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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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Hey Play ..before you hit the road I wanted to say...are you crazy!! Your problem wasn't big enough to mention? I'm glad things so far are turning out but I know what you mean when you wonder..ok then what the hell is it. You're in my thoughts. Have a great trip. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Whoo hooo on the ticket news for Vegas. July 9th though. Sigh. I need a sugar daddy.

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Geez, I feel like I'm ready to jump out of my skin and I have uncontrollable bouts of spontaneous EEEEEing and I'm just looking forward to a cellcert tomorrow night. I don't know how the travellers to the first concert are holding it together. Hope you all have safe travels, good weather, and may the goddess of Clack have much success.

:bounce: :00000442: :laugh2: :00000441: :goaround::sickyet:

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Safe and happy travels to all you lucky Texas/Oklahoma bound (and bred) peeps! :Tour3:

I with bottlecap.. I'm only anticipating the cellcert and I can barely stand it! Y'all must be about ready to burst! (Don't get any on the boyfriend, k? Heeeeeeeeee!!!)


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I just ran my boarding pass for Texas!!!

I get to see my boyfriend tomorrow!!

Woo hoo!!

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :DoClay:

Now I have to somehow do all the 10 million things I have to do before I leave......

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Hold on. Couchie, what does this mean?

I'm actually knee deep in planning my clayventure...finally! 2 days to go!! whooot
I thought YOUR Clayventure doesn't start until August in So. Cal....that's more than 2 days, you know.

blue flip flops, eh, Jamar? Thing is...the shade of blue of the flip flops is very blah....but the red is PIZZAZZ! and the white is bright! Red it is. heh.

Wait! What color is the poncho you're bringing for me, CG? It MUST be red or blue! :cryingwlaughter:

Packed last night late. yeahright. I've read before that when you travel, you should pack...leave it for a day, then go back and take out half of what you packed. Then you'll have the right amount of things in there.

You believe that? ;)

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hey I don't know about anyone else but my clayventure starts with me sitting in front of my computer tomorrow night heee.

Anyway, an out of the blue Clay mention this morning..so I'm driving to work listening to KNBR as always..sports radio... and the regular hosts are interviewing this guy about the hot dog eating contest on Coney Island tomorrow..apparantly that is now considered a sport. So my mind is drifting cuz really, I don't care about a hot dog eating contest. So apparantly the Japanese champion had a root canal recently... so the host ask if the main competition for the Japanese guy, Tony didn't hear last name, wins will he have an asterik. He said no cuz he ate 59 1/2 hot dogs to qualify so he's a hero rated right up there with Clay Aiken and everybody else. I think I slammed on the breaks. He was serious as a heart attack. And he just kept on talking like Clay Aiken actually fits in that conversation. Cracked me the hell up.

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hey I don't know about anyone else but my clayventure starts with me sitting in front of my computer tomorrow night heee.

Anyway, an out of the blue Clay mention this morning..so I'm driving to work listening to KNBR as always..sports radio... and the regular hosts are interviewing this guy about the hot dog eating contest on Coney Island tomorrow..apparantly that is now considered a sport. So my mind is drifting cuz really, I don't care about a hot dog eating contest. So apparantly the Japanese champion had a root canal recently... so the host ask if the main competition for the Japanese guy, Tony didn't hear last name, wins will he have an asterik. He said no cuz he ate 59 1/2 hot dogs to qualify so he's a hero rated right up there with Clay Aiken and everybody else. I think I slammed on the breaks. He was serious as a heart attack. And he just kept on talking like Clay Aiken actually fits in that conversation. Cracked me the hell up.

oookay...i think its a subtle gay diss....since it is eating hot dogs...oh well. No biggie, it took me awhile to figure it out actually.

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So no one has noticed yet that this is now the DCA???

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I feel like singing the Les miserable song...One Day more!!!!

