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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
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    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Somebody posted this beauty a while back, and it's untagged. Does anybody know a) whose photo it is? and B) what venue it's from?


I believe that picture was taken by cameocat from CV and it is from Syracuse.

Thank you!!

I don't know her at all - do you know if she's okay with her pics being used in blends and such?

*waves to Caro*

Don't know her personally, but I doubt she would mind. You can PM her at CV.

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Then, then... I was helping someone with something and I somehow got reminded of the bestest old video ever... ldyjocelyn knows. Woo! LoverEyes knows. *sigh* *watches*


Did I mention he looked utterly delicious in Knoxville?

flove that video :Thud: . One of the comments sums it up for me..."omfg!!!!!!!!! i wanna do him in this clip!!!!!! it is really bad i could watch it alllllll day long........ "


and I got another set of lover eyes...right click and save... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

OMG I love that video!!1! I had forgotten. New Clack come in and you forget for a moment....but then you see a clip like this and it's like, 'Holy Crap!!' (Please don't ever let me find out he was thinking about his egg McMiffin or something during this song, because it would kill me) Now I want to go find all my old IT and Nat favorites and watch for awhile.

Kevin hair? Bwahhh!!! I always called Zootopia his porcupine head. I never knew it was blamed on Kevin Studdard. Hee.

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First the joy - the big weekend is coming - great time to be at the beach - will be heading down tonight, it is too late to go during the day now - after 10 PM is better.

Hoping Clay gets to relax over this long weekend he did good.

So there were reports of 19 interviewing KLo in NYC for AI rewind while Clay was doing the 5th grader.

Will/have they already interviewed Clay - don't know, but I think it would be fun if he participated. I know Kelly didn't participate, but I think Clay has more of a realization of what this show is and he would be a riot, I am sure. I wonder if they have to cut the guest judges out of the show?

Ok, I have a mild angsty request for any good writers (non-fiction) here. Could someone right a decent factually correct article for James at Beavors. He keeps posting troll stories because "that is what he is being sent". Writing blogs and all is nice, but James's articles are always, always included in sirlingks a lot. I can't write for beans or I would do something, but I know there are lots of people who do write blogsthat would make great articles.

I really have to stiop reading that crap. I only go to sirlinks a lot to suggest other articles for their link.

Edited by playbiller
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Ok, I have a mild angsty request for any good writers (non-fiction) here. Could someone right a decent factually correct article for James at Beavors. He keeps posting troll stories because "that is what he is being sent". Writing blogs and all is nice, but James's articles are always, always included in sirlingks a lot. I can't write for beans or I would do something, but I know there are lots of people who do write blogsthat would make great articles.

I really have to stiop reading that crap. I only go to sirlinks a lot to suggest other articles for their link.

Sounds like somebody who is posting exactly what he wants to post. I don't believe for a moment that's all he's 'being sent'.

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Muski, I'm up to Chapter 6 of Clyra but have to leave it for a while. It would cause me to fall off the treadmill.

You are a great writer, the details are just delicious.

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and I got another set of lover eyes...right click and save... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

See, that's the great thing about this place. You mention a particular picture or focus on a certain body part that interests you, and the other posters go to work on your behalf.


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Just from his past support, I would be inclined to believe what James says to some extent. I agree with playbiller. It would be good to submit articles. Than he wouldn't have an excuse for posting the nasty ones. LOL!!!

I guess I'm just jaded at this point. There are soooo many good things written and posted (if not technically 'submitted') about Clay available out there. There's just no excuse (unless you're looking for one) to perpetuate the crap if you choose not to. Didn't his mama teach him about 'if you can't say anything good'? HA! HA! If it's 'article' type writing he wants, I offer any single one of Caro's blogs (not only available on OFC, but on blogspot) as proof that there are wonderful articles available out there.

Edited by cindilu2
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This particular crap is about how the tour was a "cheap" one for Clay. It started as a post on TWOP which was answere with rapidity. Lets jsut say we know the author of this article is a troll posing as a disappointed fan and has now written 3 disappointed articles.

If I could even write passably, I would write a positive tour article. We have so many bloggers, but those artiicles never get picked, up, it just makes sense that some of them would get wider distribution if posted on boi

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Doesn't BOI have a comments area. Frankly if I were so inclined, I'd just go post a link to clack and say it was the best tour ever, and let the clack speak for itself. The idol wars just bore the crap out of me though. It's amazing to me that people spend so much time on someone they are not a fan of.

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It's nice to see I'm not the only newbie....makes that first post just a little easier.

There are some gorgeous pics posted here.

My favorite look of all time is the Snowflake ceremony...PERFECTION!!

I'm hoping for that this Christmas, but he'll look hot no matter what.

Phew...glad that post is out of the way

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Doesn't BOI have a comments area. Frankly if I were so inclined, I'd just go post a link to clack and say it was the best tour ever, and let the clack speak for itself. The idol wars just bore the crap out of me though. It's amazing to me that people spend so much time on someone they are not a fan of.

AH, but the rub is that the forums are only used by various fighters. the general public would not go there.

