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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Party? There's a party? :partytime2: Oh wait, I already am.

Well, I'm gathering my things again for another flight. And yeah, I'm bummed about the weather forecast, but then seeing the wildfires raging in Northern Florida and Southern Georgia, I can't begrudge that area the rain that's supposed to be there most of the week. I guess.

Oh, who am I kidding? Like I'm going to be strutting in South Beach in my bikini or short shorts and tank if the sun comes out. <_<

Calling all librarians! ( :F_05BL17blowkiss: to ldyjocelyn)I went by our local, new beautiful library yesterday and checked out four silly, full-of-crap paperbacks and one hardback fiction for my long plane trips! I went ahead and read one of the paperbacks last night 'coss it had lots of sex in it. Always looking for fresh ways to say 'beautiful humongous cock', donchaknow. B)

And so...I'll check in with all you enablers at my next internet connection point, wherever that may be. Have a great day, everybody! :allgood:

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Eh, I chose to stay off of the Evil Clive / Hateful Roger / Spiteful Video Chick gerbil wheel yesterday (btw, that little rat must have some hindquarters of steel by now) firstly, because What the Hell do I know about it? and secondly, What the Hell am I supposed to do about it at this point in time anyway? Burn with righteous indignation? Don't have the energy. Drag out the vodoo doll of Clive and start sticking in the pins? Doesn't mesh with my spiritual beliefs. Buy an extra t-shirt or program this summer, so Clay makes more bucks? That I might do - please let there be at least a program for this tour.

I'm still giggling about the fact that Clay was on late night tv on a horse. Wearing a neon lime green vest. Chatting with an actor who plays a mobster's sister and jamming along to Billy Joel's daughter. Followed by a day of hanging out with his orbiting women and adjusting himself in public. And today he's probably participating in his presidential committee duties. Really, how much weirder can his reality get?

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I like that Clay is such a freewheeling kind of guy - heck I think we all are, but some people get stuck in thinking of themselves as one thing only. I hear people saying I am a conservative - where that phrase can mean a lot of differnt things to me and does not define a person - You could be a natrure conservationist, a religious concervfative or one of the 50 or 60 groups of people who consider themselves politicallly conservative, and many of them cannot define what that means (cough*in-laws*cough

Some people define themselves as mothers, some define themselves as animal lovers - but each day I have a bunch of unrelated tasks - now I will clean my car so that I can take it to be cleaned and tuned - yeah sure - meet an old friend for lunch with her grandson and shop and make a few phone calls and plan something for my sister's visit, and do some medical stuff and put the 100 pound fan in the attic window.

You are mothers. daughters, sisters, workers friends, many are crative artists, many are activists, many are volunteers - and Clay gets to be many things besides a useless celebrity, like many of his contemporaries.

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Ahh, it's good to be home...

Poddies, poddies...for me, I do think I have more issues with the mindset than the individuals - when I have issues with individuals it tends to come across loud and clear. I do feel more at ease with differences of opinions here - hell, there is a LOT of stuff I disagree with people here - strongly disagree with, but it's clearly a divergence of just opinions. And I understand that they think they are correct (and darlings, it took me years of therapy to get to that point) and they manage to make that point without being, for lack of a better word, hysterical about it. I hate people state their opinions in totally definite and overreaching statements - and yes, for me, it has to be made clear constantly that you realize your statements are your opinions.

Mocking? I admit, I really miss the self-mockery that seemed to be so much a part of my favorite section of the fandom...one of the things I love about the posters here and Clay is that they don't take themselves too frickin' seriously. And the fact that Claygasm is freakishly good at typing "Yeah, that". The girl has a gift.

Coming back to add:

See, bottle's last post demonstrates the fun that is missing in so many places - she points of the simple absurdity that was Clay's appearance - and giggles. That's fun.

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I'm still giggling about the fact that Clay was on late night tv on a horse. Wearing a neon lime green vest. Chatting with an actor who plays a mobster's sister and jamming along to Billy Joel's daughter. Followed by a day of hanging out with his orbiting women and adjusting himself in public. And today he's probably participating in his presidential committee duties. Really, how much weirder can his reality get?

BWAH! When you put it like that, not a whole heck of a lot weirder!

You are mothers. daughters, sisters, workers friends, many are crative artists, many are activists, many are volunteers - and Clay gets to be many things besides a useless celebrity, like many of his contemporaries.

Yeah, that! (that was for KAndre - see below.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

one of the things I love about the posters here and Clay is that they don't take themselves too frickin' seriously. And the fact that Claygasm is freakishly good at typing "Yeah, that". The girl has a gift.

