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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Thanks Cindylu! I don't have a CH key. Been getting my clack from CU, but I will look for Scruffy's montages - I know I enjoyed them early this year.

Yes, Gibby, sometimes being a parent is not fun at all. It was more fun when they were younger and their problems were littler.

I've been sitting at home (although the gym would be a better place than the couch!) watching Clack with my headphones on, and my kids have been laughing at me because I am giggling and laughing so much. He just cracks me up. It's been nice to have something/someone who makes me laugh at a time when real life can make me cry.

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Just wanted to pop in real quick and again say thank you for all the warm welcomes.

And for all the great pictures and recaps people bring over.

Still trying to catch up.

Gibby Thanks for bring over all those "delicious" collage of pictures.

I haven't had much of a chance this tour to copy and save them-and you made it quite easy-all of those are to die for. :Thud:

I really enjoyed this tour and I'm sad it's over

totally hugs to you my dear

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I have one simple question that hopefully a member here can answer for me.

Did booing take place at last night's concert?

I am reading conflicting written opinions..

I am not a huge clack fan and rarely enter the Clack Unlimited site...

And honestly, I haven't seen any reports that this specific event was recorded by the "goddesses" or submitted for viewing...

(Although I will be forever grateful to the individual who filmed TITN in Raleigh, I have grown to have issues with clack)...

So, if someone could respond that attended last night...I would appreciate it!


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Quick answer (as I am mentally composing my recap. Slooooooooowly. With white space too!)

Yes, there was booing by a "famous" member of the Clay Nation when Clay mentioned Ethel. I walked up to her and asked her if she did this. She said yes. I walked off. There was nothing to say to her, because she was certainly old enough to know this was bad behaviour, and simply didn't care. Too many people have said, "oh, she's just bitchy on the boards - she's really nice in person." No, that was nasty bitchery in person too. I though it was amazingly lacking in class, courtesy and common decency - and hypocritical as well, since she was being just as famewhorish as anything Ethel has done. I'm quite sure she's getting her little "props" in private (and some in public) - which is why Clay's extremely pointed snark ("Don't you like black people") was so apropos.

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Quick answer (as I am mentally composing my recap. Slooooooooowly. With white space too!)

Yes, there was booing by a "famous" member of the Clay Nation when Clay mentioned Ethel. I walked up to her and asked her if she did this. She said yes. I walked off. There was nothing to say to her, because she was certainly old enough to know this was bad behaviour, and simply didn't care. Too many people have said, "oh, she's just bitchy on the boards - she's really nice in person." No, that was nasty bitchery in person too. I though it was amazingly lacking in class, courtesy and common decency - and hypocritical as well, since she was being just as famewhorish as anything Ethel has done. I'm quite sure she's getting her little "props" in private (and some in public) - which is why Clay's extremely pointed snark ("Don't you like black people") was so apropos.

Thanks for the explanation. But this is not the first time that some members of the audience had no qualms in showing their displeasure with the attention Ethel gets. I remember Couchie's account of the very loud grumblings during the JBT Atlantic City.

I love the fact that Clay is not afraid to speak his mind...

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Thank you KAndre...I appreciate you responding!

A shame that the last night of this concert circuit ended in this fashion.

Regardless of those who have bloodied the past year and half, I will always treasure ATDW and this specific tour that supported this effort.

Without You was one of the greatest vocal styling performances I have ever witnessed live.

Clay delivered with his glory chords...and I love his flipping glutes for doing so....


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I haven't seen any reports that this specific event was recorded by the "goddesses" or submitted for viewing...

Yes, quite a few clackgatherers were able to get their cameras in past the metal detectors last night, thankfully! There is plenty of clack. I just watched BYLM and I still haven't recovered enough to watch anything else. Wow, that was emotional.

KAndre, that was very enlightening, thank you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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QUOTE(Ansamcw @ Aug 20 2007, 02:41 PM) *

Thanks for the explanation. But this is not the first time that some members of the audience had no qualms in showing their displeasure with the attention Ethel gets. I remember Couchie's account of the very loud grumblings during the JBT Atlantic City.

I love the fact that Clay is not afraid to speak his mind...

Ditto for me. I'm glad you walked off, KAndre. To boo (Ethel? Clay? Both?) in concert is classless, and I'm glad Clay called her out on it. If she wasn't afraid to express her distaste in a public manner, she shouldn't be shocked to be dressed down in public.

