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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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From CH:

just got off the phone with a friend of mine who had a M&G tonight. Clay asked them to post on the message boards, that he would like everyone attending the M&G tomorrow to wear purple. She told him he should post that in his blog, but he said no, he wanted them to post it on the message boards. Since none of them are CH members, I am passing this info on. Maybe everyone should wear purple. *g*
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Anybody have any idea what the significance of the purple color would be?

Man, I'm jonesing for another show. I wish I could fit one in.

Why hasn't transporter technology been invented yet? WHY?!?!?!??!


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Man, that was a neat concert! Muski, Clay's a man now!

Yeah, and I hear you almost had an eyeful of his man-er-hood. :lol:

Spill. *begs* There were cameras, right?!?

From Farouche at CV:

What can I say?

I just came back to my hotel from the Mann. I ended up leaving my camera in the car, which might have been wise. I don't know. I saw lots of camera policing from where I was.

Even so, I had some regrets -- especially when his shirt blew open, and his pants slipped down dangerously low on his pelvic bones. There was a good five inch strip of Aiken that I am not sure we've ever seen before.

Heh. Dang. Clay was a funny, funny man tonight! Am I in the wrong thread? Am I gonna get in trouble? *runs*

Edited by YSRN
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Sounds like it was a great concert. I'm looking forward to the reviews.

So, how many different smutty comments can we use to describe this picture? I can think of more than a few ....


Edited by Gibby
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hee yeah..damn the cellcert was so clear yet I had to keep running in and out. He is so funny... the thing that hooked me. Yes the voice first of all -- but all I need to satisfy that is the damn albums. But the funny? Yowza. That makes him so attractive to me.

Clay blogged - explaining why he didn't come to the bus line. And he's currently listening to: Quiana complaining. Ah sue me. LOL

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So does anyone else wish that the wonderful Clack gatherer could've just been a leeeeetle bit faster or slower taking that last picture? I keep wanting his hand to be somewhere else...

and no...not there.

Just away from the front, you know? :hubbahubba:

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Thanks for the birthday memories emoticons.

Had a great birthday night at Philly, had a bit of a challenge coming down when a dump truck over turned on the highway and we sat in traffic for over an hour, but it was all worth it. Nice to visit with the eHP again, enjoyed watching my sister viewing her first concert (this series).

What a treat to see Clay walk all around us in the pit. I suspect he did it the first time on a dare from Angela because of the exchange between them when he came back from his first foray. - Of course this is just supposition and has no possible validity.

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Hey everyone! Finally back home after aborted attempts at getting a drink after standing in the "hand-shake" line only to be disappointed.

Well, at least it got Clay to blog!

Its late so more later, but Clay was in fine voice and I saw his belly button!!!!

Also saw members of the eHP, which makes any concert more fun!

And Play, and met Play's sister.

But I have one question. Who was wearing a DCAT shirt and was at the concert tonight????

Must get to sleep, but I have something super seekrit to allude to later......

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Heh. I'd say Sean's shirt was a wee bit too small.

Thanks Sean! Hee.

Have mercy!!! I'm willing to forego the RIVET if we keep getting to see more and more midriff skin.

Q and A look terrific!

Clay's a man now!

Tell me there's Clack of that momentous occasion!

happydance.giftheater.gif :Tour3: :TourExcite:
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Have a great evening luckiest1 and cindilu2!!! How many more times can I say that I'm jellus of all of you now?

Belly skin? BELLY SKIN?!?!?! Good Lord, the guarana must have done something to his brain.

I like it. Heh.

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

hee yeah..damn the cellcert was so clear yet I had to keep running in and out. He is so funny... the thing that hooked me. Yes the voice first of all -- but all I need to satisfy that is the damn albums. But the funny? Yowza. That makes him so attractive to me.

couchie, when did you become me?

