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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Good Morning Everyone,

29 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

40 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Show!

60 Days! 2 Months! until The Christmas Tour Starts!

86 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

89 Days until The Skating Show Airs! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Can you imagine a Clay fan PR person having to rep for any other idol or singer?

Oh, but this person would be Clay's full-time publicist! They would be telling Clay what to do, guiding Clay's career, setting his schedule, choosing his songs and producers, arranging his personal, philanthropic, and family life, dictating wardrobe and hairstyle placing Clay mentions and arranging appearances all the time!

Edited by djs111
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Cool cool cool!! I looked at the episode schedule earlier today and somebody (pretty pleeeeeeeeease?) HAS to make me a DVD of the episodes airing after mid December and mail it to me. Pleeeeeeeeeeease! I'm going to be gone by then, dammit! :cry4: I wanna see, too!

Done! No problem...I'll trade you for a fat quarter from over there :lol:

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Hey lilyshine! Nice to see you singular again! *g*

My take on "Clay narrating" - that means he'll be on screen. I just don't think AI is going to have artsy voice-over narratives. In fact, I think Clay and Ruben will be on screen together with Ruben smiling & chillin' and Clay talking a mile a minute, just like the post-AI interviews. I've only seen bits of AI Rewind 1, so I don't really know the format, but I think the old footage of the show was pretty sliced up with commentary.

I've only seen bits and pieces as well, but I seem to remember Dunkelman (who hosted and narrated last year) did a LOT of voice-overs as introductions. Also, I seem to remember that we never saw the interviewer once. I don't think I even HEARD the interviewer. Now, of course, that may change due to the "characters" involved this season (HA HA).

I guess I keep telling myself that it could just be Clay doing voice-overs for a reason: to keep expectations realistic. If he DOES do more than voice-overs, I'll be doing backflips with the rest of you. If it is just voice-overs though, I'll be "OK, that's cool. I like hearing Clay speak...." I have a real problem with the expectations that some fans bring to the table, and I always try to keep some realism around me.

I talked to my husband about DVRing AI Rewind; then he's going to show me how to transfer the stuff onto a DVD. Cool -- I get to learn new technology!

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Yeah, maybe this will finally get me to figure out how to program my DVR. I am going to be out of town the weekend that they show the Atlanta auditions (Canadian Thanksgiving).

I'm in the camp that expects voice-overs, too. If we get more than that, then I'll be extra-happy. But Clay's voice on my TV (with AI2 Clay on the screen) works for me. :)

ETA: I wonder if maybe it worked better for him too, with his schedule? i.e. maybe he could record them remotely...but I know nuttin' about TV production.

Edited by luckiest1
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Y'all are naughty people.

Man, I did dip my toe in the OFC, my eyes rolled so far back in my head I thought they'd never get unstuck.

Roger? Don't care. I honest to God don't know the name of any other publicist for any other artist and like it that way. I'm sort of hoping Clay's next publicist is ex-CIA and cheerfully tells any fan that approaches him to "fuck off - don't give me anything - don't write press releases - don't call the distributor - and unless you have a $100,000 for a guarantee, the next time you come within 50 feet of anything to do with Clay's career your ass is grass as Roger left me his restraining order against you people"

BWAH :preachit: I would only add that he tell them to also stay the hell away from his OFC.

I called it, I called it a couple of days ago when we saw the clip. Hmmm, doesthat mean he interviews himself?

When you're good you're good. :handshake:

But but but....why would you not need hairy arms if you are a narrator!


Eeeeeee!! for hearing Clay's voice on my TeeeVee & maybe a lot of face time too!! :hubbahubba:

As for Rogers promotion: I hope he gets all that he deserves.

I guess I don't understand what fans mean when they say they hope Roger gets all that he deserves. Somebody thinks he is doing a good job. He got two promotions. What proof is there that he has an evil agenda against Clay and deserves some sort of haneous (sp) retribution?

It's a fold...


Idol Rewind? YAY! Love that Clay's narrating, that gives me even more incentive to watch each week. I checked my guide, and I get it at either 5 or 8 pm on Saturdays on the superstations (or 1:30 am if I want to watch FOX). But I would love spoilers from anyone who gets it earlier....

Other boards? I was out about 2 minutes yesterday, enough time to see a major celebration mixed with name calling over Roger's promotion/demotion (depending on your perspective) and even one suggestion that a well known fan should apply for his job....in other words enough time to make me throw up in my mouth a little and beat it back here. Don't have the stomach for the OFC, glad the mods have editted most of it out by the sound of things.

