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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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I got an "A"! :Tour3:

boarding pass

'Mornin', FCA! one more day at work and one more sleep in my bed and then it's

:TourExcite: :Tour3: :DoClay:

I swear, I was reading that recap from last night and that man CMSU! Volvo! Boob bug! Without a car!

CMSU, I tell ya! :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

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Please, God, someone tell me how I am supposed to work while the tears are streaming down my face. :cryingwlaughter: I can't get past this bat banter from Asheville. I remember just about peeing my pants when I was there, but it's even funnier hearing it on the audio. I've rewound it 3 times so far!

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M&G report from CV:

Atlanta August 15, 2007

I just realized it's a terrifying process to write a Meet and Greet recap! I want to be accurate! But my memories are filtered through a happy haze of meeting Clay and may be incomplete.

I had a fanclub meet and greet at Atlanta. There were six OFC winners and four auction winners. We stood outside of the box office in the 100 degree heat until it opened around 6 pm and picked up our "tractor badges". So funny, no one put them on, we just wanted to save them unused. Jerome literally appeared a few moments later and checked the numbers in the group and led us down some steps to a lower parking lot where the tour bus was parked. There we were told the "rules" of no cameras, one signed item, no touching Clay. Jerome was really cute-he told us that he couldn't name all of the body parts we couldn't touch and that "He is going to hug you."

Then thank goodness, we went inside to an air-conditioned room. Jerome even asked if anyone needed to go to the bathroom! The room had a couch, loveseat and several folding chairs in a semi-circle plus a coffee table, end tables and another kind of sofa table. Food was out and there were coolers with beverages and Jerome offered us a bottled water. He told us to put any presents on an end table and then left. We sat grinning a bit nervously and waited just a few minutes.

The door opened and in walked Clay! Looking mighty fine! Parted hair, little bit of makeup, clean-shaven (my personal favorite!), slim and tall, tan 5230 polo (maybe tucked in? pictures will have to confirm), dark not-ratty (!) cargo pants, and the criss-cross sandals. Jerome, Mary and Jamie were also there. A warm "hi" and then he went around the room and shook everyone's hand and asked us our name.

When he sat down, he commented that one of the ladies in a folding chair was slightly behind him and she told him she had been kicked off the couch (not really!) and he asked why. I told him we were hot and sweaty and that there were indoor venues in the South.

Then Clay went into a story of how hot it was in Cary and that Asheville was better but the bugs were bad. Now sadly, I must confess that I am "batwoman". I didn't bring any presents but I had printed off a page about Chimney swift (slang chimney sweep) birds and addressed it to Quiana and Angela telling them they were birds, not bats and GOOD birds that ate bugs! I picked up the page off the gift table and told Clay that the things at Biltmore were birds, not bats. He adamantly disagreed! And asked everyome else "Who thinks they were bats" and EVERYONE raised their hand. Then he asked "Who thinks they were birds" and I was the only one! He smirked that everyone agreed with him and I smirked right back that would he rather be agreed with or be right!! I told him he needed to be right on the fifth grader show!

Now the rest of my account may be out of order. I told my husband that Clay was a great politician but he said no, Clay was a great teacher, engaging the whole "class". Most people asked a question and if someone hadn't talked much, he talked to them. I am not sure if we had a shorter meet and greet than some others or whether it was because Clay talked alot and was comprehensive in his answers but it seemed like the time flew!

In no particular order:

Someone asked how he and Jimmy Kimmel became such good friends and he said that he had heard that Jimmy had made jokes about him and when he was asked to be on the show that he was such a good sport about the fight scene that they became friends right away. He said other shows had asked him to do a fight scene and mentioned Conan O'Brien by name and said other celebrities had asked Jimmy to do a similar skit but they both would not. One of my fellow Georgia Claymates told him that we had just gotten Jimmy's show in Atlanta and that Jimmy had given Clay the credit. Clay said they just got it in Charlotte recently, too, and that he had told people to watch the show before and had been told it wasn't on.

One young, very pretty girl told him how much she admired him to which he replied "that's not a question". But "thank you".

One of the meet and greeters was a nurse and asked him about socialized medicine and further explained that he had had something about his experience in Europe when he was so sick. He didn't give any details but did say the doctor didn't speak English. Most Europeans speak some English but he said this doctor was German and they were too good to speak English! He was trying to tell them he was allergic to erythromycin but they gave it to him anyway. Someone asked what kind of reaction he had but he said there were so many things wrong that he couldn't tell!