I do think that Clay was addressing the "meanness" directed toward Ethel more than the mere displeasure. Booing is mean, and I suspect there have been comments on other boards that are much nastier than they should be. I can only imagine what Ethel has encountered in person. I understand why not everyone approves of her behavior in concerts or in the bus lines, but some seem to truly hate her.

ETA: According to Raleighlady at CV, regarding the boo-er:

Clay also sent Jerome at intermission to talk to the person and offer her money back.

Totally, I wish you strength and wisdom during this very difficult time.

Ding Dang it....Sorry JennaZ (KAndre)

ETA2: To fix formatting. ;)

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A great story from cindydoe at CV. I assume she lives in the Raleigh area:

I checked with admins and they thought it was ok to post, so here goes....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clay was on our flight home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where is that hyperventilate emoticon when you need it??? As we sat on the plane, NCClayfan had just said to me, "As long as that door is open, there is still hope." 10 seconds later, there he is! Of course, we didn't say anything, but he had to notice the difference in cabin pressure as the three of us gasped for breath at the same time.

I'm sure I'll have a bruise on my arm and leg tomorrow from the two Mary Ann's. He sat 4 rows behind us and across the isle with Jamie. He was in the window seat. We did not turn around to stare, that was hard ya'll!

When the stewardess came with drinks, we jokingly and quietly asked her if we could have Clay Aiken's cup. She said, "So that was him! I thought it looked like him!" Hee..

We wondered if he would be at baggage check, what should we say to him, if anything. We decided we would get off the plane as usual and give him his privacy. But, we did write a note on our Delta napkin:

It read:

Thanks for the tour, it was " Off the Chain!"

We got off the plane and asked the stewardess if she would give it him, she said she would. We got to where he couldn't see us, and peeped though a tiny window and watched as he stood in the door of the plane and read "our" note.

Yes, we are 12 years old!

He was wearing cargo shorts(shock, I know) and a white polo shirt, and clean fluffy hair.

That was certainly the icing on our sweet cake of a weekend!!!

NCClayfan elaborated a bit about the note passing:

I was looking out the tiny peep hole giving a play by play, "He's in the doorway. She handeded it him. He's reading it" After he read it he looked up and I am pretty sure I saw a smile. He held the note in his hand as he went over to claim his bag that was on a rolling cart beside the plane. As he headed out to the awaiting car, he still hand it in his hand.

Love the silently squealing, note-passing, but privacy-respecting "12 year-olds"!

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BTW...I just watched last nights BYLM...and that was truly emotional. Clay sang it slowly and I really thought that he was having a hard time controlling his emotions.

I love how he really looked at the audience, as if memorizing them and taking it all in...that is one man that truly appreciates his fans.

Now appreciation does not mean he give his life to the fans...or that he will follow what the fans want .... or that he won't get frustrated with us. But I think he has accepted the fact that we are in his life and that we love and support him.

sniff....I feel out of sorts...what will I do now without a cellcert...

(((totally and family)))

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I wonder if the "offer" included that person leaving the show? Now that would have been well deserved karma if they had been escorted out. Hey, this was an orchestra tour, it was suupposed to be "classy". I even got dressed up for some of the concerts (except in the broiling heat.) I wore heels!

Thanks KAndre. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't one of the people involved in the judgemental attack on posters at another board a short, but still stinging, while ago. I know that at least more than one person considered board suicide over that one because they were included for making a suggestion to move a comma (as it should have been moved to clarify).

ETA - passing notes so cool and unobtursive - now that was classy

ETAa - Totally - hard as it is , I am sure you know - better now than later. Sorry. Wish I had done that before my wedding.

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Aw, what a cute story by cindydoe! I love it that they were able to give Clay a note, but yet were discreet and didn't approach him. Now that's great fan behavior!

Thanks for the clarification, KAndre. I, too, heard conflicting opinions about what happened last night. In fact, somewhere I read that it was Q or A who asked the question about prejudice. I was hoping to hear a first-hand account to hear what really happened. I'm glad Clay spoke his mind. Booing in a public concert is classless. Like play, I have a good idea who did the booing. I wonder if I'm right - her screenname just might rhyme with someone's screenname here.

