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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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I'm such a sicko....I looked at that picture and imagined the image continued at the bottom. And with the expression on his face as an inspiration for my imagination, Clay's holding something that is of great interest to many of his fans....


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I'm such a sicko....I looked at that picture and imagined the image continued at the bottom. And with the expression on his face as an inspiration for my imagination, Clay's holding something that is of great interest to many of his fans....


OMG, muski!! You are a sicko!! :cryingwlaughter:

But a cute sicko!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Here are a few pretties from toni7babe and one from Permaswooned before I head to bed. They are guaranteed to give you good dreams!






'Night all!

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I'm such a sicko....I looked at that picture and imagined the image continued at the bottom. And with the expression on his face as an inspiration for my imagination, Clay's holding something that is of great interest to many of his fans....


The mic......right?

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COME HOME ANSA. LOL I'm working like a dog trying to catch up on FCA main...and it's going very slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly. I'm just reading many of the articles from the last week and a half. This quote cracked me up. I'm sure yuo discussed it. I'm so tickled.

Meadowbrook's videographer warned me that when the music started, the fans in the front row would do their best to get us to sit down. I was prepared for some snaky remarks. But I was not prepared for the army of gray-haired women who found it their duty to tell me and the others with cameras not once, not twice, but perhaps 20 times that "the flash hurts Clay's eyes."

For a second, I thought of asking them how they know this. I've been on Claymate sites. I have been to four Clay Aiken concerts. I didn't know his eyes hurt. But these women who looked like maniacal grandmothers (I swear one of them had a rolling pin in her hand) fancied themselves Clay's personal protectors.

Far be it from me to hurt Clayton's baby blues (or, really, greens). I turned off my flash but somehow that didn't assuage these women, who admonished, "That's quite enough" after we took three photographs.

The concert was great. The orchestra was great. But I was so freaked out by the Fake Clay Mommies that I didn't even get time to admire Clay's eyelashes.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Bwah!

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Got in a few hours ago, thankfully made the 5PM (7:30)plane instead of the 8PM(11) plane. Why wasthe plane that I missed the only one to take off on time? My luggage had made an earlier plane and was sittingthere waiting for me, but luckily noone stole the clack inside, hee.

Hmm, so may good recaps. I do think I have to title mine something else, like idbits or something like that.

EEEEE for sweating our asses off on Friday!!!! I guess I need some of that. I really, really wonder how they can do a show in that heat, but the show must go on!

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I was not prepared for the army of gray-haired women who found it their duty to tell me and the others with cameras not once, not twice, but perhaps 20 times that "the flash hurts Clay's eyes."

For a second, I thought of asking them how they know this. I've been on Claymate sites. I have been to four Clay Aiken concerts. I didn't know his eyes hurt. But these women who looked like maniacal grandmothers (I swear one of them had a rolling pin in her hand) fancied themselves Clay's personal protectors.

Far be it from me to hurt Clayton's baby blues (or, really, greens). I turned off my flash but somehow that didn't assuage these women, who admonished, "That's quite enough" after we took three photographs.

The concert was great. The orchestra was great. But I was so freaked out by the Fake Clay Mommies that I didn't even get time to admire Clay's eyelashes.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Bwah!

Bwha! That sounds very familiar to what happened to me at Meadowbrook. I was fiddling with my camera before the show, and the lady sitting right behind me tapped me on the shoulder to inform me that I needed to turn the flash off. This was right after I got handed a glowstick by somebody else and instructed to ONLY use it Because You Loved Me so the co-ordination between fans at the concert freaked me out. And I've been a part of this fandom since the beginning. Nothing should freak me out anymore, lol.

Although that comes after I got thwapped in the back of the head for, *gasp* *shock* *drama* standing UP during Clay's first song at the Chatauqua concert (I know, the horror!! How dare I!). I was so peeved. First of all, it's the opening number, I'm allowed to stand up and be excited because my boyfriend is up on stage looking and singing all sexy. Second, the people in front of me were standing so naturally, I followed suit. And finally, it was a general admission concert. You don't like staring at my big noggin? Then move!


Clay fans are crazy, yo. [/understatement]

[/using brackets and backslashes to end my sentences.]

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Yes, I'm up. What of it? Actually, it's a combination of me having ANOTHER weather related headache, and my husband being sleepless as well (job stress). Ugh.


