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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Yes, AAIT, we had discussed this meeting in Englewood when you first joined the board - Shady was sitting across from you and I was sitting next to you but at another table.

When we discussed where to get together for dinner, people just seemed to be financially burnt out last year, no one wanted to sit at a restaurant, so it seemed easier to meet at Panera, no money issues. When I suggested it people just leaped at a cheap dinner date. No fancy party or plans, just cheap food very close to the venue. I think I walked around for an hour casing different places, which was all pointless after all.

Bwah, Scarlett - hey, you know those CLay fans - they get bulk discounts on cameras, that is why they all look alike.

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And I'm so forgetful that I didn't remember meeting Playbiller, who said:

Why it was HK Entertainemnt - with the HK standing for Hong Kong? It is hard to google because HK entertainment is used by Hong Kong for touristy things.

HK Entertainment is the promoter who sponsored the West Point Christmas Show last year.

Edited by Shadylil
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FromClaygary, wow those are gorgeous!!! I've never done quilts but there's going to be a big show here in Houston on the first weekend in November. I think I'll go swing by just in case there's something interesting. Also, Karen Eh? used to teach quilting techniques, I think. Wonder if she's going to take her equipment to Kazakhstan? (ps. the place where I work has an office in Moncton; maybe we'll meet over there sometime)

I think I'll definitely be taking my quilting stuff with me when I go....well some of it. I don't think if we moved the fabric collection there would be any weight allowance left for anything else. I'll take some stuff and replenish as needed. I'm also thinking of making a couple of afghans while I'm there, too. Kazakhstan was the place we dodged when we came to Houston. This time it's Azerbaijan, another little spot on the Caspian Sea. But, anyway, I was just dropping in and saw that Scarlett mentioned the Houston International Quilt Show. I went last year and saw some absolutely amazing work. Non-flash photography was allowed and I shot pix of some of the pieces. They're all in my smugmug Texas album but here is a sample of a few of them. I was sorely tempted by all of the "stuff" that was for sale, too, but I resisted really hard because I knew I had Clay trips coming up in a few weeks. I chose Clay over a package of batik fat quarters. Only another quilter wold understand the devotion that signifies.





And something on topic from Pala:


I just want to tuck a pillow under his head in this one and.....um.....maybe toss a quilt over him, too....um.....eventually.....


Nighty-night, Clay.....and may the rest of you sleep just like this tonight, too.


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Hey, I know I should be in bed. I tucked my European company into bed hours ago. I just wanted to say that I mucho enjoyed reading all your comments on Clay's voice.

I had all your lovely quotes lined up, and then some synapse misfired and I lost them all. :(

I think that the term "warming up" is a bit of a catchall phrase and means different things to different people, and perhaps a more accurate term to use is "technique" which by definition is a much more complex and individual thing.

I do agree though that Clay seems to come by his natural gift very easily, and hope fervently that he takes good care of his voice. But I don't worry about it, in the negative sense. And it's just cool to have a discussion here without it getting all angsty.

I've given up angst for yoga. :cryingwlaughter: I like the multiple perspectives better. *g*

I've added an avatar so you will all know who I am at the next Clay gathering, (sobs quietly for Vegas) and then you can decide whether or not you want to come over to me and introduce yourselves to an innocent prairie girl who spends a lot of time walkin' the dog. ( no reference to yoga intended here ).

And I thought, just to help the posts time go a little faster, I'd change my signature about every ten posts or so..........


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Just to change the subject once again...I'm kind of ADD today, sorry...but this time a bit more on topic. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I had an interesting visit earlier this morning. I just flew back from two weeks in the Maritimes (working) today; on the way back from Moncton NB to Halifax NS to catch my flight home, I took an hour and stopped in at the Anne Murray Centre in Springhill, NS.

I know the Canadians will know Anne Murray (those of a certain age at least *g*), but I think many of our American friends will as well. Since the start of her career in 1966 approximately, she's won Grammies galore (10 I think) and awards from every aspect of the music business.

Springhill at the time she first became famous was a town of about 5000 just recovering from the Springhill Mine disaster. She became well known as a performer on an popular variety show on TV in the '60's (Don Messer Jubilee). It featured east-coast music, and Anne was one of the singers on the show at age approx 20. She is well known for the beauty of her alto voice, and for her groundedness through the years of her fame.

