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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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The one that owns the board with the x's did post that she wanted it shut down guess she got her wish.

Well, she posted enough vitriol in that thread to accomplish her mission. And it was a mission, not just a wish. They waited and pounced. They make me sick, frankly and they should be ashamed of themselves. Sadly, they are probably proud.

You're right Jenna... lots of celebrities boards are shut down. So, I'm gonna take a chill pill over it. But I'll be a monkey's ass if I'm gonna let those people tell me how to act, think, post, or otherwise express myself.

God, I'm pissed.

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More newbies! How cool!

Welcome to oldnaiken and jerrijan!!!

Looks like we've been discovered y'all!

The OFC message board - yup, its embarrassing and its embarrassing that the reason it is down is on the public page. I cannot image what happened to precipitate this. I mean, things have been nasty and embarrassing there forever and they have never done this before!

However, I do think there was no reason to air the dirty laundry in public. Why couldn't that message be what comes up when you try and access the message board? Or at the very least only come up after you sign in to the site?

There are ads out there for his concerts and on everyone is the web address for the OFC. People just wondering about the concerts may come there. They shouldn't have to read that. It could make them wonder and scare them away. IMO, that message should not be there on the public page.

Clayzor, that board you were talking about? That's the one and from what I hear they really do think Clay approves personally of everything they do. Someone I had been friends with for ages reads over there and she takes everything they do and say as gospel because she was told Clay approves of everything! And she has convinced others of this too and trust me, there is no reasoning with them! They are convinced Clay knows everything that is happening on that board and condones it. Its sad really.

ETA: Can someone tell me what was going on in the thread in question? If you don;t want to post it, could you PM me? Please?

Edited by Claygasm
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Clayzor! huging.gif

I have to admit what happened at the OFC is pretty damn embarassing. I was shocked at what was going on and that nothing was done to stop it maybe the mods are just as fed up as many of the members.

The one that owns the board with the x's did post that she wanted it shut down guess she got her wish.

welcome jerijan...In a way I feel like shutting down of OFC means the negatives won...but I see this as just a reboot. I have a feeling Clay was the one who said just shut it down. A frieand specualted if Clay;s teacher came out and said to send them all to the corner...

but yeah 00lsee is right...I think this has caused a lot of pain a riff in the fandom....((((to all who needs it))))

welcome to those new lurkers that may be checking us out and looking for a new home.

BTW....there are a lot of areas in this board for other topics...Like sports, other tv shows, books, movies, families...it would be good if we can revive some of those threads.

If any body wants to start other OT threads just let us know.

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Clayzor! huging.gif

I have to admit what happened at the OFC is pretty damn embarassing. I was shocked at what was going on and that nothing was done to stop it maybe the mods are just as fed up as many of the members.

The one that owns the board with the x's did post that she wanted it shut down guess she got her wish.

jerrijan, I think lots of people hoped Clay would shut it down but for different reasons. Madame X and her clan, no doubt, wanted the OC people off of the board. That is why they are trying to get it shut down and they want the mods fired because they think the mods are OC sympathizers. IMO

I want it shut down because of the clan, and the poddies, the constant RCA Clive bashing and the terrible way they trashed Clay's ATDW cd. I notice some fans, who I consider to be homophobic and members of Madam X's board under an alias screen name, have started taking over the board. Other people want it shut down because of the negativity. It turned into a cesspool and most fans have lost respect for the mods who seemingly can't get control. I am glad but also sad and angered. My blood has boiled over for a long time about the high school behavior over there.

Claygasm, Clay knows everything that is going on, on that board, but he sure as hell doesn't approve of it.

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The OFC has sucked for ages - so on to more important matters - namely


Word Of The Day

Coroplasty - working with clay

A dream job if ever there was one.

Personally I'd very much like to work with clay, work him gooooood. Oooh yeah!!

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I'll see if I can do a quick synopsis (and yes, I am biased - people can add if they like):

The thread started by asking if Clay was really in Paris; they mentioned the Canadian Page 6 blurb; someone asked for a link; a mod posted the actual article; someone said posting the article was against the TOU as it was bashing Clay; the mods said no, it wasn't; someone posted the written TOU; the mods referenced a discussion (verbal?) they apparently had with the Admin that said some tabloid stuff was allowed; a battle broke out between the points of view, which eventually denigrated into people calling each other stupid and liars and bad fans and haters and trolls and declaring some sort of Canadian conspiracy; people started posting pictures to derail the thread; they were attacked; at the end people were still taking potshots at each other.

