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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Clay's blog has made me so happy tonight. Every word of it. I'm excited for him that Jericho is back on CBS and my, my he so badly wants his own TV show. CBS, huh? He covered so many bases, talking about the tour -- Jesse, Angela, Quiana and a new drummer -- and there will be new songs, and uptempo songs. What what was that? Clive and the label have been very generous in their support of the new album. And he'll be blogging more often with the message board down. I love that he was in Paris and hanging with a famous American movie star -- and that he recovered his original passport. I think Clay posting more blogs that give us insight into his reality would clear up the controversies and allay the fears. I am in awe of him. He's got to be one of the oldest 28 year old men I've even heard about.

And thank you to everyone who waded through my upthread post and got something out of it. I didn't realize how long it was until I posted. I deeply appreciate the support that I feel here. It's as comforting as chocolate. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I fell in love with Clay Aiken, when, and it was a surprise to me, he appeared on the AI finale and my life changed. Here was this handsome, magnetic and extremely sexy man who was comfortable, confident, considerate, and exuded happiness with twinkling eyes and a ten billion dollar smile.

KeepingFaith It is so wonderful to read about someone who fell in love with Clay on the AI5 finale night. He did have twinkling eyes and a ten billion dollar smile that night. I will never forget that smile. I'm so happy to hear that there are still people discovering Clay. It's too bad you went to the OFC first, although understandable. As a whole, the Clay fandom had a tough year last year, but the AI finale was a bright shining moment.

Clayzor I too was "called out" at that "xxx" place for being a "bad" fan last year. Guess I was too vocal in saying that I would love Clay no matter what his orientation and that I really didn't care, when I was supposed to be expressing how certain I was that he was straight. Shame on me.

I'm also saddened that Clay was exposed to the pathetic and sad behavior of so many of his fans. I think he finally had had enough. What I want to know is what he means by "serious consequences"? I mean, if Clay is going be doling out discipline personally, I just want to know where to get in line. :)

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Ok so wait.. People are fighting on the OFC? Thats not supporting Clay.. just making him look bad. They should have enough respect for Clay to not fight on it.. Take it to email or something

Yup you got it in a nutshell...and thats the right solution too. Unfortunately...the problem is..there are groups with agendas that is not connected to clay at all...but about who has the power in the fandom....so they don;t really care how it hurts Clay that they fight. Its really very sad.

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OK before I catch up I just want to say how much I love and respect Clay. That blog was perfect. Even though I didn't believe so many things, just hearing them constantly bandied about put them in my psyche rather I believe them or not. I tried to prepare myself for any evenutality. I am thrilled he will be singing songs from ATDW. I love that album. I'm glad he has confirmed he is working on an album at RCA, not because I love RCA but becuase no knowledge feeds the rumor mills. And I'm glad he said Clive is being supportive of his efforts. Maybe he does hate Clive. Who knows. Maybe he managed to do what all other artists try to do when they go through the recording process -- negotiate. And just maybe Clay will be the better man for it. I hope and pray that he gets to do it mostly his way this time around. But for now I celebrate this upcoming tour. So happy that Quiana and Ang will be with him. So thrilled they are going to rehearsals. So thrilled he is using his creative process to bring us yet one more show to remember.

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Ok so wait.. People are fighting on the OFC? Thats not supporting Clay.. just making him look bad. They should have enough respect for Clay to not fight on it.. Take it to email or something

Yup you got it in a nutshell...and thats the right solution too. Unfortunately...the problem is..there are groups with agendas that is not connected to clay at all...but about who has the power in the fandom....so they don;t really care how it hurts Clay that they fight. Its really very sad.

That's so sad.. I dont understand how someone could hurt him.. He's such a sweet and loveable guy. from what i have seen he would do anything for his fan's or really anybody..

