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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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There is definitely something to love about every tour.

Touring. In most cases I can understand why Clay doesn't go back to some areas, poor ticket sales, routing ect, but I've never been able to understand why he hasn't come back to St. Louis. It's right smack dab in the middle of the country. The IT tour sold very well there and I heard the AI2 tour did well, surely there is some smaller venue they could put feelers out to, and besides that's only 2 hours from me.. :cry4:

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I was banned from the Chexxxy board because I went against the admin.

Simple, really, with her it's do as I say or I'll ban your ass.

Never been a follower...always pretty much did and thought what was in my best interest. Being a Clay fan is no different, for me. I don't understand spending more than a fleeting second on something that I have no control over nor have the ability to change. What's the point except a lot of wasted time.

This latest round of crap has just about pushed me past the point of being a member of the online fandom.

There is no rationalizing with this crew who are spewing things left and right...it's all about them. If they were perfectly honest with themselves, they'd admit Clay fell out of the equation a long time ago. Now it's all about who is going to win.

Guess what. No one wins and Clay loses. I doubt the thought has ever crossed their minds.

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sigh. gulp. gah. omg. do me clay.


Call me judgemental. Call me blinded-by-love. Call me a foolish, forty-something, lecherous old broad. Hell, you can even call me a jerk. :imgtongue: But anybody who can't see the gorgeous in this man? Is a freaking idiot.

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This latest round of crap has just about pushed me past the point of being a member of the online fandom.

But jumpingjacks, why? It is incredibly easy to avoid, once you make the decision. Don't go to the boards that involve themselves in it. If not the whole board, then don't go to the threads. Don't go to the blogs. Don't click on the google alerts. Don't play with the sharks. But most of all, don't punish yourself, and ultimately, Clay, for the acts of a limited number of assholes. Just. Don't. Do. It.

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This latest round of crap has just about pushed me past the point of being a member of the online fandom.

Oh JJ (can I call you JJ?*g*) don't go! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

We are not like that here! We fully admit we are full of crap! :cryingwlaughter:

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Favorite tour JBT. Would not have thought so before! Absolutely favorite clack from that tour is Scarlett's fom Pittsburg. Waves to Scarlett. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap: Really still feel like I've been to that concert. Sadly, did not see even one of the JBT.

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This latest round of crap has just about pushed me past the point of being a member of the online fandom.

But jumpingjacks, why? It is incredibly easy to avoid, once you make the decision. Don't go to the boards that involve themselves in it. If not the whole board, then don't go to the threads. Don't go to the blogs. Don't click on the google alerts. Don't play with the sharks. But most of all, don't punish yourself, and ultimately, Clay, for the acts of a limited number of assholes. Just. Don't. Do. It.

I don't have to go there to know what is happening. People are saying this stuff is showing up on Google alerts. I turned mine off about a week after the first round of the JP shit. Now Chexxxy is replaying all of it on a "fan" blog? WTF is that? If people didn't get enough of it the first 1000 times JP posted it, let's have it again on a fan blog.

I don't play with anyone. I stopped that about the same time I left the "private" area of CV. I couldn't deal with that crazy prick any longer.

I'm not talking about not being a fan of Clay...hell...I'll be a fan, always.

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I'm not talking about not being a fan of Clay...hell...I'll be a fan, always.

:clap: and there IS a difference!

Favorite tour memories...oh jeeze..why don't you just cut off my right arm. heee

Definitely Good News in El Cajon -- thank you Scarlett for taking that clack from two rows in front of me.

Definitely... Don't Let the Sun Go Down on me, the George Michael song, was a remake? Hilarious.

Vermont is the great little city -- and Clay's reaction

orange shirt heee

for starters...

favorite tour stops.. first 2 is easy...after that it gets rather complicated

JBT AC 08/31/05

Sacramento IT

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According to Fountaindawg, this is a cropped do not crop or post on the OFC picture. Anyone know if this is just a cap instead?

Compared to this picture (uncropped), it looks to be the same....


