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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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Hello...you guys still talkin' to me? :unsure:

Anyhoo...just arrived at the hotel in Houston after a long ride with KarenEh and her wonderful hubby. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Ldyjocelyn has checked in, too, and I imagine we'll be seeing her soon! Claygasm and I are pooped...not enough sleep for these 'old ladies'...hee. But it's been interesting reading and hearing the various impressions of the show.

We met some friends of KarenEh's, board names are meeman and guitargirl and YIKES! I can't remember the third. But we ended up riding part of the way with these two and I have to laugh at how different their observations are about the concert. ONe thing that did seem true, though, is that the people who went down on the field did, indeed, come away with a different experience than we who stayed in the seats.

Not even considering the content of the show---Clay's choices of songs, performances, etc.---I think a big factor contributing to the different experiences was the sound system and camera work. The sound just was not good---the mix of orchestra and voice was off and many times I really couldn't hear Clay's gorgeous voice all that well. I definitely couldn't hear any real nuances during LAA---I'll probably appreciate it more when I watch farouche's video! Unfortunately, with the camera guy showing everything BUT Clay on the jumbotrons most of the time, we had better views of the kids playing, the adults laughing and walking around and the other people in the stands moving and blabbing than we did of the man on stage. But the people who were on the field, close to the stage, all seem to have similar GOOD things to say about that song...I'm looking forward to it in Jones Hall.

I actually liked the 'classic' pop song medley==cool! Clay rappipng and crotch grabbin' and ghetto gesturing and 'boot scooting' (Ask KAndre... :cryingwlaughter: ) He was having fun and so was I. I still hope he drops the Keith version of Like a Virgin. I agree with whoever upthread said that was four years ago and many people won't even 'get' the snark. Everyone has an opinion and that's cool. I just happen to think that particular choice didn't work and I hope he takes that particular bit of the medley out of the lineup. LOVED the Usher---yeah, yeah, yeah! And love that KAndre said another song he chose is "soooooo BAAAAD"...I think he rocked on Bringin' Sexy Back! Really! Of course, we already knew he could sing rings around that Timberlake guy, but I enjoyed that...(That part can stay in the show, Clay --hee)

I enjoyed These Open Arms...couldn't really hear the belting parts of Without You all that well, to tell you the truth. Opening with HYCA didn't work for ME, but others, I'm sure, would disagree. I like a more rousing, on-your-feet-let's party-type opener and I was surprised that in a soccer stadium particularly, he would choose a laid back song like that to start off with.

The pictures I've seen so far actually are more flattering that my view of him was! Don't get that, but whatever. I certainly didn't notice those looooooowwwwwwriders, only the bagginess....I'm now officially jealous of scrypkym who was so close and saw that scenario full frontal! Dang....

Let's see. Okay, here's my 'morning after' analysis:

I don't think he won any/many new fans from the crowd last night, especially those who were in the stands. I don't necessarily think he turned OFF any prospective fans, either. Basically, the people I observed around me and on the field behind the group up front just didn't care. At all.

I'll just shake my head and grin at the choices Mr. Aiken made last night. I know the man can sang...and entertain...and bring down the house. Personally, that didn't happen so much last night, but I really do attribute much of the reason for that to the venue, the environment. The show just did not fit the context last night. Being in the stands and seeing the bigger picture---the huge stadium of people BEHIND the comparatively small group up front who were mostly indifferent to and (more times than I like to acknowledge) sometimes derisive of his efforts on stage---unfortunately colored my receptiveness to him, too. I'm really, really looking forward to Jones Hall and seeing what, if anything, he changes---how he adapts to an indoor venue AND being able to actually see and hear him like I'm used to doing at his concerts. HE'S why I travel and spend money and time, and I just walked away last night feeling sad that I didn't feel like I do after "being" with him.

So...hopefully, this has made my personal reactions clearer...In any case, I'm thinking just how unique this guy is---he just puts it out there, WTF, you know? I love him beyond reason, but I've never been one to think his shit don't stink or that he's incapable of making a wrong decision or saying inappropriate things, etc. So I don't have a problem saying that I was disappointed somewhat last night. Just as I don't have any doubt that he will fine tune and tweak and play around with things until it feels right to him. I honestly don't think last night felt right to him, either (That is my opinion only, of course, since last night after the show he and I were so busy having beautiful humongous sex that we really didn't talk about it too much.)