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God, that blog. That man. He's so freakin' smart. And wise. I agree, Ansa, about how this blog basically put rumors to rest without prefacing "OKAY, people! It's time to put all this to bed!"


uh....wait a minute...I got distracted... :hubbahubba:

I just want to grab him and give him a big kiss to thank him for that wonderful, wonderful, wonderful blog! I really do think that if he'd do that kind of thing more often, it would be harder for people to 'assume the positions' that they love to......


uh......sorry....got distracted again... :blush:

What a very satisfying, fulfilling beautiful humongous present he gave us tonight.....

Was it good for you, too? :whistling-1:

ETA: Yeay! Totally's back! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :Tour3:

Edited by muskifest
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Jamar Whoo hooo...Oakland A's baby. See you in the race!! We've had some nightmare series against them!!

Chicks, in here, I don't think you CAN derail whatever conversation we have with pictures - in fact we are seriously so NOT anal...pretty pictures always welcome, even those with stubble (which doesn't thrill me, but I'm willing to occasionally sacrifice).

hee yep..what she said.

keepingfaith... thanks. Thanks for baring your fan soul. And describing the closest thing to an objective viewpoint that could ever be. That was all sorts of healing for me for some reason. I don't know whether to cry or just be grateful that you're still around or what, but you touched me and I appreciate it... and you.


I'm done bein' bitchy now!


Fuckers. <---whoops, that slipped.

Yes me too YSRN. Between Keepingfaith's post and Clay's blog I think I have turned a corner. All I want is to celebrate Clay. FCA's first thread title was "Ready for your constant state of celebration, Bring it on Clay" And this is what I want to do from now on. Hopefully when and if the OFC (Official Fan Club message board) returns - it will be a totally different place. I hope Clay will continue to be open so lies and gossip can't take root and grow. I am a happy camper tonight.

I'm also saddened that Clay was exposed to the pathetic and sad behavior of so many of his fans. I think he finally had had enough. What I want to know is what he means by "serious consequences"? I mean, if Clay is going be doling out discipline personally, I just want to know where to get in line. :)

Totally, so nice to see you!! And yeah, I'll take my paddling from Clay personally. I'm sure I've been a bad girl sometime this year. As for you also being singled out, I'm so sorry to hear that. As far as I know I haven't been, yet it still effects me as I am not so open in posting photos like I have been in the past. That makes me sad. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you said and there is no way on earth you should have been given the scarlett Bad Fan on your forehead.

Heee...love you Muski girl....

And who was that wenchi with Clay in Paris? Have we figured that out yet? heee'

It's 1:30 and I'm still up. I need to recruit some people from Hawaii or something LOL. But I re-read Clay's blog. It truly is spectacular. The tour sounds just like what I expected: ATDW, new songs, a fun way to add uptempo stuff... stuff he's never sang before (could be standards). .I didn't expect Ang..thought she'd be with Kelly so eeeeeeeeeeeeeee for that. No new backup singer. Was hoping for another guy voice but I'll take it. .I'm hyped. The album news sounds great too. Again, nothing suprising. Until proven otherwise, Clay is a man that likes to sing pretty songs. Yes he's more than that but I don't expect any great departure from what we've already seen. Just better production and more tempos. Fall of next year sounds good. They haven't even picked the producer yet..he's heading into rehearsals for the tour.. probably a little vacation after the tour... and a couple free months before it's time to rehearse for Xmas. But you know this is just so exciting. Maybe it will put people at ease to know that the process has really and truly begun. Sigh.

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Just let me allow my fangirly self to eeeeeee for bf's blog - wasn't that wonderful? Look at all the questions that have been exploding heads right and left lately that he answered oh so simply. Kinda takes some of the steam out of the angsting - yay for that! Still with RCA, support from Clive, Q & A touring with him, some new songs, upbeat. Because I am the biggest sap in the world, the title "My Angels!" nailed me to the wall - damn him

KeepingFaith - GLORIOUS post! I love reading your thoughts as a new fan and I'm so excited that you're going to see him for the first time this tour - can't wait to hear all about it. Although I bet if we jumped back into archives anywhere we'd read the same thing - there is absolutely nothing like seeing/hearing this man live - especially for the first time - I remember forgetting to breathe. Well, I still do that - and hold my hands over my mouth the whole damn concert - But I don't cry when I see him anymore - oh stop! most of you probaby did too! Didn't you? okay, just me then :)

Couch tomato - the Paris blog wench is Cameron Diaz - Ms Marm at CH had it 20 mins after the blog hit - I do love this fandom - I really do. I want to hear the story of how Clay split your name - do you ever couchie anymore?