Hey, we all have to be good at something! :medium-smiley-070:

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Eh, I chose to stay off of the Evil Clive / Hateful Roger / Spiteful Video Chick gerbil wheel yesterday (btw, that little rat must have some hindquarters of steel by now) firstly, because What the Hell do I know about it? and secondly, What the Hell am I supposed to do about it at this point in time anyway? Burn with righteous indignation? Don't have the energy. Drag out the vodoo doll of Clive and start sticking in the pins? Doesn't mesh with my spiritual beliefs. Buy an extra t-shirt or program this summer, so Clay makes more bucks? That I might do - please let there be at least a program for this tour.

Can I be bottlecap when I grow up? PLEEEZE?

And PLEEEZE on the programs, too.

I'm still giggling about the fact that Clay was on late night tv on a horse. Wearing a neon lime green vest. Chatting with an actor who plays a mobster's sister and jamming along to Billy Joel's daughter. Followed by a day of hanging out with his orbiting women and adjusting himself in public. And today he's probably participating in his presidential committee duties. Really, how much weirder can his reality get?


*off to nominate the last line as a thread title*

Welcome back KAndre! (Will that get a "yeah, that" from CG? *g*)

Almost forgot -- Happy birthday Solo! Do you promise to not to drive over 100 MPH from Houston to Tulsa? *g*

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one of the things I love about the posters here and Clay is that they don't take themselves too frickin' seriously. And the fact that Claygasm is freakishly good at typing "Yeah, that". The girl has a gift.

Hey, we all have to be good at something! :medium-smiley-070:

hmmmmm was imagining for a moment ALL that Clay could be good great at!!!!!!! :whistling-1:

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Welcome back KAndre! (Will that get a "yeah, that" from CG? *g*)

Yeah, that!!

(Didn't want to disappoint! :D )

one of the things I love about the posters here and Clay is that they don't take themselves too frickin' seriously. And the fact that Claygasm is freakishly good at typing "Yeah, that". The girl has a gift.

Hey, we all have to be good at something! :medium-smiley-070:

hmmmmm was imagining for a moment ALL that Clay could be good great at!!!!!!! :whistling-1:

I imagine him being very, very good quite often..... :whistling-1:

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one of the things I love about the posters here and Clay is that they don't take themselves too frickin' seriously. And the fact that Claygasm is freakishly good at typing "Yeah, that". The girl has a gift.

Hey, we all have to be good at something! :medium-smiley-070:

Okay, thinking about Clay being good at 'something' and that licking smiley right next to it has put my imagination into overdrive. Help!!! If I was at work today, I'd be distracted, but I have the day off. Hubby can't get home fast enough!!

Edited by Gibby
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For those who donated $50 to the UNICEF/Afghanistan campaign, be on the lookout for your email with the PDF report. I just got mine.

Off to read!

Oh boy! Is it purty? Are there more pictures of Clay's ass?


[i gotta wait until I get home to check my personal e-mail. Kicks filters...]

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Ooooh, I hope mine comes today!!!

ETA: Just found it. It's kind of short, but nice. Some nice new pics. None of Clay's ass, though!

He did some karaoke over there, LOL!

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Ooooh, I hope mine comes today!!!

ETA: Just found it. It's kind of short, but nice. Some nice new pics. None of Clay's ass, though!

He did some karaoke over there, LOL!

Yep, no pictures of Clay's ass. Darn. But I'm cracking up over the karaoke thing too! He's so silly.

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luckiest, regarding you hearing ATD in the grocery. I was very surprised the other day to hear "Without You" in our local clothing store. The next day I was at St. Louis Mills in the Burlington Coat Factory Outlet store and I heard it again. It's been a long time since I've heard Clay when I was out shopping, and I shop a lot, ha. But it was sure great. I think we should take it as a positive sign.
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Information in this fandom is like gold. Raise your hand if you've been offered info if you promise not to tell. I have, in order to get me to believe all of the rumours going on about Clay, RCA, Roger, etc. Here's the thing though - not only don't I care enough to join the realms of those "in the know" I don't trust your sources. There are too many agendas out there for me to believe anything from anybody any longer. Even though it's not true in every instance (Dallas anyone), I'm back to believing only what I read at the OFC. So if that means I hear about crap 3 weeks after the fact, so be it.

Take this Ryan on the high horse utterance...huh? There is still no verification of where Ryan supposedly said this. Yet now there are wink winks that it was said and I should believe it. So somebody was at Ryan's house? Was Clay there? I mean how did this person hear it if it didn't go out on the radio waves or the idol set - and how did Clay also hear about it. Is this an urban legend now. Does this join the ranks of a sick Clay performing with IVs stuck in his body? We have enough evidence that Clay is witty, snarky, holds a grudge - we don't need to make stuff up.