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rhyming name - I love a challenge - like say Libby (as in fruit or as in convicted felons? He does have a history of bad behavior), sadie Botulin?, day filler?, leaping wraith?, cart test?, right my tire? throttle lap? trickiest1?

eh, the rest are too hard.

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I'm home!!!!

And look at my cool new avie courtesy of the amazing and wonderful Gibby! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

It was a fun trip. Its always fun being with my darling muski and with my wonderful lurker friend Becky and it was wonderful having the two of them together. I think karaoke night in the bar at WPB was the most fun I have had in a long time.

Clay was, as always, more than worth the trip and the money. He was as funny as I have ever heard him in Tampa. His voice was sublime in WPB and he even got his yammy face in Orlando.

And it was great seeing FCAers. This tour will always be special to me because I have met so many of the bestest fans on any board any where (and that's my opinion and I am sticking to it!!!).

I am sad its over, but know there are many more good times to come!

Now, I have to do laundry, find something to eat, catch up with posts, save lots of pretty pictures and download clack!

Oh right. And go to work tomorrow......... :RedGuy:

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From SueBee12 at CH. I've bolded the parts I found most interesting:

Warning!!!! Long post ahead. Here is my Meet and Greet report from the Orlando concert! I still don't believe I had such luck to win one...what a day. So hang on! I don't post much but when I do, watch out!

Orlando Meet and Greet

Hang on to your seats, this will be a long post! I took notes as soon as I left the room...hope I remembered everything. First of all, let me tell you getting to the Hard Rock Live is a feat in itself! Thank goodness for Kimiye for posting the general layout of Universal. Nowhere on any of the signs is the HRC or HRL mentioned, only Citywalk. I have not been to Universal in years so let me tell you it was an adventure finding the place. After finally getting parked, the trek began! People movers, hot sidewalks and crowds of people stood between me and my M and G with Clay. The first thing I did when I finally arrived at the HRL was to check the box office. I asked if the M and G passes were there yet...the woman shook her head no. Then I asked if there were any good seats that had come up, and again she shook her head no. Actually any question I asked her, she shook her head no, so I kinda' gave up at that point. As I turned to figure out what to do next(mind you, it was still early even using Clay time) I literally ran into Jerome. He said the soundcheck was just starting and that the passes would not be there for a while. Since I was literally melting, we decided to check the HRC. We had priority seating that we had missed but it didn't look at all busy so asked of we could still get in without waiting. Yep, they still had us listed and took us in. Now neither my friend nor I were the least bit hungry(wonder why?), we had to order something to kill time and allow me to cool off a bit. We managed this pretty easily with the help of a friendly waitress and soon it was time to go check out the M and G pass situation. They were there!!!! And how cute is Clay on a tractor! I do think his tractor is SEXY! Several of the other folks were there and we all got hot and sweaty again waiting for Jerome. By the time he arrived, there were 8 of us...two missing. He said we would wait a bit so a couple of the others had their photo taken with Jerome. It was at this point that he said there would be no cameras allowed. It was not Clay's policy but the HRL and he said he didn't argue with the various venues, about the camera policy. He finally told us it was time to go....and surprisingly I was not at all nervous. We climbed this long flight of stairs taking us to the third floor of the HRL and entered a really pretty room that we later found out was the John Lennon room. White couches and chairs, a huge glass coffee table and a bar(none of us had a drink,...Clay would be enough to get us drunk!) John's white piano was there and the keys were signed by performers along with lots of photos and gold records of John's. We waited some more while Jerome did give us the "rules" for them M and G but tonight he added one additional "suggestion" from him. "Don't ask stupid questions because then Clay gets bored...questions like, your favorite color, book, music, etc.) He implied that the M and G would go on longer with different, interesting questions. He asked us to put our gifts for Clay on the table behind the couch I was on and he left to get Clay. (The last two folks arrived a bit after 6, huffing and puffing!) And just in time for Clay's entrance. Jerome,a security guard from the HRL, Mary, Jamie and CLAY! He was wearing his white Fifty2Thirty shirt, the famous khaki cargo shorts and his sandals. His hair looked beautiful, all fluffy and shiny filled with gorgeous streaks(yes, of course I looked!) Later when I was closer(swoon) I noticed the sprinkling of freckles across his cheeks and nose and the slight stubble.

