the mods!!


I cannot believe how indignant some are that Clay himself didn't tell them the contest was snark and how upset they are they put all this hard work into it and he should have told them long ago it was snark! How dare he!

What? How come it was so clearly snark to some and not to others? And how come people didn't read what he said and WAIT!!!

Oh what am I saying? These people NEVER read what he actually writes. They skip right over the words written and concentrate on what is written between the lines in that special invisible ink that can only be seen if looking through your special super seekrit decoder glasses!! You know, the ones that reveal the real meaning of Clay?

And as usual, they were right on the money, weren't they! :em0100:


Trouble is, just like the blog where he clearly said not to read between the lines, the people who need to learn that lesson the most will be the ones who won't ever get it.

Am I a bad Clay fan if I would rather donate to the Six Degrees charity for shelter animals more than I want to donate to the BAF?? :unsure:

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I'm just quickly checking in cuz it's off to Vegas in a few hours to see Love! and O! and whatnot. Never been there! Hubby wants to play craps. We once made a bundle in Keno in Reno years ago on one dollar!

Muski, Menopause sounds like a hoot. My thought was lunch at McCormick and Kuleto's which has faabulous food and the best view around of the bay right at lovely Ghirardelli Square. Then you have proximity to the shops there and the Cannery just down the street. Live music at Ghirardelli, too. I want to be sure we have "shmoozing" time. Can Nelle make it?

Boy I wonder where in DC area BF is gonna play? I did not re up my Wolftrap membership- I have a sneaky feeling about that place.

Bo Bice is coming to Annapolis in May. I still love me some Bo. Didn't Clay say in some interview that he thought Bo was the nicest person to ever come out of AI? I believe it.

I love all the emoticons you guys are a showin'. I loved Clay's blog. He sounds so happy. I love him. New toofs and all. He even mentioned his new hair and toofs. Cracked me up. He so knows how we observe him.

K'andre, my little seester, I think we should show our scandalous collaboration over at CH if they create a thread for it and if you ever feel like piecing it together with those hysterical photoshops you came up with. It's tres World Weekly News, y'know? Clay Aiken , breeding stud for aliens, y'all, creating little "aikliens".

Greetings, Fully Functional. Are you really in the presence of the man?

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I kind of figured the scandal contest was just Clay venting, all along. I didn't take it seriously and had no intention of entering it. However, that didn't stop me from putting something together. Of course me being me, it is completely tasteless. Would never fly on OFC or probably anywhere else. :laugh2:

Hey I think tasteless is the point. heee

Oh I hashed out my little scandal, spent some time thinking about it, had it mapped out in my head and was looking forward to it so understood the excitement. I just knew though as day after day went by that something was up. Hey even after the first day I was thinking, omg he's pissed so he just wrote this up in the middle of hte night without talking it over with anyone. I could so imagine him in meetings the next day. Heeee. Gotta love him though.

Just read over the PDF file, LadyJ explained it perfectly. If you give to the Kevin Bacon 6 Degrees thing between th 17th and 31st, it will help keep TBAF in the top 6 to get the 10,000 plus if you send a copy of your receipt to TBAF with your beta alpha chapter on it, the chatper will also receive credit. I'll email something around within the next couple of days with addresses, links to the Kevin Bacon thing, etc. for anyone interested.

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Good Morning sort of - woke up in same weird mood I havebeen in for the past week, I guess the sewing maching incident didn't help, but it is my own fault for not havingthe book anymore and waiting until the last minute and not paing attention when I took the bobbin out, etc.... Mea culpa. So I won't get too deep on anything when it looks like a great day to get out and do something. 102.gif

70 degrees, Yippee, it will be 70 and raining Thusday!!!

BAF notice - a bit late for some, but whatever. I guess people have been contacting them about this, so they had to make executive decisions.

6 degrees charities - it is odd - I have not heard of some of the ones listed. I went to read on Autism Speaks badge - which is a real charity, but there is no information on it listed and the address is not associated with the charity so I think someone filled out the badge wrong and I am not sure what that means. As to giving to shelters, I know one that is in desperate need of money, if anyone wants to donate - scheduled to close this summer and still with a lot of animals too old to ever get adopted (8 year old arthritic rottweiler, 6 year old pit bulls, notto mention hundreds of cats) - so you figure out what will happen if they close down. I was sewing dog bed covers until that darn bobbin ran out of thread! Who knew there would be a mental crisis over something so small (now resolved).

Clay and the contest - I guess I am weird - I don't really enter games or contests to win anymore, because that is just not going to happen. I was interested just trying to be funny, but I knew some people would go over the line and really make something scandalous and, well, whatever. So with me, the rules don't apply (281.gif to DJShappyguy.gif, who is too funny for her own good, just saying, heh,heh). I don't need no stinking rules because I don't need no stinking prize. So I don't really care if it was snark or not. My life does not really revolve around Clay, although my vacation schedule might! I don't need all the clack that is, just the important stuff - important being in the mind of the beholder.

Sorry boring post, must move on to something useful this morning.

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okay just read that...it seemed rude....

WELCOME to the newbies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Maybe I should not try to post so early in the morning! )

hee don;t worry about it rcknrllmom, your post was very fitting for the FCA>>>

oh thank God Couchie is on the job for FCA MAD...I am useless on that stuf...

so if anyone wants to post their scandals...feel free to do so. I would love to see the Diva/Kandre collaboration.

