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#11 I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks *g*


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    • A big MWAH! and muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Clay is Clay. His instrument is undefinable
    • Indeed they are, my child. Clown feet." (Make me laugh, clown.'
    • *moan* *whimper* *thud*
    • An Evening With His Royal Highness of Fantasy Fodder. Coming to a venue near you soon.
    • Refresh, read, click the next tab; Refresh, read, click the next tab; lather, rinse, repeat. Insert random EEE's. Yeap, it's cellcert time again!
    • Aw, that man can blog me any ole time!
    • He's a unique treasure, no doubt. A pain in the ass sometimes, I'm sure. A blessing, plain and simple and one hawt man
    • Yes, I live under a rock....with Clay Aiken.

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I'm in Tulsa with keepingfaith and her sister, getting ready in Clayzorback's room for the party and show. It only took us 7 1/2 hours to get here, and I'm bone tired after the last 48 hours...and yet I'm still buzzed from last night and the anticipation for tonight.

I don't have a LOT of time to post my thoughts about the show, but here's the Reader's Digest version: Row 6, dead center, simply rocks. He was standing right in front of me, and I was flabbergasted. The TV show medley made me smile; the classics medley had me doubled over in laughter. I'm still laughing about him getting on his knees during 1999 to mimic Prince, and his dancing during Tractor was so spot on. LAA was superb, although surprisingly, I did not cry during that song. I thought it extremely interesting that he faced one side during the entire song, and while the jumbotron had his face in full screen, he kept his eyes closed the entire time. To me, he was so vulnerable with that performance -- maybe even a bit scared? BYLM, though, had me in tears -- there was some real emotion that was simply palpable. It was the perfect ending the a perfect show.

I cannot wait to see what tonight brings.

*waves to Claygasm and muskifest*

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to HeidiHo and playbiller

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Bottle, you're in charge heh.

boots.gifYee Haw!!! Cute boys and all the beer you can cyber-chug over in the Tulsa thread tonight!!! beer.gif

I knew you could handle it. :cryingwlaughter:

Ah man I'm so enjoying FCAers meeting up. YAY. I hope to meet everybody one day.

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Ahhgghhhh, I'm trying to limit myself to LAA and the Classics as far as videospoilage goes. It's tough, y'all.

However, I never promised myself nuthin' when it comes to Q&A - is there any clack (Qlack? Ack?) of their solos anywhere? I would lurrrrrrve to see Listen. If anybody out there in the world has it and would AIM or Sendspace it I would be eternally grateful!!

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cindilu2, there is a version of When The Lights Go Down from Frisco by ImAllEars out now.


It's been vaulted in the usual places, I believe. Nothing that I've seen from Houston yet, though. The quantity and quality of the clack so far is amazing!

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The eHP are in Tulsa - most of whom are sleeping so I can say what I want - BWAH HA HA

First of all no matter what Scarlett says she was not tortured.

Second, (and yes I know I'm whining) but I haven't heard most of the cellcerts I've participated because they never seem to make to the vault - and I really don't remember half the stuff y'all claim I said. ah well.

I am a tad troubled at what sorta feels like the discounting of what we on the field enjoyed in Frisco - because though I do feel like Houston was the best concert evah - most of the same Clay was there - doing the same thing with as playbiller said with a glorious and laid back attitude. As a fan that as far as I know doesn't have an agenda either and is as honest in my opinions as the next, I also know what I saw. One of the big advantages of a venue like Jones is that you get a fairly consistent experience throughout the venue - that clearly wasn't true at Frisco - and I'm sorry, the best clack in the world cannot give you a complete experience of his performances - all I have to do is look at something like Red Bank.

I will give one of my typical on point full recap after Frisco - but our party was kickass, the concert will be hard to top (the Houston Symphony is world-class, though they didn't seem to be enjoying themselves but are consummate professionals), and we raised a nice chunk of change for BAF.

As for LAA, he didn't strike me as stressing over the song - the entire concert he spent playing to the person whom he outed as videoing him. we will forcing her to render ASAP - her stuff is fucking incredible - if you can do the HD stuff it will be so worth it...

Also, a forward element of the eHP scoped out the digs for tonight...




It looks like he's trying out for Oz!

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Solo, I see you down there. I think I heard your laugh during the cellcert last night heee. Where were you sitting.

A gazillion people have been using my laptop. It was probably merrieeee lurking down there. That's PerusingOne laughing on the cellcert. I was sitting next to Scarlett during the first half of the concert. Then she gave me the camera, moved toni7babe next to me, and ran for the hills during the second half. Apparently, all Asians look alike to Clay because he never noticed the switcheroo.

Loved, loved, loved the concert. Will recap later this week.

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It looks like he's trying out for Oz!

Those photos do have a strong penal vibe about them - must be the chain link fence. BTW, y'all know the Brady Theater is supposed to be haunted don't you? In any case, I suspect a venue full of buzzing Clay fan would generate enough energy to raise the dead.

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Oh Crap..I left off tree's last suggestion and people have voted. Sorry Tree! I'll make sure Clay makes it up to you!!

Promises, promises.

I'd like to see how you plan on making that happen. Perhaps you could get him to look into soemone's camera and say "this is for the fobidden one" and proceed to give me a nice long eye______!

Tonight would do nicely. :whistling-1:

Wow, it's difficult keeping up with the clack as it rolls in. I'm hoping someone capped ATD, because I'm dying to see it. I just watched WY and man, oh man, did he sing the shit out of it!

