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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Clack legacies. By coincidence awhile back I ended up distributing the clack of a fan I didn't even know. She was a great grandmother who died, I assume from natural causes (although if the very young From Claygary can be a great grand-mom, maybe I've assumed wrong). Her family posted a request in the CH public access thread, and I responded. The family obviously had some knowledge of the fandom, because all the really, really valuable stuff that I expect she would've had wasn't included--no rare pins, no AIW, no autographs. It was really sweet though that they wanted the things to go to fans who really love Clay like she did. Most of the stuff they sent was stuff we all would already have, so I sent a lot of it to Japan to the New Clay Fans, which made them very happy. The main recipient, the one I initially contacted, is a fan originally from Indonesia married to a Japanese man--has two very young children, and she wasn't able to come to the concerts this summer. She posted on the CB looking for a Rolling Stone, and then I asked if she or anyone she knew wanted this or that, and after a couple of e-mails like that she said, send everything, they want it all!! They paid the postage to send it all first class!

Awwww...I think that is so cool you did that! I'm thrilled for them that the Japanese fans were able to get some of these things.

I also think it's wonderful that the woman's family knew enough (perhaps from instructions from her?) to contact the message board and ask to have it distributed. Makes note to self re will....

PS...How much did you want Paypal'd again for that note re my youth? :lol: That will offset the young whippersnapper in Shopper's Drug Mart that, when I dragged my weary 10-hrs-at-work body in there tonight, asked if I wanted my senior's discount. :blink: I refrained from whacking her. :lol:

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Re: AI Rewind clack:

We will be getting "clean" broadcast quality clips of AI Rewind from a secret source.

Some tidbits that have been passed on/confirmed for your info:

It's true that Clay is the narrator, that he gets onscreen credit as "Narrated By".

His voice is heard throughout the bulk of the episode.

Weee! Thanks secret source!

And that is a revelation why??? Didn't we know this yesterday? And I would expect he would get a credit for narrating. Seems like this "secret source" is a day late and a dollar short! Unless of course there is other secret info she can't share until it is common knowledge and then how would we ever know if she truly had the secret info to begin with?? (Although I hope her clack prediction is true).

Yes, Ms. Cynical Bitch attacks again!

But a big woo hoo!! With 3 games left in the regular season, my once given-up-for-dead Phillies are tied for 1st place in their division!!!! :00000442:

waves arms wildly in the air

Like with Careless whisper, There is no great agenda, she has no reason to say anything at all. And theyy both been known for a long time and does not get involved in any controversy, hardly ever post. To make anything up is pointless for either of them.

A lot of us know Eva, she does not post unless there is Clack

A lot of us are familiar with her dog snoring. he sleeps next to her computer and the snoring is passed along on the cellcerts.

Basically, if there is no great prize to be won for telling us something, there is no reason for a person to lie. Eva is greatly beloved for all the work she does to keep the clack flowing, she does not need more love.

There was a lot of debate at the CH today about whether the narrator will be a short or long task, this verifyies that it is as I believed a long task. Maybe not the greatest bestest ever information, but certainly not something that someone would say to bring on an insider reputation.

She may be the most wonderful person in the world - I have no reason to doubt anything but, however, she still didn't tell us anything we didn't already know so how secret is that???? The fact that the info was already out there and she still "revealed" it seems a little suspect to me.

I am not saying she - or Careless Whisper for that matter - is lying. In Eva's case I am just saying she didn't share anything we didn't already know so pardon me if I doubt she has any other super secret info that we won't hear about until after the fact.

And for all she does in the name of clack, I love her too! Just doubt the super secret info.

More perplexing to me is this. I read on another board (not the OFC) that they couldn't imagine TPTB at AI asking Clay to narrate, or participate, in any way for AI Rewind. "Why would they?" she asked.

Why wouldn't they seems the more logical question!

Season two was all about Clay and Ruben and their "battle" to the top. Clay was the most popular contestant from season 2. He remains among the top 4 or 5 in terms of post-Idol success. His fans are known to tune into ANYTHING he is associated with.

