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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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oops, I thought they said they submitted it, I didn't look for rules. They did post it though. Maybe I should edit.

Now, I have been wondering if there is nota scandal inthe blog - you know, Clay Aiken starts new scandal magazine - get fans to work for slave wages.

If it is good enough, he should publish it. Of course then we would need the rights to all the pictures.

ETA - she posted she did it, not the actual scandal or picture.

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oops, I thought they said they submitted it, I didn't look for rules. They did post it though. Maybe I should edit.

Now, I have been wondering if there is nota scandal inthe blog - you know, Clay Aiken starts new scandal magazine - get fans to work for slave wages.

If it is good enough, he should publish it. Of course then we would need the rights to all the pictures.

I wanna see it. You have a link?

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I have an idea. I'll wait for the rules though.

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See, I think the pregnant mic stand is a cute idea, but I would love us to come up with something involving real people, make it outlandish, but something that theoretically could happen. I was only half joking about using Tyra. Considering she has recently become the subject of tabloid crap, it might be interesting to combine scandals. Maybe her weight gain could be a result of pregnancy - yet another Clay Aiken love child - conceived while they popped their pills at an orgy attended by Kelly Clarkson (wearing no make-up of course - proof she is really gay or at the very least bi) and Ruben Studdard (who is popping pills and drowning his sorrows because his album is such a failure) and Jaymes Foster and Kristy and Nick and Jerome and Jennifer and who knows who else.

You know, something that really could happen like that. :believeitornot:

Only 2 shallow complaints about how Clay looked today. One is NO STUBBLE!!!! I mean, why did he have to make time to shave this morning???? The other was, his shirt was buttoned up to his chinny chin chin. I thought he was going to be choked by it!

But other than that, he looked mmmmm, mmmmm, good!

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I like Claygasm's scenario, but how about this: the reason for Clay's weight gain? HE'S the one that's pregnant. Explains an awful lot, don't you think?

Kinda like this...


(I use this in my library instruction classes all the time to show how anyone can publish anything on the web....)

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Hee I love the idea of putting together celebrity tabloid stories...

although there may be some dicey legal issues with the use of other celebrity photos without permission, so we should wait for the rules to come out though.

I have this Clyra scenario in my head...they are both in New York...they had dinner...and whatnot (I will let Muski fill in the whatnot :hubbahubba: )...and they were both ranting about the tabloids and ended up laughing and having fun about trying to fool the tabloids thensleves...planting fake stories....When this idea was hatched...and Clay jumped to his handy dandy mac and does the blog...at 2:30 am...

now he has to get this all by legal and set the rules...but it really seems like an impromptu thing.

Someone suggested to me...that this was actually trigerred by some of the stupid and nasty answers he was getting to his UNICEF question.

whatever it was....I sure love our snarky, pissed off guy!!!

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I wonder if it had anything to do with the videos that were submitted to GMA, that were going to be used for the "ask Clay" segment.

Oooh, hadn't thought of that one, and that IS a possibility. Wonder how many questions they got?

I really do hate that he seems to be a magnet for haters, and just the mention of his name brings out the worst in some people. But I really do like his plan of attack here, it's almost a "if you can't beat them, join them" mentality. Way to go Clay.

Just finished watching the clip. Whenever I watch an interview with him anymore, I'm simply speechless. He always comes off to me as articulate, smart and caring young man. I also really appreciate his self-deprecating humor -- I think that always gains him more than a few fans. (His talk about Jennifer Hudson was so very cute....) Loved the look on his face when he was watching his AI audition. And then...the HAIR. OMG, the hair. Darker than at the end of the tour, but still v.v. nice. The length just keeps getting better and better.

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I wonder if it had anything to do with the videos that were submitted to GMA, that were going to be used for the "ask Clay" segment.

