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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Muski! Wow, I'm so happy for Carrie and you. The Blaze just did an equivalent of a second half Oakland A's push heee. They won the tournament? They beat so-called better teams? I don't want to downplay their success at all but sometimes in sports when you're hot everything just falls into place. Every miracle shot goes in. Every spectacular play is made. A little extra mustard is on the fast ball. Sigh. That's an amazing story and I can only root for them to go all the way - no matter how much it kills me that I won't be able to share the concerts with you.

Lickliest1 - It boils down how you handle things to me. Clay gets on stage and makes jokes that are telling but funny. Nothing funnier than the Rod Stewart covering the American songbook at age 157 or whatever he said. It explains Clive may be out of touch and stuck in his ways a liitle but in a way that is healthy IMO. Instead of constant rants about how he must leave RCA he matter of factly says they are all the same. Oh yeah he knows not to bite the hand that feed him but saying better the devil you know would have sufficed - not adding as long as they'll have me. So believe it or not I am following Clay's lead. In no way did I ever say Clay wanted to do covers. I've never said it. It's just not a new fresh hurt for me everytime something happens and I'm already looking ahead. I'm not going to rip out my spleen everytime somebody has a new way of saying the same thing. Ultimatum becomes the new mandate. :cryingwlaughter: The power of mandate ain't strong enough anymore? How many times do you need to kevetch over it and do an AHA see I was right. Here's some more words: command, directive. Let's move on. I frankly did all my cursing out the labrel BEFORE I put my hands on the album and came to terms with it then.

Dang another concert tonight? I can't keep up with the man!! Have fun Laughn and Bottle and anyone else attending the show...wait Lickiest1? You too? Man I'm so behind on my concert pages! eek. I think I'll have to listen to the show tonight while cleaning my room rather than chatting and that's no fun.

Happy Monday

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YAY! Carrie's totally kick-ass team! I am 1 degree of separation from champions! does the Cabbage-Patch especially for Carrie...

eyes Husker's posts with interest...

See, that's where people's perceptions color so many things...I sorta understand your idea of "correcting our mistakes", but as a smart-ass student, I've had too many teachers try and convince me of the truth of erroneous information, especially when they are out of their area of expertise.

Without an actual transcript, a lot of what we are hearing is hearsay. Pretty good hearsay, but hearsay nonetheless. And it's also clear that everyone is not telling everything they hear in all forums. And I honestly believe Clay frankly isn't telling the fans everything because a lot of stuff isn't their business. So I feel free to filter everything through my expectations.

Let's be specific. I'll agree that Clay didn't want to do eight covers on this album. I'll also agree that Clay did want at least a couple. I'll agree that Clay probably realizes that Clive Davis' goal is to make money for RCA, not support Clay's artistic goals. I'll agree that Clay probably doesn't have a problem with this as he doesn't seem to think this attitude or the "blackmail" is enough to make him fight like a fish on a hook to escape his contract (as he is quite capable of doing). Calling ATDW coasters? He also calls himself stupid and suggested we roof our houses with MOAM. He exaggerates for comic effect. A lot. It says something to me that ATD is the only of the new songs that made the CD from the test runs at the JBT (and frankly was not one of the more popular choices in the fandom) and he's tired of it now. And that he didn't like BFM, that a large number of "experts" seemed to think would kick ass on the radio. I gotta confess, me and other "unnamed fans (PerusingOne) would mock the slow fist pump thingie - because it was so artifical and weak - BFM was so not a head-bangin' jam - semi-apologies to those who did head bang to it. I do get vaguely annoyed at other people's selective listening to Clay - Clay has really said repeatedly he's not a song writer (and no, I don't think LAA and the Peanut song make him a song writer) but noooooooooooooo, he's gotta be lyin' there. And not feeling himself to be a lyricist (much less a composer), he probably feels himself to be dependent on submissions - and if they don't submit stuff he or Clive or Jaymes wants, that ends up taking time. In other words, what Couchie said.