As for "boards and blogs that must not be named" -- I understand a need to vent about that kind of stuff here. And yet, in a way, I think by talking about it here...hard to explain....but it just adds on to the whole component, you know? The best thing to do, and what Clay has suggested many times, is to just ignore. I know that can be difficult, especially when it arrives in our mailboxes every day, or a friend "helpfully" sends you the latest rumors. But it really is all we can do, and part of that, for me, is going to try my best not to talk about those boards any more. Frankly, they're not worth the effort. (Will I succeed? Probably not. But I sure as hell can try...)

jumpingjacks, I can understand the whole "almost driven out of the fandom" thing too. I will never ever leave being a fan of Clay -- but there are so many things inside the fandom that I just don't understand, they make me pull my hair out. And these things were infiltrating every.single.board practically, which made it really hard to ignore. But eventually, I found my place in this fandom, one that is smart, funny, and simply fun. Oh, and LOVES Clay Aiken a whole damn lot.

Favorite tour moment -- you can ask YSRN. She'll tell you. Oh, OK -- I'll post the link as well....

Second favorite tour moment -- whenever he laughs. OK, that's cheating I know, but it works for me.

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This latest round of crap has just about pushed me past the point of being a member of the online fandom.

But jumpingjacks, why? It is incredibly easy to avoid, once you make the decision. Don't go to the boards that involve themselves in it. If not the whole board, then don't go to the threads. Don't go to the blogs. Don't click on the google alerts. Don't play with the sharks. But most of all, don't punish yourself, and ultimately, Clay, for the acts of a limited number of assholes. Just. Don't. Do. It.

I don't have to go there to know what is happening. People are saying this stuff is showing up on Google alerts. I turned mine off about a week after the first round of the JP shit. Now Chexxxy is replaying all of it on a "fan" blog? WTF is that? If people didn't get enough of it the first 1000 times JP posted it, let's have it again on a fan blog.

I don't play with anyone. I stopped that about the same time I left the "private" area of CV. I couldn't deal with that crazy prick any longer.

I'm not talking about not being a fan of Clay...hell...I'll be a fan, always.

Well I think (for most of us anyway) the always being a fan part goes without saying. But if you enjoy any part of the online aspect - the clack, the camraderie, the humour, the smut, then why let people like that steal your joy? I know I have my moments when I feel like deleting the Clay Links folder on My Favorites, but for the most part? It's a heck of a lot of fun, virtually free entertainment. And there's lots of good peoples, too. (((((((FCA))))))))

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Hey Canucky, Not only is Mike W cute as a bug but Adam Scott is right up there with him in cuteness. Of course he's Australian but for this tournament he's yours. And then there's Stewart Appleby. Lot's of cute guys on your side!

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Hey Canucky, Not only is Mike W cute as a bug but Adam Scott is right up there with him in cuteness. Of course he's Australian but for this tournament he's yours. And then there's Stewart Appleby. Lot's of cute guys on your side!

Yuppers! And I LOVE Ernie Els. I actually stalked him in South Africa when someone told me he was at our hotel at FanCourt. I finally found him in the gym, working out! GAH, slurp!!! He is HUGE and so much cuter without the stupid hat. :hubbahubba:

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See, ldyj, that's one of mine too - except I loved the Houston set almost as much...I flove I Survived You, especially every passionate performance.

That is so Clay to me!

Grand frickin' Forks, ND. Clay perfection.

Clay dancing with Mama Artquest (now that was a recap that I got so totally schmoopie over, I was a freaking puddle!)

Leg humping Clay.

WAMLAW - even the fans were perfect on that

Christmas 2006 Long Island: That is a man, people.

Clay bouncing off his ass back in Grand Prairie for the IT.

Clay and Ruben singing their asses off at the Billboard Awards.

Clay telling us his pants were tight in Atlantic City.

Evil Clay forcing Quiana's and Angela's heads into his armpits while singing like an angel.