Muski, I swear woman! The tongue I was handling just fine - the package - okay, doin' okay - I literally was thinking - "okay, I'm going to make it through these as long as she doesn't put up the . . . !!!" But you did - and I died - lord those fingers are lethal weapons. I was clacking with Clay friends out of town one evening and I swear we watched that mic clip 30 or 40 times in a row and felt it every.single.time. The people in the room next door probably thought there was one hot group thing going on. Have mercy *deep breath - wipes sweat from brow* Thank you M- it was all realy quite lovely :lol:

Welcome new posters - I do love this place and know you will too!

BIG St Louis Cardinals fan here! Albert P is da man!

27 days 'til Frisco - my cellcert scripts are paid up and I am ready! and only 30 days 'til Clay for me!


Oh, and just to see you all smile (or weep) first thing in the morning:



Edited by PuddinsJoy
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Clay's blog is such an example of why I have never really worried about that man...why I don't feel guilty about lusting after him and admiring him....

He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man. The kind I like. He may be pissed as all hell at the fans (or not) but he doesn't point fingers in public, makes it clear what he's doing in his own way and still manages to keep his humor.

Though I thought the "my angels" reference was to ATD (you know, where he would fight all of us). Heh.

As for the blog itself - what Ansa said.

I feel so self-satisfied. Yeah, I'm a bitch. But I'm Clay's angel, too, nyah nyah nyah!

Oh yeah! waves to all the newbies and delurkers

keepingfaith, you clearly are gonna make a superb minion - but I knew that when you fought to pay for glitter...

I'm normally bad at waving and remembering birthdays and stuff - but keep in mind, I like ya anyway!

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<---- edited to add my avi. What do ya think? Yes? No? Feedback appreciated.

Ooooh, I forgot - there are two official foods on this board - Cheese Doodles

mmmm cheeeezdoooodles. [tm Homer Simpson]

Jamar Whoo hooo...Oakland A's baby. See you in the race!! We've had some nightmare series against them!!

Well not lately *sniff* Sure glad we're off the left coast for now. THAT was not one of our better road trips. But my Twins fandom is just part of me. Year in and year out. 90 wins or 90 losses. I'm right there, cheering them on.

I like all sports but baseball (all levels) & fastpitch softball are my two passions. My DD played fastpitch for 10 years. Did the whole tournament, traveling team thing. *waves to muski* She could have played in college (small private school) but got a better deal with her academic scholarships and decided to give it up and play intermurals instead.

Though I thought the "my angels" reference was to ATD (you know, where he would fight all of us). Heh.

My friend suggested he change it to "My Plague of Angels" :cryingwlaughter:

And ya'll can talk about him mentioning uptempo songs all you want...the man used the word diddies. I read it. You read it. This fandom CANNOT hide from it.

Yes. He's such a ROCKSTAH! Hee. :RedGuy:

Oh yeah. I really love him!

edited for clarity and sucky spelling.

Edited by jamar1700
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No time to do a full post now, so I'll write just three quick items:

1) Best. Blog. Ever. Bar none. I love him so very much.

2) keepingfaith rawks. Wonderful post -- thank you for that.

3) I'm off to suggest this as a thread title, from the glorious KAndre:

He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man

Later taters.

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I loved everything about Clay's blog! How does that man make me love him even more? It's quite amazing! :wub:

keepingfaith, I hope you know that your friendship is one of the best things that came out of my experience at the OFC. You, lightmyfire, and Clayzor kept me hanging in there, trying to fight the good fight for Clay.