I'm also supposed to believe that Roger had all Clay's posters from Virgin thrown in the trash. What, no clack of said posters in the trash? When I was reading up on all of that, I saw it morph into all sorts of things about how Clay was basically removed from the store after the event was over. Which of course doesn't explain how on my visit to that same store the next day I not only saw Clay posters still hanging (only 2 but hell they were there) but I actually watched them restocking. And yeah I'm just as paranoid as the next Clay fan because I stood there ready to rearrange lest they dare move Clay from that main rack at the front door. Remember this was the week after Clay's release so they were adding the NEW releases to that rack. I saw them start to move other artists. Lionel Ritchie? Removed. Clay was not only NOT moved but he had a few rows, and his stock was refreshed. So I really don't care who you are...if I know the second part isn't true why should I believe the first.

Bottle girl, you are wise. I shall follow your lead. Well try to anyway.

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Joins unpopular kids list. Hi artie :F_05BL17blowkiss: !

Okay, totally off topic and wierd but true: I dreamt that Faye Parker was teaching me how to levitate last night. And I did- with her. We also levitated other objects around.

Okay, interpreters, have at it.

Anyone watch cutie Apolo tonight?

OMG Divayenta. That was hawt. I mean hot hot stuff. That youngin made me take my dirty mind off of Clay, for about 3 minutes. Hee He sure needs to win that.

Muski? You and I babe...............naughty2.gif This emoticon was made specially for me by one of my Rebel friends. I think I want to share it with you. You just crack me up. I mean it. I laugh at almost every one of your posts. You and I share the same type humor. In the words of Martha Stewart, "It's a good thing."

Couchie you are right about fandoms being pretty much alike, I suppose. Like I said this is my first time following any celebrity. Never experienced the fangirly stuff, even when I was in my teens. I guess what I have found hard to believe, odd if you will, is that most pop singers Clay's age, don't have fans that are in their 40's on up who actually get involved to this degree with their fanclubs. Most fanclubs have young members, don't they, and they don't involve themselves in their celebrities personal career business, do they? They have fun and celebrate. It seems, sometimes, some of the older fans, of which I am one, take all the fun away from them with their bickering and constant trying to micro manage Clay's career. I just think a lot of the OTT things we see with Clay's fans hurt him, his image, & his career. A lot and I feel so sorry for him. Some things are so juvenile in this fandom. It would be appropriate, or at least understandable, behavior for teenagers, but it comes from grown women who claim to be professionals. I guess I lead a sheltered life. On second thought, no I didn't, really. LOL

kandre, welcome back. I missed you. I am so jealous of all those getting to go to Houston and share in your party. I expect some one to have a drink for me.

Claygasm I enjoyed reading your thoughts. Bottlecap I liked your attitude. I think Ansamcw is a very smart lady. YSRN, you are on my list of most popular and special people.

luckiest1 I owe you a lot for telling me about this place. Like I said earlier I am not a member of CH but I do read there, and it has been because of posters like the ones here, who post there. I have to say in all honestly with no mean spiritedness involved, that as a lurker there, I have noticed how unfair the moderating is. I have noticed how people with opposing opinions get smacked down. I have noticed how you are "expected" to be minions of certain people's thinking or you are not given much respect. Trust me, when I say that I am not the only person who notices this either. If I were a member there and got treated like I see some do, my feelings would be hurt as well and I would have to do exactly what a lot of their members have done. That is to find another place to try and fit in. I'm thrilled couchie provided the place.

ldyjocelyn, I just can't wait till Tulsa and I get an opportunity to meet you and other FCA members.

I agree that most people's board personality is not the same as their real life persona. Anonymity is a wonderful thing. Seriously, I stand by what my posts and feelings are and I'm not intimidated or afraid to attend fan pre-parties and meet other people. I enjoy them. If somebody has something they want to say to me bring it on. If they want to give me dirty looks so be it. I don't hide what my screen name on the boards is, if someone asks. I don't go to other boards and secret places under an alias screen name and trash people. I don't claim, at these parties, that I am a fan but don't post on the boards, as so many people do. I think it is a tragedy, though, that some fans are wanting to back away from attending fan parties because of some other fans.

Clay doing karaoke? Now that is rich. :cryingwlaughter:

A new cd out this year? Bwahaaaa!!!!!! lightmyfire it's time for one of your "You Can Not Invent This Stuff" post..........I suppose anything is possible but man that is really doing some creative daydreaming on some people's part. IMO I'm almost hoping there is, and it turns out to be that mythical cd Clive shelved. I bet it is filled with the same type stuff that is on ATDW only not near as good. Because if it was then we would not of got a cd of covers, more than likely.

Whoever said, sorry I forgot, that no matter what label Clay is with they are going to pretty much treat Clay the same way as RCA. I agree. I am one that hopes he doesn't go with David Foster or a small label.