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From CH:

just got off the phone with a friend of mine who had a M&G tonight. Clay asked them to post on the message boards, that he would like everyone attending the M&G tomorrow to wear purple. She told him he should post that in his blog, but he said no, he wanted them to post it on the message boards. Since none of them are CH members, I am passing this info on. Maybe everyone should wear purple. *g*

Alright, who else would be tempted to wear an orange shirt, and then when Clay cracked on you, tell him you are wearing purple underwear and threaten to flash 'em? :eusa_whistle:

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muski...thank you. I really do appreciate a good eyeboink. *g*

There are days when he'll give looks like those in the montage, and I'll swoon and faint and think "OMG, where the hell did that come from?" (Today was one of them with that montage...) And then there are days when I'm just not in the mood for that, you know? Why, I can't tell you, wish I actually knew the answer. I just think there are days when I'm out of sync with so much of the fandom because I find Mr. Make-Me-Laugh sexier than anything, and I know that this isn't the case with a few people.

JMO, YMMV, and all those combinations of letters.

I'm definitely in that crowd. His smile has always done it for me. I'm going to miss the cellcert tonight, but may catch early recaps and photos if I get back from my mother's birthday dinner at a decent hour. Then tomorrow my dad is going in the hospital to have a pacemaker implanted -- so I may not be around much for the next couple or three days, but I'm here in spirit!

I'm excited today that Clay is out there getting ready for a show tonight. Even though I'm not going to be there, having seen the first three has given me a more magnanimous attitude. Yeah, sure, you don't really believe that, do you? If I could afford it I'd be there tonight .... and I'd bring Mother along for a real birthday treat.

keepingfaith, good luck on your dad's surgery today. I will be thinking about you and your family. {{{hugs}}}

Man, that was a neat concert! Muski, Clay's a man now!

Yeah, and I hear you almost had an eyeful of his man-er-hood. :lol:

Spill. *begs* There were cameras, right?!?

From Farouche at CV:

What can I say?

I just came back to my hotel from the Mann. I ended up leaving my camera in the car, which might have been wise. I don't know. I saw lots of camera policing from where I was.

Even so, I had some regrets -- especially when his shirt blew open, and his pants slipped down dangerously low on his pelvic bones. There was a good five inch strip of Aiken that I am not sure we've ever seen before.

Heh. Dang. Clay was a funny, funny man tonight! Am I in the wrong thread? Am I gonna get in trouble? *runs*

If there is a God, there will be pics of this. :Thud:

Hey everyone! Finally back home after aborted attempts at getting a drink after standing in the "hand-shake" line only to be disappointed.

Well, at least it got Clay to blog!

Its late so more later, but Clay was in fine voice and I saw his belly button!!!!

Also saw members of the eHP, which makes any concert more fun!

And Play, and met Play's sister.

But I have one question. Who was wearing a DCAT shirt and was at the concert tonight????

Must get to sleep, but I have something super seekrit to allude to later......

I'm waiting....Allude away.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! No more days till Syracuse! I am leaving momentarily!!!!! :Thud:

Have a great time lucky. You lucky dawg you.

Cindi you have a great time too. Report back ASAP.

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Semi-postwhorring here to send good wishes to keepingfaith, her dad and family.

Glad you had a great time CG, and can't wait to hear more. But this....

Must get to sleep, but I have something super seekrit to allude to later......

...kind of skeers me. Did the pods get to you? I hope not.

I have come to the conclusion taht Clay does bet with his staff - I do believe the wear purple is a bet, but we will probably never know.

I've actually had that feeling for a while now....he's a "dare ya!" kind of guy. He can be such a manipulative little cuss, because he knows that many of the fans (me included) would doing almost anything he suggests. I mean, how did UNICEF get so much money? *g*

Man, I don't want to go to work today, or this entire week. There's going to be so much clack to download. I looked at the schedule, and he's got a concert every night this week until Saturday. It's the only time in the tour that he has that, I think. I'm probably going to miss some of the show tonight and Friday. Wah.

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Info-packed recap from ncwannabe at CV:

You know Jesse and Sean come out first, then A & Q. Then the first strains of "Here You Come Again" start and then he starts singing while still offstage. Finally he walks in and Gah! He looks stunningly beautiful. His hair looks great, he's got the striped shirt on and great-fitting jeans. Plus the sandals so we got to see his toes!

He sings the first 3 songs pretty much right in a row, then stops to banter some. As he just begins his banter, he sees some folks just walking into the venue. He says hello. Tells them he's talking to them. He calls the woman up to the front, asks why she's late. She says she got lost. As she's walking up to him, she sees people she knows along the way in the audience and says hello. He's asking her how he knows these people. After some back and forth, she says she knows these people and the friend she came with from the internet. He says that's dangerous LOL. Finally, he tells her to get her friend and he spots two empty seats up front in the Pit! He tells them to sit there!