Someone asked what he did to get ready before shows and he said nothing! And went into a story about how it was like a runner who ran a mile everyday so that soon it would take two miles to make him winded. Singing the same show every night was like that for him. He was fine but if he had to sing a song he hadn't sung for a while, he might have trouble. I told him that they did change up the tour as it went along and he said he liked to do that and said that as much as he liked the JNTII with the play, he hated having to do exactly the same thing over and over each night. In this same answer he said that he, Ruben and Kimberly never did anything before singing while on Idol and that he ate grilled cheese sandwiches and other supposed bad things. What he DID do before songs was hang out with Angela and Quiana who chattered like birds (with hand motion!) and try to get something on them for the show and that they hadn't learned not to talk in front of him if they didn't want it repeated.

Another lady was a teacher and one of her students asked if MacDonald quarter-pounders were called that in other countries. He liked that and engaged Mary in the answer and mentioned other countries had their own "special" names and products but that quarter-pounders didn't have a metric name he thought.

He asked us where we were from, pointing to my friend in her Ga Claymate shirt and saying "Georgia" and asking who had come the farthest. I said I was from Georgia but also from North Carolina a long time ago. He went into a story about how "everyone is from NC-I drove thru NC once, my cousin's aunt twice removed is from NC." Really funny! Everyone seems to think NC gives them a connection to him! Well, it does!

Now sometime during the session,he said he needed to start signing things but that he would still answer questions. This was when someone asked why it took so long for a new CD. I "remember" him saying he could have a new CD tomorrow but that it would be covers because that what "they" wanted. But that he believed "they" had agreed to let them make the album they wanted and that he and Jaymes had just heard today that two songs they submitted had been accepted. So no time frame was mentioned but it looks to be the album he wants so far.

Also sometime during this time, Jerome's phone rang and he left the room and Clay said if we wanted to jump him, now was the time!

I had him sign my tour poster and asked him to sign it "Make a Joyful Noise" (a family joke since I can't carry a tune in a bucket!) One lady had a beautiful picture mosaic of his moustache. Others had books and the Rolling Stone cover. Funniest thing was an autograph stuffed dog with very little space left on it. He said he could sign the crotch but ended up signing the butt!

Another lady asked what historical figure he would want to meet but he drew a blank on that one. Said he would think about it but all he could come up with was Mr. Rogers who wasn't really a

"historical" figure.

I am at a loss for other tidbits right this minute. Hopefully others will add their recaps "soon". Mary called our names individually and we went out in the hall for our pictures. I may have hugged him! Clay stuck his head back in and said goodbye. Jerome escorted him wherever he went and then came back and escorted us out.

Great memory! Love the new meet and greet format. Chitchatting with a friend who is interested in what you have to say. I'm still grinning!


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Since jmh brought over the M&G recap, I'll bring over this little Cary tidbit from Iwannahear at CV:

I talked with a lady that turned out to be Clay's middle school chorus teacher who was quite candid and amusing when reflecting on Clay's attention span in chorus. We've heard it before, but I always enjoy hearing about Clay and he seems good natured and honest about his middle school experience. She said it was obvious that Clay had a gift for singing and that he would naturally pick it up so much more quickly than everyone else that he often didn't pay attention in the rest of the class. She said he was a constant distraction and hyper.....really? I can't believe Clay would misbehave in class. Can you.... ?

Clay must have been a real pill to deal with in middle and high school, but obviously he must have endeared himself to some of his teachers too, since he still stays in contact with them.

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Thanks for bringing over the recap, jmh, and for the Cary tidbit, bottlecap.

I'd love to see footage of Clay as a kid, interacting with other in the choir. I can imagine him being talkative and precocious as a young singer, not an easy kid to manage, but an impressive performer to watch. Remember that Raleigh Boys Choir footage? What amused me about that clip was not just his voice, but the way he went out into the audience to sing to someone. This was a boy who, even then, had an instinct for showmanship.

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This was a boy who, even then, had an instinct for showmanship.

JennaZ, I definitely WORD this, but I gotta tell ya that I was cracking up reading it because immediately after I read this sentence I saw rocknrlmom's avie of Clay grabbing his crotch and...


the avie became quite the visual aid to your statement! Lord knows he's shown his manship often, eh?


BWAAHHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :hubbahubba: :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

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Clay must have been a real pill to deal with in middle and high school, but obviously he must have endeared himself to some of his teachers too, since he still stays in contact with them.

Not only endeared himself to them, but visa versa. It says a lot about the teachers he has stayed connected to, that they had such an impact on him also. He became a teacher himself, working with children that are not the easiest to make connections with...the children who take more time perhaps, a deeper insight. He's said himself, that for some reason, he deals best with these children.

I think I remember one of his teachers saying, (wish I could remember what article this was in now, and how good my memory is/isn't) ...that he would come into class and sit on the back of the chair with his feet on the seat, but that they (my wording now) recognized his intelligence and overlooked that behavior...LOL Says as much about the teacher as it does the student, I think.

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This was a boy who, even then, had an instinct for showmanship.

JennaZ, I definitely WORD this, but I gotta tell ya that I was cracking up reading it because immediately after I read this sentence I saw rocknrlmom's avie of Clay grabbing his crotch and...


the avie became quite the visual aid to your statement! Lord knows he's shown his manship often, eh?


BWAAHHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :hubbahubba: :lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

:cryingwlaughter: glad I could be of 'service' lol...

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I really have nothing to contribute to the conversation....y'all are pretty much saying the same things I've thought for a while now regarding his school years, and also his teaching.

Just wanted to post because I CAN -- another day of the internet being up and down at my workplace. It's been driving me batty!

I wanna go home -- and watch all the clack from cha cha trusty...

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I think I remember one of his teachers saying, (wish I could remember what article this was in now, and how good my memory is/isn't) ...that he would come into class and sit on the back of the chair with his feet on the seat, but that they (my wording now) recognized his intelligence and overlooked that behavior...LOL Says as much about the teacher as it does the student, I think.

Wasn't that from the Collegiete [sp?] Standard where they talked to a bunch of Clay's prfessers and college pals?

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Couple of pictures from last night:



Edited to remove the img tags, cuz they're big!

ETA: Anyone wanna upgrade for tonight's show?

Posted by GBB at CH:

Well, the good news is that jojoct and dc4clay have gotten a flight to Tampa for tonight. The bad news is that it gets them there at 6:30p and they won't be able to make tonight's show in Ft. Myers.

On a related note, if anyone wants to buy 3 tix in row D for tonight's show at face value, please PM me.

Wow, that really sucks for them. There have been so many airline problems this tour! But this one isn't weather related, it's mechanical.

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:cryingwlaughter: glad I could be of 'service' lol...

Hmmmm you had to use the word service? That might get her going again.

Whatever do you mean, couchie? :lilredani: I thought it was very nice of her to lend a hand.


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According to a post at the CH, the lovely KAndre's flight was cancelled and she's still working on getting to FL. So good travel vibes to KAndre!!!! :RedGuy:

ETA: OMG - keepingfaith, flying out in stormy weather. Extra good travel vibes to keepingfaith!!!

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I just heard her flight was cancelled. The weather here in Houston is awful. We are getting the effects from TS Erin and we are getting 3-4 inches of rain an hour. It is supposed to pass over this afternoon but will that be enough time to get to FL?

Where is keepingfaith? She hatesss to fly!!!!

ETA: I just talked to keepingfaith and she doesn't leave until tomorrow!!!

Edited by merrieeee
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The summer of travel horror - why is it so easy to catch the flights home?

I don't know which to concentrate my positive powers on - the airplane issue or the weather issue.


Can anyone try a different airopor?

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I just tried to called KAndre but got her voice mail..so either

a. she's on the phone trying to get a flight

b. on a plane and on her way

c. in jail for going Clay Aiken fan on somebody.

I'll go with c until I hear more.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: KAndre and keepingfaith and everybody who is traveling!!

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Yikes, I hate hearing about travel problems. Here's hoping everyone gets there safe and sound!

I have a few Asheville pictures that don't involve Clay, they are just scenic. If you are interested you can click on these:

Corner of house at sunset

Seating and mountains at sunset (pre-show)

Stage and mountains at sunset (pre-show)


Glowsticks during BYLM

Driveway and front lawn

Mountains the next day

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1st of all I have been remiss in hoping that YSRN is feeling better. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

2nd I forgot to say welcome to eandpmommy . Thanks for sharing your bottle cover fundraiser with us. Please be sure to post often.

