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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

Recommended Posts

Scarlett, you don't need to smut (though, I really wish you would :whistling-1: ) after that. To butcher paraphrase Barbara Mandrell, if that kind of self-righteous is wrong, I don't wanna be right.


Claygary, the CH is always good about sharing shhstuff. If it's in the vault, generally speaking, it's also at CU. I just can't wait to see him for reals on my tv again!!!

Edited by cindilu2
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Good Morning Everyone,

28 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

39 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

59 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

85 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

88 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

Everyone have a great day!


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Scarlett, I absolutely agree. And I think the vast majority of Clay fans agree. But as was seen in the great ATDW arguement, there are a lot of people who will twist arms to get others to agree with them to the point that it is painful for all.

Heres to the future where we all end up whether we want it or not. :laola0:

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There has been so much to celebrate in this fandom in the last 4 and a half years. There have been 8 tours, countless TV appearances, charity appearances, his own foundation a college graduation, a presidential appointment, Unicef ambassadorship, platinum and gold records, his own TV special the list really does go on and on. All of this, and more and some fans seek out and revel in anything negative, or create their own drama to angst about. I have come to believe that some fans are more addicted to angst than being a fan of Clay

Back when I was still working and we were trying to solve problems, we learned about the pareto rule, you've probably heard of it, it basically states that 20% of something (usually it was people in our case) will cause 80% of your problem. In this fandom, it could be a smaller percentage, but the principle is still the same. This vocal minority has a need to make an issue out of everything, blow things way out of proportion, and bring attention to themselves and things that would be non issues if they would just let them die off. Then they will sit back and complain about the negative spin the media puts on the Clayfans.

It took me a while to break free of a lot of the negativity, like I've said in other posts, I never sought it out, but after the release of ATDW, there was so much of it that it was hard to escape it. This small board became a haven for me. I saw and still see, laughter, celebration, thoughtful discussion and a genuine caring for Clay and each other. These were the things that Clay came to exemplify for me, and I'm glad to have a place where that is the priority.

The tours, I have loved them all, each has something special about it, but like so many of you, the JBT is my favorite. Clay sang so many songs that I grew up with and he was great on all of them. I thought then and still think, there are darn few performers out there with the range and versitility that Clay has.

By the way, where is bottle?

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Yeah! Where is bottle? I made her something speshul in the banner gallery. It is really just for her cos it certainly isn't for me!*g*

I cannot wait for tomorrow it's Idol Rewind time....oh and a little thing like hosting a small get together with the eHP. If you are in the Houston area just come and join us. We really are not evil. (Do we have a twirling moustache emoticon?)

We need a blog pretty quick! Clay please...pretty please!!!! I want some positive stuff not re-hash of old angst!

Love you guys...you make this sooo much fun!

Hee I'm on top again...story of my life (only not)!

Edited by merrieeee
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Claygary, the CH is always good about sharing shhstuff. If it's in the vault, generally speaking, it's also at CU. I just can't wait to see him for reals on my tv again!!!

Eee-hah! Except I've discovered today when I tried to DL something, I appear to have been cut off. I've sent a PM.

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Kudos Scarlett! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

For me it IS about perspective.

This story is OT but related in a itsmylife sorta way....

This past year in March the small public library I've worked at for 10 years was absorbed into a larger system and we became a branch library. This happened after our city of 8000 was forcibly annexed by the city of Omaha after a bitter two year legal fight. This meant many changes in regulations and procedure. And OPL didn't exactly want to absorb us either. Adding another branch certainly wasn't in their plans for the year but they had no say in the matter. They've spent the last 6 mos trying to deftly fit a square peg into a round whole with out having to hammer the living shit out of it. Not exactly an enviable task.

So after having to reapply for the job I've held for 10 years with no assurances from anyone that I would even have a job....I felt blessed to be going to work in the same place, with no reduction in either salary or benefits. My co-workers, however, have spent the last 6 mos railing against everything about the new situation. Even though most of them got hefty raises and their jobs didn't change all that much. Meanwhile my whole dept was eliminated and I voluntarily travel to the main branch to work once a week. The atmosphere got so toxic that when I was offered a full time position at the main branch (transfer still upcoming) I gladly accepted.