This Clay Aiken journey is never boring, is it? Later, peeps...I need some rest before meeting up with some other peeps for some --hold on, it's time for some drinking pictures!

:trink4: :704: :bier: :juul::voll:

OH! I forgot! We were in a traffic jam on the way here and saw COWS in the road! notrealcows...heh...some truck was hauling some cow statue thingies. One was facing the rear and the other was on her side, with a broom in her hoof.

No, I haven't started drinking yet. It's true. :lilredani:

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Hey everyone! Claygasm here, feeling laptop impaired on muski's computer! No mouse is weird!

My thoughts on last night's concert pretty much echo what muski said, so all I will say is the TV nedkey MUST go (or at least be shortened) and LAV MUST, MUST go! They were both rather embarrassing, IMO. Even Angela and Quina seemed to not like them!

Of course, there are those who are now CONVINCED that the reason he did those was to avoid singing most songs from ATDW because he HATES the album and the set list last night proves that. I must admit for the first time, I began to believe that because its true- he sang hardly anything from that album. But then it occurred to me - if he wanted to avoid singing those songs he could have just not toured or he could have substituted songs from MOAM or any other songs. I do hope that tomorrow we'll hear more REAL songs. I still want to hear LNM and still hold out some hope for BW (and TOUCH - but then again, my hope never fades on that one!). This show to me seemed like it was just thrown together. It did not seem well thought out. It just seemed....odd.

I do think being up in the stands gave us a different - and frankly - more accurate impression - of the perfomance. We always sy Clay needs to expand his fan base. We always say if only everyone could see him live. Well, I saw a group of non-fans live for the picking. They were NOT impressed. Maybe there was nothing he could have done given the setting, but what he did do? He didn't stand a chance. It was just..... interesting...odd.

I have never come away from a Clay concert feeling let down by him and I did last night. Frankly, I think Clay was not happy with result either. I know in my heart that he didn't just haphazardly throw something together, but that's how it seemed to me. I even thought as I watched My God - has Clay lost it? Has he lost his magic touch?

I am very much looking forward to tomorrow night to see what if any changes he makes to the setlist and what if any changes there are to seeing him in another venue with a good orchestra. It will be a completely different experience I am sure!

Meanwhile, I will sign off and rest up a bit. I am thrilled to have finally met the eHP and huge thanks to keepingfaith and KAndre driving us around yesterday and to Karen Eh? and the wonderful Mr. Eh? for our ride to Houston! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Looking forward to finally meeting up with Ldyj later!

Be good all

Edited by muskifest
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:F_05BL17blowkiss: love you Muski....

I totally appreciate your candidness...I am only sad that you guys didn;t ahve the same excitement and thrill I had listening to the songs on scratchy cellcert.

HYCA...I actually thought this was a clever choice...the words fit the situation perfectly and I think would be prefect in a less crazy atmosphere.

The one thing that I will agree with you 100% is the really lousy sound system. Its amazing that we couldn't hear the orchestra even on the clack...and Clay's voice would crack so often because of the mic...specially in the classic medley. I do think the TV theme medley would be better with more familiar themes. But really...I didn't recognize Perfect strangers but he sang it beautifully.

LAA...as I said to someone...its not emotionally and note perfect yet. As a singer I think you will appreciate the difficulty of singing such a soft and vulnerable song in a setting like that. On the cell cert I really thought he was simply shouting it...but on the clack I can see that one of the problem is that its such a personal song that its tough to really get into character cos it truly makes him vulnerable. I think he even tried to be detached at the beginning of the song but you can tell that he got into it as the song went along. I think he was having troble with the placement of the song and switching from chest to head tones and I'm sure he will figure out the technique by the second or third song.

I don;t think there is anything wrong with giving honest opinions..your post last night made me want to hug you not be upset with you. Its quite different from some of the OTT reactions I am reading this morning. I can understand disappointment and frustration but getting angry and hurt??? Hmmm...that does not compute for me.