Every step I took through the centre reminded me of Clay. The way she started, singing in talent shows etc and then going on to be featured in a TV show; her quick rise to fame, and the grounded and sensible way in which she handled it. Her love of her family, her hometown and her friends. The Centre is a non-profit organization whose proceeds go to provide jobs for the people of the village of Springhill today. Can't you see Clay doing something like this, if Raleigh were in that kind of situation?

I've been a fan of Anne's for many years (well, fan is relative...I've seen her in concert 5 or 6 times in 30 years) but I found it very interesting.

I'm so glad I took the time!

Here's her website if anyone wants to refresh their memories:

Anne's official website with links to listen to her music

I don't need any refresher on Anne Murray. I just absolutely adore her voice! I was listening to her this past week, as I hadn't listened to her "Best of Anne Murray" CD in quite some time.

Congratulations on the new great-grandson! Also, your quilts are beautiful!

Also, congratulations to Caro on the birth of her grandson!!!

Happy Belated Birthday and Anniversay, Aikim! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by curiousgladys
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:fca: , I just got a notification for a Michael Buble presale here in my city. One day I want Clay to play here.

I saw a reference on another board to the OFC reopening today. Was that posted somewhere or is that just conjecture?

I am home today in preparation for some medical tests tomorrow so I plan to use my time wisely and watch lots of clack. :RedGuy:

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I lost y'all last night, and took it as a sign I was supposed to be in bed....

FromClaygary, wow those are gorgeous!!! I've never done quilts but there's going to be a big show here in Houston on the first weekend in November. I think I'll go swing by just in case there's something interesting. Also, Karen Eh? used to teach quilting techniques, I think. Wonder if she's going to take her equipment to Kazakhstan? (ps. the place where I work has an office in Moncton; maybe we'll meet over there sometime)

(my bolding) Now there's the understatement of the year! :cryingwlaughter: The International Quilt Festival is one of the largest quilt events in the world, and still I believe the largest conference event hosted by the city of Houston. You should definitely have a look-see! It's dedicated to all kinds of needlework, not just quilting, and you'll see all manner of delicious things. If you're art-inclined, or color-inclined, it's a must! Don't plan on going for just one day though...I warn ya! And take a camera...you'll be able to take pictures, as long as you don't use your flash. There are always dyestuff companies there as well...for sure Jacquard.

I've been to it many, many times but not since 2003...wonder what happened then? :RedGuy:

We have met, actually, but very briefly and casually so I'm sure you don't remember. I think it was Canandaigua, and probably jmh123 who introduced us...could have been goldarngirl...or maybe luckiest1? Hee...see what I mean? I'm not even sure! I'm the funny-looking one with the spiky hair which most people remember. ;)

After I quoted this, I see Kareneh has posted some pictures. They're beautiful and went right in my (other largest) collection!

Kareneh, from the places you've been, I'm guessing you're in the oil biz. No stays in Calgary?

Azerbajain should be a terrific adventure, and the additions to stash from over there would be very tempting. When I moved here to Ontario, I got rid of about half of mine to my guild members, and the movers still complained.

Well, enough of boring the rest of you! Have a good week, everyone!

Canuck :soon: Don't rush em! My youngest son is as we speak over your DS's way...he's on a 2 month jaunt to Korea. Japan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam etc etc. Left Friday. So far no requests for bail money. ;)

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Good Morning Everyone,

32 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

43 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

63 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

89 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

92 Days until The Skating Show Airs!

Everyone have a great day!


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Good Morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I am not a quilter, but I really enjoyed reading about your experiences and seeing the results from several members here. Beautiful work -- From Claygary, Scarlett, KarenEh? :clap:

Happy clack watching and good luck with the tests, Luckiest1! :whistling-1:

Many thnx for al your kind comments about my Texas grandson Sunday. :wub:

HappyBirthdaySingingHeart.gifto PhillyluvsClay!

Have a great day, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

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Well I had busy weekend and have not had time to catch up. In fact I scoff at going back and reading old pages*g*

My DH was home for a few days and that means less Play Clay time! I'm going to have to do something about that.