It isn't that I didn't understand their emotion I just didn't get the perspective.

In the past six months each of my 4 FT coworkers has been out for several weeks with an illness. I'm convinced that they each literally made themselves sick over the situation and I don't get that. It's just a job. No matter how much you like what you do...at the end of the day it's still just a job. (Hint, that's why they have to pay you to do it. Hee.)

Perspective. Having a job I still rather enjoy vs not having a job. Going to work everyday with a smile on my face vs making myself sick.

I just won't let someone else's warped perspective ruin my enjoyment. I know how lucky I am in my place in the world. I carry that with me in all things.

To bring this back to Clay...I think he has a wonderful perspective. I think he feels blessed. I hope he enjoys it all to the hilt!!!! And I hope that, you, my fellow fans do too!!!!

Or to quote my son... Don't let the jerkwads get you down! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by jamar1700
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Whew! I've had such a busy week that I haven't checked in for several days. Haven't had a chance to catch up yet, either, except for a few posts here and there.

I did read your post, jamar, and totally agree that it's up to each of us to choose our perspective in life. We can either accentuate all fo the negative, crappy stuff that everyone has to deal with in life, or be grateful for the positives and pay more attention to the good things. I learned a long time ago that paying attention to the negatives simply makes me unhappy. Very unhappy. So, I learned to be grateful for what I have, and I'm much, much happier.

And I agree with you that Clay seems to do the same. He tries to ignore the gnats, and chooses to enjoy the positive parts of being a celebrity, including being able to help those less fortunate. What an excellent example he's given us! And it seems that FCA has drawn mostly fans who would rather accentuate the positive aspects of being a fan rather than the negative. That works for me!!!

And all of this stubble works for me, too. YUMMMM!


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Scarlett.... Self rightious? I think not. There was more compassion and just plain old right in that one post than a year full of worthless blog posts by others.

Atinal: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Jamar, great real life example. There's a point where you have to move on and deal with the situation in a manner that doesn't suck the life out of not only you but everyone around you. Work is 8 hours of your day, if not more. I had a job once that literally made me sick so I just left it and a big fat severance package sitting on the table. I couldn't hold out the 2 more months to get it.

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I just spent the last hour reading all twenty nine pages of the Meet and Greet thread of this forum.

It purged my mind nicely. And I know one only gets one chance to make a first impression but I finally did introduce myself properly there tonight.

It's sorta like the chat thing, CouchTomato, I catch on real slow..... but I do know i'm finally in the right place.

thanks fca.

heee Zena... hmmmm I might read that check in thread again after I finish my song, one of these days or survive the wrath of KAndre.

I read your post here and there last night and I welcome you all over again.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Still around, just been lurking lately. :DoClay:

Waves to bottle.

well I'm honing in on your post count heeee. :lilredani: Shouldn't be long now at this rate :whistling-1:

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Claygary, the CH is always good about sharing shhstuff. If it's in the vault, generally speaking, it's also at CU. I just can't wait to see him for reals on my tv again!!!


Speaking of CU, there are a couple of posters over at the OFC in The Man, in a thread called "How can I get my Clack up on ClackUnlimited?", who have clack from the DCAT but don't know how to get it to the vault. Can anyone here help them?

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Speaking of CU, there are a couple of posters over at the OFC in The Man, in a thread called "How can I get my Clack up on ClackUnlimited?", who have clack from the DCAT but don't know how to get it to the vault. Can anyone here help them?

There's a link at the bottom of the Clack Unlimited main page (www.clackunlimited.com) saying "Are we missing anything? Email Us" and the "email us" is a link. They should probably use that to inquire further.

*waves at bottlecap*

*asks, "has anyone seen georgiaclay lately?"*

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Hi Bottle it's nice to see you :balloons:

Edited to delete the question because I googled and got more than I ever wanted to know. UGhhhhhhh nasty shit in :breakpc1::what_d_fuck: that place.

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There's a link at the bottom of the Clack Unlimited main page (www.clackunlimited.com) saying "Are we missing anything? Email Us" and the "email us" is a link. They should probably use that to inquire further.