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ooops CG posted just as I was posting.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to you too...

I think we had the advantage of getting spoilered a bit and getting m&g reports before the show. This is not the whole show...they had to take some songs out because of the GBTUSA and fireworks. He said there are MOAM songs too. I do hope we get LNM and even other covers we never heard from him

BUT how can anyone say he was avoiding singing ATDW...it was mostly ATDW and the two medley's nothing else. I think the two medleys were there for the non fans and to bring in some levity to the show. It just seem to dominate the show because there were just 7 songs besides the medleys.

I do think its a bit premature to say he didn't impress anyone else...I;m sure he did clayvert others.

Now on to Houston!!! can;t wait to hear about the pre-party!!!

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he sang hardly anything from that album

Here You Come Again

I Want to Know What Love Is

When I See You Smile

These Open Arms

Without You

Lover All Alone

Because You Loved Me

Maybe not the whole album, but hardly anything?

I love this picture:


Definitely check out this album of photos by Scrpkym: http://scrpkym.smugmug.com/gallery/3103200#169710951

Edited by jmh123
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Clues to possible Houston song list

Thanks for your rerports Muski, CG, Playiller and KAndre. Sorry if I missed anyone... busy day at work today.

CG, thanks for your impression of the show. Those are your feelings for something you saw with your own eyes. But don't make me fly to Houston and smack you for even believing for a second that Clay hates ATDW. :cryingwlaughter: He wouldn't sing them if he didn't love 'em. I hope you enjoy it more tomorrow.... and if not, eh, there's always the next thing.

And if that set list above is correct about 10 out of 14 songs on the album dispels that myth. I'm actually suprrised he's not singing more from MoaM. Yes they have been done to death but it has been awhile.

Muski, thanks for your daylight feedback. Hopefully with many of the factors taken out of the mix (I mean not really hearing the VOX... can't have that) you will enjoy it more.

Play: heh, I could feel your fangirliness. Glad the eHP treated you good!

And I'm still giggling as I imagine KAndre fighting for her spot on the field.

Ahem, so where's Merrieee, Scarlett, Keepingfaith....

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Hee, ansa, do we need to start a Houston spoiler thread? That set list from the CB is interesting.

ETA: I'm bring this post of mine over from the Frisco thread because it kind of addresses some of the concerns raised by muski and Claygasm.

I think it's abundantly clear that this album is not something he's trying desperately to forget. I was surprised that there weren't any songs from MoaM, particularly Invisible, but I suppose it's possible that we'll see them in the longer shows. Music from MoaM is known, for the most part, by his die hard fans. In these venues, many of which may include new audiences, familiar covers from ATDW may be more accessible.

Yeah, he pretty much told the people at the m&g that he would be doing songs from MOAM at the next concert, didn't he? But I totally love that he loves and is proud of and is PROMOTING ATDW.

1. ATDW songs to promote (yes, I said PROMOTE) his latest album

2. Fun medleys to showcase his personality and lack of pretension

3. "Lover All Alone," for his die-hard fans, and for any who may wonder if he really is an artist.

For a relatively brief concert, I thought his choices were fantastic.

I did, too. I was watching the clock the whole time thinking "how is he going to fit it all in?" I think he did an awesome job. I bet he had to make a few decisions about what to include or not to include on the fly, too.

From our view point, the 'crowd' behind that small huddled group continued doing what it had been doing throughout the entire concert---walking around, running...playing soccer and tag...leaving the field and returning...beer vendor walking around hawking his product...lots of laughing of children and boisterous talking among adults...lots of talking from people sitting in the seats around us...

muski, I think that this is pretty typical of this type of a venue. I remember that it was kind of similar at the afternoon Dort N'Arena show on the NAT, because a lot of people came as a part of the state fair (the shows were only $15 extra). I wouldn't read much into it.