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

those emoticons sure are handy... :DoClay:

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Hold on. Couchie, what does this mean?
I'm actually knee deep in planning my clayventure...finally! 2 days to go!! whooot
I thought YOUR Clayventure doesn't start until August in So. Cal....that's more than 2 days, you know.

blue flip flops, eh, Jamar? Thing is...the shade of blue of the flip flops is very blah....but the red is PIZZAZZ! and the white is bright! Red it is. heh.

Wait! What color is the poncho you're bringing for me, CG? It MUST be red or blue! :cryingwlaughter:

Packed last night late. yeahright. I've read before that when you travel, you should pack...leave it for a day, then go back and take out half of what you packed. Then you'll have the right amount of things in there.

You believe that? ;)

Sorry muski. The ponchos are combat green! If I see any red, white and blue ones while I am out and about, I'll get them.

I have NO CLUE what I am wearing or packing. My clothes are still drying! I still have errands to run. And I have to pack soon because Waldo and I are spending the night at my parents. My flight is early and I live pretty far from the airport and my parents are only about 20 minutes away if there is no traffic and Waldo is going to spend time at his grandparents (can't afford a cat sitter....). If I stayed home tonight I would have to leave at about 6am and I can't do that. I am sooooo not a morning person!

I wish I had more summer tops with sleeves. I have a big, ugly bruise on my upper arm that just looks so pretty!

hey I don't know about anyone else but my clayventure starts with me sitting in front of my computer tomorrow night heee.

Anyway, an out of the blue Clay mention this morning..so I'm driving to work listening to KNBR as always..sports radio... and the regular hosts are interviewing this guy about the hot dog eating contest on Coney Island tomorrow..apparantly that is now considered a sport. So my mind is drifting cuz really, I don't care about a hot dog eating contest. So apparantly the Japanese champion had a root canal recently... so the host ask if the main competition for the Japanese guy, Tony didn't hear last name, wins will he have an asterik. He said no cuz he ate 59 1/2 hot dogs to qualify so he's a hero rated right up there with Clay Aiken and everybody else. I think I slammed on the breaks. He was serious as a heart attack. And he just kept on talking like Clay Aiken actually fits in that conversation. Cracked me the hell up.

oookay...i think its a subtle gay diss....since it is eating hot dogs...oh well. No biggie, it took me awhile to figure it out actually.

Are you gay if you eat hot dogs???

Oh, wait. I get it! Hot dogs are a metaphor for something else, right?


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So no one has noticed yet that this is now the DCA???

Hee! I do now that I show images! :RedGuy:

BTW I don't think there was a diss in that radio mention....I mean, sure, you can find a diss in anything if you look hard enough, but honestly....that's reaching a bit, IMO. Or maybe it's just those rose coloured glasses of mine. :lol:

No NY M&G winners yet?

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Anyway, an out of the blue Clay mention this morning..so I'm driving to work listening to KNBR as always..sports radio... and the regular hosts are interviewing this guy about the hot dog eating contest on Coney Island tomorrow..apparantly that is now considered a sport. So my mind is drifting cuz really, I don't care about a hot dog eating contest. So apparantly the Japanese champion had a root canal recently... so the host ask if the main competition for the Japanese guy, Tony didn't hear last name, wins will he have an asterik. He said no cuz he ate 59 1/2 hot dogs to qualify so he's a hero rated right up there with Clay Aiken and everybody else. I think I slammed on the breaks. He was serious as a heart attack. And he just kept on talking like Clay Aiken actually fits in that conversation. Cracked me the hell up.

oookay...i think its a subtle gay diss....since it is eating hot dogs...oh well. No biggie, it took me awhile to figure it out actually.

Uhm, yea, unfortunately I'm afraid that is what "the jab" was about. My DH heard it too and called to tell me (of course he had to get his subtle snicker in also :( ) But honestly WHEN WILL IT END. ENOUGH ALREADY!!