As for this:

The other thing is that NONE of this makes sense from a business point of view. RCA/Clive doesn't give a rat's ass about making money! They want to control the stars and control the music. If you don't believe that, try looking up Gino Vanelli, Rod Stewart, George Michael, Prince, Michael Jackson, Courtney Love, and the latest in the line of controlled artists, Miss Kelly Clarkson. That's not pod thinking or conspiracy theory, its based on actual things that actually happened.

I keep seeing this, and wondering - are y'all living in an alternative universe? Those "actual things that actually happened" are a teeny-tiny window into the world of the music business. There are lots worse things that happened - hell, read some Ray Charles bios. There are lots better things that happened. The labels have periodically given artists control - and lost millions. Mariah Carey and EMI, anyone? Michael Jackson and Sony? I bet Sony wished they could have controlled Michael. The whole idea behind the major labels is to make money - and keep it all for themselves. All those artists you mentioned? Basically wanted to do something artistically different than what had made money in the past or wanted more of the money they made. And those artists (as well as Clay) are the freaking exception to the rule. Prince (who has his own set of issues) did eventually create his own label - put out what he wanted - and promptly disappeared from the charts. Let's not even discuss Courtney Love. And Miss Clarkson? Besides the fact I think three-quarters of the "fight" with Clive was staged, takeaway the frickin' Disney tie in from Breakaway (and if you don't think Disney's hook made that thing the runaway bestseller it was, you're kidding yourself), I just don't think Kelly is established enough to justify all her big talk.

I have family on the performing side of the music business. Clay, as I've said before, is doing better than 98% of the people in the American music industry. He's come along during one of the industry's upheavals - standards are changing - what's worked before doesn't any more - new paradigms are being written. And I still say, Clay knows better then anyone in the fandom (and their contacts) about what works for him. And I still say Clive Davis (horrible old man that he may be) has forgotten more about the music business and still has more influence than anyone in the fandom (and their contacts). But that's just me.

And what's wrong with a banana seat? A banana seat's stylin'! Or hell, let's skip the bike and just get the frickin' Audi!

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Muski, I enjoyed your recap of the softball tournament as much as the recaps of the concerts. Congrats to Carrie. I don't know how these kids do it. That's a lot of games in 3 days. I will be sad for you if you miss the 4fer in California, but Clay will tour again, Carrie will only be 12 once and it sounds like she is a little phenom herself.

Claygasm, so you're a Phillies fan, were you a fan when Mick Schmidt played for them? I went to high school with him. Nice guy.

bottle and laughn, loved your recaps. bottle I remember when you weren't sure you wanted to see him at that venue aren't you glad you did now? It seems to me that Clay always pulls in pretty good crowds in Ohio, I think he may have been overbooked there for one of the concerts series, but mostly they love 'em some Clay Aiken in Ohio. Smart people them Buckeyes.

lickiest aka luckiest, your recaps have been great too. I am always amazed at the detail so many of you are able to capture. I feel like my mind kind of goes mushy, I just know I always leave happy.

Gotta go, I guess I'm off to paint for the day. Catch ya'll later

ETA: Just had to pop back in to say bravo to KAndre's whole post.

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Dang another concert tonight? I can't keep up with the man!! Have fun Laughn and Bottle and anyone else attending the show...wait Lickiest1? You too? Man I'm so behind on my concert pages! eek. I think I'll have to listen to the show tonight while cleaning my room rather than chatting and that's no fun.

Happy Monday

Hee, you betcha! No way I'm missing a concert that is within a 2 hour drive of my house! Hee, it mapquests at 1 hour 56 minutes. That is a rarity for us! We are caravaning across the border. 2 vans and a car, as far as I understand. Probably 15 people or so. ETA: Updated total is 18! Updated again to add another car and bring the total up to 21! Wheeeeeeeeeeee! So far, there are no reported delays at the border!


Can you tell I'm excited? I'm going to see Claaaaaaaaay again! :TourExcite: :Tour3: :DoClay:

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Catching up before I post...some things never change...I STILL want to be KAndre when I grow up. *sigh*

{{{{Muski}}}} - what a wonderful story.

I burst into tears...idiot that I am...My vision was so blurred I can't even remember what happened next.
Guess that makes me an idiot too, cuz I can't see the screen right now!!!!! Word to what Ansa said about you and your DH being awesome support for Carrie. *sigh* You rock.