I've been waiting for ATD to show up too.

Maybe once Scarlett's gets put up?

It looks like he's trying out for Oz!

Those photos do have a strong penal vibe about them - must be the chain link fence. BTW, y'all know the Brady Theater is supposed to be haunted don't you? In any case, I suspect a venue full of buzzing Clay fan would generate enough energy to raise the dead.

Or even buzzed Clay fans!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Hee. I can't wait to hear Clay tell that story on stage tonight....

Hopefully it was resolved enough that he can joke about it. Guess we'll know soon enough.

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Oh boy! What is it about Clay and airplanes and feet? :cryingwlaughter:

I'm betting this isn't the last we hear of this story

What an oddly written piece though.

WTF? Poor baby. Are they for real? And WHY was the FBI involved? Oh never mind, I know the answer to that, but why did this have to result in such a fuss! Crap...I can't believe this shit follows him around werever he goes. Personally, I think she missed a huge opportunity to offer Mr. Aiken a foot massage or her lap :hubbahubba:

So why was he not sitting next to one of TC?

Oh well, the KING of CONTROVERSY is baaaccckkk!

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KAndre, have you got some minions on the ground that might be able to go and have a chat with the as-of-yet unnamed Shoving Chick? :mallet:

ETA: From Goood Baby Brush at the CH:

On the phone with spotlightlover now and one of the organizers of the pre-concert event was on the flight and witnessed the event. She was questioned and had to sign a witness statement and everything.

According to the people who witnessed it, Clay was asleep with one leg crossed over the other (kind of parallel to floor) and his foot was apparently touching the armrest. The woman hit at his foot and told him to get his foot off her arm. Clay slept through that apparently and she got pissed and started swatting at him and smacking him. He woke up to the woman hitting him.

According to the witness, they were all questioned by authorities after the flight touched down and the woman was "led away" by authorities. They think she was arrested but don't know for sure, just that she was in custody.

Never a dull moment, eh?

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KAndre, have you got some minions on the ground that might be able to go and have a chat with the as-of-yet unnamed Shoving Chick? :mallet:

What if it turns out it was Britany or Lindsey?

Bash away my friend

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Well, you're just wrong!!!

He would never lose his composure!!

He would never have to refocus!!

He is PERFECT, mind you! PERFECT!!!

**The above was brought to you by SnarkRUs and means absolutely nothing**

That's some mighty fine snark ya got there, missy. ::::spit::::

:::::end Texan immitation::::

Hee. Seriously, I had the same reaction as muski, but since I am not inside his beautiful head, who knows. All I know is it was BEAUTIFUL.

Now, before she gets away, I just want to give HeidiHo a big squishy hug!!! It was so wonderful to meet you and laugh with you and search for booze with you :bier: , etc. Hope our paths cross again soon! Don't be a stranger. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ladies, I had an absolute lovely time - let's definitely do it again. Except not that part about wandering the dark and deserted streets of Houston looking for wine. <g> Next time? Better planning. Heh. But those 10$ margaritas were pretty fucking good. <g>

ETA: interesting side note - I wrote colon, colon, colon spit colon, colon, colon and it made it into that little dude up there in my texan immitation part of my post. I meant to indicate spitting tobacco, but damn if that little dude just ain't the cutest thing ever. <g>

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I also liked the changes in the "classics" medley It seemed tighter and funnier. ("well, my bowels were anyway"....Bwaahhh) Prince - on his knees :cryingwlaughter: Holy shit my side hurts!

There is no way this is anything but a collasel success!! imo

But I still would love to see him continue to sing LAV himself. Clay "camp" at it's best. Unfortunately it sounded like a lot of people were uncomfortable with it. Not Clay, or he wouldn't have done it in the first place. Cripes peopel :wordpooper:


I don't know if anyone mentioned this anywhere either - after he mentioned his bowels, Quianna was shaking her head at him like she was faux disgusted/upset/faux perturbed (take your pick) and she says, "First you say 'pee' and now you say 'bowel'....." <g> It was hard to hear, but quite amusing.


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Somehow I'm finding it hard to see much humor in the "great plane incident of '07". It sounds like Clay was fairly unaware of the whole issue and was basically assaulted by this woman. Unfortunately I fear he will be ridiculed or crucified in the tabloids for being......well, Clay. ________ _________ _________that!!

I hope I'm jumping the gun but doubt it. Yah, I know. So much angst over nothing. But BF got assaulted and I want that biatches ass hung out to dry!

Where was Jerome? Where was TC? I need answers!!

Hahaha......I don't even know all the facts and already I NEED A DRINK!

calming down now :RedGuy:

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That is totally surreal...poor Clay!!!

OMG...has that woman ever been on a plane before???

But I'm not worried about it...just another interesting sidebar in this tour.

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The comments on that Tulsa article regarding "The Great Plane Incident of '07" are a hoot. It's such a ridiculous mess. :cryingwlaughter:


Not the first time, and won't be the last time. *shrug* At least this time there are witnesses, lol

Hey there's a concert going on you know!!!

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Witnesses or no witnesses I'm sure this will get told every kind of way..but you know it's not a federal case.... or is it. heee. What a weird, wonderful life he leads.

Well we have a little break before the next concert starts... how about another chat. We can do some concert related topics and whatever else is on your mind...you can just put suggestions here.. There are a few good ones already. And we'll try to pull something together quickly.... I love the format of the last one so we can try it again.

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