Here's my rant for the day:

I was watching the Today show and they kept going on and on about this really "cool" really "hot" new singer that was going to be on. Paolo Nutini (sp?) He's a Scot and looked kinda cute so I waited and watched. Apparantly he has sold something like 1.3 million copies of his CD world wide. Honestly, I thought the ladies were drooling. So they begin the interview and I can't understand a word he's saying. Nothing! Huh? What was that? Cute accent but I hope he doesn't sing like that. The he sang. WTH? At first I was like "Is he mumbling or singing?" Then "WHAT KIND OF MUSIC IS THIS?" And he looke all huddled up and started to look a little greasy and then I just couldn't look or LISTEN to the mess any longer!!

If he is the new cool then I'm stickin' with the old hottie, Clay.

1.3 million of THAT?

Alrighty....I'm done :wordpooper:

Now for some better news:


Safe travels to all!

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I agree with Lucky. No this guy talking was all serious about his contest. He wanted to bring the champion back to America. There was no snicker, no pause, no nothing. There was no inuendo in the entire segment and there was no laughter. You can find disses anywhere but this really ain't one of them IMO. Or I need to walk around with a snark meter attached to my head. It was more about the fact that even though this guy may win because his main competition isn't there, he proved what he could do. Believe me on sports radio, when there is a diss, there's nothing subtle about it.

Well I see treenut disagrees. heee. But I stand by what I heard. And I'm one who expect disses for as long as he is in the public eye. Oh well... I say if you have to think about it so hard it's not much of a diss.

Everybody packed?

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FWIW: Given that it's a sports program, I do think it's a diss. But not worth an ounce of angst, honestly.

Good luck to all those travelling. I hope the weather cooperates, both during the journey and at your destination.

Packing advice for Texas -- for the outdoor venue, something very cool and breathable, because even the evenings can be rather warm. For the indoor venue, something layered, like a sweater, because the air-conditioning is often quite cool.

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Lordy, there isn't a more over-sensitive Claymate than me, and there's no way I ever would have taken that as a dig. I'll go with your take on it couchie.

edited, cuz nebbermind

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Inasmuch as I'm not working this week, I just turned on the tube and saw Constantine acting on a soap! How long has he been on The Bold and the Beautiful? He apparently plays a musician named .... Constantine.

I'm not a fan of soaps or Constantine, so I quickly moved on. Actually, he's always given me the creeps.

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I agree with Lucky. No this guy talking was all serious about his contest. He wanted to bring the champion back to America. There was no snicker, no pause, no nothing. There was no inuendo in the entire segment and there was no laughter. You can find disses anywhere but this really ain't one of them IMO. Or I need to walk around with a snark meter attached to my head. It was more about the fact that even though this guy may win because his main competition isn't there, he proved what he could do. Believe me on sports radio, when there is a diss, there's nothing subtle about it.

Well I see treenut disagrees. heee. But I stand by what I heard. And I'm one who expect disses for as long as he is in the public eye. Oh well... I say if you have to think about it so hard it's not much of a diss.

Well, I can't say personally because I didn't hear it. Just my DH. Of course he's "a guy" in every sense of the word (insert rolling eyes emote here) and so his MMV. I do feel like it is what we come to expect and I dislike feeling that way. Gun-shy so to speak. I like your take on it better. I will have to inform dear boys will be boys (scratch, belch) hubby of that when he get's home. :)


cindi, NO! You edited the best part of your post you silly silly gurrl!!!

Bwahhhhhhh was my response ;)

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Inasmuch as I'm not working this week, I just turned on the tube and saw Constantine acting on a soap! How long has he been on The Bold and the Beautiful? He apparently plays a musician named .... Constantine.

I believe he just started this spring. Personally, I've never understood his appeal, but whatever.

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Inasmuch as I'm not working this week, I just turned on the tube and saw Constantine acting on a soap! How long has he been on The Bold and the Beautiful? He apparently plays a musician named .... Constantine.

I believe he just started this spring. Personally, I've never understood his appeal, but whatever.

I swear I love most of the idols and wish them well...but I love love LOVE to snark on Constantine. He is just so snarkable. I hope he keeps getting work so I can keep on snarkin'.