Goes into Q getting a letter from a fan about him gaining weight and what not. (as an aside, my friend who had a M&G tonight said he mentioned the letter in the M&G. Wasn't too complimentary to the writer of the letter and said they "might" read it. Guess they decided to do it. Supposedly they knew that the author of the letter was to be in the audience last night which is why they decided to read it. Stupid person! Anyway, he was reading parts of the letter that said she went to CU and saw this hawt, sexy singer and she was wondering where that person was. That Clay's fans make many sacrifices for him, and he only has to make 2 -- krispy kremes and mac & cheese. Also that he was headed for an early heart attack or trying to keep up with his dork image. Like I said, stupid person. But he was laughing hysterically reading it. Oh, then he sucked in his gut big time and puffed out his chest. It was hilarious. Oh, and he explained he forgot his Tshirt and he borrowed one from Sean, the drummer. He called Sean out front and stood beside him. Clay is probably more than a foot taller than him. So, he said the Tshirt was very snug (tee hee!).

He sang so very beautifully. In great voice. Just filling up the venue with beautiful sound. Anglea sang IWKWLI with him tonight. Maybe they'll switch it off between her and Q now.

M&G friend said he told them the TV medley was his fav. Tonight he had a few clips of other shows on a cd that his sound guy Fern played, just to see if folks knew what they were. He seems to have a great time singing that medley. Was dancing and letting loose.

Can't remember too much else right now about first half. oops, coming back. How could I forget. There was this platform type wall around the Pit. Well, he starts walking out on the thing. He circles the whole way around on the thing. I think the first time he did it was on "Everytime You Go Away". He stopped very close to me. I just looked up at him mesmorized. Gah. He did it 3 times. On TWYMMF and then again but darn if I know for sure which other song. "Because You Loved Me"?

Oh, "These Open Arms" was great. Again, his voice was just soaring. Truly beautiful. I Love this song!

Second half begins -- Without You is just incredible. Again, so soaring. Gah. MOAM and ATD just wonderful as well.

Does schtick about getting a way to do more uptempo songs. Says he gave Jesse list for what he wanted to do. Said when he told him he wanted to do sexyback, Jesse laughed for a half hour. Sang TWYMMF and truly does know the words. But, he joked by saying he doesn't know the words cause for the last two weeks he's been interviewed by the FBI and didn't have time to learn them. Joked about the airplane thing a few times. Said he got in trouble for his hand over Kelly's mouth, his toe on someone's armrest. So, it's only a matter of time before his butt shows up somewhere LOL!

Oh, side note. In friend's M&G told them dogs not along. Jaime is allergic. Thought it was Jaime. Anyway, he said Raleigh climbed into his suitcase and whined. Said it broke his heart. (awwwwwwww, all together now.)

Um, classics medley was awesome. sooooo fun. He did the whipping motion for sexy back. Lots of skin!!!!! wWohoo for Sean's little tee shirt! Really dancing around on OPP. Great tractor stuff -- driving motion and hitching up the jeans.

Oh, M&G picture is him driving on a tractor. it's priceless. Said in M&G it was his Grandfather's tractor. LOL

"Lover All Alone" was stunning. Could have heard a pin drop in the venue. stunning. stunning. stunning. stunning. Am I getting the point across? It was stunning. beautiful.

Once again dedicated "Because You Loved Me" to us. Kind of emphasized the line for all the wrongs that you made right one time. (awwwwww again). Then, at end where he's been singing "and you believed" he said instead something like "you made me believe." (awwwwwwwww again and again and again).

Finally, it was over. Way too soon. It goes by very, very quickly. It was totally awesome. Last thing to share. M&G friend said she asked him about his fans. About she thinks in the beginning he wasn't sure we'd stick around and that she hopes he now knows we're here to stay. He said he never wants to take it for granted. He just said he appreciates that we're here and he never wants to disappoint us or leave us down. (awwwwwww, just major, major awwwwwwww)

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He sings the first 3 songs pretty much right in a row, then stops to banter some. As he just begins his banter, he sees some folks just walking into the venue. He says hello. Tells them he's talking to them. He calls the woman up to the front, asks why she's late. She says she got lost. As she's walking up to him, she sees people she knows along the way in the audience and says hello. He's asking her how he knows these people. After some back and forth, she says she knows these people and the friend she came with from the internet. He says that's dangerous LOL. Finally, he tells her to get her friend and he spots two empty seats up front in the Pit! He tells them to sit there!