Las Vegas IT showing some young famewhores with a sign how to famewhore attractively (Yes, I hit the trifecta at that concert - just moved up like 10 rows - abandoned my concert partner SaneAikenFan who was dancing wildly and didn't notice that I had left - Jerome was two seconds from catching my butt when some teenager hauled me into their row - I showed them that going into the aisle so Clay had a clear view of US and the sign was the successful way of the famewhore - and yes, we all were wildly shrieking. And no, I'm not ashamed.)

Sitting with a wide eyed Clay virgin during the JNT05 in Atlanta.

And these are just off the top of my head....

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OH, bwah! I've been wallowing in guilty pleasures---reading all of Shak's old AI2 recaps from TWOP...what a hoot. I'm even copying and pasting all the Clay references (No, KAndre, I haven't done my "Best of" assignment and instead have been spending mumblemumble hours doing something else totally UNassigned...)

Anyhoo....I saw this from the top six or seven or something and it CMSU! It's referring to Diane Warren:

She looks like she should be standing in line at Waldenbooks getting her copy of Dance Of Seduction autographed. If you cut her, she would bleed fan-fic.

(muski looks nervously around, hoping no mirrors are nearby)


Muski... will you share your Clay parts... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

sigh. gulp. gah. omg. do me clay.


Know the only thing 'wrong' with this picture?

His poor lips looked dry and chapped. I need to help moisten them for him....I need to...


GAHHHHH ! :Thud: That is the best cap from that appearance!!! That was the day someone darkened his eyebrows till they were almost all you saw when you looked at him... dingbats, but this pic really shows the beauty of him without the eyebrows detracting. Thanks!!!

Favorite moments... I Survived You in Las Vegas... when he glared, he glared right into my binoculars and I actually felt a jolt... I kid you not. WOW, that man is potent!!!

I was at Clio for JBT and the "Clack Skip Around" statement that still CMSU!

Couchie, I will join you with Good News at El Cajon... AWESOME!!!

Flat Clay in Pala... :cryingwlaughter:

"Surprise" at The Greek... :cryingwlaughter:

Best moment I was not at... singing bluegrass to Poppa in Raleigh JNT05

ETA: Thanks for reminding me, KAndre... the whole Long Island concert with vertigo... The definition of valiant!!!

I want to thank, again, all the clack gathers, renderers, clackunlimited (which I support monthly... hint, hint) for my ability to enjoy what I have seen and what I haven't been able to see live. THANKS!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by liney23
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Oh yeahhhhh,

KAndre looks up from her patient sharpening of the spork against her third hard drive of video clack, quietly checking that the restraints and iPods full of William Hung, Corey Clark, William Shatner and unProTooled Britney were available and ready for use by midnight of September 30...

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LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- American Idol Rewind is back, and this time the popular syndicated series will highlight Season 2, the year that put American Idol on the map with legendary talent and unprecedented ratings. Premiering Saturday, September 29th in most syndicated markets nationwide, American Idol Rewind will feature an introduction from Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard, narration by runner-up Clay Aiken and the best never-before-seen clips and interviews to-date.

This year on American Idol Rewind, viewers will get to see all-new, exclusive interviews with over 30 contestants from Season 2 as they sit down and reveal what it was like to be a part of the American Idol experience. American Idol Rewind will catch up with Top 12 contestants -- Ruben Studdard, Clay Aiken, Kimberley Locke, Josh Gracin, Trenyce (Cobbins), Carmen Rasmusen, Kimberly Caldwell, Rickey Smith, Corey Clark, Julia DeMato, Charles Grigsby and Vanessa Olivarez -- as they reveal their personal take on what really happened during Season 2 and how they felt during the audition process and Hollywood Rounds. Rewind will also highlight other Idol contestants who made it through to Hollywood, along with those who failed "spectacularly," and will recap the episodes that helped secure everyone's favorite series into television history.