Apparently, they've already done that and never heard back. Could be that there is still a real influx of clack and they just haven't gotten around to them yet, I guess.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Morning, FCA! I'm off work today, so I'll probably be hanging around all day and you'll be sick of me by 5:00. Wheeee!!!

Have you seen the Broadway Cares video with Heather Headley and Clay doing a duet? It's fantabulous. Is that a word?

oh crap great whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Only bad fan video. Is there GOOD clack of it?????

And why haven't I seen it if there is?????

I had not seen this before, either, I don't think. I only recall the bad fan video. (not meaning the fan was bad, just that the video was not professional. But I sure was grateful for it anyway.) I just finished downloading it and will listen as soon as I can get DH and DS out of the way. I don't like distraction with my Clack.

There has been so much to celebrate in this fandom in the last 4 and a half years. There have been 8 tours, countless TV appearances, charity appearances, his own foundation a college graduation, a presidential appointment, Unicef ambassadorship, platinum and gold records, his own TV special the list really does go on and on. All of this, and more and some fans seek out and revel in anything negative, or create their own drama to angst about. I have come to believe that some fans are more addicted to angst than being a fan of Clay

Back when I was still working and we were trying to solve problems, we learned about the pareto rule, you've probably heard of it, it basically states that 20% of something (usually it was people in our case) will cause 80% of your problem. In this fandom, it could be a smaller percentage, but the principle is still the same. This vocal minority has a need to make an issue out of everything, blow things way out of proportion, and bring attention to themselves and things that would be non issues if they would just let them die off. Then they will sit back and complain about the negative spin the media puts on the Clayfans.

It took me a while to break free of a lot of the negativity, like I've said in other posts, I never sought it out, but after the release of ATDW, there was so much of it that it was hard to escape it. This small board became a haven for me. I saw and still see, laughter, celebration, thoughtful discussion and a genuine caring for Clay and each other. These were the things that Clay came to exemplify for me, and I'm glad to have a place where that is the priority.

The tours, I have loved them all, each has something special about it, but like so many of you, the JBT is my favorite. Clay sang so many songs that I grew up with and he was great on all of them. I thought then and still think, there are darn few performers out there with the range and versitility that Clay has.

By the way, where is bottle?

atinal, I considered copying your post and re-posting it under my own name, but we librarians sorta look down on plagarism. But I just agree with everything you said so completely. In the beginning I was addicted to anything and everything Clay Aiken and felt a need to read every single thing ever said about him - I was so hungry for any and all news. Now I've learned to be more selective. I've figured out that there are some things I don't want to know, and that knowing about all the bad shit took the shine off my own enjoyment. So, like Claygasm mentioned, in a lot of areas I'm hopeless ignorant and sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I don't need to know the 'truth' in all matters, (or some peoples opinions masquerading as 'truth'). I don't need to know the 'truth' about bad fans/the administrator of a previous large message board/Ruben-Kelly-any other Idol fans/Clive-RCA-Roger. Many times in the last 4 1/2 years I've let someones insistence of my knowing the 'truth' diminish my enjoyment of being a Clay fan. I'm done with that. So they can just hate-away and revel in their negativity.

I do believe that some people actually enjoy anger, drama, angst and negativity. Maybe they have nothing else in their life that makes them feel alive.

And this part..."This small board became a haven for me. I saw and still see, laughter, celebration, thoughtful discussion and a genuine caring for Clay and each other. These were the things that Clay came to exemplify for me, and I'm glad to have a place where that is the priority."....... WORD!! :bier:

Edited by Bookwhore
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Well, I guess we know why we ended up here - to party!

cropcircles.jpg To be silly

seeing that sometimes this blinkies_183.gif usually should say this blinkies_186.gif, even if it is me doing it.

Or sometimes to find comapny message_24.gif

Still have not found my baby emoticons - so many lately - I just uploaded new ones and now can't find them either.

As to my song - well, not all shows have been loaded out, so there are gaps. And I have to go do kitchen stuff now. message_10.gif

For Bottle cock2.gif

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I just won't let someone else's warped perspective ruin my enjoyment. I know how lucky I am in my place in the world. I carry that with me in all things.