Ahhh Cindilu. Toes and fingers are crossed.

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So are colored flip flops okay for Jones Hall if my pedicure is fresh, my toenail polish is smooth and purdy and my anklet is discreet and classy? :medium-smiley-070: I don't HAVE any other shoes but sneakers or black shoes for long pants and I don't want to wear long pants! I want to wear a cute little skirt--no not the red one again. Geez. I have a groovy black one OR a green print one...

WIll my "BLAZE Softball" jacket do? Black with big red lettering on the back? :cryingwlaughter: I don't really have a nice jacket, either. I'm either at work---where we can dress very casually---or home, even more casually or at a softball or soccer field, so my wardrobe is appropriate for my life!

Flip flops, it is! :cryingwlaughter::allgood: :TourExcite:

I got my boarding pass, too, CG! I have a big US map on the wall in front of me and from eyeballing it, I would say we're traveling about the same distance tomorrow, wouldn't you?

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :Tour3: Neither rain nor snow nor sleet or dark of night will keep me from my appointed rounds of

DOING CLAY! :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

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Couchie..if it was the guest that said it...and you heard his tone then I defer to you. just that written out like that one can see a gay joke in it if you look hard enough. But its something you have to dig for so I agree not much of a diss.

hee...I agree on constantine...just don't get the love.

Treenut...you really have to take the intros of these new artist in talk shows and morning shows with a grain of salt. The blirbs are usually written up by their publicist and has a lot of hyperbole in it. However...I really think that it is getting rare to find great vocalists out there. Most of the time...its the songs that people buy the music for not the voices necessarily. I really notice that my kids really don;t know what good singing is supposed to sound like. When we watch AI and CI and I cringe and go they are pitchy, they usually don;t get it. They are do not cringe at high nasally voice like JT cos they expect it...the don;t cringe at thin baby voiced female singers...they expect that. Clay they think simply sounds old fashioned to them. The associate his type of voice with singers of another era. They feel the same way about Josh groban and Buble.

For all those going to the Texas and Tulsa show...safe travels...and have fun!!!

we will set up the Frisco thread tomorrow...that is where we will put all the cellcert chat...and the recaps. We can talk about the concert in main of course but the details should stay in the Frisco thread to help out those trying to remain unspoilered.

FCA website: Once again we will have dedicated page for every concert where we will post pictures, recaps and articles and reviews for each concert. We are soliciting recaps and or impressions. If people want to submit somethign to be posted on the FCA website then just pm me.

Hoping we get KAndre as a regular contributor.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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From notacanuck at the CH:

Posted by kleewolf at the CB, a teaser from the Houston Press:

Clay Aiken

He’s baaaaaack! After a three-year absence, the A-Man is here


Okay, the day Clay-mates across Texas have waited three long years for is here. The one, the only, Mr. Clay Aiken is in da house. (Insert appropriate swooning sounds here.) Most of us don’t get it — he’s a guy, he sings, it’s nice, what’s the big deal? Well, that’s because we’re not part of that elite (and slightly scary) club, the Clay-mates, who idolize (and we really, really mean idolize) Clay Aiken. They are c-r-a-z-y for the guy. “I’m always amazed and surprised,” Aiken says of the extremes his fans go to. “They’re so dedicated and creative!” Tonight’s concert takes Aiken’s middle-of-the-road, adult contemporary music and glams it up with a full orchestral backing. Changing his tunes from pop ditties to mini-symphonies was a little difficult, but Aiken says it was worth the effort. “I just love it! The sound is amazing, and I think they just make the music so much more spectacular — it becomes art,” he gushes. “It’s either going to be a smash or a flop. We’ll find out in Houston.” Yes, Mr. A, we will.


Date/Time: Fri., July 6, 7:30pm

There will be interviews in both the Houston Chronicle and Houston Press on Thursday. There will be an interview in Tulsa World published on Friday.

Edited to add bolding. I love his excitement!

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