WENN photos: Clay Aiken arrives at his Manhattan hotel 8-8-07

Dude...WTF is it with the CUTOFF cargo pants? I mean, really -- I know it's casual time and all, but I would think you could afford shorts with hems. Just sayin'. And I do love you dude.

OTOH -- and close your ears CG -- EEEEEEEEEE! Glasses!!!!!

Glad play made it to NC safe. Thanks jmh for the Cedar Point pictures -- nice avi. *g*

And sunburstoflight, that slash/bracket habit can be hard to break. I've been in therapy for a while now because of it. [/snark]

See, I told you I had a problem.

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And I've been a part of this fandom since the beginning. Nothing should freak me out anymore, lol.

Although that comes after I got thwapped in the back of the head for, *gasp* *shock* *drama* standing UP during Clay's first song at the Chatauqua concert (I know, the horror!! How dare I!). I was so peeved. First of all, it's the opening number, I'm allowed to stand up and be excited because my boyfriend is up on stage looking and singing all sexy. Second, the people in front of me were standing so naturally, I followed suit. And finally, it was a general admission concert. You don't like staring at my big noggin? Then move!

Amen to the bolded part! *includes self in the insanity* :imgtongue:

Second Clay concert I was ever at the man behind me kept yelling for me to sit down. It was the IT for crying out loud!...everyone was on their feet! I was in cheap seats by Clay standards, so if I sat down I wouldn't have seen anything, so I stood...but the ass ruined my show. I was so new. Luckily, I've been to a few concerts since. hee. :P

ldyjocelyn, I'm telling you...we're on the right track with this 'favorite pair of cargo pants' thing. With luck, he's going to wear them until they literally fall off his body. Think of it as a really slowwwwwwwwww [TM CA] strip tease. :hubbahubba:

ETA...ack! ack! ack!, I'm at the top of the page and I have a fear of heights...

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Yes, I'm up. What of it? Actually, it's a combination of me having ANOTHER weather related headache, and my husband being sleepless as well (job stress). Ugh.


WENN photos: Clay Aiken arrives at his Manhattan hotel 8-8-07

Dude...WTF is it with the CUTOFF cargo pants? I mean, really -- I know it's casual time and all, but I would think you could afford shorts with hems. Just sayin'. And I do love you dude.

OTOH -- and close your ears CG -- EEEEEEEEEE! Glasses!!!!!

OH, Manhattan! TV or record stuff? Either way, sounds like work which is good.

Nice to occasionally see the glasses again. But I have a question about the second to the last picture that shows a back view. Whre the heck did his butt go? Pancake city!


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Mmmmmm. Nice to wake up.

While the posted date is 08-08-07 .... it says date created 07-08-07. Maybe when he was in New York to meet w/Jesse and the stunt orchestra to put together the tour? eta...nope would be after Tulsa as pointed out...geesh I was at Tulsa...you'd think I'd remember... Or maybe it's that funky date first month second thingy. I dunno. The shorts :shrug: I'm sure they sell that way and my guess is they aren't cheap...bum chic. But does it look like different glasses to anyone else? Darker frames?

What? I only took a quick glance.


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ldyjocelyn, I'm telling you...we're on the right track with this 'favorite pair of cargo pants' thing. With luck, he's going to wear them until they literally fall off his body. Think of it as a really slowwwwwwwwww [TM CA] strip tease. :hubbahubba:

Good point. With any luck someone on his staff will wash those damn things and put them through the dryer 50 times in a row so to speed up the process. With my luck, I'll be 85 when they finally wear out...which means 1) Clay will be in his early 60's and probably won't be fitting into them anymore, because of his continued mac/cheese and Krispy Kreme diet *g*; and 2) I'll be too old to really care. (Or will I?)

ETA...ack! ack! ack!, I'm at the top of the page and I have a fear of heights...

couchie, we need to come up with some sort of prize or something to recognize those "top of the page" posters....

OH, Manhattan! TV or record stuff? Either way, sounds like work which is good.

Yeah, I think either option is a good thing.

Nice to occasionally see the glasses again. But I have a question about the second to the last picture that shows a back view. Whre the heck did his butt go? Pancake city!


Heh. I just knew the low-rider jeans were providing the ILLUSION of him having a butt. (However, I really like that illusion, so I hope he wears those low-riders a few more times....)