To bring this back to Clay...I think he has a wonderful perspective. I think he feels blessed. I hope he enjoys it all to the hilt!!!! And I hope that, you, my fellow fans do too!!!!

jamar, I love this. :F_05BL17blowkiss: It's amazing, isn't it, that a young man who was a stranger to us five years ago has shown us so many qualities of character that are worthy of our respect, admiration and....emulation. He's truly special.

And this morning on the bus I found myself thinking about a post Couchie made after she had dinner at my house the other night and I got sorta teary-eyed. No, it wasn't "Muski can cook." heh. It was "Muski has great kids."


Thank you. :wub:

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Throwing in my two cents about a few recent topics

AI Rewind -I think current AI is rather boring, but I loved loved loved AI2 so I am delighted with Clay's involvement as the narrator and that we know it is a substantial role. I will be downloading my little heart out on that good quality super secret clack.

Roger- Change is often good, often bad. I have no super strong feeling about him, but he hasn't impressed me so I hope for good change. Rather blase' opinion huh?

Chexxxy- I read there, I read here. That make me a bad fan? I just like to know what is going on. I like to be informed so I can form my own opinions. I am nobody's mindless follower. Seems that everyone has their opinion of what is right thing and what is the wrong thing to be a "good fan". Personally, I don't think there is one right or wrong way.

I am a fan for the voice, the laughs, the friends, and the man who impresses me with his heart and tugs at my heart.

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Good Morning! :)

My thoughts on Chexxxy's place? As destructive as the gnats. Period. Makes me question being a part of the online fandom.

I have so much fun in this fandom and I've made so many wonderful friends and done crazy, wonderful things which have and will add to my enjoyment of life.

The internet IS a scary place, though, inhabited by many weird, obessive people - you don't have to just visit Clay related articles - I often read comments following articles on other people or subjects - and I've been amazed and appalled by what is posted under the guise of anonimity.

I hope Clay has truly taken his life back and is able to ignore the bullshit. If it was me, I don't know if I could keep myself from reading the crap written about me. I think and hope he has good mentors and friends to keep him from going crazy.

That blog where he said he didn't need defending should have been stronger. Thick heads don't get that they're harmful.

I don't want to know all the bs because it's not truth - it's fiction - and it's sick. JMHO of course. :)

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I've never called anyone a bad fan. Those are loaded terms to this fandom. But I have no problem talking about what bothers me about this fandom. In some arenas that makes me a bad fan. Whatever, I am willing to take that heat. Hell I'll gladly take it. Because I belive it's better to say upfront, IF YOU THINK CLAY IS TALKING TO YOU AND HAVING BABIES ALL OVER THE PLACE AND YOU ARE HIS SPECIAL FRIEND AND NEEDS YOUR MONEY then you are are gullible and here are some lessons in scams on the internet - than letting things go on for years in back channels, growing unrecognizeale as they move from person to person, then turning into an investigation that goes on forever, then posting photos of Clay fans complete with personal information, then rehashing JP and his shit today so that it's readily available to maybe oh the 50 million people that never heard about it in the first place thereby giving him a bunch of new life. I don't support that and never will.

What I will say is that anyone who engages JP in any way is not helping Clay and some of the tactics used say more about a person's character than their fandom. And I'm no saint. I have my issues but whatever, I'll cast a stone or two and not feel a damn bit guilty about it. I feel strongly about this. I'm not saying if you don't agree with me you are a bad fan. This is just how "I" feel.

Toots, if you really think you want to know the details, just google. I'm done on the subject I reserve the right to change my mind.

Bwah.. Play love all your emoticons. We need to add Been Busy.

Atinal..Love your post earlier.

ETA: scammers are not some new fangled Clay thing..this is life on the internet and people need to understand that. And it's not just the internet it's just plain old life. Anybody read about the woman who has been living a life about being in one of the towers during 9/11? Has made an entire new paradigm for herself. There are sick, needy, fucked up people out there even in this fandom. If it wasn't him, it would be somebody or something else.

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:bigemo_harabe_net-24: :bigemo_harabe_net-24: :bigemo_harabe_net-24:

Edited because it was the prudent thing to do but I'm still going to take a hot shower with lot's of soap. Some people are just nuts!

Won't be doing that google again!

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