You all have a special place in my heart! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by LovesClaysVoice
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Angels? I think I stopped after that first line and laughed for about 5 minutes before I could continue on. I thought it was pure snark, after what had happened that day on the board. Or maybe I just have a weird sense of humour. Come to think of it, I do laugh hysterically at the Hannibal movies.... *waves to cindilu2*

That was the greatest blog in the history of Clay blogs. I had to take about 15 separate fangirly moments before I finished it. I just loved the way he calmly stated each truth, dispelling a myriad of rumours and theories and speculations.

Yeah, I guess you could say it was good for me. I freaking love him. :rainbowsmile:

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Good morning...I had such a good sleep. I did. I think I smiled all night. Never even noticed the title of the blog. BWAH... And yeah KAndre I like your interpretation.

Just let me allow my fangirly self to eeeeeee for bf's blog - wasn't that wonderful? Look at all the questions that have been exploding heads right and left lately that he answered oh so simply. Kinda takes some of the steam out of the angsting - yay for that! Still with RCA, support from Clive, Q & A touring with him, some new songs, upbeat. Because I am the biggest sap in the world, the title "My Angels!" nailed me to the wall - damn him

BIG St Louis Cardinals fan here! Albert P is da man!

Yes he is the man!! (Clay and Albert P) Selfishly I'll take more blogs any day of the week.

Though I thought the "my angels" reference was to ATD (you know, where he would fight all of us). Heh.

I feel so self-satisfied. Yeah, I'm a bitch. But I'm Clay's angel, too, nyah nyah nyah!

keepingfaith, you clearly are gonna make a superb minion - but I knew that when you fought to pay for glitter...

bwah to all off the above. I know everything Clay blogs is open to interpretation but I'm finding the My Angels first class primo snark. AND I LOVE IT.

<---- edited to add my avi. What do ya think? Yes? No? Feedback appreciated.

Great...where is it from. I'm so bad figuring these things out.

Well not lately *sniff* Sure glad we're off the left coast for now. THAT was not one of our better road trips. But my Twins fandom is just part of me. Year in and year out. 90 wins or 90 losses. I'm right there, cheering them on.

That's me. And I remember when I was in teh sixth grade, we did this little project to see how much grade schoolers knew about the world aroudn them? And Oakland A's wins Third Worls Series was the biggest story of the year according to all of us. heee. And I've followed them before and since!

My friend suggested he change it to "My Plague of Angels" :cryingwlaughter:

Bwah...yeah that works too. and believe me I include myself in that description.

Oh yeah. I really love him!

:DoClay: cus I love him too. :cryingwlaughter:

I loved everything about Clay's blog! How does that man make me love him even more? It's quite amazing! :wub:

Welcome LovesClaysVoice!!

Well late last night I finally looked at my mail for the day...and I actually got a little bit of clack. A new mysplash card arrive with Clay looking 12. I never really even use it..just got it cuz you know, had to have everything Clay back in the day. And now I have multiples heee.

Oh and UNICEF called me yesterday. Guess I"m on the list. Finally on a list of Clay's. heee.

Happy Friday!

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Gonna print that blog out and fold it lovingly and stick it in my...

pocket. Gonna pull that sucker out....

whenever I find myself going down....

a bad path of negativity.

Yep. Gonna put that thing in my....

pocket and keep Clay close to my....


Mornin', everybody! :RedGuy:

Yep, the title of the blog had me BWAHing. I can just SEE him typing "My Angels!" and muttering, "craz...er enthusiastic bit...er...fans" :cryingwlaughter:

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Geez! I go to bed early last night and come to work, check the board and there are pages and pages and more newbies and Clay blogged! Its work catching up! Phew!

Welcome all, since I can't remember everyone's name!

Chicks, in here, I don't think you CAN derail whatever conversation we have with pictures - in fact we are seriously so NOT anal...pretty pictures always welcome, even those with stubble (which doesn't thrill me, but I'm willing to occasionally sacrifice).