He walked over to us and shook hands and asked each of our names (pretty easy for him this particular night since there were 3 Sandi's!) He then sat down in a chair across from us and asked us where we were all from. It was a mix of Florida, NC,MA ,AL and VA. At this point, the woman from MA mentioned that she worked in NC beautifying the state. He looked at her and asked how which caused the conversation to veer off to the situation with the Dorothea Dix hospital. Since Clay signed a petition stating that he thought it should be park, not a housing development, he has been contacted by the group to help them. He said he really didn't care that much about it and that he wasn't going door to door for them...can you imagine opening your door to Clay?*g* At this point someone asked him how his butt was from last night's fall. He said he wasn't sore at all, and that he hurt himself much more when he fell on his knees. He said that Jerome's reaction was bigger than his. Jerome was over by the door and he had this grin on his face that was really cute. You could tell he really likes Clay from his reaction. Clay did ask if there was any video on the message boards of the fall. He really doesn't care if we as a "family" see it but that he doesn't want it to go out where Inside Edition, etc, can use it. He is just tired of all the crap.

He then asked for questions...first one was "did he know that there was a drinking game going on that one had to take a drink every time he said CRAP". He thought a minute, and said no, but that he didn't think CRAP was a bad word. It was at this point that he grinned and mentioned that he had said "....." last night leaving a blank for us to fill in with the word BALLS! Again, he said that was not a dirty word, only that we had dirty minds! He said he was thinking of tennis balls...so I said, you were thinking of fuzzy balls?, and he said NO, there you go with your dirty minds again and grinned!

I then got to ask my first question. I wanted to know why he liked striped socks so much.He said that there was no reason other than they were fun and he loved Paul Smith's stuff. He said he got tired of matching socks, and finally decided to just put on what he found laying around. Now the woman who cooks and does his laundry is helping him out by matching up some of the weirdest combinations he has ever seen! I did check last night, and he was wearing mix-matched socks as has been noted by someone in a post.

The two late-comers, the winners of the Ticketmaster auction, were a mother and daughter combo. The mother stated her daughter wanted to be a singer and did Clay have any advice for her. At first he said he didn't but then asked what she liked to sing and when she listed a wide list of stuff like jazz, pop, etc, he told her to find a genre she liked and stay with it, don't sing every style there is out there. At this point, he mentioned that Jesse had certain styles he likes and wanted Clay to use them in the Christmas show but Clay said that folks expect certain things from him in concert and he wasn't going to change it up that much.

The next question was a strange on to me, until Clay finally explained it.(After the M and G, I asked a couple of the others if they had understood the question, and they, too, were confused until Clay clarified!) The question was "Are you monkish?" and he said we would have to ask Mary. She must have immediately understood because she said Yes, to a certain extent. It was at this point that he explained that the question was, "Are you Monkish" referring to OCD(obessesive-compulsive disorder) from the TV show Monk. He said that he thought everyone had a bit of OCD in them. so yes, he was to an extent.

Next question up was "Did he or any of his people read the boards?" He said that Quiana reads them sometimes but he didn't have anyone read them regularly. He sometimes reads right after he blogs, and maybe looks around a little bit but doesn't check frequently. He then mentioned he gets a kick out of the fact that people think he changes things around because he reads stuff on the boards. He told us we didn't have that kind of power over him. He changes things that need changing because he wants to.

At this point, he wanted us to line up for photos and he asked that we please stay in the order we were called so that everyone got the correct photo. He told us to continue with questions once we got in line...someone tried to ask one then and he told them to do as he had told us and wait in line! People were still not in the correct order so he had to move those in the back of the line to where they beonged...told us it was like kindergarten!

The first photo person asked him about his meetings in NY to which he replied "it was none of our business"! OOPS. He then added that they were business meetings and why were we interested anyway! Guess he knows we are really nosey! I was next and I asked him who came up with the Horse skit on Kimmel. Now you have to understand that at this point I am inches away from him and it is amazing to me that I remember what he said! He had reached to put his arm around me, and was talking the whole time. It was his idea to have him come in on a donkey because of his experience in Afghanistan, but that a horse was finally settled on(I am imagining that a donkey would have been impossible to handle). We talked about how funny it was that Jimmy was asking him questions as though there were no horse there and he said that was the point. At this point, I was looking at him while he answered and he and Jamie told me to look at the camera! FLASH, and darn it, he moved his arm from around me.