The Like a Virgin. Just.Say.No. Clay. I slithered down in my seat at that one. I would venture that about 80% of the audience had no idea he was doing snark...The man sitting next to me throughout the soccer game and I had struck up a conversation. Nice guy. Anyway, I'd told him about some of Clay's background, which he knew nothing about, and he seemed pretty open to things. Then, when Clay started the "Virgin" thing, this guy said, "Uh...he should not do that."

I said, "I agree."

But the thing is, he doesn't care. So why should we? He just wants to have fun. To me, that wa a pretty fun medley. I sure hope he keeps it in the show!

I hope I won't have any reason to feel at times that I was watching a "Hometown Connection" video.

I appreciate that not everyone likes the Hometown stuff, but to me, the closer he gets to "Hometown Connection" Clay, the closer we are getting to the real guy. And that's what I want, and love. That he's feeling so comfortable with himself, and with us, that he can really just be himself.

And for God's sake, Clay! Tuck in your shirt and wear jeans that hug your considerable front curvatures. :hubbahubba:

Oh please God, no, don't tuck it in, Clay. Really. It's ok. There was lots of skin showing last night!

I seem to remember really dire predictions about this event when it was first announced. Nobody heckled him (World's Series), nobody threw stuff, lots of people were having fun, the medley is a clever arrangement that's only going to be better.


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Hee, ansa, do we need to start a Houston spoiler thread? That set list from the CB is interesting.

I think anyone can start a thread there... if not..we need to make that possible.

Cindilu - lucky, cursed or delusional...they're all fine in this case. :RedGuy:

ETA I started the Houston thread.

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Hee, ansa, do we need to start a Houston spoiler thread? That set list from the CB is interesting.

And it came from somebody emailing the venue and asking.

Blech. Wish they'd stop doing that.

Sometimes I feel as though I fell down the rabbit hole. Such wildly different perspectives about the show. This is not a commentary on other people feeling this way, but I simply can not imagine seeing Clay Aiken on a stage, singing (regardless of what it is) and feeling disappointed. I don't know if I'm lucky, cursed, or delusional, but the man simply makes me happy.

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I was more wondering about whether or not we need to keep spoilers off the board for Houston?

cindilu2, I agree, I wish people would stop emailing and prying....but I'm a spoiler whore. If they're there, I have to read them.

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muskifest and claygasm, thanks for your observations about the show and the venue, and I feel confident that your experience at Jones Hall will be much better. I think the bones of a good show are there, and I expect the execution will only improve as the group has the opportunity to refine and fine tune the setlist and performances.

Speaking of the setlist, the Houston spoilers are much closer to type of setlist I would have expected for the DCAT in the first place. I still expect some surprises, though, and I wonder if Clay will develop a running bit of shtick ala the Fancy Eye-talian Word of the Day.

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muski and claygasm I appreciate your perspective of the show and I want to be clear about my earlier post. While it disappoints me to read that people were/are unhappy with some part(s) of the show, I expect that. You at least witnessed the whole show and are giving your opinion of it.

I have read someposts that come accross like "how dare he, first he gives us this crappy album of covers and now he's putting on this hick show" that is not a direct quote from anyone, just the feel of a few, very few posts I have read elsewhere. It's like the concert was a personal afront to them because he did not give them what they want. I guess I'll never understand that.

I look for there to be some tweaking of the show, he usually does. The full set list that Jenna linked looks believable. I'll be diappointed for Luckiest because I didn't see "Right Here Waiting", but you know what, I have no doubt that she will enjoy the show by the time she gets to see it.

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Sometimes I feel as though I fell down the rabbit hole. Such wildly different perspectives about the show. This is not a commentary on other people feeling this way, but I simply can not imagine seeing Clay Aiken on a stage, singing (regardless of what it is) and feeling disappointed. I don't know if I'm lucky, cursed, or delusional, but the man simply makes me happy.

This is Claygasm posting again and I have to say that until last night, I would not have imagined I could be disappointed either. First time for everything, I guess. But I have faith. It will get better.

But he really needs to NEVER, EVER do LAV again! And preferably cut the TV medley too....

keepingfaith made a post at OFC saying that we would be getting primo clack from Frisco. She said she would give a recap when she got to Houston. I got the impression she liked the show.