So again I say, why wouldn't TPTB at AI want Clay to participate in some way???? Why would anyone think they wouldn't want him?? And knowing the sentimental fool that he is, why would HE not want to participate???

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I think the voting matters...as that is how the winner is picked. They can try to manipulate who they want to win all they want to but when it comes down to it..the winner is picked by America. Did they want Taylor to win? I doubt it. All they care about is good drama that a reality show brings IMO. I mean, the money is in the show, not the winner. I think in the first few seasons it mattered a little who won. For instance I do think a Diana Degramo win would have been disastrous. Now, not a bit...as long as people tune back in next year and text their little hearts out. And they will. Season 2 still has the biggest finale but that will fall one day. But overall I do believe there have been some higher rated seasons. Last year was lackluster. I'm sure the cast will be better next season. And yep, I agree it's a cast. Season 2 was also cast. I think season 2 just really had a top solid top 5 or so, that were all competitive..all stepped up to the plate and gave rock solid performances week after week. It was just great TV. I loved season 2.

Yeah, CG, Clay is an obvious choice to be part of idol rewind. I know people thinks Idol HATES Clay but I've seen no evidence of that. He is one of the show's biggest names..and he is NOT bigger than the darn show. Who else would they get from season 2 if not Ruben and Clay. Seems like a nobrainer to me.

I haven't read CH lately but seems to me Eva was responding to doubts raised there. I think here there was a bunch of eeeeeeeeing. LOL

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I agree with you on why wouldn't they pcik Clay seems obvious to me, I understand why Ruben is hosting as well, although I do think he just does notproject this well rumored personality well on regular TV, he has shown bits of it recently like on Rachel Rae,

With Eva - The information was not aimed to us, that is why it is not so impressive, it was aimed at another group of people who were claiming that Clay would not really be on the show much, that is why it doesn't impress you and is the problem of bringing something from another board out of context. It was in context for YSRN because she read the whole conversation, but you did not because it was on another board. I think it is not worth doubting her though, the special broadcast qualtiy clack is very important information and should impress you. Since this is her funcion in the fandom, I expect her to follow through on it. I will not question where it came from any more than I question where the heather Headley stuff comes from, I just accept it gratefully and move on. If it doesn't happen for some unforeseen reason, I expect good qualty clack will be captured anyway.

Like many discussions in the fandom today - AI Rewind/Roger/managers/publicists - Context is everything.

I used to assume the AI2 record would fall and it came very very close in season 5, but last year the highest ratings were for the first day of auditions and it fell almost every show after that, there were one or two shows where it went up and then it would fall again. I do think the show is close to jumping the shark with so many people getting contracts right away. People are getting some idol overflow. I wonder if this showing of rewind might just eat into their ratings this year because people have already seen a season of idol? Or it could bolster them, I guess we have to see what the first day's ratings are and judge from that.

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My favorite JNT05 was Nashville...frozen feet and all. I saw 3 of them. On my first one I was distracted and not able to come down after helpign host the pre party... and my last one was Atlanta where the little star was out. That was a great show to be at...but my perfect one was Nashville...I loved every little thing about it...and I really dragged my eyes off Clay to take in the entire experience. Looking forward to this Xmas.

I was at two of these shows too, Nashville and Atlanta!! Yes, frozen feet in Nashville was my reality too!!!

I'm tickled to death about Clay and Rewind. Coolio. He's gonna talk here and there, now and then, over the course of six months on MY teevee to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I betcha he'll crack a few jokes and drop a few innuendos and snark a few sharp jabs and he'll be SOOOOOOO cute :hubbahubba: and funny and sharp and then....then....

We get to hear him SING, too! :clap::hubbahubba:

Oh, we are blessed, indeed. :DoClay::lilredani:

And this is one time when I won't mind the reruns AT ALL!!!!!

