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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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(we eventually let them go again because lord knows we don't wanna pay for their upkeep)

eeep... uh, did we remember to let that the last ones go? whose turn was it?

...she sincerely, honestly believed that the final battle between good and evil was going to take place here in Texas and frequently gushed over how lucky I was to live here. Finally, I had to say something to the effect of, "Well, I'm not sure I want the Final Battle between Good and Evil to happen in my hometown because it would be blacked out on pay-per-view". That sort of killed the weekend, but she forgave me and keeps including me in "Repent-now" chain e-mails. *sigh*

Scarlett... :cryingwlaughter: Bolding mine... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I am downloading all the Honorable Mention (better known as second place) clack for my song rating. Will have that picked out tonight. Unfortunately, I won't be home on my own computer until the 30th to download something to convert a portion of a wmv file to mp3. So, I will have my recommendations up very soon, but the actual mp3 files to download... soon (tm CHA)! I have enjoyed the whole process very much! It's been a sacrifice to listen to 87 versions of the Classics... sigh!, but someone had to do it... :whistling-1:

PRETTY... GORGEOUS babies in here today and I'm an expert cause I have 6 grandkids and they were all gorgeous, so I know one when I see one... :cryingwlaughter: Congratulations!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA to add.... Awww to the Williamsport myspace letter. That was saaweet!!!

ETA #2: I'm at the top of the page and have been for HOURS!!! (slight exaggeration for dramatic effect)... Aw, I see luckiest did not leave me alone... thanks, Luckiest!!!

Edited by liney23
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The entire staff of the CAC had such a wonderful experience with not only Mr. Aiken, but with his wonderful Claymates and Claymaniacs last year. I believe that myself and the rest of the staff were moved not only by his talent, but his kind and loving nature. Not only is he an very talented artist, but a gentleman as well!

We really hope to see all of you again at the Community Arts Center on December 15, 2007. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!

Awwwww. That makes me all schmoopie. It truly was a special night last year. I wish I was going again this year, but I am sure that it will be a wonderful experience for everyone who is.

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Awwwww. That makes me all schmoopie. It truly was a special night last year. I wish I was going again this year, but I am sure that it will be a wonderful experience for everyone who is.

Love the note! Another one falls captive...

....and! Meeeeeee!!! I'm going to Williamsport! :dancingpickle: Row AAA dead centre, bay-bee! :dancingpickle:

Life is strange in this day and age...while I was posting, I received a note from my youngest son...who at the moment is here. Although he can't figure out how to upload pictures on the Korean-language computer he is on...I can "talk" to him in real time...from Korea...now how cool is that??

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Alright you guys,I'm feeling sort of left out here...Am I totally alone in my distaste for the Soundcheck pictures?

Ok, then.

It's just that he looks too smoothhhh...LOL He needs to be messed up a little :thdom2: ...and have some stubble happening...and a few more freckles peeking out from under his pan base.

This way he looks way too much like a 18 yr old just out of high school going for his first job interview for the summer...wait a minute...never mind. :lipstick:

Thanks for the nice banner comments. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I put that one with the arm up in there especially for YSRN, because I know she likes to see his dent now and then....not that dent, the other one.

(crud, I guess they all have their arm up. :lmaosmiley-1: but I'm talking about the one with the hair off his forehead)

(tis' some really nice comments from the WCAC house manager. The man can sure impress)

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Alright you guys,I'm feeling sort of left out here...Am I totally alone in my distaste for the Soundcheck pictures?

Ok, then.

Nope. Not alone. Too "pretty" for my taste. Doesn't look like Clay to me.

I love last year's JNT long hair look. Loved the SRHP look.

CD RCA hair-in-eyes too much eye makeup or dyed lashes - overdone look . . . not so much.

But that's just me!

Nighty Night, All!

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Awwwww. That makes me all schmoopie. It truly was a special night last year. I wish I was going again this year, but I am sure that it will be a wonderful experience for everyone who is.

