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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Personally, I'd love to hear all the details about his reunion. I never went to any of my reunions. The first one was the day before my wedding. The next one I was seven months pregnant and my doctor didn't want me to travel (I had gone into early labor with my first pregnancy and lost the babies.) and the one after that was the night of my brother's wedding. I was OK with not going. In fact, I was thrilled I had legitimate excuses. I was extremely shy in school - still am (as you can tell by my lurker status) and would rather had been a fly on the wall to see what everyone looked like. I'd also have liked to have been a fly on the wall at Clay's reunion. What did he wear? What did he look like? How was his hair? Who was he with? Details people. I want details!

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eeek... I never went to any of my reunions and since I graduated in 1980 I guess I missed my 25th heh. I recently got reacquainted with a high school friend but really am just not interested in reliving or meeting anyone else. A lot of my old friends never survived the times.

Well being teh schmoopie board that we are...I guess we don't need those silly new features like ignore user and block pms. no no no we don't LOL. Damn I need strikethrough right there in front of me so I can get to it easily heee.

hmmm things to do

  1. test out this number thingie
  2. answer my PMs
  3. send Ansa a hug
  4. did we always have this?
are we really missing emoticons?
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Add me to the list of those for whom none of the formatting buttons are working now (everything was fine this afternoon at work). The cursor changes as it should when I hover/click, but nothing happens except I get the little yellow triangle with exclamation point! in it and 'error on page' message in the taskbar at the bottom of the IE window. Poo!!!

(ETA: couchie, I have no emoticons at all - the little smiley guy doesn't work - none of the buttons do)

Edited by cindilu2
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mmm....those sweet chili wings from Sobey's are GOOD! Or, could it be that I just haven't eaten since yesterday aroujd 1 PM? :lmaosmiley-1:

Anywhoo...I went only to my HS 20 yr reunion. It was a BLAST! My graduating class was the last of the school; but the building was not torn down, it was just made into a private school. So our reunion was held in the summer, right at the school. We got to explore those hallways once again, check out our old lockers, and a bunch of the teachers came as well. We were asked to wear "fashions of the time" (the 60's) and it was a hoot! I was neither a nerd, really, nor was I one of the popular crowd. I was just "average Jill" :shrug:. Like Clay, I sang, so I had a builtin group of friends.

I DO remember the two nerdy boys from my year...one of them sat right behind me in many classes (alphabetically) and I quite liked him. He was funny and really, just poor I think and shy. The other guy he hung around with for most of the time, I didn't really care for.

At the reunion Mike (Nerd A) was there~a very charismatic priest. :cryingwlaughter:

Nerd B had just the week before been arraigned for pedophilia. I believe he's still in jail, 20 yrs later.

You never know.

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10 year High School Reunion Story? YEAY! My only claim to fame from that era of my life. You see, I hated high school and junior high with a passion. Hated. I was overweight and wore braces on my teeth my junior and senior year of HS--got mine on when everyone else was getting theirs off. Was everyboy's 'friend' but I wasn't asked out on a real date til college. Used to listen to all my 'buddies' telling me about their weekends, when I'd basically heard them making out in their cars right outside my house, which was one of the first in a development with lots of dirt roads still...



Anyhoo...in my senior year, the people on the yearbook decided to add a "Super Superlative" category to the usual "Superlatives". Every school, I guess, does the "Most attractive; most popular; most athletic" etc. and we did, too, but that year they decided to add some oddball categories---"Biggest Feet" (heh) "Loudest Laugh" "Most Likely to Lose Fortune in Vegas", etc. Well, I got one of those titles---Most Pessimistic Girl.

Yep. That's me.

I got my braces off four days before graduation and then basically disappeared---went to a college where NOBODY from my school applied, in another state, and was determined to start over. Never really kept up with any high school 'friends' except maybe two...went to 5-year reunion but basically just made an appearance and left.

Then...10 year reunion. I'd just met Kenny a few months earlier and we were in love....and I was HAWT! I was the slimmest I've been in my adult life, tan, smart new short hair cut, cool new black dress with cubic zirconium bling (waves to KAndre) and feeling foxy! I walked in there and enjoyed a night of "OMG! <insert real name>! Is that YOU?!?!? OMG! YOu look amazing! Where have you BEEN? What are you DOING?" etc.