That is too funny, and so sweet of him too.

Goes into Q getting a letter from a fan about him gaining weight and what not. (as an aside, my friend who had a M&G tonight said he mentioned the letter in the M&G. Wasn't too complimentary to the writer of the letter and said they "might" read it. Guess they decided to do it. Supposedly they knew that the author of the letter was to be in the audience last night which is why they decided to read it. Stupid person! Anyway, he was reading parts of the letter that said she went to CU and saw this hawt, sexy singer and she was wondering where that person was. That Clay's fans make many sacrifices for him, and he only has to make 2 -- krispy kremes and mac & cheese. Also that he was headed for an early heart attack or trying to keep up with his dork image. Like I said, stupid person. But he was laughing hysterically reading it. Oh, then he sucked in his gut big time and puffed out his chest. It was hilarious.

Ah yes, the public face and the private one. I still can't believe that someone actually did that, and I am glad that publicly he has a great sense of hum or about this. At the same time, though, I think his comments at the M&G spoke a few volumes too. *g*

Oh, and he explained he forgot his Tshirt and he borrowed one from Sean, the drummer. He called Sean out front and stood beside him. Clay is probably more than a foot taller than him. So, he said the Tshirt was very snug (tee hee!).

:worthy::worthy::worthy: to Sean!!! EEEEE!

M&G friend said he told them the TV medley was his fav.

Somehow, I'm not surprised by that. He seems to get a charge out of singing these songs.

Does schtick about getting a way to do more uptempo songs. Says he gave Jesse list for what he wanted to do. Said when he told him he wanted to do sexyback, Jesse laughed for a half hour.

Me doing an imitation of Jesse: :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I love reading that -- and it suggests to me that Clay came up with the songs. Good for him.

Joked about the airplane thing a few times. Said he got in trouble for his hand over Kelly's mouth, his toe on someone's armrest. So, it's only a matter of time before his butt shows up somewhere LOL!

*raises hand to volunteer to be that place*

Oh, side note. In friend's M&G told them dogs not along. Jaime is allergic. Thought it was Jaime. Anyway, he said Raleigh climbed into his suitcase and whined. Said it broke his heart. (awwwwwwww, all together now.)

Poor doggie. No pretzels for Raleigh. (My cats do that too....)

Um, classics medley was awesome. sooooo fun. He did the whipping motion for sexy back. Lots of skin!!!!! wWohoo for Sean's little tee shirt! Really dancing around on OPP. Great tractor stuff -- driving motion and hitching up the jeans.

I hope we get to see some of the classics via clack. It sounds like it was fantastic.

Oh, M&G picture is him driving on a tractor. it's priceless. Said in M&G it was his Grandfather's tractor. LOL

I hope someone posts a scan of this, I would really love to see that.

Finally, it was over. Way too soon. It goes by very, very quickly. It was totally awesome. Last thing to share. M&G friend said she asked him about his fans. About she thinks in the beginning he wasn't sure we'd stick around and that she hopes he now knows we're here to stay. He said he never wants to take it for granted. He just said he appreciates that we're here and he never wants to disappoint us or leave us down. (awwwwwww, just major, major awwwwwwww)

*kicks Clay's butt*

I really do know what he's trying to say, that he wants us to be happy. But -- I really hope that he doesn't plan his stuff about trying to please "us." IMO that's not part of the deal of being a fan, me telling him what to do. If he disappoints me (which rarely happens *straightens rose-colored glasses*), I'm a woman, and I can deal.

I'm incredibly happy with the cellcert from last night. It sounds like everyone in attendance had a blast.

ETA: Guh...


Is this from Frisco or Philly?

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Thanks bottlecap...that is one lovely, lovely picture.

So what is this about "furless arms?"


I'm confuzzled.

And I think I must be the only one that, while I like the tummy skin, would actually rather seem more of his upper chest. My hope is that it gets hot enough some night that he ditches the T-shirt and unbuttons a few buttons at the top.

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