Nah...I think if they didn't have anything to talk about they would've brought out one or two video questions. If you are referring to that blog by that comedian about his video question that all Clay got was are you gay questions? I think the guys was simply tryng to be funny...I doubt he would have any inside info on what was happening in ABC.com. I bet there were a lot of questions submitted by fans and they could've gotten some to use. But it is AI time and every AI alum is getting asked questions about AI and Sherman is the watercooler talk this morning so its understandable that they would referr to it.

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Ansa, I'm not referring to that guys blog, I never put any crediblity in that. But after reading the boards, including Couchie's comment the other night about the ignorant responses "some" were posting on his Unicef question, it's not too much of a stretch for me to think that the same idiots would have sent some of the "past" fabricated video into GMA. It seems something happened that prompted Clay to post this blog.

I'm just speculatin'

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I hadn't thought about it until I saw someone else post about it elsewhere, but I have to wonder if the whole blog idea and contest got okayed or even run by anyone else on Team Clay (legal, pr, management) before it was posted at 4 or 5am or whatever ungodly hour of the morning. Wanna bet the $#@& is hitting the fan big time and Coke machines are in danger all over the eastern seaboard? Titanium, bay-bee!


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Think Roger W.'s stringy blonde hair is getting pulled out even as we speak? Not only has he got to take care of Titanium Dude, he's probably herding Kat "Foot in Mouth" McPhee around to all her publicity appearances and hoping she doesn't spout off anything too stupid. Hee. Good luck with that.

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I think the impetus for Clay's outburst in his blog is so very obvious. He and Tyra had dinner and a nice evening together in NYC and their conversation covered her own battle with the tabloids. They went back to one of their hotel suites for a nightcap---yeah, neither one of them drink, but maybe they had some hot tea or something---and one thing led to another and they cooked up this idea together and he couldn't wait to blog about it so he did--in the middle of the night---, while Tyra was looking over his shoulder, her gorgeous ta-tas brushing against the back of his head.

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HA! I was waiting for someone to work up that clay / Tyra scenario, muski.

stripedshirts from CV works near the GMA studios in NYC and often attends the concert and in-studio stuff. She was inside the studio this morning:

Over 100+ people crammed into the studio & 1/2 of them were from schools: P.S. 1, New York University & Kansas University We were separated into 2 groups - Clay fans on one side, schoolkids & NYU on the other side & an odd bunch from Kansas University (with those Hawk signs & hats) awkwardly mixed into the middle of this motley crew. The Clayfans pretty much dominated the audience, no surprise - I was happy to see quite a few familiar faces in the crowd

When Clay was due to come out at 8, I was moved over by the door where the schoolchildren were - & stood aside to make a path for Clay to walk through. Schoolteachers and parents were also there & wanted to meet Serena Williams & Sam Champion; they had no idea Clay was there too. One asked "Clay WHO?" "Aiken", I said, & they were surprised, then delighted.

I really hope there will be fan video of what I am about to describe from where I stood, because it's too darn good for words (at least for me) Moments before he was due to walk out, the door opened briefly giving me a glimpse of what's going on inside - & I caught Clay darting around in the back, running from right to left, his hair flopping about his face. There were alot of people back there, all smiling. Then the door shut, and the "Invisible" video began to play & cheers erupted; I glanced at the screen, then quickly turned towards the door just in time to see it swing open. The motion of the door created a breeze which swept Clay's hair back from his face, & he stood there, eyes wide open (ohh those eyes), & looked right at us before breaking into a smile. The look on his face - was a mix of childlike anticipation and mirth. I almost squeaked 'holy sh*t' as he came walking right out. He grabbed a few hands & made a beeline straight towards the kids - & immediately went into full Teacher Clay mode. "Why aren't you in school?" was one of his questions, & a wee little girl answered that they were there to partake w/ their fundraiser called, "The Roundtable". Cameras were on us the whole time as was the NYU photographer, who took several press shots for their school.