The next couple of people didn't have questions and then came one about what did he think of Kelly's new album. He quickly replied that he thought it was "interesting". He didn't say anything else about the music itself but that he was glad she fought for what she believed in.

Unfortunately the M and G was drawing to an end. It was amazing because we were all so comfortable with him. It was like sitting around his living room just chatting with him. As he got up to leave the room, I told him that several people asked me to tell him they wanted him to keep blogging with what is going on so that people won't make things up. He laughed and said his blogging wouldn't stop that...the fans would still read what they wanted to into what he had written but he would try to do better with his blogging. And he left the room taking his charm, good humor and beauty with him.

Mary and Jamie stayed around for a bit. Explained about the photos and that the ones that seem to be taking the longest to be emailed were the ones from the BAF. They send the Fan Club photos to someone on the OFC to send out and the auction winners to the BAF. It was asked if there were really only 3000 posters and Mary assured us there were. Someone else asked if the M and G names were truly random, and again Mary said yes, they are drawn randomly. Jamie said that some of them wanted to go to Disney today but that Clay wanted to go home. They headed off to work,and we headed down to the wait to go in the venue where they let the M and G folks in the theater first.

It was a fantastic day that I don't think I will ever forget. I honestly never thought I would get to meet Clay and it was so laid back and "normal" that it was all that much better.Whew, I told you I would be long winded but I tried to cover everything I could remember. Even though I reported what went on, you had to be there to see Clay and his reactions. He was just as funny as he is on stage but he can be serious, too, like when he was talking about the "butt fall" and it being posted on the boards. All in all, it was a day to I will never forget. Hope I didn't bore y'all to tears with this long post!! Now I have to start on my Florida 4-play experiences!

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I then got to ask my first question. I wanted to know why he liked striped socks so much.He said that there was no reason other than they were fun and he loved Paul Smith's stuff. He said he got tired of matching socks, and finally decided to just put on what he found laying around. Now the woman who cooks and does his laundry is helping him out by matching up some of the weirdest combinations he has ever seen! I did check last night, and he was wearing mix-matched socks as has been noted by someone in a post.

As a fan of the striped socks, I love this. I'm glad someone asked him this question (thanks suebee!), and find it so "guy" that he just picks up whatever is around.

The first photo person asked him about his meetings in NY to which he replied "it was none of our business"! OOPS. He then added that they were business meetings and why were we interested anyway!

Thank you Clay. I'm not one to want to know his "business," just that I want him to be successful. But I know for some of the fans, their fandom revolves around his business dealings. Just doesn't sound like that much FUN to me, and from this answer, I get the feeling that Clay doesn't really want people to know that much either.

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He then mentioned he gets a kick out of the fact that people think he changes things around because he reads stuff on the boards. He told us we didn't have that kind of power over him. He changes things that need changing because he wants to.

Cough* Someone needs to read his own blogs. Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I refer you to Mr. Aiken's blog of 6/9/07 were the defendant clearly states that he has read fan opinions online and made changes accordingly.

Paper trials, Aiken. They're a bitch. :imgtongue:

And while you're re-reading your blogs, dude, you might want to check out your 6/28/07 post about being in NYC with Jesse and the rehearsal orchestra listening to the songs for the DCAT. That implies to me that you spent just a little bit more time on rehearsing than the single day in your living room that you referred to in your banter last night.

Snort. :cryingwlaughter:

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He then mentioned he gets a kick out of the fact that people think he changes things around because he reads stuff on the boards. He told us we didn't have that kind of power over him. He changes things that need changing because he wants to.

Cough* Someone needs to read his own blogs. Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I refer you to Mr. Aiken's blog of 6/9/07 were the defendant clearly states that he has read fan opinions online and made changes accordingly.

Paper trials, Aiken. They're a bitch. :imgtongue:

And while you're re-reading your blogs, dude, you might want to check out your 6/28/07 post about being in NYC with Jesse and the rehearsal orchestra listening to the songs for the DCAT. That implies to me that you spent just a little bit more time on rehearsing than the single day in your living room that you referred to in your banter last night.

Snort. :cryingwlaughter:

Something tells me the blog was meant to pacify a fairly crazed fandom - well chosen words. The M&G, probably a tad more... organic. Either way - between this M&G report and Clay laying it out for the 'boo-er' in the audience... oh yeah, I'd do him.


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