I've read the last two pages (set at 40 ppp) and haven't found much of the stuff y'all are referring to - some of it I can imagine, but I'd like to read what y'all have been talking about more from the beginning. So, I won't ask for someone to summarize, though xxx did a good job of it, but about what time of the day did most of the conversation about this Chexxxy stuff and fans outing other fans or doing bad things to them or whatever... occur? I just don't know where to look and I'm too tired to read tons of pages!! I thank you sincerely and muchly!!! :elephanthugs:

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Season 3 - if Diana De Garmo won..... not sure they would not have tried to turn her into a pop princess, she didn't look or sound like one, but who knows, they would have turned her anorexic, and made her sings squeaky high, piled on the makeup and the under eye shadow - she is better off she did not win. as is 19 and RCA... She is growing up a real pretty nicely though, her future is yet to be seen.

My favorite conspiracy theory about season 3 is that crap they pulled with the wild card where they told 4 people taht they would not sing and compete at the last minute and one of them was a fan favorite, I think she was in a heavy loaded group 2 like sing off like Clay. Can't think of her name at this moment, but she still has a following, I run across it now and then. She might have been able to give Fantsia a run for her money.

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CG...I think the secret she mentioned is the source of the high quality clack. I don't think she meant to insinuate that her info is a big secret, but she did add to what we knew. She confirmed what others were speculating...that his narrating a huge part of the show...or all of it.

With regards to AI...I think I am in the middle of the spectrum. I don't think they are totally evil and manipulative but they are not all innocent either. I agree they cast each season in order to have a higher probability for a certain outcome. They are also most concerned about ratings and not the singers in their show. But I doubt they would bother cheating on the results. Its not necessary anymore since the show is bigger than their product. So why risk the show to get someone to win that they are not sure could sell CDs?

so what troubles are you having with quotes???

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I agree with you on why wouldn't they pcik Clay seems obvious to me, I understand why Ruben is hosting as well, although I do think he just does notproject this well rumored personality well on regular TV, he has shown bits of it recently like on Rachel Rae,

With Eva - The information was not aimed to us, that is why it is not so impressive, it was aimed at another group of people who were claiming that Clay would not really be on the show much, that is why it doesn't impress you and is the problem of bringing something from another board out of context. It was in context for YSRN because she read the whole conversation, but you did not because it was on another board. I think it is not worth doubting her though, the special broadcast qualtiy clack is very important information and should impress you. Since this is her funcion in the fandom, I expect her to follow through on it. I will not question where it came from any more than I question where the heather Headley stuff comes from, I just accept it gratefully and move on. If it doesn't happen for some unforeseen reason, I expect good qualty clack will be captured anyway.

Ah context! It IS everything!! I stand corrected but plead ignorance because I haven't read anything at the CH.

And I just couldn't understand what was so amazing about what she said (except th clack part....).

Mea culpa!

(And what Heather Headley stuff??? You all have to understand I am hopelessly ignorant on some of the goings on in the history of Clay land. I learned that when I had dinner with my Twin this summer!!!! I had no clue!!!)

ETA: I think AI casts for what they think will garner them the highest ratings. I don't think they care that much about what happens after the show ends. The wildcard for them is, once the viewers get into the act, all their control over who stays in the cast is gone.

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Have you seen the Broadway Cares video with Heather Headley and Clay doing a duet? It's fantabulous. Is that a word?

oh crap great whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Only bad fan video. Is there GOOD clack of it?????

And why haven't I seen it if there is?????

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Twin here! :)

Hee, Ms.CynicalBitch, I was only excited about the clack. I didn't even read the rest. :lol: I do appreciate a good quality download, yo!

In other "news", I wrote this totally bitchy diatribe about Chexxxy/TAiken/Titian and her moronic mission and how it's now a Googleable event complete with JP references for public consumption. And how somehow in her fucked up brain that all translates to "respecting" Clay. And how anyone who plays in her sandbox is enabling her and just as guilty of the insanity, IMO. And then, I decided that rather than even put one tiny toe into her vat of venom, I'll just leave her and her cronies to stew in it without me. Good luck with that, losers!

/short version


Ah, refreshing...

So again I say, why wouldn't TPTB at AI want Clay to participate in some way???? Why would anyone think they wouldn't want him?? And knowing the sentimental fool that he is, why would HE [not] want to participate???