Just because you don't always get what you want doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you have at the moment. That's like saying if I can't have the shiny new bike I want, then I'm not going to enjoy riding...and while I'm at it, I think I'll sit in the corner and pout over my bad luck and not ride at all. Thank God, Clay's too mature for that. I think he'll get his shiny new bike someday and I believe he knows that too...and I hope when he does he'll let me ride the handlebars.

It can't be said enough how perfect this paragraph/analogy is! AND ldyjocelyn's continuation of it is awesome too! See, I'm always finding that you guys say things much better than I could, so I just take the easy way out and quote quote quote!!!!

Many of you know, I've never been a read-between-the-lines kind of Clay fan. We all have our own filters that color how we interpret things...whoever said that, was brilliant. Whoever said, "you don't get harmony if everyone sings the same note" was also brilliant. I enjoy reading everyone's viewpoints, get puzzled by some interpretations, and laugh and smile and nod along with others. But at the end of the day, I always come back to using my own filters and think of how it appears to me...this is what I see...

Look at this man's life. The path he has been on. The path he is STILL on. The path he is only just beginning, really. He is living a dream. He is making a difference. He is making music. He is making millions. He has a platform now, to reach millions, if he so chooses. He is living in a dream house in his hometown, keeping his loved ones and family close, and holding on to his beliefs and making himself and his momma proud. (As a momma, I can tell you that is a hope of mine, that my kids grow up to care just a little about making themselves and me proud.)

He is living a dream.

A wild and exciting dream. And the dream keeps growing, and delivering more to his doorstep with every passing day. To continue the analogy, so maybe he had to get his first couple bikes from Target? Maybe he'll have to wait a little longer for fate to be in line such that he can get the Lance Armstrong bike from Trek? I mean...I can't imagine there is any way his opportunities to make more music will stop unless he WANTS to stop. The man sells a half a million CDs and calls them "coasters"! The guy is funny!

I have a friend who is a struggling musician, who has been trying to "make it" for over 20 years. He would kill to be in Clay's position...EVEN if it is truly what some people characterize as a horrible record company that has no interest in making money, with an evil, controlling Clive involved.

I love Clay Aiken. I love the joy he brings me. But mostly, I love the joy he seems to be getting from this journey, and I want that to continue as long as possible for him.

"It doesn't really matter how I make a difference, I just want to make sure that I do." Awww, remember? *heavy sigh*


PS...as I read this, I realize I just typed a lot of words that say the same thing...I'm a big ol' sap. I love that y'all dig deeper. I do. I don't mean to minimize that at all, ever. But I love it that I feel I can be a big ol' sap here and won't be driven out of town. I can, can't I? *worries*

PPS...I HATE being the first post on a page. So much pressure to be brilliant. And I am so not. Ugh.

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Hey! Lighten up that sigh! He's pulling off that difference thing pretty ding dang good!

Wild and exciting dreams, huh? And I'm we're in 'em? Good. Very good. Hey, somebody's got to cover for muski while she's being all motherly and stuff!

Hey again! Repetition can be a good thing (at least, that's what some of my teachers told me...heh), and frankly I don't mind hearing good stuff over and over (and over and over and over) again.

You know I kid because I love. And am mean like that.

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With the last album, they had a choice...to do the cover CD or else have to wait even longer to get out a CD. He said they chose to put out the CD of covers rather than wait.

I find this part interesting. It actually could fit with a theory I have long held, one that disputes the gun-to-his-head "mandate" theory. Essentially my theory is this: He and Jaymes presented all they had recorded - including some covers - to Clive. He wasn't thrilled with any of it. Frankly I never thought Clay sounded like it was thrilled with much of it. Per one of Clay's blogs a discussion ensued about the kind of songs Clay likes to sing and he said singer's songs and the ones he enjoyed the most from what they had recorded tended to be the covers. So Clive - noting the success of Rod Stewart and *gag* Barry Manilow came up with the idea of doing a covers album. Clay naturally objected for obvious reasons but Clive pointed out that the alternative was he and Jaymes starting from scratch on an album of originals which could take a really long time and it had already been a really long time. So Clay decided to go with the covers idea rather than wait. This time, though, he would rather wait.