In the September 29th premiere, viewers are greeted by Idol winner Ruben Studdard as he introduces the new season. Viewers will then hear from runner-up Clay Aiken, as he guides us through all seven audition cities and looks back on where American Idol Season 2 began its new search for the next music superstar. In New York City, Simon, Paula and Randy have high expectations, hoping the city that never sleeps will provide a wealth of talent. Between the bad and the very bad, it doesn't take long before the judges let the contestants know what awaits them in the audition room if they can't deliver. Some will make it through, others will head home and, in the tradition of American Idol, everyone will walk away with something to say.

American Idol Rewind is nationally syndicated and premieres on Saturday, September 29th. Airtime varies by market; check local listings or visit http://www.tvguide.com/listings for more information.

American Idol Rewind is produced by American Idol producers FremantleMedia North America and 19 Entertainment and distributed by Tribune Entertainment

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Couchie Just word to your whole post!

I don't google, I don't go to those other boards or gnatty sites...my opinion...gossip is a two-way street...you need someone to print the gossip and someone to read it; I don't see much difference in the two. Those "fans" who think they are helping Clay by engaging with the slime are delusional and probably looking for some attention...and really, with "fans" like that, who needs enemies. I made the mistake of calling them out on their crap on Chexxy's place and was immediately shown the door.

Power can be a very dangerous thing and there are too many fans out there who think they have it or are invested in getting it and they don't care who they have to walk on to get it.

I am at the point now, where I just read the boards for news...I lurk more than post and just scroll past those who I know are going to push my buttons and enjoy doing it.

Okay enough of the serious stuff...had a date with my Clay buddy this morning to exchange clack and just visit...she ended up inviting me to Sam's club with her and I spent $70! Hubby wanted to know if I was stocking up for a blizzard (with the way the weather changes in Chicago, you never know, LOL!). I did get some stuff I needed, but I may go broke If we make this a regular thing!

I keep trying to get her over here, she is of the same mindset and I thing she would enjoy it! Guess I will have to keep working on her!




LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- American Idol Rewind is back, and this time the popular syndicated series will highlight Season 2, the year that put American Idol on the map with legendary talent and unprecedented ratings. Premiering Saturday, September 29th in most syndicated markets nationwide, American Idol Rewind will feature an introduction from Season 2 winner Ruben Studdard, narration by runner-up Clay Aiken and the best never-before-seen clips and interviews to-date.

This year on American Idol Rewind, viewers will get to see all-new, exclusive interviews with over 30 contestants from Season 2 as they sit down and reveal what it was like to be a part of the American Idol experience. American Idol Rewind will catch up with Top 12 contestants -- Ruben Studdard, Clay Aiken, Kimberley Locke, Josh Gracin, Trenyce (Cobbins), Carmen Rasmusen, Kimberly Caldwell, Rickey Smith, Corey Clark, Julia DeMato, Charles Grigsby and Vanessa Olivarez -- as they reveal their personal take on what really happened during Season 2 and how they felt during the audition process and Hollywood Rounds. Rewind will also highlight other Idol contestants who made it through to Hollywood, along with those who failed "spectacularly," and will recap the episodes that helped secure everyone's favorite series into television history.

In the September 29th premiere, viewers are greeted by Idol winner Ruben Studdard as he introduces the new season. Viewers will then hear from runner-up Clay Aiken, as he guides us through all seven audition cities and looks back on where American Idol Season 2 began its new search for the next music superstar. In New York City, Simon, Paula and Randy have high expectations, hoping the city that never sleeps will provide a wealth of talent. Between the bad and the very bad, it doesn't take long before the judges let the contestants know what awaits them in the audition room if they can't deliver. Some will make it through, others will head home and, in the tradition of American Idol, everyone will walk away with something to say.

American Idol Rewind is nationally syndicated and premieres on Saturday, September 29th. Airtime varies by market; check local listings or visit http://www.tvguide.com/listings for more information.

American Idol Rewind is produced by American Idol producers FremantleMedia North America and 19 Entertainment and distributed by Tribune Entertainment

This makes it sound like Clay's part will be a lot larger than Ruben's...sounds like it is going to be very interesting!


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