While the posted date is 08-08-07 .... it says date created 07-08-07. Maybe when he was in New York to meet w/Jesse and the stunt orchestra to put together the tour?

Good catch on the date. However, if the date truly is 7-8-07, this would have been immediately after the Tulsa show, and before his uncle's wedding. I like bottlecap's ideas about hashing out some details for his TV show or next record.

The shorts :shrug: I'm sure they sell that way and my guess is they aren't cheap...bum chic.

You're probably right. But at the same time, the man does like to recycle his STAGE clothes, let alone his casual duds.

But does it look like different glasses to anyone else? Darker frames?

I think they are. I've studied the pictures of him in glasses way too much, and these do look different. I like them.

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Mmmmmm. Nice to wake up.

While the posted date is 08-08-07 .... it says date created 07-08-07. Maybe when he was in New York to meet w/Jesse and the stunt orchestra to put together the tour? Or maybe it's that funky date first month second thingy.

The pictures get posted by date, and when you go to home on the site, they're with all the current stuff. I think the 8/8/07 - yesterday - is correct.

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The pictures get posted by date, and when you go to home on the site, they're with all the current stuff. I think the 8/8/07 - yesterday - is correct.

Man, I don't know....if you look at other pictures on this home page....some are dated 7-8-07, some are dated 8-8-07, and there's even one dated 9-8-07 (time travel much?). I think you may be right, though. It just seemed more logical to me for him to be arriving in Manhattan in early July, when he had that week break (and possibly more time to work) vs. arriving in Manhattan yesterday when he's gonna be leaving again probably tonight. I know, that's the life of a pop star -- quick trips and such -- and I've been known to be wrong from time to time.

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Clay is the Weekly Reader's featured celebrity of the month, just in time for back-to-school:


If you click on his picture on the front page, it takes you to a page about Clay:

Clay Aiken: An American Idol on a Mission

And at the end of that piece, there's a link that takes you to an interview:


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I am running behind on so many things!! I just skimmed the last 6 pages, thanks so much for all the cool photos and recaps. I didn't have time to read KAndre's but I saw some of the quoted parts and I'll have to save it for later!! Loved the pictures - love that car!!

Permaswooned got me permaswooned!

ANNOUNCEMENT!I totally FU and I have some Cary TABLE SEATS in excess. I am desperate to sell at HALF PRICE!

(I am keeping one in case it rains...)

PM me and I'll send you my cell phone number because......



:F_05BL17blowkiss: :TourExcite:

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Post-ho'ing to say - I just posted a couple of WALLPAPERS on my site........

Ooooo, pretty. Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:



That just sounds dirty, you know. *g*

Warning: whining ahead. I've been waiting patiently for clack from the Greek show, right before the introduction of WTLGD -- ie., Clay's "surprise" for Angela's parents. Where the hell is that clack?!?!?!?

OK, that's out of my system now. My apologies to the clack dealers/collectors. I don't normally whine...

CG, I continue to think about you and your father. Keep us posted!

Thank you jmh for that Weekly Reader article. Fairly good questions, great answers.

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Got in a few hours ago, thankfully made the 5PM (7:30)plane instead of the 8PM(11) plane. Why wasthe plane that I missed the only one to take off on time? My luggage had made an earlier plane and was sittingthere waiting for me, but luckily noone stole the clack inside, hee.

Hey! Glad you made it. We left at 6 am yesterday morning, and with a 45 minute delay at the Canada/US border, plus stops for lunch and dinner, we finally pulled into the driveway in Bailey NC at 10:45 pm. Almost 17 hours! Hee, next time I mention driving to NC, someone remind me, please. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

It's hot and sunny and probably humid but we haven't ventured outside of the A/C yet today. Just going to hang out with our best buds NCDonna and mandmlady today. Tomorrow, we look forward to meeting up with everyone at Lucky32 before the concert! :Tour3: :TourExcite: :DoClay:

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posted by dab1119 at the CB.

Clay left NYC yesterday(Wednesday). I saw him at the airport waiting for his flight to Raleigh. I was on stand-by for the same flight, but did not get on. He was alone. He was escorted on the plane by a VIP rep & was the first one on it.

...so at least we know where he's not...and hopefully, that they were making sure he had a lot of leg room. lol

Safe travels for all those heading south!!!

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