Makes sense to me! Probably not accurate, but if others can extrapolate why not me! :cryingwlaughter:

I also think its interesting that at first they thought of doing covers from the 50's. When I think back to how he killed on the 50's segment of the JBT, if he HAD to do covers I think I would have preferred an album of 50's covers. I would have loved to have had a studio recording of SM!

It amazes me so many people think of such intelligent questions to ask him. All I can think of is "Did you and Kelly get it on in that bus during the IT?" and stuff like that! I think its a good thing I will never win a M&G!

I think you make perfect sense claygasm. Contrary to that insulting remark that SOME of us on here are smart, I think all of us on this board are smart. That is why I came and stayed here. I think a lot of us here are on the same wave length with your thoughts, or at least some of them.

It is obvious, to me, that Clay and Jaymes worked with a bunch of people in Nashville. They recorded enough songs for 2 cds. I don't think the recordings were pressed and an actual cd made and shelved, as some would have us think. Who doesn't know that? Who is disputing that? It is clear from Clay's own words that he and Jaymes found themselves doing more and more covers (Before Clive "mandated" it) because they were having a hard time finding songs "for singers," such as himself. He wanted songs with strong lyrics and good melodies. So they went to Clive. For whatever reasons, it appears Clive must of agreed with them about the material they had already done. So Clive "mandated," "suggested," or whatever word of the day Clay wants to use, that he do a cd of cover songs. Possibly due to mixed signals from his fans or because of time issues and the possible side effects from delaying. I agree with couchie, that Clay was offered a choice. Either do a cd of covers or start over.

Obviously Clive and the label felt that what Clay and Jaymes presented to them, was not going to pass muster, for whatever reasons. Otherwise Clive would of "mandated" that they go back, clean up and rework what they had already done. Now if Clay and Jaymes are already having trouble finding new material that he likes, and what RCA and Clive will accept, then it seems to me he would make the choice to do a covers album. I have no doubt that he disliked the idea of having to do a covers album, nobody is disputing that. I can understand, though, why this decision was made by everyone involved. Income is aways a great incentive, I would think. CD sales and touring ASAP would be a good way to get income coming in.. I also think he was feeling pressured by his fans. Many fans asking constantly why is it taking him so long to get a cd out? Possible worry that they wouldn't hang around and wait for him? I see others on here have stated these possibilities as well.

So instead of starting over he agreed with the cover album. I can certainly understand why the label, Clive & Clay thought it would work doing a cd of covers. All they had to do was read the posts on his message boards. Posts filled with sentiments that they wish Clay would cover this song or that song. Posts about how much they loved the JBT, filled with cover songs, (the best of any tour he has done) and how they especially loved the 50's set. Come on...What would you think if read this for 3 years? That the fans would love and be receptive to a cd of cover songs? I think Clay and his label get too many mixed signals from his fans. Not only that but covers were being done by lots of artists and they were successful with them. It wasn't limited to just Barry and Rod doing cover songs either. Lots of other artists were doing them as well.

This is what I don't understand. If Clive wanted to ruin Clay, make him become the next Rod Stewart or Barry Manilow, box him into a Michael Buble corner, then why did he allow Clay to go find his own EP (Jaymes Foster) and spend, or waste a year of the label's time and money, looking for and recording new songs? Why wouldn't he just tell Clay right from the get go he was going to do a cd of cover songs, like it or not? Why allow him to waste all that time and go through the motions? Why not just give Clay the list of cover songs he wanted him to sing on ATDW, and tell him to get your ass in the recording studio and "Get 'er done?"

Is this anntherese54's recap? 'Cause it is being posted over at the OFC that she gave details of a "horrible ultimatum" that RCA/Clive gave Clay (no longer a mandate) of "three years"...??? I am confused....

I read that too lightmyfire. I didn't see anything in that M&G recap that supports her claims. Some people just have to be right at all cost. Even if they have to spin everything to make it fit their theories. :cryingwlaughter:

Well, I'm assuming you didn't just call us all stupid. :lol:

Sorry, dear, but no amount of yelling and exclamation points tossed around is going to make me run screaming BLACKMAIL!!?!11

It's idiotic.