All the groovy chicks from high school?---the cheerleaders and homecoming queens and snobby little shits who always succeeded in making me feel ugly and unwanted and less-than?---looking much older than I did; many had already married, divorced and been rode hard. It was quite fun that night, y'all! (Muski embraces inner bitch.)

So I got another 'award' that night, ten years after being voted "Most Pessimistic"...they gave out play awards---things like "Traveled Farthest" "Most Kids" "Most Surprising Career Choice", etc. I was just chatting away, hardly paying attention since I didn't expect anything...and then I heard my name!

"Most Well-Preserved Female"


I laughed all the way up to collect my 'prize'---a toy makeup kit! BWAH!

Ahh...good times, good times....

The guy who won the boy's version was a guy who had been one of those 'invisible' guys, you know? Not attractive, bad skin, quiet smart guy who sat in the back, wore geeky clothes---nobody really knew who his friends were, etc. But this night? He was in a smart three-piece suit, trimmed beard and looked very successful and confident.

Cool stuff. :lilredani:

(And I've never looked that good again in my life.)

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I'm glad to read that Clay went to his high school reunion. I think it would be good for him to connect with people who knew him when. I often wonder if he has a closed circle of friends just because he may not be able to trust someone new where their relationship doesn't have a history. With people he went to high school with at least he knows something of their character back then and he probably has better radar as to their current motives for being friends with him. And maybe he had some crushes back then that he would like to pursue now.

I do know of people who re-connected at a reunion (or connected for the first time). When I went to mine, I became very disillusioned at what happened to my crush. Sometimes it's good to go just to see what reality is versus your dreams of what happened to someone.

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Pay me no mind. Still trying to figure stuff out.

Too late. :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files


Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again. :rolleyes:

Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. :huh:

Edited by jamar1700
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Well, I seem to be full of nothing new, so let me add this. I was under the immpression taht Clay was not unpopular in high school that he had a few groupies by then. Wasn't ti middle school that was the problem?

I didn't have any interest to go to my high school reunion, did anyone here go to theirs?

Yes, I was in the nerd group in highschool, all of them moved out of state for good after college. The popular kids ended up married young and clerking in liquor stores and such. Now, my college reunion, I have been to 3.

I went to my 30 yr. high school reunion this summer. Had a BLAST!!!!

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As much as I hate to I to admit it the "View New Posts" Button has become my new bestest friend on the board! How did I ever do without it? I know someone mentioned it but for the life of me I can't remember whoooooo! :imgtongue:

I'm liking the new stuff now that most of the glitches are being worked out. It's like panic city when I try to access the board and get an error message....I feel withdrawal symptoms kicking in at once*g*

Oh and I never had any school reunions, no proms, no dances and no graduation. One day I went to school and the next day it was over...you know "poof and it was gone". That's the way things were done in England. People just left at the end of the term they turned 16.

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I love the board changes, BTW. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks to everyone who has to do all the jimmying and fixing behind the scenes. Are we missing some emoticons? Can someone explain the 'codebox' to me? I promise...no more tricks.

There may be other functions or purposes for the 'codebox' thingy, but I remember it being used at another board to give the web address of something instead of sharing it via hyperlink, so you had to copy/paste into your browser to go there instead of clicking a link. Good when the visitor's 'from' address should be other than a message board, or so I understand. I bet it is used for other things too, just don't know what.

The board features and setup now seems very similar to the latest CV upgrade of a few weeks ago, but it took a while to figure things out then! I still haven't tried some things from that!

Edited by AnAmeraikenInTX
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I've been to all of my high school reunions and enjoyed them quite a lot.... for the first half hour. Then they got boring. I'd go again, though, because I had so much fun in high school and reliving it for even a half hour every 5 years is worth it. We didn't do any of those award things at my high school, and if there were cliques, I managed not to notice. I think I had an unusual experience, fortunately. My 20th grade school reunion was the most fun, though. People behaved like they were 12 again. Loved it!

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Whoohoo!!! New board!!

Hugs for Ansa!!!