Love the note! Another one falls captive...

....and! Meeeeeee!!! I'm going to Williamsport! :dancingpickle: Row AAA dead centre, bay-bee! :dancingpickle:

Life is strange in this day and age...while I was posting, I received a note from my youngest son...who at the moment is here. Although he can't figure out how to upload pictures on the Korean-language computer he is on...I can "talk" to him in real time...from Korea...now how cool is that??

I am really looking forward to Williamsport which will probably be my last concert this Christmas. The venue looks absolutely beautiful. I reserved my flights into Newark today for the four shows I'm doing in that area. I gave myself one extra day so I could slip in something on the 16th....and if he doesn't, I'll do something in the city, like load up on camera stuff at B & H. It seems so real when you get that plane ticket. I'm off to book Chicago for the end of November, the fare dipped below $200 today. I think it's time to bite.

Speaking of biting.......

Shipping a dog to Azerbaijan......Three thousand dollars

A bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot........Eight bucks

A Sheltie who can pass you the cork screw......Priceless.

Claygary, my husband travels to all these far off places, many of which don't accept credit cards (like the Sofitel in Malabo....imagine $450 a night, cash or wire transfer) BUT we always manage to communicate on Yahoo Messenger in real time. It's one of the coolest darn things about the internet and one reason I have to get my mother a computer for Christmas. (The rest of the family, who live in Halifax, are going to hate me for it. HAHA!)

Ooooh! Ansa, you pass the test. Someone give that woman an A+ :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I love him in all of his manifestations. He has an ageless quality.


I was thinking about those Souncheck pictures. They're not my favourite but I don't dislike them, either. They are just so different from messed up, concert Clay and yet, they tug at me. I think they're really quite sexy.

I've just always found him such a cameleon (chameleon?) and I never get too attached to any "look" because it changes faster than the weather in Vancouver. This set of photos though, just like the OFC ones that are so "done" have an attraction for me - I find them kind of "arty" though I don't think they capture the essence of him one bit.

I really find him infinitely intriguing!

And hawt.

Definitely hawt.

Hawter than hawt.

This guy is my favourite though!







And an "oldie" but a favourite!


I kinda got carried away!


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This kinda got lost in the shuffle yesterday with all the board intrigue...but I wanted to thank LUCKY for all the work she's doing on the FCA media (well now audio) site. If you're looking for Clay audio, early stuff, idol, tour, tv etc..you can find it there. We have plans to add more stuff and with Lucky working on it...it will probably actually come to pass sooner rather than later. I know what I want to do but just needed help. And to top it off...hasnt' she rated like 20 songs already...and I"m still working on my first. Beyotch. heee.

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This kinda got lost in the shuffle yesterday with all the board intrigue...but I wanted to thank LUCKY for all the work she's doing on the FCA media (well now audio) site. If you're looking for Clay audio, early stuff, idol, tour, tv etc..you can find it there. We have plans to add more stuff and with Lucky working on it...it will probably actually come to pass sooner rather than later. I know what I want to do but just needed help. And to top it off...hasnt' she rated like 20 songs already...and I"m still working on my first. Beyotch. heee.

Thanks Luck!! :)

lineyI got carried away posting the pics because I picked one, then I thought...."oh, buy I LOVE this one....and " well, you know how it goes! I don't take the pics but I love them mightily. I hope on my deathbed, that I still have the wherewithal to crash my hard drive so my dear loved ones don't discover my treasure trove! :cryingwlaughter:

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lineyI got carried away posting the pics because I picked one, then I thought...."oh, buy I LOVE this one....and " well, you know how it goes! I don't take the pics but I love them mightily. I hope on my deathbed, that I still have the wherewithal to crash my hard drive so my dear loved ones don't discover my treasure trove! :cryingwlaughter:

I've actually thought about stuff like that. What will happen to my clack. What willl happen to FCA heh. I need to set up a trust. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