And since you don't work in the business, forgive me if I don't take your word that it doesn't make business sense.

I can believe he wasn't MANIPULATED as long as I want to. And I do.

Pod thinking has nothing to do with WHAT you believe... it's the refusing to accept that other options exist...and running around manipulating, yelling, and talking smack around backchannels about fellow fans for not falling into line. Not that I'm accusing YOU per se...

Why do you care so much what "we" think anyway?

The main point in all of this is that Clay didn't WANT to do a cover album!!! How is it you don't get that? With everything he's said here and there, how is it possible that he's still being deliberately misunderstood? When he calls ATDW a 'coaster', isn't it obvious that he doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it?

Never said he did. I get that. Deliberately? Please. It's obvious he knows the public doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it.

(and I'm quite sure LAA was on this CD)

And I'm QUITE (read: 100%) sure you're mistaken.

I'm sorry, but be part of a community before you come storming in flailing around in your righteousness, please.

It's really unbecoming.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :clap::clap::clap:

YSRN Beautiful dog by the way, and a great photo.

I have to agree with you on LAA. Based on the timeline that Clay discussed about LAA. I don't think the music was even given to him in the same time frame as songs for the phantom album were being recorded.

I think it has been said on this board many times that what some of us have come to object to is this very thing huskerfalcon, because you have come to believe so strongly in what you think went down in the recording process for ATDW, you only latch onto the things that Clay says that support that point of view.

Others of us latch onto the things that Clay has said that support our point of view. The facts probably fall somewhere in between.

I guess too, and I'll just speak for myself, what is gained if we only look back and point fingers, whether those fingers are pointed at Clive Davis or other Clay fans? I love the CD and I won't apologize for it. I think Clay was actually proud of his product, but once he'd read a lot of the "fan" reaction and complaining, I'm not surprised he refered to it as a coaster.

Yes, it was his sophomore CD, and covers aren't usually what one would expect. Maybe Clive's idea backfired, but was it really such a stupid idea? After all, Rod did it, it sold well, Barry did it, it sold well and these guys can't even sing anymore. Michael Buble is doing it. What would happen if someone with a voice like Clay Aiken did it, after all, his fans fell in love with him singing covers?......I can see that thought process and I don't have to see malice in it. I actually have seen a lot more malice coming from fans. That's my point of view, I think some others share it, some don't.

Yep, we all process information differently, What I saw happening during the release of ATDW made me want to spend a lot less time on the boards. I wanted to be celebrating just having a new CD and that became very hard to do while reading some of the larger boards. I came here, I don't think we have our heads in the sand, we just know how to enjoy our fandom.

Nice post. I agree with a lot of it. I don't see any malice aimed at Clay from Clive or his label, either. Decisions had to be made. Decisions that fans may not of liked, but where made in the best interests of Clay and his label at the time. I truly believe that.

I agree with others. Time to move on. Time for some fans to stop back peddling and spinning and looking for things to support their conspiracy theories. Let us get back to enjoying Clay. I am so thankful he is sharing and trying his best to dispel so much of the angst caused by some over the last year. My wish is that fans would do as Clay suggests and just IGNORE these people.

Muskifest congrats to your daughter.

This is off topic, but I want to congratulate Toni7babe for being member of the day at OFC.

I also want to say that I loved tagalong's post on CH about Garth Brooks. It was beautiful and I felt like I was right there experiencing it with her.

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PS...as I read this, I realize I just typed a lot of words that say the same thing...I'm a big ol' sap. I love that y'all dig deeper. I do. I don't mean to minimize that at all, ever. But I love it that I feel I can be a big ol' sap here and won't be driven out of town. I can, can't I? *worries*

Sap away.....it's all good, here! :):allgood: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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bottle I remember when you weren't sure you wanted to see him at that venue aren't you glad you did now?

atinal, you've got a good memory! Yes, I was initially confused by the venue set-up description for Columbus, and had decided it was not for me. The Sterling Heights venue came up, and it was actually closer to home and had a more conventional covered amphitheater set-up, so I jumped on that one instead. However, laughn can be very persuasive (HA!), and she didn't have to twist my arm too much when the opportunity to go to Columbus after all presented itself. [i can't tell y'all enough how much laughn RAWKS!] Obviously, Columbus turned out to be a one-of-a-kind, almost magical and absolutely fabulous concert experience, and I'm so glad I got to go.