I'm so excited hearing that Clay went to his reunion! I hope the girls were all gaga over him and the guys wanted to shake his hand!!

I hope they were proud of him and told him so!

I lurve him with the heat of a thousand suns! :hubbahubba:

Whoohoo!! I finally have color!!! Happy me!!!!


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I hope they were proud of him and told him so!

I lurve him with the heat of a thousand suns! :hubbahubba:

Agree, and at least!!

And, yes, thank you for all the hard work on the board. Another MUAHHHHH!!

I haven't been to any of my HS reunions. Just not interested, I guess the next one is 35, in '09, and at least now I live back in the same town, but I just don't see going. I loved my school and was very supportive of being a Lee High School Rebel, but I was even shyer then than now, if you can believe that. There are very few people from that time that I wonder about. Oh gawd, I was soooooooo miserably shy, quiet and reserved. I have much more fun and am so much happier now and for most of my adult life! Baby sis went to her 20th in 2000, but I don' t know if she went again in 2005. On the other hand, she is still friends with some folks from high school and she never moved away. She's always been more outgoing than me.

And maybe, just maybe, I will post this and not go back to change something. Might help if I proofed more closely!

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Ok - it looks weird in here!!!!

I don't do change well.....

How did Careless Whisper know - I believe she said someone told her at work - I believe hshe lives in NC, so porbably someone at her work knows someone who went.

And don't you know EVERYONE who lives in NC knows everything about Clay???? :whistling-1:

I mean no disrespect to Careless Whisper but.... I am supposed to believe this is fact why???? This fandom has made me VERY cynical.

IF he went, I hope he had fun.

I went to my mumbleymumbley high school reunion this summer. It was fun. My old gang went together and made catty remarks about all the people who - of course - looked soooooo much older than we did!

Now to get used to this place......

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Thinly veiled attempt to up post count . . .


My 25th HS reunion. (Ages ago!)

There was an EXTREME nerd in our class who moved before HS, Mike. He was the poster boy for Nerd. Skinny. Greased down black hair. Glasses. Nose too big for the rest of him. But still a popular guy. Funny. Not outstanding as a student, but friendly well-liked guy.

HS reunion? This ABSOLUTE HUNK! Tall. Dark. Built. Handsome. I mean, Gorgeous! Who was it?


Boy. He didn't need to say a word!

Let me tell you . . . there were jaws on the floor that night!!

Two other nerds - who continued on with us - both poor guys. Both brilliant. White shirts. Black pants. Unremarkable looks.

At the HS reunion - we discovered that one was an International Agricultural Ambassador, or some such, with the Federal Government - and the other was a big muckity muck with the Mormon Church.

And then there were the rest of us!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Guess all three of them had the last laugh, huh?

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But I don't remember where I heard the Clay had groupies comment - someone he knew said he had groupies and it got passed around the message boards.

When I went to high school, a boy danced on American bandstand (as a youngest member - we were babies then!)and he used to walk down the hall giving out pre autographed pictures of himself. Now, I could care less since my sister controlled the TV after school and made us watch Jocko's rocketship from Newark instead of bandstand, so I never knew why he thought it was such a big deal. Actually, I still don't. I bet he goes to every reunion. When someone called my Mom and left their phone number in hunting down students, I called them back and found that all the people they were looking for and couldn't contact were my friends, so it was pretty much a 'why bother', I wouldn't know anyone.

I am beginning to suspect that the majority of Clay fans are self described nerds and I wonder if that has something to do with the need some have for Clay be cool

Check out Jocko. he had the best dance show and the best guests. While Dick Clark had Frankie Avalon, Jocko had Jackie Wilson, who could really sing. I have always preferred music from singers who can really sing.

Never went to any reunion- college or high school. I guess I was a lurker in school just like I am on the boards. I had a lot of popular and unpopular friends, some nerds some not, but I preferred being alone most of the time. So of course it figures that I would marry the most talkative man in the universe, who I have to beg to not talk to me until after 10am. At least my kids were late sleepers. :nana:

The board looks great and I don't think I am having any problems. Well at least board problems.

I would believe what Careless Whisper says. She's a long time Clay fan and member of the CH and like playbiller said lives in or near Raleigh. She was quite nice to me when I was a newbie.

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