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Hmmm, shut down, huh? I haven't been to OFC message board in ages, 'cause it mostly gave me heartburn, but I'm sure there are regular posters there who will miss it. It was a good place to post cross-board information for specific concerts and stuff, so I hope there will be a widely-accessible place where that can still happen. Maybe it can come back with a different TOU and Mods who have some autonomy and adequate powers to make sure discussions stay respectful and on track.

Welcome to the Newbies and Delurkers!! Also, I need to give a shout-out to georgiaclay, who's been quiet for far too long. Where are you at, girl?

I have nothing else of any substance to say, so I'm just gonna post some pretty:





people started posting pictures to derail the thread

AACCCKKK!! You posted that while I was posting pictures!!! Now I look like a weasel!!! AAACCKKK!! :P

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Word Of The Day

Coroplasty - working with clay

A dream job if ever there was one.

Loved this! Thanks!

The thread started by asking if Clay was really in Paris

Thanks for the synopsis, KAndre. This is so sad it's almost funny. How pathetic is it that such a small thing can blow up into World War III. But even in this recap, you can sense the dueling agendas.

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I'll see if I can do a quick synopsis (and yes, I am biased - people can add if they like):

The thread started by asking if Clay was really in Paris; they mentioned the Canadian Page 6 blurb; someone asked for a link; a mod posted the actual article; someone said posting the article was against the TOU as it was bashing Clay; the mods said no, it wasn't; someone posted the written TOU; the mods referenced a discussion (verbal?) they apparently had with the Admin that said some tabloid stuff was allowed; a battle broke out between the points of view, which eventually denigrated into people calling each other stupid and liars and bad fans and haters and trolls and declaring some sort of Canadian conspiracy; people started posting pictures to derail the thread; they were attacked; at the end people were still taking potshots at each other.

That pretty much sums it up LOL It was bad. It seemed to me it was the xxx board gang verses the OC gang verses the usual fan police or something like that :lol:

I feel bad for Clay. The poor guy really has some wacky fans.

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I'm not. I'm fucking pissed.

Way fucking pissed. And mortified that adults can act like such complete judgemental assholes.

Embarrassing doesn't begin to cover it. I am totally ashamed of this fandom today. I hate this shit.

Yeah, that. Although, I think my first response was truly sadness -- sadness that it had to come to that. And then, pissed off that the whole thing basically just degenerated into one big ole pissing match.

Stupid fucking idiots.

Claygasm, that is a great point though about the "dirty laundry" aspect of it. I wish I wasn't that way either.

I'm ashamed to say this, but I bet Clay blogs tonight.

Meanwhile, on a more fun note or two...

I know feelings are running high on all sides of the OFC board issue, so here are some ((((HUGS)))) for those who need them.

Thanks...I think we all could use that. Everyone can use a hug now and then.

Those photos of Leno Clay were, like, gah...and stuff. :)

I really think "Gah...and stuff" should be a thread title....


Word Of The Day

Coroplasty - working with clay

A dream job if ever there was one.

Personally I'd very much like to work with clay, work him gooooood. Oooh yeah!!

Work with Clay? Or play with Clay? Your choice...

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I can only speak for myself, but when I use the terms "Positive Police" or "Fan Police" I am only referring to those OTT fans who don't want to let other fans have an honest opposing opinion. Or post anything that is not all fluff and puff. I'm referring to OTT fans who want to dictate to everyone else what they should think, say, do and how to behave. The ones who want to define anyone who is not all sunshine 24/7, over everything about Clay, as being a bad fan.

Clazor...I understand that is what you meant. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Just know that some of us who merely "have a general positive happy attitude" have been labeled as such and lumped in with the above group. I think where people give up is when they wonder if it's okay to say anything. If the first comment after a performance is "I think Clay looked like shit and sounded worse" am I suppose to just not say I thought he looked great and sounded fine? Is there some waiting period? Do I have to wait an hour after a post critical of Clay before I can say something without it being labeled as "piling on" the first poster?

