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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Welcome back FCAers, I'm so happy you all got to have this wonderful experience, but you really have been missed. I can't wait to read all of the recaps.

:7254: To YSRN

Claygasm, sorry to hear about your dad, I'll keep him in my thoughts

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Yes, I'm postwhoring. Mea Culpa. But I didn't want to mix business with pleasure...so to speak. I have a question, favor, plea? Take your pick. Someone (and I do believe it was the birthday girl herself!) posted this wonderful photo from the Houston concert by zippy and I made it my desktop background faster than you can say "YUM!" Now I've tried to make it my avatar, but as you can see, it doesn't translate too well. Is there someone who can either explain to me (beware! I am technologically-challenged) or recreate for me by editing it a bit so one sees more face (though look at that body! oy) and make a new avatar for me? I would be forever and eternally grateful. And I promise to never steal another avatar ever again. <crosses heart>


Teach, I'm pretty sure the text running across the bottom of that pic includes the words, "Do not crop." That means don't do what you are asking someone to do. I think it's a good idea to respect the photographer's request, and I'm sure you do too.

Besides, there's a poor lonely avi around that has no home because you had a little fling with it and then tossed it aside without another thought. Sniff.

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jmh123 said:

Teach, I'm pretty sure the text running across the bottom of that pic includes the words, "Do not crop." That means don't do what you are asking someone to do. I think it's a good idea to respect the photographer's request, and I'm sure you do too.

Well, crap, I'm batting a hundred here, aren't I? Of course I want to respect the wishes of the photographer; I just need to learn how to read that's all (or get me some stronger trifocals...ugh.)

Besides, there's a poor lonely avi around that has no home because you had a little fling with it and then tossed it aside without another thought. Sniff.

You're right; if I'm gonna steal somethin' the least I can do is covet it like it deserves. Consider it done.

Now, about that Clay Aiken guy - doncha just love that he's giving us some time off from his tour so I can get myself into all kinds of trouble? :rolleyes:

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Besides, there's a poor lonely avi around that has no home because you had a little fling with it and then tossed it aside without another thought. Sniff.

You're right; if I'm gonna steal somethin' the least I can do is covet it like it deserves. Consider it done.

YAY!!!!! Jumps all over Teach and smothers her with sloppy kisses. Now please postwhore like crazy so I can see the purdy a lot!!!!

Babes, you are batting a thousand any old way, purdy avi, or no avi. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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For a while there, I thought I was post-hoing...and then I figured out it was because I just loved watching my avatar. Over.and.over.and.over. *g*

I'm just glad I was able to provide a few avatars. My photoshop skills are limited at best...but I do know how to crop. And thankfully, photobucket is so good at resizing stuff.

I'm loving all the new avatars I'm seeing around here. Even play got a new one!

stpteach, I hear ya about the "break in the action" (and getting into trouble, hee). It's nice to have a few days to catch my breath, watch the new clack, and just drink in Clay Aiken vicariously through clack. Clack -- the next best thing to being there.

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Thanks, everyone!

I had a 6am conference call for my birthday wakeup. Need.more.coffee! lotsocoffee.gif

Did I mention :hubbahubba: ? Thanks ldyj! eta... bwah! When I try to read Clay's lips in you avvy it looks like he says, "Maybe we should get coffee". (hatesss the punctuation inside the quotes; don't care if it's "right".)

IneedaClaybotomy's Indio M&G recap:

He makes eye contact with everyone while he's talking. And not just eye contact. Look right through you eye contact. I'm reeeeeeellly exhausted just now, but I typed a little recap to someone in a PM so I reckon it'll work to paste it here:

LOL!! It was veeerrrrrrry goooood!!! I keep replaying it in my head over and over and over. Certain ex-pressions he made, mannerisms, the way the light caught his eyes (as they bored right through me), the stubble 8 inches from my face, the haaaaaaaands while he was talking, his pouty lips while he was concentrating on something, the sound of his voice actually talking to meeeeeee, the feel of his hand holding mine, the feel of being snugged up under his arm with my head on his chest...gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I was so lucky that the camera was having problems so we had to stand all mooshed up together for an extra long time! I told Jamie to just take her sweet time getting it fixed....