Ya got me. :)You did mean "not" up there, right?


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Twin here! :)

Hee, Ms.CynicalBitch, I was only excited about the clack. I didn't even read the rest. :lol: I do appreciate a good quality download, yo!

In other "news", I wrote this totally bitchy diatribe about Chexxxy/TAiken/Titian and her moronic mission and how it's now a Googleable event complete with JP references for public consumption. And how somehow in her fucked up brain that all translates to "respecting" Clay. And how anyone who plays in her sandbox is enabling her and just as guilty of the insanity, IMO. And then, I decided that rather than even put one tiny toe into her vat of venom, I'll just leave her and her cronies to stew in it without me. Good luck with that, losers!

/short version


Ah, refreshing...

So again I say, why wouldn't TPTB at AI want Clay to participate in some way???? Why would anyone think they wouldn't want him?? And knowing the sentimental fool that he is, why would HE [not] want to participate???

Ya got me. :)You did mean not up there, right?


Hee!!! I love my Twin!!! And I would have given anything to read the longer version of your diatribe!!

Um and yes, I did mean NOT want to participate........

Note to self: Try proof reading more carefully!

(Of to edit original post.....)

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Yesterday, I got gnat-smacked unawares by a "friend". I have never even heard of Chexxy or whatever..... Just don't go there.

Sometimes it is really good to be out of the loop and clueless...reading the last few pages was a real eye-opener.

I actually tried to find out. Stoooopid me.

Twin here! :)

In other "news", I wrote this totally bitchy diatribe about Chexxxy/TAiken/Titian and her moronic mission and how it's now a Googleable event complete with JP references for public consumption. And how somehow in her fucked up brain that all translates to "respecting" Clay. And how anyone who plays in her sandbox is enabling her and just as guilty of the insanity, IMO. And then, I decided that rather than even put one tiny toe into her vat of venom, I'll just leave her and her cronies to stew in it without me. Good luck with that, losers!

/short version

Thanks for this inspirational diatribe, YSRN.

I just spent the last hour reading all twenty nine pages of the Meet and Greet thread of this forum.

It purged my mind nicely. And I know one only gets one chance to make a first impression but I finally did introduce myself properly there tonight.

It's sorta like the chat thing, CouchTomato, I catch on real slow..... but I do know i'm finally in the right place.

thanks fca.

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OH, bwah! I've been wallowing in guilty pleasures---reading all of Shak's old AI2 recaps from TWOP...what a hoot. I'm even copying and pasting all the Clay references (No, KAndre, I haven't done my "Best of" assignment and instead have been spending mumblemumble hours doing something else totally UNassigned...)

Anyhoo....I saw this from the top six or seven or something and it CMSU! It's referring to Diane Warren:

She looks like she should be standing in line at Waldenbooks getting her copy of Dance Of Seduction autographed. If you cut her, she would bleed fan-fic.

(muski looks nervously around, hoping no mirrors are nearby)


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That was a very soothing vid to watch while waiting for the Broadway Cares vid to download. Thanks chach...and play!

I loved how professional, how "young", and how Clay Aiken he was in that video. That was a really fun step back in time.

Aww. :wub:


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Wow, what a bunch of unrelated subjects! LOL. Let's see.

JBT - was amazing, and such a fun summer. I did a show a week for 5 weeks, which was a bit hectic, but it was sooooo worth it. Cary, Clio, Interlochen, Meadville, and Toronto. Each one was special in it's own right. Not a popular opinion, I know, but I'd be all over a JBT2.

JNT05 - I did the Ohio twofer (Cincinatti & Youngstown). Both were great but Youngstown holds a special place in my heart. The place was full of Canadians! And had great sightlines as compared to the much more elaborate and ritzy Cincinatti venue. I loved that Clay put himself out there by writing the script....I hated that many fans stomped all over him for it.