I am KAndre's minion, but stubble pictures are THE BEST! LOVE me some stubble!

Keepingfaith, I adored your long post from yesterday. Such an interesting perspective! I am glad you found your way here and I cannot wait to meet you in Texas and see your reaction to your first Clay concert!

What I want to know is what he means by "serious consequences"? I mean, if Clay is going be doling out discipline personally, I just want to know where to get in line. :)

Hee! You took the words right out of my mouth! Clay, I have been a very, very bad little fan girl. I think I need a spanking....

Clay's blog - well, he really is delusional if he thinks that it was his fans who saved "Jericho"! All he has to do is read the entertainment pages to know there was a very organized effort of fanatical fans - and it had nothing to do with Clay! But I know he must be happy about its return, so if he wants to think it was his fans, I guess that's ok.

Loved reading that blog, though. It was very informative on so many levels. He seemed to, just in the course of conversation, dispel many rumors and rumblings running through the fandom. I have no doubt Clive and the label are supportive. I have never felt Clive hated Clay or visa a versa. I still think there was more to the decision to go with a covers album than we know. I also think he made it clear that the type of songs on ATDW are songs HE loves. I wonder how long it will take for some in the fandom to start worrying that Clive is forcing him to do another covers album because he said while he wants to try and grow he also wants to stay true to great songs and great melodies?? I guess it also dispels the rumor that was running rampant that DF was producing Clay's next album and he was recording it this month!

I am soooooo glad Quiana and Angela will be with him. I am kind of sorry Andy won't be there. Who's going to do the Spanish guitar of SSTBTHW????? They have to keep the Spanish guitar if they do that song. That's what makes that song special?? Do orchestras have guitarists? I also loved that he made it clear that he loves these symphonic tours! I bet there are more than a few who are having a fit over the idea that he is apparently only going to do a few uptempo songs.

I do hope he blogs more often, although I doubt he'll blog much this summer since he's touring. I love these types of blogs where he's just chatty and tells us what's happening.

What a cool dude he is! I love him!

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I loved everything about Clay's blog! How does that man make me love him even more? It's quite amazing! :wub:

keepingfaith, I hope you know that your friendship is one of the best things that came out of my experience at the OFC. You, lightmyfire, and Clayzor kept me hanging in there, trying to fight the good fight for Clay.

You all have a special place in my heart! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:big hug:

Oh Loves, I was hoping you would post here today. Reading what you just wrote about the good fight made me realize that over at OFC, you and Clayzor and lightmyfire and then later me, were like the walking wounded marching shoulder to shoulder into battle and we survived. YAY for us!


Did Clay give great blog last night, or WHAT!!! Usually I read them and move on. This one I keep reading ... maybe it's the My Angels part that's killing me :2:, or just that it's the best blog ever. I'm stamping my feet and refusing to take the My Angels salutation as snark -- I believe he's that ecstatic over Jericho. The whole blog was reassuring and comforting in a paternal way, like daddy tucking the kids in bed at night after a rough day. I must be losing it, because I'm old enough to be his mother, talking about him as a father figure and yet .....


Sick Puppy On Board.

jamar -- I love your avi. Definitely keep it. Clay's hands through his hair = always a turn on for me!!!

And puddins, Lord grant me the strength to admit that Albert P is awesome, even though he single-handedly destroyed our star closer, and apparently stole his manhood, because Brad Lidge has never been the same. I was there at Game 5 of the NLCS in 2005, which featured the slowest, death march out of a ballpark that I've ever experienced. Even though the Stros did go on to the WS, Lidge was psychologically spent and it was over before it began. I think Brad is mentally still on the mound facing Pujols and watching that ball go into the stands ... over and over .....

Oh, and one more thing .... where are you lightmyfire?

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I wonder how long it will take for some in the fandom to start worrying that Clive is forcing him to do another covers album because he said while he wants to try and grow he also wants to stay true to great songs and great melodies??