As an aside, I was returning the car we rented for the trip this morning, and the desk guy asked me how the experience was. I said fine, but I was a bit bothered that the car they rented to us had been smoked in. No biggie to me really, but I thought I'd mention it. Desk Guy looked aghast and was very apologetic, even though I hadn't been snippy. End of story, I now have a coupon for a free weekend rental. Wooo HOOO - I smell another road trip with laughn in the future!!!

BTW, I was skimming the Sterling Heights thread at CV, and see that the venue actually was built on a landfill. Chemical Services Park on Saturday and former landfill on Monday! That Clay Aiken guy only plays the classiest of venues! HA!

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:
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I loved your recap of your weekend with Carrie & Kenny! Wow! It's excellent that you can spend this time with her now, supporting her efforts and recognizing her accomplishments. What a fantastic confidence-builder for her for her future!

I was quite a serious pianist when I was in high school. I entered, and won, a number of competitions, and not just little local ones. My parent's support was invaluable. And the confidence that I gained from those experiences has followed me through life, and has benefitted me in soooo many different ways. So, I think what you're doing for Carrie will follow her for a long, long time. Even if she doesn't end up going into sports after high school, she will know that she can be a winner if she puts her mind to it, and that she can perform under pressure. What better gift could you give your daughter?

Looks like I'm competing with institches for the sappiest post! Heeee! I'm glad that licky says it's okay to be sappy.

And for those going to Sterling Heights - have a FANTASTIC time tonight!!

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EEEEEEE! I'm leaving for home in 3 minutes! Then it's on to Sterling Heights! Y'all be good while I'm gone. ;) See ya there, bottle. I'm gonna try to find you in your seats....I'll be wearing a DCAT pin.

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Posthoing....found by CAP at CV, an article for tonight's show from The Oakland Press:


Interesting that he's talking about boxes... :whistling-1:

I love him so very much. (I like being schmoopie too institches....but I think you knew that....)

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I have no doubt that labels wish they could control their artists. After all, it's their money at stake, and they probably trust their business instincts more than the musician's. I can even believe that they would place a higher value on profit than on artistry or loyalty. What I just can't buy is the notion that they would make an artist put out a cover album purely out of spite.They may occasionally employ underhanded methods to get their way, but I believe it's always with the goal of ultimately making money.

Is it possible that the label did not respect Clay's artistic choices when they asked for a covers album? Sure. But maybe the original songs he chose weren't the sure thing many fans believed they were. And if TRD and BFM represented what he had, maybe things wouldn't have been that different if he had released an original album. It's hard to say. I can see how RCA might think covers would have broader appeal.

I do think mistakes were made with ATDW. However, Clay doesn't seem half as angry and bitter as many fans, which makes me think things are not as hostile as is popularly believed.

Congratulations Muski!

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KAndre - in the words of Florida Evans - damn damn damn (hey where's that theme songs -- Good times, any time you need a handout) I'll have to do miniony type things in Cali won't I. Have to admit I had to stop reading to chuckle for a full moment after you called out the ultra cool Perusing One.

Institches - somebody is still on a high. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clayzor..Our theories differ somewhat but that's just the point - tha'ts all any of us have is a few facts and a whole lot of supposition. I think everybody agrees on the few facts. It's the fanfiction that fills it all out that is different and then the reaction to what we've concocted. Not only do I like my fan fiction I'm pretty sure that unless we find out Clive really did take Raleigh and Durham hostage I'm just not going to be outraged aknew once a week. I mean I don't have that much venom for shit things that happened in my own life.

Thanks to strikeout I'm really getting good at the no cursing thing.

Love the article. I definitely think Clay has the talent to branch out into being more than just a singer. Interesting that JBT was brought up in that article. It's my favorite tour as well and I've always wondered if the success of that played a part in the blackmail mandate ultimatum what happened.