Clay was barely a foot apart from me. I think for those of you who saw that screencap of Clay w/ those children....well, you can pretty much see me, & how close I was. (I look awful) Clay's hair gleamed & framed his head like a velvet curtain. We all stood mesmerized & staring, then too soon, the GM broke in, saying "Clay, the camera's off you now - we have people outside wondering why you aren't out there" & Clay sprinted! There were fans who didn't make it into the studio - I hope they got their well deserved momentary thrill A short brake later, he came back & headed to the other side of the room to greet another little girl whose had a sign announcing her birthday, & wore a cute birthday cake hat. Clay spoke to her & autographed her sign, prompting 'awwwwws' Then he crossed the room & sat down to watch last nite's AI segment w/ that funny look on his face. He did his customary leg-tucked-under-his-knee during his chat.

After reading everyone's reactions to Diane Sawyer's brief meet w/ Clay, I do agree that this wasn't time properly used to discuss UNICEF as planned - it was a jumble of fluff Hollywood stuff mixed in w/ 2% Unicef. I couldn't hear the interview very well from where I stood, & people practically crowded around & behind the staff, making it hard to see, so I gave up & just focused on the screen instead. It was over just too quick I had really wanted more news.....but I'll take anything he's able to give.

I don't have to elaborate how cute he is - no matter what he said or did today, filled my heart w/ gladness because for me, it was just so good to see him again. Though the interview could have been better, there is no love lost btwn Diane & Clay as they got up & hugged; Clay said to Diane, "I'll call you". Then he came over to my side & shook hands one final time. Someone was overheard asking Clay "When will you tour?" & I don't think Clay answered it. After he left the room, the lady from NYU gushed 'he's GORGEOUS!' yeh, no kidding lady - you just got clayed!!

At the end of the show, the schools were given a tour - & Clay fans ran out to the stage exit to wait. Jennifer, his assistant & Jamie came out first to load SUV; Jennifer stayed in the car while Jamie went to get Clay. Jerome is nowhere to be seen. Then Clay came out. He had changed back into his street clothes & quickly did a drive by, signing what he could before zeroing towards the car; moments later he was behind tinted windows & took off. This time, nobody gave chase, no jumping in & out of the car, & hopefully no nasty driver screaming that the doors will be locked :lol they just sped right off towards East.

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Tell me they are wrong - there is someone complaining about not being able to join the OFC and read the blogs because they are not in the US. International people can join, right? they just can't enter contests.

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CLAY AIKEN made an appearance on "Good Morning America" Thursday to promote UNICEF's public awareness campaign for Child Survival 2007, and the "American Idol" runner-up also revealed which former contestant gets his vote!

"I'm jealous," Clay lightheartedly replied when asked about JENNIFER HUDSON. "There was a point I was considered the most successful 'Idol' loser, but now I'm not anymore. I saw the movie ['Dreamgirls'] and she deserves the Academy Award," he added. "Now I'm going to be in second place again."

Of course, Clay has proved to be number one with fans. As just one example of the strength of his devotees, a February 2006 People magazine poll ranked Aiken as reader's "Favorite American Idol."

But the singing sensation wants to use his fame to help others, and is a dedicated advocate for children's causes, such as UNICEF's mission to provide health, education, equality and protection for children across the globe.

"We want to get people involved," Clay said of his role with the organization.

To find out more about Clay's UNICEF mission, check out his page at unicefusa.org by clicking HERE

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Tell me they are wrong - there is someone complaining about not being able to join the OFC and read the blogs because they are not in the US. International people can join, right? they just can't enter contests.

They are wrong. I just went into the OFC (not the board), community, search members, selected Japan from the pop-down menu without any member name, and came up with 16 members, 7 from Korea, and so forth.

ETA: Canada 230, UK 15, Singapore 12 - make me stop!!