Yep, it doesn't sound all that different of a situation, to me. I think last time RCA gave him options and he opted to get something out as quick as possible, hence the cover "mandate". I mean, the fans were crying for an album, and it had already been 3 years since MOAM. This time, they gave him the same options, but he isn't in as much of a rush, and he's seen the fans' reaction to covers, so he is choosing to go with originals, as long as they will approve them, even if it takes a long time. I just hope that those people who are so adamant that he not record another cover song remember that they said they would rather wait.....if there is one thing this fanbase is not known for, it is patience. The one thing I wonder about is whether last time, they didn't get the songs approved until the end, and hence the problems, whereas this time, they are getting them approved on a song by song basis. I bet last time was quite the learning experience for both Clay and Jaymes.

Where is my high five emoticon. You are soooooo right lickiest1, IMHO. That is exactly what I think went down. I really do think Clay has learned a lot in this past year. I can hardly wait to see what he gives us for his next cd. I don't think it will stray too much from what he likes to do, but I bet we see some songs with a little bit more edge to them, as well. Whatever he does, you can be sure he will sing it like nobody's business.

Thanks for bringing over the recap, jmh, and for the Cary tidbit, bottlecap.

I'd love to see footage of Clay as a kid, interacting with other in the choir. I can imagine him being talkative and precocious as a young singer, not an easy kid to manage, but an impressive performer to watch. Remember that Raleigh Boys Choir footage? What amused me about that clip was not just his voice, but the way he went out into the audience to sing to someone. This was a boy who, even then, had an instinct for showmanship.

JennaZ I can remember Faye saying that Clay had a smart mouth on him growing up. (I love me some grown up pissy Clay) Didn't she have to wash his mouth out with soap on occassion? Hee I also wanted to say, again, how much I enjoy reading your thoughts.

You can clearly see, from watching the old video footage of young Clay, that he was born to entertain. I actually wish we could come across some old tapes of his biological dad and his mother. They were both in the business somewhat. I just have a curiosity about how they sounded. I'm sure no one else would probably care about that but me. :cryingwlaughter:

Just wanted to let you know......... I've got Clack up from Cary at all the usual places!!

More pictures coming, but I am still uploading Clack!



Thank you so much cha cha.

:cryingwlaughter: glad I could be of 'service' lol...

Hmmmm you had to use the word service? That might get her going again.

Bwahaaaaa :cryingwlaughter:


I just heard her flight was cancelled. The weather here in Houston is awful. We are getting the effects from TS Erin and we are getting 3-4 inches of rain an hour. It is supposed to pass over this afternoon but will that be enough time to get to FL?

Where is keepingfaith? She hatesss to fly!!!!

ETA: I just talked to keepingfaith and she doesn't leave until tomorrow!!!

merrieeee, keepingfaith doesn't fly out until tomorrow morning. She isn't attending the 1st Florida gig.

Thanks to everyone who has already donated, and to all those who will, for "Smarter Than A Fifth Grader." I think I will just go ahead and send a check for the $11.00 because I know Clay will get them all right. Thanks for reposting the info couchie. Hey I pick "C" from your list for what is happening to KAndre. Hee Hee Seriously I hope all travelors make it okay and return safely.

lickiest1, the sunset and glowstick pictures are awesome. Thanks!! So how long do you think it will take for me to get my poster from Canada? I'm just like a little kid in a candy store. Can't wait to see it.

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Clayzor, the other lady pm'ed me yesterday to say her poster had arrived, so I would think yours won't be far behind! I have no idea why they are taking so long....stoopid international mail. Edited by lickiest1
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keepingfaith, why the hell haven't I given your avie more careful scrutiny before now?

dayum....some fine thrusting action there.... :hubbahubba:

I'm sitting here pulling my hair out because we are soooooooooooooooo understaffed and I'm just not seeing things coming together anytime soon...five thousand different things that need to be organized and coordinated and there's just ME! And I'm gone tomorrow and Monday...and....


I'm supposed to hold a meeting in a couple of hours in order to assign big chunks of responsibilities to different people.


I need to make sure all these people have the info they need to actually work on these chunks before I go.



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