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Information in this fandom is like gold. Raise your hand if you've been offered info if you promise not to tell. I have, in order to get me to believe all of the rumours going on about Clay, RCA, Roger, etc. Here's the thing though - not only don't I care enough to join the realms of those "in the know" I don't trust your sources. There are too many agendas out there for me to believe anything from anybody any longer. Even though it's not true in every instance (Dallas anyone), I'm back to believing only what I read at the OFC. So if that means I hear about crap 3 weeks after the fact, so be it.

Couchie. great post. My sentiments too.

Boston Legal on tonight.........I wonder if Clay would enjoy watching this show? I love it. I can't believe they killed off Gerald McRaney on Jericho. I liked his character.................

Edited by Clayzorback
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Clayzor, your opinion as a CH outsider is interesting. As a member there and from the inside my perspective is entirely different. OK I can't say that I know how it feels to be in their shoes because I don't do much in the way of modding but it's because I really haven't had to. But just knowing when to jump in and change course is not an easy thing.I always speak to Ansa or LdyJ first for advice cuz I'm just not good at it. Another admin at another board told me once that she doesn't get into the daily modding because she knew she'd ban everybody. I personally respct both GBB and Duds (do ya'll just hate me for shortening your names...such a bad habit). And really don't know how Duds does it at both CV and CH. It's a thankless task for the most part. I feel even sorrier for the OFC mods because it isn't their board and don't have the power to do whatever they want. Mods anywhere are like the boss yet part of the community. It's a very difficult balance to maintain. I haven't been trouted much and frankly people know I think when they deserve it. Only once did I feel I didn't deserve it and I just respectfully said so.

ETA: Play, I won't ask but hope you feel better soon.

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I post and lurk on a lot of boards and have access to most secret threads - no one ever - ever posted about the high horse until after it was suggested as a reason - Now many people are not discreet where I have read - you would be surprised at how mnay fan boards have no problem reproducing Clay's blog in full for non-memebers! I think if that rumor were true in fact and not in fan revisionist history, I would have heard it. I was stuck in my house pretty much for the last few weeks and the internet and the dog park (for short periods) were my only physical possibiliites - don't ask, I am better now, don't want to talk about it. I stopped walking the doggies and I miss them, but tomorrow maybe I will be able to go again.

I am sure someone has a cap of Ryan's show, they are just not producing it. Heck, much worse stuff about Clay on that show was posted and that made it to print to don't try and tell me someone was protecting Clay by not reporting it! I won't say what I think about people who pass around gossip as fact, but I do believe the proper term is biddies. If you ask for proof though why, aren't you jsut unreasonable - by the way - all you trusing people - I have a wonderful investment for you that I am sure will double your money - I can't give you the details because they are secret - but just trust me and this inside information I have and send all your money to my paypal account and I will get back to you after I move to.... er... recover the profit from this bridge in Brooklyn. Yeah, that, real soon, double your money, sure thing and Clay would like you to invest - in his last blog he said as much, you just have to read between the lines.

I actually feel less edited and freer at the CH - there are other boards I just don't bother to post at anymore because the mods are members 'in honor' of pod central on one and so invested in this fantasy about Clay and hating his label on another that you better not disagree - if you agree you can say anything, if you disagree, you will be edited and warned - My basic thing is, I like a lot of people at these boards, even the people that so rudely have moderated me, I just don't think there is any common sense in the moderating and I just gave up posting there - quite opposite to the OFC where I believe it is just a few people without lives that post incessantly and I just don't like to waste my time like that, I may dabble, but I will never spend any length of time there.

Sorry, I did not mean to not be funny, maybe I can find a funny emoticon


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(((play))) hope you feel better.

yeah this high horse story stinks cos why are people keeping it off the boards if it was on Ryan's program. I wouldn't be surprised if he did say it...but puhleeze we are not kids...why try and censor the info, Let people see what it was and let them decide for themselves. That is just bizarro!!!

lots of great posts once again...will respond later after watching my girls in a speech competition.

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Sorry Couchie if I got out of line. I really wasn't trying to put down the mods over there on a personal level. Just noting some observations. I do see a lot of favoritism on that board. However, I sometimes forget that some of the members here are still members at CH and I don't mean to make statements that might make it uncomfortable for those who still call it their home. I will try to watch myself in the future.

I would never want to be a mod anywhere. I would be like that one person, you talked about, and ban everybody. LOL It is a thankless job and it requires a lot of time. The mods at CH are certainly no different or worse than elsewhere. I used to respect and support the mods at OFC but find that is not the case much anymore. I don't believe their hands are as tied as they claim and they have let a certain group of poddies take over Clay's OFC. It is ruined. The music forum in particular is nothing but a place filled with hate for ATDW. I simply cannot forgive those responsible. I'm not there anymore so the poddies are going to have to find a new person to blame, for the demise of the OFC.

True or not playbiller, I loved seeing Clay come on Kimmel on the high horse. LOL

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