Hee, you underestimate. It's already begun! :cryingwlaughter:

I am soooooo glad Quiana and Angela will be with him. I am kind of sorry Andy won't be there. Who's going to do the Spanish guitar of SSTBTHW????? They have to keep the Spanish guitar if they do that song. That's what makes that song special?? Do orchestras have guitarists?

Yes, they seem to. I remember there being a few on the JNaT in certain venues. Not only do they need them for Sorry, they need one for Right Here Waiting. :Tour3:

His blog put me such a good mood this morning. Hey Clay, :F_05BL17blowkiss: .

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I can just SEE him typing "My Angels!" and muttering, "craz...er enthusiastic bit...er...fans"

yeah, I thought that too.... :cryingwlaughter:

I guess great minds think alike, because I had the same reaction....

You know, it made me really, really happy this morning to wake up to 2 full new pages here at FCA. I went to bed early last night, sacrificing Jon Stewart, only to discover a couple of things: 1) Clay of course did blog last night; and 2) Eddie Izzard was the guest on Jon's show. I'm guess I'm gonna have to work *coughwatchtheinterviewonlinecough* later today.

Anyway, my point -- there were a LOT of great posts in the past 24 hours. I've already mentioned keepingfaith earlier -- it's so very nice to read the perspective of someone who has not been in the fandom all that long. I'm glad I'm going to be seeing you the night of your first time EVAH with Clay live! Also, I apologize publically to jamar for giving her a heart attack because I PM'd her this morning. She thought she was getting a dreaded admin note! Fat chance -- I loved a lot of what she wrote. And there are so many others I want to welcome...Maddy, Claytonfan20 and jerrijan. If I've missed someone, please don't take it personally -- it's just that I've been frantically writing names down on pieces of paper, and I think I've lost a few!

The blog last night made me smile, and cheer, and just feel good all over. I remember someone mentioning a "void" in information yesterday -- well, it looks as if that void was filled, at least somewhat. Good for Clay.

bottlecap -- you know that pictures are always welcome., and I know you're not trying to derail anything around here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

As far as the band goes -- he just mentioned Q&A, Jesse and the new drummer. I think it may be an assumption on our parts that this is the entire band. At least I hope so, because I want Andy there too (for his stellar guitar work), and Daniel too (love me that bass player!).

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I think Clay may be "too mature" for this fandom. I used to enjoy being one of the older 12 year old fans, but I think the fandom has entered the rough teen years - well somewhere down the line I am sure we will end up as beau-ti-ful and oh so clever 18 year olds.

As to the fandom accepting the facts - did you know that this next album is the last one Clay has to record for RCA? Yup, I have heard that. And some times people suspect thta Clay is saying that RCA MAY support him this time - but they will wait and see. Clay can say he is resigning at RCA because he loves Clive Davis like a father and people will be saying he had to say that for one reason or another. Too little now, that fat that we only know what Clay says is like people not accepting him for what he says - gee how is that different that the people who doesn't believe him when he says he is not gay or that the tabloid rumors are lies? I don't really see a difference between them. If you think he is tactfully lying, then you believe that, it doesn't really matter what the topic is - RCA or sex.

Ooooh, I forgot - there are two official foods on this board - Cheese Doodles

mmmm cheeeezdoooodles. [tm Homer Simpson]

Hey I buy them off the shelf, I don't order them on-line - food misspellings not my specialty. I sounded it out. Chee- zzzzz- dooo- dels - see! Oh. never mind. Look at it this way- I spelled candy corn correctly.

Gee, I have a stupid movie on while I am getting ready for stuff and there is breaking news!!! well, I listen things are bad in Iraq (over 3200 soldiers dead so far, no count of civillan workers there or the actual civillan population), the G* is on and green peace is fighting withthe police and Bush is sick and he is waving nukes with Putin ("I looked deep in his eyes and could tell he was a good man") - so I wait to see the breaking news - did you now in 1 hour the court will rule on Paris Hilton!!!! Well, that was important.

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