Truly there are things that I don't care for that Clay has sung or worn. There's Touch, most of the demo's & the Captain Kangaroo Jacket from that one Leno to name just a few. I just choose to dwell on what I do like, which is a much longer list. I've never been out to change anyone else's opinion or make them feel uncomfortable for having it. Just like to feel free to express my own.


Private boards. Didn't mean to start a topic du jour and I'm happy to say I had no idea about the board your talking about. Trust me, that's way toooo labor intense for my peeps, :cryingwlaughter:

However, I was answering a question with an answer that is from my own experience.

Most of the Clayfan friends I have started out posting on one board or another. Most are still very active fans. They plan concert trips, they SQUEEEE over the same pictures you do, they watch Clack, they go to local gatherings, they buy CD's, they promote Clay in their chosen way...but almost to a person, and for a variety of reasons, they no longer have a presence on the public boards. I guess I see that as sort of a positive thing really. To me it says that just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there.

OFC shutdown? I agree, embarassing but given the circumstances probably a necessary move. Maybe, if and when they bring it back things will get better.

Hope springs eternal. :RedGuy:

Edited by jamar1700
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My first post so glad that's over with lol

Eeeeee, look who is here! Hi!

Embarrassing doesn't begin to cover it. I am totally ashamed of this fandom today. I hate this shit.

Yeah that.

This is probably the worse time for the OFC to shut down - people were planning parties, people were making arrangement for the tour. It sucks that some people are celebrating.

I keep going back to the fact that I think the mods were under staffed - espectially when the older foldk onthat board came with some pretty heavy agendas. I would not hold my breath until they or their friends become mods.

My hopes for the fan club - that it become a children friendly board!

1) Word checker to not allow cursing (sorry guys - kid friendly remember) or detailed body parts

2) possible post reviews (beanie board used to have approval of you posts before allowing them on the boards - because of fighting

3) limits on posting - only once every 15 minutes per section (i.e. you could do a poll, do a man section, do a tour section.... - postwhoring is almost an art there. I do believe there is monitoring for that.

4) Limii the topics to light ones this is where the newbies enter and come to read and post the first time.

5) have someone specifically appointed to post the news, not to allow discussion of it all though.

There are other boars people can meet at - the OFC should be for rejoicing and planning and celebrating -

Yes, that is an appearance from Polly Positive again - just for that board - Let kid fans join it.

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I feel a little guilty now cuz I know how i feel when I can't get into the board or it's down for a bit..but not knowing if it will come back or when - the people planning get togethers etc. sigh. It's just all so unfortunate.

Some great ideas Play, certainly worth considering. I would love it if the board were kid friendly. I mean we bitch and moan and complain about how Clay's demographics need to expand yet there are few places welcome to them. I woudl think the the official fan club would be one of those places.

Having every post moderated sounds intense. And it seems like some neutral 3rd party needs to be in place. But I can even see that going to pot due to suspicion. There are way to many factions to just pick somebody off a fan board. No matter who it is, it will cause problem for another segment.

I like the idea of flood control. That could work.

I just think it needs to be a different kind of place. There are a million message boards out there. OFC should be informative and friendly. And I'll gladly wear wings for thinking so on this one. Frankly if I had the power, the only place to actually post over there would be to comment on Clay's blog. That's it.

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Welcome to the newbies!

Hey couchie does this mean there are finally more members than Mods?

Hey that's the way to run a board!! :cryingwlaughter:

Hee I just noticed that I joined a month after you and I only have 79 posts....geesh I had better get typing!

Edited by merrieeee
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Now Clayzor you know they won't. Once you have roaches it's impossible to get rid of them. :lol:

My first post so glad that's over with lol

Forgot to say...LOL and welcome.

Hey couchie does this mean there are finally more members than Mods?

Hey that's the way to run a board!! :cryingwlaughter:

uh oh we better get busy and start appointing people

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Just know that some of us who merely "have a general positive happy attitude" have been labeled as such and lumped in with the above group. I think where people give up is when they wonder if it's okay to say anything. If the first comment after a performance is "I think Clay looked like shit and sounded worse" am I suppose to just not say I thought he looked great and sounded fine? Is there some waiting period? Do I have to wait an hour after a post critical of Clay before I can say something without it being labeled as "piling on" the first poster?

Great post, and sadly, oh so true on some boards.

OFC shutdown? I agree, embarassing but given the circumstances probably a necessary move. Maybe, if and when they bring it back things will get better.