American Idol - I think it's a natural fit for Clay & Ruben to host/narrate the rewind show. I don't see why AI wouldn't have approached him, and (dependant on his schedule) why he wouldn't have accepted. Clay may not watch AI anymore but he has always been pretty vocal about where he came from and not turning his back on that. Plus Clay getting more exposure on TV is never a bad thing in my books, whether it be through AI or some other show. So I am looking forward to it!

Super sekrit info from other boards - if it is something that gives us an end result of superior clack and is a source of happiness, I am all for it. If it is something hush-hush (or with back channel insinuations) that gives us nothing more than weeks/months/years of endless speculation and that ultimately ends up either alienating a portion of the members, or driving people from the online fandom, not so much. Big, big difference, IMO.

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In other "news", I wrote this totally bitchy diatribe about Chexxxy/TAiken/Titian and her moronic mission and how it's now a Googleable event complete with JP references for public consumption. And how somehow in her fucked up brain that all translates to "respecting" Clay. And how anyone who plays in her sandbox is enabling her and just as guilty of the insanity, IMO. And then, I decided that rather than even put one tiny toe into her vat of venom, I'll just leave her and her cronies to stew in it without me. Good luck with that, losers!
Good for you -- could you post a link? Been wanting to say this too....

This is going to come off so self-righteous that I'm going to have to smut again big time just to maintain my eHP eligibility but there is just way too much time and resources put into righting the perceived "wrongs" that were directed at Clay and in getting him the "respect he deserves". Of all the hundreds of thousands of grave injustices occuring everyday in this world, many of them in our very own neighborhoods, and all crying out for advocates, champions, letter-writers, outraged-bloggers we focus on ensuring that not a single negative thing is said or written about Clay???! Something that even he has asked us directly not to do? And for what? So that the tabloids some people read and the creepy djs they listen to will stop dissing their favorite guy? If only people spend even 1/10th of that effort learning about the voiceless victims who really need their help.

Respect is something Clay earns for himself and he's been making great headway in this mong the people who truly matter - leaders in his community, industry and govenment. Having fans who attempt to buy or force respect from idiots who are not themselves respectable or who go with what's popular at the moment is not only not worthwhile, it even taints this same effort that they're trying to help.

We talked about imagining how 10 years ago, high-school Clay would not have been able to predict all that he has today. (or didn't he?) Well we also need to look ahead 10 or 20 years into the future. Me, I see a bright one for him based on solid work and in doing the right things with what he's given. If fans really want to help this along, doing positive things (eg. even the simple act of buying 1 less copy of a tabloid or giving 1 less hit to a stupid website) instead of getting embroiled in the negative (actually paying for the garbage, reading it, expressing outrage to family members and co-workers and then continuing to keep it alive by blogging about it) really pays off in the long run.

Whew, all done! Now I'm looking for an opportunity to smut...

JBT - this was when I really, really lost it! Tough to pick -- but the heartland series (Rochester, Clio, Kettering, Toledo, <something I missed>, Interlochen) will always be on my mind -- specially Clio. If real estate prices drop even more, Clay should just get a partner, buy out that venue and sell concert weekend packages to us. It'll help the economy of the area & the food and lodging and shopping opportunities are wonderful too!

JNT05 - there are v. few things I would exchange for the Iowa/KC experience.

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It's really all about perspective, isn't it? Also, that is a fantastic idea of "us" thinking about the future for Clay in that way. He truly is working on being around for a good long while, simply by doing what he needs to do (working on albums, touring, and his charity work), and ignoring the crap. I really think his method will work, too, in keeping himself around.

JBT -- I loved it! JNT2005 -- I loved it! JNT 2006 -- I loved it! DCAT -- I loved it! You can "Shift-F2" for the rest of the concerts as well from me, and I'm positive I'll be like that for every tour Clay does in the next 20 years!

AI Rewind -- I can't imagine them NOT asking Clay either. And I think it says a LOT that he is doing something for it -- if he truly didn't want to be associated with the show, he would have simply said "no thank you" to this request, IMO. Unless he's really hurting for money. (Yeah, right....) I think he sees this as a good way to refresh people's brains about who he was/is, and also a bit like his high school reunion. "Memories...light the corners of my mind...."

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