Yep. I went over yesterday to read playbiller's post. I didn't have the good sense to not engage in the thread. Alas every post of mine was deleted, except for one. It was edited to a point that it made my snark look like I was sticking up for the mods. So I deleted that one myself. :cryingwlaughter: If you want to close a thread down over there, for editing, just quote from the rules for the message board. The mods pour out of the woodwork every time. I went back over this morning to see if the bashing was still going on. Yep it is. I tried stating my opinions. I got the usual pile on. I expect all my posts will be edited or deleted again. Such closed mines and animosity over there. You can't have a conversation with a different opinion there. As someone on here wisely stated once........You can't legislate intelligence.

Can you imagine a Clay fan PR person having to rep for any other idol or singer?

Oh, but this person would be Clay's full-time publicist! They would be telling Clay what to do, guiding Clay's career, setting his schedule, choosing his songs and producers, arranging his personal, philanthropic, and family life, dictating wardrobe and hairstyle placing Clay mentions and arranging appearances all the time!

No I can't imagine this at all. It ain't gonna happen folks. Wish and pimp yourself as much as you want. Clay is not going to hire you.

:big hug: for Clay for getting invited to participate on AI2 Rewind.

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Regarding Roger, "the publicist", the truth is usually somewhere closer to the middle.

I wasn't going to watch AI rewind because I don't like cheaters and I don't like AI. LOL-- anyway, now I'm excited and can't wait. I guess I figured out this doesn't have much to do with AI. since it seems it's being handled by another co. Anytime I can hear Clay's voice, I guess I want to be there. I think he'll shine at this narrating thing.

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Hey lilyshine! Nice to see you singular again! *g*

My take on "Clay narrating" - that means he'll be on screen. I just don't think AI is going to have artsy voice-over narratives. In fact, I think Clay and Ruben will be on screen together with Ruben smiling & chillin' and Clay talking a mile a minute, just like the post-AI interviews. I've only seen bits of AI Rewind 1, so I don't really know the format, but I think the old footage of the show was pretty sliced up with commentary.

I've only seen bits and pieces as well, but I seem to remember Dunkelman (who hosted and narrated last year) did a LOT of voice-overs as introductions. Also, I seem to remember that we never saw the interviewer once. I don't think I even HEARD the interviewer. Now, of course, that may change due to the "characters" involved this season (HA HA).

I guess I keep telling myself that it could just be Clay doing voice-overs for a reason: to keep expectations realistic. If he DOES do more than voice-overs, I'll be doing backflips with the rest of you. If it is just voice-overs though, I'll be "OK, that's cool. I like hearing Clay speak...." I have a real problem with the expectations that some fans bring to the table, and I always try to keep some realism around me.

I talked to my husband about DVRing AI Rewind; then he's going to show me how to transfer the stuff onto a DVD. Cool -- I get to learn new technology!

ldyj, I tend to agree with you. I don't think we are going to actually see a lot of Clay doing interviews or narrating live. I think we will just hear him for the most part.

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and even one suggestion that a well known fan should apply for his job....

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth....

It has always seemed kinda amusing to me that some are sure Clay would be a superstar if only he would stop being Clay.


Yep. I contend that some of Clay's fans are just waaaaaaay to cool for him. *g*


Bendy man. Does he have genitals? Or is he a genital? Discus.


Top of the page no less. Grrrrrrrreat

Edited by jamar1700
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There's one new eppy a week I do believe. So lots of repeats for the weekend.

Possible schedule...

Season 2 Rewind Schedule

Sept. 29: N.Y. Auditions

Oct. 6: Miami/Detroit Auditions

Oct. 13: Atlanta Auditions

Oct. 20: Austin Auditions

Oct. 27: L.A. Auditions

Nov. 3: Nashville Auditions

Nov. 10: Best of the Worst

Nov. 17: Hollywood Week Pt. 1

Nov. 24: Hollywood Week Pt. 2

December -- reruns of the auditions/Hollywood episodes.