My family knows of my craziness..but do I really want them seeing links to Clyra and whatnot. heee

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lineyI got carried away posting the pics because I picked one, then I thought...."oh, buy I LOVE this one....and " well, you know how it goes! I don't take the pics but I love them mightily. I hope on my deathbed, that I still have the wherewithal to crash my hard drive so my dear loved ones don't discover my treasure trove! :cryingwlaughter:

I've actually thought about stuff like that. What will happen to my clack. What willl happen to FCA heh. I need to set up a trust. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I can just see the reading of the will:

I leave my computer hard drive to: __________________


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but do I really want them seeing links to Clyra and whatnot. heee

HEY! :o

I resemble that remark! Are you saying you're ashamed of the Clyra? You sayin' the Clyra is something to HIDE?


Huh? <_<

HUH? :angry:


Yeah, I worry about that, too. :blush:


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I've actually thought about stuff like that. What will happen to my clack.

heeee......a year or so ago we were talking about living wills at the CH, I asked ms Artquest if she had any recommendations for type of person one would choose to be in charge of deciding things.

She didn't have any advice, but DID ask if she could have my clack.

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I love him in all of his manifestations. He has an ageless quality.


I was thinking about those Souncheck pictures. They're not my favourite but I don't dislike them, either. They are just so different from messed up, concert Clay and yet, they tug at me. I think they're really quite sexy.

I've just always found him such a cameleon (chameleon?) and I never get too attached to any "look" because it changes faster than the weather in Vancouver. This set of photos though, just like the OFC ones that are so "done" have an attraction for me - I find them kind of "arty" though I don't think they capture the essence of him one bit.

I really find him infinitely intriguing!

And hawt.

Definitely hawt.

Hawter than hawt.

This guy is my favourite though!


That is an amazing picture!

After watching four years of clack in the last year, I definitely thought of Clay as a chameleon because he looked so different in every appearance and from year to year. It totally floored me when I saw him for the first time in Frisco and the different faces of Clay were all in there together and I was seeing them flash before me one after the other. I don't think I've gotten over that yet, or that I ever will.

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Pfft - Clack - my sister gets my collection and I get hers.

Years ago - seems like a lifetime ago, just after AI ended, I was talking to my sister and she was telling me how she was making her husband sick by playing videos of Clay on AI singing again and again and I asked her why she just didn't download it to her computer (she used it for work and did not want to put personal stuff on her hard drive. Well her birthday was coming up in June and I could no longer purchase Clay's cds, so I burnt her a copy of all the video I had and all all the Clay music I had so she could listen to full length songs, I think it took me a long time to do it and I burnt out my CD drive, had to order a new one for my then new computer (i.e.this one, hee). I sent her this big pack of disks and started off her Clack collection, which has far surpassed mine at this date. I doubt she ever looked or listened to it all. Then I got her invited to the CH when she wanted to organize a party and then she got into the vault and I did not have to worry about her getting audio or video things any more.

Memories. But that takes us back to clack wills.

Yay, top of the page two times today, must mean I'm speshul.

ETA - did I post this website from a TV station with pictures of AI2 rewind? CWDC

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hasnt' she rated like 20 songs already...and I"m still working on my first. Beyotch. heee.

Who you calling a beyotch? :naughtywag: OK, I'm probably completely mental, but if anyone is really, really stuck with their recommendations and doesn't think they are going to be able to do them, PM me. I could use some audio to dissect and rate listen to at work. What can I say? Work's boring and the boards are slow this week. :whistling-1:

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Good morning!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Went to see the So You Think You Can Dance tour last night. Seats were good, show was good. Got home at 12:30, got to sleep at 2 a.m., got up at 6:15. Ugh!

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Good Morning Everyone,

30 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center! 4 Weeks! 1 Month!

41 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

61 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

87 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

90 Days until The Christmas Special Airs!

Everyone have a great day!


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