She did! I think she saw Clay walk on that stage and that was all that mattered! She had that look of someone who had just experienced great sex for the first time!

We all remember our first time, don't we?

Muski is snoring away in here. We haven't heard from Ldyj since she called to say they were walking around looking for Jones Hall and would call us when they got back to the hotel - and that was 2 hours ago! So I am playing on muski's laptop to while away the time!

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CG well at least you can get some practice on Muski's laptop. Lord knows it was so very frustrating when I tried to use it. Don't let her catch you struggling, she'll laugh. But I think you're already way past me considering that quote filled post you managed to do.

She did! I think she saw Clay walk on that stage and that was all that mattered! She had that look of someone who had just experienced great sex for the first time!

heee ooooh thanks for giving us a clue about keepingfaith....and what you described sounds better than Aiken fog.

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I look for there to be some tweaking of the show, he usually does. The full set list that Jenna linked looks believable. I'll be diappointed for Luckiest because I didn't see "Right Here Waiting", but you know what, I have no doubt that she will enjoy the show by the time she gets to see it.

Heh, you don't have to worry about me. Put me in the same zip code with Clay and I am happy, even if he just stands there and doesn't open his mouth. *g*

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luckiest, we obviously are seeing different sides to this particular situation but one thing in your post caught my eye:

how is he going to fit it all in?

This, I am quite sure, is something we can both agree on... :whistling-1:

Then again, I imagine that any woman with that dilemma in real life would like to find out. :hubbahubba:

P.S. And no matter what CG said, I do NOT snore.

Clayzorback--I had to smile when you said

Right now it reads to me like he is doing a Hometown Connection variety show instead of a tour.
I certainly got that feeling at times. Not so much in respect to the 'real Clay' thing, (luckiest, I'm with you in that I LOVE that Clay is who he is and has no problem being that person.)but just the presentation of the actual show---the venue plus the fact it was the first show plus the inclusion of some very different/risky things that didn't always 'work' plus the musicians that didn't seem quite 'with it'---there was an amateurish quality to the production at times that was weird because Clay IS such a stickler for professionalism and has proven himself again and again as a performer that really delivers excellence...

So where's ldyjocelyn? Houston has kidnapped her! :scream: I'm off to download CLACK! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Clayzorback--I had to smile when you said
Right now it reads to me like he is doing a Hometown Connection variety show instead of a tour.
I certainly got that feeling at times. Not so much in respect to the 'real Clay' thing, (luckiest, I'm with you in that I LOVE that Clay is who he is and has no problem being that person.)but just the presentation of the actual show---the venue plus the fact it was the first show plus the inclusion of some very different/risky things that didn't always 'work' plus the musicians that didn't seem quite 'with it'---there was an amateurish quality to the production at times that was weird because Clay IS such a stickler for professionalism and has proven himself again and again as a performer that really delivers excellence...

Ah, thanks for clarifying. I think it's hard for me to tell from the clack (which I am LOVING) whether or not I find the production of the show amateurish, but I just figure it was opening night, there might have been some kinks to work out, they were strapped for time and probably making decisions on the fly, and it was performed in a soccer field with poor acoustics. I bet Houston will be quite different in those respects, so it will probably run smoother, for sure.

About that possible Houston setlist....I am very intrigued by the following part of the set:

After All

A Thousand Days

The Way You Make Me Feel


and I'd be thrilled with the inclusion of ATD!

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I don't know what Clay *needs* to do, but I sincerely hope that he doesn't change anything about last night's show, only adds more. I want to see the show I heard last night, because I enjoyed every minute of it. Watching the clack of the 'Classics' this morning, I could not stop grinning. I was so pleasantly surprised with the general feeling of joy around the boards last night.

I guess I should have known it was only temporary. As atinal said, I am just appalled at some of the posts on the boards today. The 'constructive criticism' shown JNT05 has nothing on the vitriol I've read today. I know there's no way to please all the people all the time, but damn. Hopefully the mood changes after Houston - but then there will be ten days for people to shred what's left of his carcass before he comes back again. I am honestly dreading it. I honestly don't know how he does it.

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