Jan. 5: Group 1

Jan. 12: Group 2

Jan. 19: Group 3

Jan. 26: Group 4

Feb. 2: Wildcard Show

Feb. 9: Top 12 to 11

Feb. 16: Top 11 to 10

Feb. 23: Top 10 to 9

Mar. 1: Top 9 to 8

Mar. 8: Top 8 to 7

Mar. 15: Top 7 to 6

Mar. 22: Top 6 to 5

Mar. 29: Top 5 to 4

Apr. 5: Top 4 to 3

Apr. 12: Top 3 to 2

Apr. 19: Final 2

Aprl. 26: Finale

If this schedule holds up we'd have to wait 3 weeks to see Clay? So hopefully we'll get to see or hear him in his role as narrator.

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It has always seemed kinda amusing to me that some are sure Clay would be a superstar if only he would stop being Clay.
This is so profound and right on.

And jamar! Genital? Can genitals be singular? There's genitalia, I know...I suppose if he has just one of something that he's supposed to have two of it could be a genital? I can just hear it now...

"Man, I can't believe you did that! You got ball!"

At work super early cuz I have an online 'class' starting in three minutes...later, babes! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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And you know, I don't need Clay's publicist to be a Clay fan. I need them to do be damn good at their job. Like my cousin said, I don't have to like this shit, I just have to sell it. A clay fan? messy, emotional, not objective, and a crap load of baggage. No thank you.

So true, Couch Tomato. Fans tend to see the world through Clay-colored glasses--everything is about Clay, every minor slight is a catastrophe. He needs someone with perspective, an awareness of the political realities in this world, and yes, meaningful contacts within the entertainment industry. Yes, it is ideal that a publicist would actually like and appreciate Clay as a person and as an artist. But for that person to be a fan, with the emotional investment and message board influence attached? Not a good idea.

As for Rewind, I don't think they would ask Clay to narrate if they didn't feel he brought anything specific to the program. If all they wanted was generic descriptions or introductions, it would be far cheaper and easier to hire some nameless voice-over specialist. I tend to believe that what they want is his perspective and personality. I'm guessing that it could be like those commentaries you get on DVD's, where you have the director and/or actors discuss the film as it plays. If so, even if we don't see Clay as he talks (and we'll still see him as a performer on the show), what we could get could be interesting and potentially far more pervasive.

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Who watched Rewind for the first sesaon? Was there a narrator? What did he do?

That would be me - Dunkelman narrated, he did appear at some point becasue I was surprised how old he was now, don't remember when, but mostly he moved the 'story' along by narration. No one interviewed the contestants, they just had 'confessionals' like other reality shows, i.e. talked into the camera about aspecific topic in a clip.

I knew that Dunkelman had not connection to AI2, so that is was where the supposition about Clay came in, that I made on some board somewhere.

Bendy man. Does he have genitals? Or is he a genital? Discus.


Eeeeeewwweeeewwww, Jamar! Eeeewwww

What does upset me about the fandom is the white hot fire of hatred aimed at someone, many times on a misreading of a post or just on a one time occurrence. Hatred is a very destructive emotion and it seems to be right up there with a lot of people next to angst. [quick slight political comment, scan at will] I think society as a whole fails on the simplification of enemies and friends to good and evil, much like in "1984" where history was rewritten and different groups were suddenly enemies or friends - everything is black and white. I see life in shades of grey and have been friends with people who are not always likeable, but have some redeeming qualities. Not everyone is 100% evil, not anyone is 100% good. Sometimes people I really don't like are right and I am wrong.[/end on any political commentary]

The hatred IS harming the fandom, sucking any life out of it and, as I have mentioned before, and cause many people to leave (see my PM box when I post at the OFC like I did yesterday!). Now that Roger is gone, how long before the new person is hated? An hour? People who love Clay unconditioanlly, have conditions.

See, if Clay didn't really care about his career, he could hire a fan and let her turn into the new "Fran" - would that be deserved? Of course, he would have to not care about his career, as only a few fans have connections, and we don't even know if those connections would work for getting him opportunities that move HIS plan forward.

I vote for Let Clay be Clay, really, let him, this time.

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And I found out last night there are now two blogs out there exposing other fans. BWAH. Please lord, don't let me get this in my google alerts. What a bunch of loons. I'm trying to figure out where Clay fits in all this. Some of these people need to apply to be a CIA operative. Or get a life... one or the other.

Good points Play.

And Jenna...I hope you're right. I guess I'm like ldyj..keeping expectations relatively low although..heh, Clay being pervasive? I like it!