Yep, let's hope. I'm sad for Clay though. I keep hearing the lyrics "we only act like children when we argue, fuss and fight" in my head.

ETA some cute quotes from Clay, first posted on CH by 43dudleyvillas.

Allison Glock has written an upcoming Elle cover story on Kelly Clarkson that you can read here. This is on topic because Clay is quoted in a series of testimonials to Kelly:

"She is the most popular pop vocalist in the country," echoes Clay Aiken, a friend and former touring partner. "And to be that girl and not mind being photographed with your hair messed up—that is something. Can you name any other singer who would dare do that? I mean, please."

"Her new album is a real departure. It's a risk," Aiken says. "Kelly is one of those people who really knows who she is. For better or worse, she is her own woman."
Edited by luckiest1
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Just know that some of us who merely "have a general positive happy attitude" have been labeled as such and lumped in with the above group. I think where people give up is when they wonder if it's okay to say anything. If the first comment after a performance is "I think Clay looked like shit and sounded worse" am I suppose to just not say I thought he looked great and sounded fine? Is there some waiting period? Do I have to wait an hour after a post critical of Clay before I can say something without it being labeled as "piling on" the first poster?

Truly there are things that I don't care for that Clay has sung or worn. There's Touch, most of the demo's & the Captain Kangaroo Jacket from that one Leno to name just a few. I just choose to dwell on what I do like, which is a much longer list. I've never been out to change anyone else's opinion or make them feel uncomfortable for having it. Just like to feel free to express my own.

You are me. Not everything Clay does is great for me. BUT I rather really gush about those that I love. If I didn't like something everyone is gushing over...I usually just share my feelings with couchie...yeah I know poor her...hee. But when I do post about liking something others don't like...its not meant to shut them up...just want to express another POV. I also don't post I like something just to counter others. I don;t think clay needs me to defend him...or protect him...he is a big smart strong man...I just don;t think the fans that enjoyed it should feel left out of a discussion.

Hi Play!

I think for the OFC to survive they are going to need some active admin in there that can support the mods and flush out the garbage.

I really don;t know what the mods can do there...can they close threads, edit posts, suspend members? Cos the threads should;ve been closed and people suspended and edited once the disrespects starts...from anybody. They shouldn't get into an argument...just do what they have to.

Awww Clay's testimonial for Kelly...so cute...what a friend...but I see he also didn't say it was good. :RedGuy:

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I like what Clay said. I especially like the she's her own woman part. It is something only someone who really knows someone would say. And the for better or for worse part? Again, only someone close to you would say something like that because only someone close to you knows you for better and for worse. Maybe that's why those words are in wedding vows!

Why are there some people who still do not believe Clay and Kelly are good friends? They have both said it many times. They hang out when they can - like when Kelly was in Raleigh last summer. I suspect they have been great sounding boards for each other and support for each other. They have both shared so many of the same experiences.

I guess since Kelly doesn't talk about how wonderful Clay is in every interview she can't be a true friend of Clay's. :rolleyes:

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I like what Clay said. I especially like the she's her own woman part. It is something only someone who really knows someone would say. And the for better or for worse part? Again, only someone close to you would say something like that because only someone close to you knows you for better and for worse. Maybe that's why those words are in wedding vows!

Why are there some people who still do not believe Clay and Kelly are good friends? They have both said it many times. They hang out when they can - like when Kelly was in Raleigh last summer. I suspect they have been great sounding boards for each other and support for each other. They have both shared so many of the same experiences.

I guess since Kelly doesn't talk about how wonderful Clay is in every interview she can't be a true friend of Clay's. :rolleyes:

oh I think thats a true friendship...I am very happy they have each other to lean on. this is a tough industry...they need to have friends that can understand what they go through.

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oh I think thats a true friendship...I am very happy they have each other to lean on. this is a tough industry...they need to have friends that can understand what they go through.

I'm not a Kelly fan but even I think they have a real friendship.

oooh more Clay goodies!! :hubbahubba:

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Wow.. I'm so confused.. what are we talking about in here.. haha and im not even new to the whole fandom forums either.. is this thread just a bunch of random clay talk.. Hey i will go for that.. I love Clay, hes been my idol ever since he first walked out on that stage.. anyway please help a confused fan.. lol

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