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Congratulations Muskie. You know you are giving your daughter a great gift now in supporting her.

Heh, my belief - which pod people seem to not recognize - is that we don't know sooooo much more than we know. I want to be a FAN - so I come to the board where FANS come to PLAY! (little joke there). I have to admit I had a wonderful time at the concerts because I went with other FANS - Like the EHP and my sister. Where we oohed over Clay, talked about how great Clay was and how great the seats were and how great the venue was , etc. Not once did anyone complain about Clay anything, not once! _ yes the trips were pure joy for which I will always remember (except maybethe heat stroke I was feeling in Philly in the second half, heck I just whipped off my blouse and wiped the sweat off my face, no one needed to know, except maybe the security guy sitting next to me

I am not and nor do I want to be Clay's mother, manager, promotor, public relations. I just want to be a FAN - what is so hard to understand about that?

I resent people who want me to worry about Clay. to run Clay's life or career. I hate that, it interferes with my FANdom. You see, my job is to be a fan, to buy fan stuff, listen to music and to attend concerts and watch TV shows. Other than that I have my life to plan, and to worry about and to enjoy (I want to go to the beach!!! - damn wedding kept me here and now it is pouring).

Speaking of that, who knew that that a froo froo wedding and taking care of an ailing aunt would exhaust me so much that I fell asleep immediately after I posted here last night! At the wedding, we sat in the sun for over an hour during a wedding cerimony where the children read poetry (second marriage for both) or sang songs of their ownt composition, not to mention brothers singing along as well. - there were 6 children involved, (all in their 20's) so it was rather a long ceremony, not to mention the sermon given by the minister and the exchanged long vows. As I was sitting there, a bird pooped on my head, but I felt it would probably be wrong to leave during the ceremony, so I was counting the seconds (minutes, hours) until the ceremony was over. When it was over, there was a line for the one powder room and people kept telling me how lucky it is to get pooped on the head. Thanks people, I knowthere are a bunch of bird diseases and I had to wash part of my hair after I fixed it so nicely for the wedding, afterwards it was just flat wet hair.

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Lucky that a bird pooped on your head? Lucky? What...interesting...friends...yes indeedy!

couchie, miniony type things will be GOOD for you! It'll help with the brainwashing independent thought I admire so much!

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ok...this accidentalonpurposefuckup strikeout thing is CMSU! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Should I be at work now? yes. Am I? no. Woke up at 6 am or so and went back to sleep. WOke up at 9 am and figured I should get up...heh.

Before doing so, however, may I just say that after reading some of the posts in the last pages, although I'm noBODY's minion, I do feel a compelling need to call myself a minion of this COLLECTIVE of women here at FCA.

That is all. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Guess it's back to the real world. Thanks to all for the :clap: for Carrie. And don't count me out entirely yet for the So. Cal. pah-tehs.....San Diego and Pala are out (unless the team loses its first two elimination games and I'll be SHOCKED if that happens.)...but the Greek is still a long shot and Indio is quite possible!

institches, my vision blurred again reading that your vision blurred. :RedGuy:

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playbiller - I went to see Clay at Musikfest for the JBT, and while I was waiting in line for the bus to get back to my car after, a bird pooped on my shoulder, and several perfect strangers (tv theme song haunts meruns through my head) told me it was good luck. Yeah, bite methanks. Hee.

I love the strikeout option too. Cracks me up.


Hey! How'd that get in there? ;)

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WOW... muski, your daughter is kicking some serious ass! Very exciting... I'm proud and I don't even know her!!

Congrats!! I can't wait to hear more of the greatest sports moments evah!

:Tour3: Yay, for tonight's concertgoers! Have fun, peeps!!

Not only do I like my fan fiction I'm pretty sure that unless we find out Clive really did take Raleigh and Durham hostage I'm just not going to be outraged aknew once a week. I mean I don't have that much venom for shit things that happened in my own life.

It's my favorite tour as well and I've always wondered if the success of that played a part in the blackmail mandate ultimatum what happened.