Again, I could care less about the article or the writer, the only issue is that Boi is just a blog that is automatically picked up by Sirlinksalot. Others are not - it is considered a general AI board so it goes out there with all the AI posts, not in the Clay Aiken one. So that means than anyone looking for information on any idol new or old, looks at that page first. People may or may not look at the article, but they the odds are against them getting into the forum and if they did, would turn them off because there are may extreme posters there. I believe Ivy would back me up on that because we mostly agreed there until I just got too tired to play any more. (the only way to win is not to play (tm war games)

It is obviously a hater attack. Their blogs don't get picked up, they are countered at TWOP, so this is the perfect platform for them - they rarely are obvious, but this has been a drip- drip drip effect.

Eventually this will age off the board, but for now, it is there for all the Blaker girls , et al to read with out Clay's name, so that all idol fans will look to see if it is about their idol.

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Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I've got to spread some dust around before my 2:30 students but wanted to say "hello" to more new members -- Saltwaterdog, Meesa, Clem231, Claycherie, LOML, and anyone I have missed. I had better start keeping a list. :lol:

Glad y'all are here! :clap:

** waves back ** to Cindilu2!

Getting into teacher mode ... right after the quickie housekeeping run-through! :eusa_whistle:

Caro listen.gif

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Grrrrr. I STILL haven't written my 'reflections' that I so want to write. Had I done that, play, I'd be happy to submit it to that place....because I really did come away from this tour with a new, different perspective that I just haven't put into words yet....

damn. Life is too full of sh...stuff, and I can't do justice to being a Clay fan like I wanna.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :cry4:

ETA: Thanks, Toots! :blush:

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My favorite look of all time is the Snowflake ceremony...PERFECTION!!

Hey Clem - GOOD ANSWER heh.Wlecome.

The long hair just never made an impact at all until snowflake day. don't know what it was about those sets of photos.

Oh and Merrieeeee? :medium-smiley-070:

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A new picture from the CB:


Original post is here, and here's the text that goes with the pic:

Okay, I've never posted pictures before, but thought these were share worthy. They were taken in Asheville... I can't take credit for them, they were taken by the stage manager for the symphony. My sister is a musician... though she wasn't playing that evening, she came to the concert with me and knew just about everyone who was. <snip>

General consensus from the orchestra members was that Clay was wonderful to work with... very professional and very talented... but then we knew that all ready didn't we!?!

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Sweet picture!

Thanks for the welcomes, Couchie and Caro. Please call me "Saltie". Saltwaterdog just sounds so formal! :lol: Nice place! Thank you to JaMar for telling me about it.

Question about BOI, do they always post the negative, or is this just recent? I'm so out of the loop.

My absolute favorite of all time look was at the Virgin Record signing and after on Kimmel. Gorgeous!



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*hugs merrieee gently and hands her a Cheez Doodle*

Cute, cute family picture. That grin of his is surely infectious!

Welcome saltie!

I've cleaned up/added to the 2007 Christmas tour thread. I think all the shows should be there. HOWEVER...I did NOT, I repeat, NOT, add the three shows that are unconfirmed at this point (South Bend, Wilkes Barre, and Mohegan Sun Casino). After the Dallas/Houston/Tulsa debacle this past summer, I'm jumpy about that. (If they get confirmed by 15 sources, I'll add them to the calendar....*g*)

These threads are for planning/plotting/parties/hotel information, etc., at this time. On the day of the show, they will turn into our chat threads. After the show, they will be the place to put recaps.

Also, I've created a thread there to compile a list of FCA attendees. If you're going to a show, please post in the thread, and I'll update the first post!

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Whoo Hoo!!! idyj!!! Thank you for the Christmas tour threads!! I'm posted and "how much fun is THAT to be able to be planning a roadtrip when I'm barely unpacked fromt the summer with Clay?"

I am pumped!!!! Told my girlfriend this morning I had another Clay roadtrip planned and she said "oh yes, the Skating Show in Vegas".. I told her that was "old news" and that when I returned I was jumping on a plane for Chicago!!

She laughed so hard, she almost drove off the road!!! :cryingwlaughter:



edited because I always thought your name was "idyl" "jocelyn" - being careful because that is just polite - I discovered I'd bestowed an "l" upon you!!!

Edited by canuck2010
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Close, but no cigar canuck2010. My name is a shortened form of "Lady Jocelyn," as I at one time was a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. They recreate the Middle Ages to study them, and everyone takes a persona. Mine was "Lady Jocelyn." (Helps that Jocelyn is also my middle name...)

When I signed up for a Yahoo mail account many, many years ago...I tried to get "ladyjocelyn." No go....someone already had it. So, I took out the first "a." Didn't realize how much people would subsitute that first "el" for an "I."

And don't worry about it, I have to repeat this story every few months, as newbies come aboard....

Topic: isn't that Clay guy cuter than a bug's ear? And he's naughty by nature, too!

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Close, but no cigar canuck2010. My name is a shortened form of "Lady Jocelyn," as I at one time was a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. They recreate the Middle Ages to study them, and everyone takes a persona. Mine was "Lady Jocelyn." (Helps that Jocelyn is also my middle name...)

When I signed up for a Yahoo mail account many, many years ago...I tried to get "ladyjocelyn." No go....someone already had it. So, I took out the first "a." Didn't realize how much people would subsitute that first "el" for an "I."

And don't worry about it, I have to repeat this story every few months, as newbies come aboard....

Topic: isn't that Clay guy cuter than a bug's ear? And he's naughty by nature, too!

Well, for sure I'll remember now!!! Hee!

I lover cute, naughty boys!

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