He was very welcoming, and all the nerves that were holding a ping-pong tournament in my stomach just disappeared when we walked into the room.

Before we went in though, Jerome came out to get us and tried to "sort us out" a little. Said he was trying to assess the crowd to determine if we were hyper or calm. He went to each person (there were five of us) and stated his impression. He came to me last and said very slowly "you I'm a little concerned with" I nearly died laughing! He said I was too quiet and didn't ask questions or anything and he couldn't figure me out. I said I was just trying to be the Invisible Woman so I didn't do something wrong!!

So off we went. It was very relaxed...he just shook our hands and invited us to sit on the couches that were there. Asked us our names and where we were from, then we got to ask questions. It was more conversational than anything. Every question lead to a little discussion....and we were able to ask as many as we wanted to in the time we had. I asked three and ran out of questions! (Well, ones that are appropriate that wouldn't scare the crap out of him, anyway! lol ) I asked him what happened to Boo from the Y camp....he said he honestly didn't know, but that now he felt bad that he didn't so he was going to research it and find out. Said he wouldn't dare go back to that area unless he was in a Y bus, but that he'd find out somehow!

I also asked what was the worst book he ever read, and did he finish it. His first answer was "Learning to Sing. " Then he got serious and said any book in school that he was forced to read...but if he had to pick one he'd go with Siddartha. Hated it. That and "any of that Dickens crap. " He doesn't get into symbolism and doesn't want to have to "think" when he reads.

Then I asked him what the design was on his new ring. It says "Use your voice" in Latin and he got it from a fan.

Others asked about the next tour (he alluded to possibly next summer for that,) the possibilty of doing a duet with one of the girls on the next CD (he and Quiana originally recorded IWTKWLI but the label wanted someone else,) and what he thought of Brazil (he hated it. Said the whole place smelled of urine and that he couldn't believe that you're allowed to just pee in the street there! ) Someone also asked if he was studying for "5th grader" and he said he wasn't and felt pretty comfortable....unless they started in on science ("i'm screwed" ) and math ("that could be a problem" )

We gave him grief about not coming to tour in the west enough...

Then he signed our stuff...took him forever to figure out the right-side-up of the picture I gave him...then Jerome asked if he could see it so he could see why it was so complicated! It was a close up black and white picture of his gorgeous hands with the mic stand between them, fingers outstretched. After many attempts to find the right way, every one in the room said "thumbs go up, Clay!"

The picture was the best. He looked deliciously like he had just rolled out of bed...all scruffy and stubbled and bed-headed. But the best part was, as I said, the snuggly part. I think I was the luckiest....cuz even though a couple got full hugs and one got a kiss on the cheek (he was trying to get her in trouble,) I got to hold him for the longest time. It was HEAVEN. I could have seriously stayed like that forever. His right arm was around my waist pulling me in tightly and he held my right hand in his left. It was a typical prom pose...I snuggled my head so deep that I think the collar of his shirt covered my eye in the picture! But Who. Cares.....the picture ain't about seeing ME!

All in all, it was about 30 minutes with him I think. Truly wonderful.

And the concerts? OMG. Awesome. Incredible. Hysterical. Amazing!!!

Aww, Clay doesn't like one of my favorite books? But I gotta agree on the "Dickens crap"... LOL! He does have a way with words, no? Hee. And no symbolism? What? Next he's gonna try to tell me he doesn't blog in code!! Hmpfh!

Edited by YSRN
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Aww, Clay doesn't like one of my favorite books? But I gotta agree on the "Dickens crap"... LOL! He does have a way with words, no? Hee. And no symbolism? What? Next he's gonna try to tell me he doesn't blog in code!! Hmpfh!

bwah....my first thought! Happy Birthday sweetie.