I just had to copy this mostly because of the strikeouts! :lol: Too funny! And soooo true for me too.

Yeah, I don't mind disagreeing on any of it... I don't mind mulling it over, and even yammering on about it endlessly. :wordpooper: I just can't get my knickers in a knot (tm someone who went out for tea over two days ago - sob!) over it - and especially not more than once.

Oh, I knew ya'll would be ever so articulate while I slept!! And you were. Can we not get on some sort of same schedule here? Why must I be a night owl AND live in PST?!

Clay... LOL... "so right now people see what we do as singing"... who's WE? Dude, YOU sing. Unless your little friend sings too, which would most definitely be entertaining, and perhaps even comedic. Try me. :)

:lol: A bird pooped on your head at a wedding and that was lucky? Bwah. Ok, then.

Good luck with your painting today, atinal. :)

I'm off to do my list from yesterday, and my list for today. I have to fly to Boston tomorrow to see my boyfriend!


ETA... I don't think this was posted here...

Here's a whole album of yum from Chautauqua:


This one seems to be particularly popular... :lol:


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This is from the transcript of Larry King Live on September 27, 2006:

AIKEN: "Lover All Alone" was actually a song that David Foster wrote the music to about six, seven months ago and he gave me the music and he said write some lyrics to this. And I have never written anything, you know, like that in my life. And so I thought to myself, we'll try it. And I finally sat down one day maybe five months later and took a crack at it and came up with this. And what ended up coming out of that was something a little more depressing than the album intended. You know, we wanted to do a love song album and "Lover All Alone" is not...

KING: ... Too sad.

AIKEN: A little too sad.

Unless Clay has absolutely no concept of time and space, I think it's pretty clear that Lover All Alone was not on the 2005 album ~~ which may or may not have ever existed. I tend to think that Jaymes and Clay presented to Clive what they considered to be the best tracks they had recorded, and Clive didn't think they were good enough ... not that Clay wasn't good enough, but that the songs weren't good enough. According to Clay's timeline above, David Foster would have given him the CD of the LAA melody around January-February 2006, and Clay would have penned the lyrics and recorded in June-July 2006. I do recall that in Jaymes' blog of July 17, 2006, she said that the album had finally been completed the night before. This could have been the recording of LAA.

I know I'm being a little devil here. And I don't mean to rub salt into fresh wounds about BFM, but I'm really glad that Clay didn't like that song. It very much reinforces my feelings about his musical instincts.

One note: I was at the airport yesterday, passing the time waiting for another delayed flight, and was reading a Blender magazine left on the seat next to me with Kelly's picture on the front. Kelly explains the confrontation with Clive by saying that he told her he didn't like her songs .... and Kelly told him, "You're 74 years old! You're not supposed to like this kind of music!" She's got some brass ones, that girl!

I think the recording process will get smoother and easier as time goes by. Clay felt extraordinary pressure for his sophomore album, and was pretty clear that he didn't think they had the caliber of songs he wanted to sing. I know he didn't want a covers album, and actually I don't think it would have been Clive's first choice either. It was a matter of time because of the need to get something out there. I think that if anything mandated a covers album in 2006, it was the success of the JBT in 2005. I think that's the reason for the backup plan when the originals on track weren't lighting anyone's fire. Clay said that they originally were going to go with loves song covers from the 1950's. JBT all the way, IMO.

Anyway, I'm loving this tour so danged much that it has revitalized ATDW for me -- and I already loved it immensely. But now I listen to TOA over and over and over. And Without You freshly blows me away. Everything he sings in concert are now the ones I MUST hear. And while RHW, LNM, BW and EID were big favorites, I don't feel compelled to listen to them as much as the ones Clay is singing now. I think the label should release TOA as an AC single. I like that it doesn't have a piano intro, that it is dramatic, has excellent lyrics and melody, a beautiful string arrangement, and that Clay sings it like no other ever could.

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I believe the time line tells the story of ATDW. JMO..

Kelly played the ageism card and in the words of YSRN..It's really unbecoming. JMO.

And I wouldn't be surprised to learn the demo material coming in geared itself to the CCM market. And that was not going to fly. JMO.

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