I am a really bad person because I can never remember who I have met and who I haven't! It takes me a couple of times before I can actually recognize someone. Part of it was because I could never recognize anyone from a distance, had to be close and have more than just a passing hello type conversation with them. I know I met a lot of people at the CH partay but for the life of me cannot remember them! Now I did recognize zena from her picture....looks just like you! :imgtongue:

I used to love to quilt and of course mine looked exactly like those in the picture ::coughcough:: Yeah in my mind. :whistling-1:

I cannot wait to see Idol Rewind. I may have the whole of AI2 on DVD but it's not quite the same as seeing it on TV. It's like any TV appearance Clay does. It just seems more special to see it live.....well relatively speaking.

Hee I was just reading an article about Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn in Lord of the Rings) who is naked in a film called Eastern Promises and I came across this:

A woman who runs the Viggophile.net fan site told Newsweek, "I don't want to give the impression that we're all sex-crazed middle-age women, but we are quite looking forward to that scene."

Sound familiar?

Edited by merrieeee
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Hee I was just reading an article about Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn in Lord of the Rings) who is naked in a film called Eastern Promises and I came across this:

A woman who runs the Viggophile.net fan site told Newsweek, "I don't want to give the impression that we're all sex-crazed middle-age women, but we are quite looking forward to that scene."

Sound familiar?

I remember reading a similar type of article when the movie 300 came out, for Gerard Butler. I guess, in this society, women over the age of say, 40, are supposed to stop thinking of sex and handsome men. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

FromClaygary, what a cute great-grandbaby! What is it with all the babies around here? (Says she, who is perfectly happy with 2 cats, no kids, but lots of nieces, nephews, and grand-nieces and grand-nephews...)

I remember Anne Murray. My first dance with my husband after our wedding was "Could I Have This Dance (For the Rest of My Life)?" I've always thought she had a great voice, and also a wonderful career. I think that more than a few Clay fans don't like the idea of him having a career like hers, because she's not a "high profile" performer. I've always felt that there are fans who think he should be on the cover of EVERY magazine and be on EVERY talk show and be played on EVERY radio format. IMO, he really doesn't need that to have a successful career. Sometimes with "high profile" comes "higher falls." (See: Britney; Lindsay; Paris; and the list can go on....) I personally would be happy with a career that he feels comfortable with.

:00003653: to PhillyluvsClay, who actually OWNS one of these passes (and I'm jellus as hell, 'cause I LURVE this picture of him...)


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Yes, the board is VERY blue! But there are lots of new cool features. Yeah, I'm geeky. So what??

Anyway, try clicking on people's screenames at the far left of the page. There's a drop-down menu with lots of options!

And at the top right of the current topic - there's another drop-down menu. Cool!

I'm looking forward to seeing what color scheme you admins decide upon!

Heee - I'm having fun playing. The 'reply' box has all kinds of new options, too. The color box is no longer way up at the top.

And you can do spoilers like this.

And there's superscript, subscript, strikethrough, inserting special items (heh!!), and tons more. Yay!!

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Oh we're so BLUEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Don't worry..I have complete faith in Ansa..that she will bring back our soothing colors...but yay they didn't lose all of the emoticons.

well well..my assistant works..but where the hell is happening to VIEW NEW POSTS...ya'll know that would push me over the edge if it were broken. :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Can everybody check PM box...is yours working?

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It's blue, it's blue (I liked the green) and beautiful. Good job ladies! :loveletter:

This is going to be fun, I can see it now. We'll be like little kids in the candy store with all the goodies available to push and punch and do whatnot (semi suessism).

Can you turn off my post counter for a while because I've caught up and passed Bookwhore. :polon:

And we'll have fun, fun, fun till daddy takes the T-Bird away :04:

Couchie, my PM box is missing. View new posts is working, WHEW!!!

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KAndre looks around, wide eyed...

Oh, we're gonna have to play now!

Wheeee, a nice clean place to roll around in! *stretches lazily...uuuunnngh!* Love the new functions but one side of me wants to grab globs of paint and toss them all over! (or challenge Solo to a paintball match)

I have complete faith in Ansa..that she will bring back our soothing colors...but yay they didn't lose all of the emoticons.
*give Ansa a virtual back rub, in anticipation of all the work she's doing for us*

couchie, my PM box gives this message "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/findingc/public_html/sources/components_ucp/gallery.php on line 50" --- Not complaining & not rushin' (& i'm only printing out the message to help whoever is working the ticket) ... I answered all my PM's before the upgrade.

What 'View New Posts'? Nods knowingly (while searching desperately)... oh, found it!

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