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As for Rewind, I don't think they would ask Clay to narrate if they didn't feel he brought anything specific to the program. If all they wanted was generic descriptions or introductions, it would be far cheaper and easier to hire some nameless voice-over specialist. I tend to believe that what they want is his perspective and personality. I'm guessing that it could be like those commentaries you get on DVD's, where you have the director and/or actors discuss the film as it plays. If so, even if we don't see Clay as he talks (and we'll still see him as a performer on the show), what we could get could be interesting and potentially far more pervasive.

OOOH...JennaZ, this whole paragraph made me all :hubbahubba: and :clap: The bolded parts just made me all gooey happy for Clay---that

1. He AIN'T cheap!

2. He's got the personality and a perspective that is recognized as being WORTH paying for! and

3. He will be in a position that denotes authority or stature.

That's just all kinds of HAWT! :hubbahubba:

ETA: I changed my avie to reflect that swagger, that authority, that stature, that personality....ah, Clay......you make me happy.

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And I found out last night there are now two blogs out there exposing other fans. BWAH. Please lord, don't let me get this in my google alerts. What a bunch of loons. I'm trying to figure out where Clay fits in all this. Some of these people need to apply to be a CIA operative. Or get a life... one or the other.

Good points Play.

And Jenna...I hope you're right. I guess I'm like ldyj..keeping expectations relatively low although..heh, Clay being pervasive? I like it!

I think they need to have Clay's attorneys issue a cease and desist order. What they are doing is criminal in my opinion and I think the fans being targeted should press charges.

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I still think we'll get face time with Clay. AI knows which guest appearances brought the viewers and the water-cooler chat. Voice-overs won't bring that kind of attention from anyone but people who are already fans. I don't expect onmipresence or even seeing him every week, but I think we will see him often enough to cause buzz.

And I stand by him not wanting to get within a hundred miles of Corey. Of course, he may have been forced to by the evil AI machine /snerk

Yesh, great to be single again.

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And I found out last night there are now two blogs out there exposing other fans. BWAH. Please lord, don't let me get this in my google alerts. What a bunch of loons. I'm trying to figure out where Clay fits in all this. Some of these people need to apply to be a CIA operative. Or get a life... one or the other.

Good points Play.

And Jenna...I hope you're right. I guess I'm like ldyj..keeping expectations relatively low although..heh, Clay being pervasive? I like it!

I think they need to have Clay's attorneys issue a cease and desist order. What they are doing is criminal in my opinion and I think the fans being targeted should press charges.

This shit is NUTS. Seriously nuts. I think the fraud squad and JP have accomplished what they set out to do...attack from the inside. Fans going after fans, naming names, etc. It's so freaking ridiculous.

Where does it stop? WHEN will it stop?

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Where did the idea come from that 19 Entertainment doesn't have anything to do with Rewind? It's owned and syndicated by 19, and distributed by Tribune. I watched the first Rewind season and the 19 Entertainment logo was the last thing on the screen after the credits rolled each week. I think people just don't like to think of Clay as working for 19 -- but I kind of like it that they have Clay Aiken on their payroll. Yeah, I like it a lot.

Also, as to suggestions that a fan take over publicity for Clay .... just how delusional has it gotten over at OFC MB? I checked over there once yesterday, but never opened the "Roger" thread (thanks for all the warnings which I faithfully heeded). I swear I don't think Jack Hanna could control that venomous mass of entangled vipers.

I'm so happy here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Luckiest, I used to wander around and look at other sites that named fans, but my life is so much better. Didn't someone say something about not doing anything if you have not made enemies <- grossly paraphrased.

If someone has a problem, it its their problem - now if they ever post personal information, that is another story and certainly worth a law suit.

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As to my previous comment "I hope Roger gets all that he deserves"- I don't know what he has or has not done for Clay. I don't buy into conspiracy theories. AND I don't HATE him. My statement simply means- if he worked his ass off for Clay & got him all the promo he could then he deserves a promotion. If he did a crappy job then he deserves to swim with the sharks at 19E & may they eat him alive.!! I said I don't HATE him, not that I can't be a vindictive b-. -tch if someone I care about is being screwed every which way to Sunday!! Thing is, we"ll never REALLY know what went down, good or bad. But I do believe in Karma & if Roger did hang Clay out to dry then may Karma bite him in the ass someday for it. BUT if he did his job well, then he deserves that big salary that I hope he uses to buy shampoo to wash his greasy hair in!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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