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Okay...who IS this djs111 person and how did she get inside my head? I swear, honey, you might wanna go see somebody about that. Don't know many who'd want to share a brain with ME! :bolt: But dayum, your post gave me whiplash with all the orgasmic nodding my head was doing while I read it! :sayitagain:

I never even started a scandal...

uh...let me rephrase that.... :blush:

I never took his scandal contest seriously. I just thought he was being too fucking sexy and hot with his bad, pissed-off, notgonnatakeitanymore self. :hubbahubba: But I'll selfishly enjoy whatever projects got created. Oh, and Clayzorback...I bet if you paid one of the zillions of mods here some serious money, they'd let you show us your tasteless stuff. :medium-smiley-070:

Salsa. I need a mumu to wear for next week's class if those damned mirrors are still going to be there. :glare: I DO need to loosen hubby up, though. It's been a long time since we've boogied on a dance floor and he's kinda stiff. heh.

Sewing. Used to sew back in the day. Sorta like I used to wear hot pants to show off my long, LEAN legs.

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Clay is so real, so human, that is just one of the things I love about him. Imagine, if something you cared deeply about was at risk because of the actions of sub-human beings. I didn't run over to the Yahoo Unicef site when people posted about the obnoxious things being posted there by the haters, but I could tell by the posts on the boards that they must have been pretty bad. People were reporting them right and left.

He reacted, and IMO, it was a good way to react. He was angry and he vented to people he felt mostly safe with, he knew where it would end up and that it would likely get some attention outside of the internet.

I think the post served him well. I started seeing people who hadn't posted in a long time, come on board to comment about it. I think it made some outside of the fandom start to see how asanine the crap was and think about how just about anyone could make up things and provide "evidence" to support it.

Clay has been having shit thrown at him for 4 years now, and it seems that the only times he has responded to it has been when it's put what he loves at risk.

It's never really mattered to me if the "contest" was real, or if we ever saw any results from it. I'm just for moving on. Sounds like we have a lot to look forward to.

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Clay is so real, so human, that is just one of the things I love about him. Imagine, if something you cared deeply about was at risk because of the actions of sub-human beings. I didn't run over to the Yahoo Unicef site when people posted about the obnoxious things being posted there by the haters, but I could tell by the posts on the boards that they must have been pretty bad. People were reporting them right and left.

He reacted, and IMO, it was a good way to react. He was angry and he vented to people he felt mostly safe with, he knew where it would end up and that it would likely get some attention outside of the internet.

I think the post served him well. I started seeing people who hadn't posted in a long time, come on board to comment about it. I think it made some outside of the fandom start to see how asanine the crap was and think about how just about anyone could make up things and provide "evidence" to support it.

Clay has been having shit thrown at him for 4 years now, and it seems that the only times he has responded to it has been when it's put what he loves at risk.

It's never really mattered to me if the "contest" was real, or if we ever saw any results from it. I'm just for moving on. Sounds like we have a lot to look forward to.

WORD...specially the bolded part.

I never really gave the contest part of the blog any imporance . To me...what was so clever is that he was able to make his point without ever addressing the scums directly. He also gave the fandom something else to focus on and gave poeple the chance to experience ...first hand...how easy it is to make things up on the net.

Clayzorback...muski is right...I am very bribable...heh. So if you want to share your entry...let us know.

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Color me dense (surprise) but I didn't even really know that his FU blog was in reaction to UNICEF posts...just thought it was just a "I've had it!" in general...


Oh, and see my new old avie? A discussion of this moment in time from the Tampa IT made me nostalgic for this early glimpse of the 'real' Clay....

Man has some lubrication in those hip joints....

from practice, perhaps? :hubbahubba:

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I am much, MUCH more bribable than Ansa.

Big sis, this week should be good for me, as I have finished rearranging all my furniture and am just waiting to purchase my lovely concert tickets....

In case y'all are wondering - we here in Texas can throw a seriously FUN party...all you have to do is show up...

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I found this article about iTunes yesterday.....may be old news to some, but does explain how iTunes picks and chooses what to "push" - and.....drum roll.......Yes! YES! YES!......

Clive is responsible for EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!

Haha! Just kidding!

Secrets of the iTunes home page

Posted Mar 11th 2007 4:00PM by Erica Sadun

Filed under: iTS

If you visit the iTunes store on a regular basis, you'll know that the

iTunes home page is jam packed with shiny happy banners. These ads highlight

just a few dozen of the songs, albums, TV shows, and movies available to

iTunes shoppers. And to have a product blessed by front-page placement is

practically a guaranteed jump in sales. An album featured on the iTunes home

page may sell five times more copies in a week than it will in a month

without that promotion according to a recent Wall Street Journal Online

article by Nick Wingfield and Ethan Smith. So who gets on the front page and


It's not what you'd expect. According to the article, Apple doesn't sell

their promotional spots to recording companies outright. Instead, they trade

visibility for exclusive song access, discount pricing and access to stars

for things like interviews and celebrity playlists. There's a lot of

back-room dealing going on with lots of shiny happy money at stake but

there's also simple passionate music-love. If Apple's team loves you and

loves your music, new unknown musicians can get a huge boost through the

iTunes store.

And here is the illuminating article that is referred to:

Music's New Gatekeeper (WSJ)

Um, lessee, which emoticon will properly portray the horror and suspicion that some feel towards iTunes....... :3:

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