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As an English major and a former English teacher, I pfftt! at Clay's disdain of Mr. Dickens! I LIKE Mr. Dickens! And although I can understand his pfftt! at Siddhartha, the book, I do love Siddhartha, the way...

Back in my office...sigh...am afraid to open my email :scream:

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eta... bwah! When I try to read Clay's lips in you avvy it looks like he says, "Maybe we should get coffee".

Which of course, can't be right, since the whole problem with coffee and such for Clay. You do know what he's saying, right? "But I appreciate the offer." (If I remember correctly, it has to do with someone further in the back of the hall offering him a chance to sit with them....)

Coffee. Offer. Not bad lip reading, actually.

Aww, Clay doesn't like one of my favorite books? But I gotta agree on the "Dickens crap"... LOL! He does have a way with words, no? Hee.

Aw man...Dickens was one of the few manadatory authors in high school that I actually liked -- a LOT. (But never, ever ask me about "Moby Dick," OK?) Never even touched "Siddartha," don't even really know what it's about. Bad librarian, right?

And no symbolism? What? Next he's gonna try to tell me he doesn't blog in code!! Hmpfh!


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Dear lord, the man is just perfect for me...just TELL me what ya wanna say!

Ahem, my iGallop has been delivered to my apartment! My apartment manager is laughing her ASS off at me...

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Dear lord, the man is just perfect for me...just TELL me what ya wanna say!

Ahem, my iGallop has been delivered to my apartment! My apartment manager is laughing her ASS off at me...

ok I missed soemthing. What the hell is an iGallop?

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Dear lord, the man is just perfect for me...just TELL me what ya wanna say!

Ahem, my iGallop has been delivered to my apartment! My apartment manager is laughing her ASS off at me...

*snort* She's not the only one.


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Then I asked him what the design was on his new ring. It says "Use your voice" in Latin and he got it from a fan.

I guess he doesn't like this fan. I gave him a Titanium bracelet in Tulsa. Maybe I should of had WWJD engraved on it. He wore that bracelet for 3 years. :cryingwlaughter: Nah. More than likely venue security kept it and it never reached Clay. Lesson learned. That's the 1st and last time I will ever do that again. *curses Jerome for not being available.*

Well I finally have a few minutes to say Welcome back to all our weary traveling FCAers. Missed you guys. I've missed everyone really. I have my last load of clothes in the dryer and all my housework done. I just have my hair to color before company. It grows faster than weeds. :clap:

claygasm I sure hope all is well with your dad.....{{{hugs}}}

Welcome to all the newbies.

KAndre we all know the real reason you got an igallop. Let us know if it works. :cryingwlaughter:

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Aw, it's YSRN's birthday? Happy birthday, chicka!!! :00000430: Wanna blowpop?

LOL!! It was veeerrrrrrry goooood!!! I keep replaying it in my head over and over and over. Certain ex-pressions he made, mannerisms, the way the light caught his eyes (as they bored right through me), the stubble 8 inches from my face, the haaaaaaaands while he was talking, his pouty lips while he was concentrating on something, the sound of his voice actually talking to meeeeeee, the feel of his hand holding mine, the feel of being snugged up under his arm with my head on his chest...gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Is it wrong that I licked the screen after I read that? :unsure:

The picture was the best. He looked deliciously like he had just rolled out of bed...all scruffy and stubbled and bed-headed. But the best part was, as I said, the snuggly part. I think I was the luckiest....cuz even though a couple got full hugs and one got a kiss on the cheek (he was trying to get her in trouble,) I got to hold him for the longest time. It was HEAVEN. I could have seriously stayed like that forever. His right arm was around my waist pulling me in tightly and he held my right hand in his left. It was a typical prom pose...I snuggled my head so deep that I think the collar of his shirt covered my eye in the picture! But Who. Cares.....the picture ain't about seeing ME!

Annnd again?

*wipes slober off laptop screen*

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the hands.

As soon as I get home to my laptop, I'm going to crop that picture of his hands on that microphone and make it my new avie...

So everyone else? HANDS off! :medium-smiley-070:



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