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Tell me they are wrong - there is someone complaining about not being able to join the OFC and read the blogs because they are not in the US. International people can join, right? they just can't enter contests.

playbiller - there are plenty of international members at the OFC. Just based on the CV posters that I know of that are also on the OFC - UK, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, etc. There are also plenty of Canadians, eh, who could be considered international. Sounds like somebody is trying to get the blog contents sent to them without coughing up the dough to join the OFC.

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Great report from stripedshirts...I had to read this bolded part a few times to figure out what she really means...

Though the interview could have been better, there is no love lost btwn Diane & Clay as they got up & hugged; Clay said to Diane, "I'll call you".

Is she saying that all is well between them? Is she being sarcastic and using the 'no love lost' thing as it's often used to indicate that they DON'T 'love' each other so much, or is she being literal, saying that there's nothing wrong with the relationship between them (i.e., none of their affection for each other is gone)...

whatever. He looked great. Did ya notice his bangs? He's got bangs again (didn't they seem shorter) AND his hair is parted on the side it was on Tyra, which I think is more flattering.

Again...whatever. He's a hawt, titanium-balled, snarky, smart and talented man and I say,

CLAY! Never mind Diane! Call ME!" :hubbahubba:

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I love those "behind the scenes" recaps. It really gives a flavor to what his life has to be like when he's doing appearances like this. Also, when TRUE "teacher Clay" appears, with those kids, my heart melts.

"I'll call you" to Diane Sawyer, eh? Lucky wench.

Glad to see the ETonline piece too. Do you think this might make a brief mention on ET then tonight? I hope so. Anyway, I liked that piece -- it had a "draw you in" thing with the Jennifer Hudson "jealousy," but then went to the UNICEF stuff, and that was cool.

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I was wondering the same thing about the use of "no love lost", but when I read that they hugged and he said "I'll call you", I kind of figured she meant all is well, which I frankly never doubted. The interviews that aired when ATDW was released were taped and he seemed good with Diane when he was there live. I think they both really like each other and I think Clay trusts Diane. I always thought when they "set up" that interview that's why he chose her to "discuss" that stuff.

Muski - love your analysis of how the blog came to be!

The ETonline thing makes me happy because even though there was a lot of fluff in the interview, they are still reporting on the important stuff. As long as that gets out, then the point of his appearance (other than satisfying our lust for a few seconds) came across.

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Ansa, I'm not referring to that guys blog, I never put any crediblity in that. But after reading the boards, including Couchie's comment the other night about the ignorant responses "some" were posting on his Unicef question, it's not too much of a stretch for me to think that the same idiots would have sent some of the "past" fabricated video into GMA. It seems something happened that prompted Clay to post this blog.

I'm just speculatin'

oh yeah I agree then...I guess we were posting at the same time cos I also said that in my post above yours. I don;t think he would care what PH has on his blog but I bet he would be more pissed that things of this nature could get mixed up with the UNICEF stuff. although I guess Yahoo has been responsive cos this morning there was several hundred less responses to Clay. I guess someone went and pruned inapropriate responses.

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Great report from stripedshirts...I had to read this bolded part a few times to figure out what she really means...

Though the interview could have been better, there is no love lost btwn Diane & Clay as they got up & hugged; Clay said to Diane, "I'll call you".

Is she saying that all is well between them? Is she being sarcastic and using the 'no love lost' thing as it's often used to indicate that they DON'T 'love' each other so much, or is she being literal, saying that there's nothing wrong with the relationship between them (i.e., none of their affection for each other is gone)...

whatever. He looked great. Did ya notice his bangs? He's got bangs again (didn't they seem shorter) AND his hair is parted on the side it was on Tyra, which I think is more flattering.

Again...whatever. He's a hawt, titanium-balled, snarky, smart and talented man and I say,

CLAY! Never mind Diane! Call ME!" :hubbahubba:

Muski I had the same reaction when I read her recap regarding the "no love lost" statement. I think she just has a misinterpretation of this common description. Especially considering at the end of her recap she says, she thinks Diane is fangirly and that they hug before he leaves and says he'll call her.

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