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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Just finished watching AI Rewind (on tape from last night), during which my 19-year-old, who is home from college for the weekend, came tearing down the stairs to find out who was singing an O-Town song (it was Josh Gracin's audition). Hee, seems he likes that one! And he has been regaling me with his version of it ever since. :cryingwlaughter: One of these years we're going to convince him to audition for Canadian Idol.....

As much as I am enjoying these audition shows with Clay's narration, I can't wait until we move on to the real shows. I'm much more about the talent than the bad auditions.

Ooooh, oooooh! [/tm Horshack] I found the Honey Crisp apples! They weren't all that expensive. But they were disappointingly small. From what I'd read here, I expected them to be huuuuuge! Haven't tried one yet, but I will.

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Ooooh, oooooh! [/tm Horshack] I found the Honey Crisp apples! They weren't all that expensive. But they were disappointingly small. From what I'd read here, I expected them to be huuuuuge! Haven't tried one yet, but I will.

Luckiest, the first Honey Crisp apples I found around here were the big ones sold by the pound around $2.49 at Krogers. They were everything that Keepingfaith and LadyJ said they would be, but as someone else said that made them around 1.00 per apple. I'd cut one in half and my husband and I would share them. A couple of days later a friend of mine told me that they had them at another local grocery sold by the bag for $4.99. These were much smaller but a good size for us. IMO these were still excellent, but not quite as good as the first ones I bought. It may have nothing to do with the size, maybe its the orchard they were from.

I can't believe that in this past week I''ve written more posts about Honey Crisp apples than I have about Clay :cryingwlaughter: I was going to call them the Clay Aiken of apples, but maybe that's going a bit too far.

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re DF and Clay

I am one that has always wanted David to be the producer of a CD for Clay.

My thoughts....... just because he produced MB and JG does not mean that Clay will sound like them. I feel they would have basically that same sound regardless of who produced their CD..... that is who they are!!!

I have not researched it, but IIRC, others have checked out DF’s record and he has been involved with some that are not ballad singers. I think some are putting DF in the proverbial BOX.

Regardless of who the producer is..... I just want songs that are good for Clay and that VOX. I also want his voice front and center and not overpowered by the music.

And who is responsible for that????

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Thanks for all the tips on sinus headaches. I am trying them all!

Want a good laugh??

I read on another board that they think Clay's new, secret producer is........

Are you ready??????

Neil Sedaka!!!

I mean, we all know he's British, right?? :cryingwlaughter:

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Did Clay ever actually say the new producer is British? I know he said he found him in London, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is British. I am not in a hurry to find out who the new producer is either. I suspect, if the CD drops in May or June after his run in Spamelot is done; that there may be a PR campaign that is being put together to announce the producer and we may not find out until the publicity begins.


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re DF and Clay

I am one that has always wanted David to be the producer of a CD for Clay.

My thoughts....... just because he produced MB and JG does not mean that Clay will sound like them. I feel they would basically have that same sound regardless of who produced their CD..... that is who they are!!!

I have not researched it, but IIRC, other have checked out DF’s record and he has been involved with others that are not ballad singers. I think some are putting DF in the proverbial BOX.

Regardless of who the producer is..... I just want songs that are good for Clay and that VOX. I also want his voice front and center and not overpowered by the music.

And who is responsible for that????

Personally...from what I know of David's producing style...he does have a tendency to let the music overpower the singer. This is why I am not all that excited about DF and Clay working together. I know he is a great song writer...but I do think he tends to be bombastic in his production. This is essentially why I never really liked JG CDs, I always found them over produced. I always wonder if LAA would sound the way it did if DF produced it.

That is not to say that I don;t want DF to produce Clay. I do trust Clay's instincts and if he feels that DF is the right person to work with...I don;t have a problem with that. But I keep coming back to the way DF pushed Clay to do that money note over and over again. I'm just afraid he will go for that big note all the time when Clay has other ways of showcasing his voice.

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Sorry to post-ho...I think there are likely a few more Eagles fans here? Clear Channel is previewing the whole album, which is dropping next week, Eagle's Preview here. AND it works for Canadian IPs!! :clap:

So far, I like it.

Thanks! I love Don Henley, so I'll be checking it out as well. :)

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Hee ...I knew other people would get the story straight...

I think its very difficult for some fans to look at Clay as a strong, savvy, sophisticated, smart and independent person. Some fans simply like their view of Clay as the naive new comer that needs guidance and mentoring. It gives their constant meddling justification. So they will constantly see all kinds of enemies and plots against their hero...they will need the ever constant villain...RCA to fight for Clay. They will constantly lament at how evil and mean the media is to him even when, relatively speaking...he does get a mix of bad and good press the way it happens for any celebrity.

I don't think these fans realize how insulting they can be to Clay. I actually think Clay himself did a stellar job in the Sedaka tribute...but just like some of you, I did feel there was some discord between Clay and David's orchestration. I felt like Clay was trying to give it a more subtle treatment yet David was going for bombastic. I also remember how David pushed Clay to do that UM note over and over during his gala even if it could really be bad for his chords. I didn;t think he had Clay's best interest in that situation.

If Clay and David do work together in the future...I'm sure its because it was the right project...just like LAA.

I really am looking forward to the reveal of his current producer...I am very very optimistic about whats coming down the line.

WORD to your entire post. Clay is a victim and they are his saviors. He sends them sekrit coded messages in his blogs because he is controlled by the evil doers and they and only they can decipher his messages because, after all, they are his only "true" fans.

I would be long gone from this fandom if I couldn't come here and see there are still some fans who have common sense and logic and are able to go back to the basics of having fun and enjoying this fandom. Thanks to all of you who contribute to keeping this board a sane place to be.

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Personally...from what I know of David's producing style...he does have a tendency to let the music overpower the singer. This is why I am not all that excited about DF and Clay working together. I know he is a great song writer...but I do think he tends to be bombastic in his production. This is essentially why I never really liked JG CDs, I always found them over produced. I always wonder if LAA would sound the way it did if DF produced it.

I wondered about that, but I don't have JG album.. or MB, so could not really compare.

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I just watched SecretlyLovesClay's Solitaire video.

It was an orgasmic experience.


Yeah that! :blush:


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I wondered about that, but I don't have JG album.. or MB, so could not really compare.

Divayenta posted a summary of David's work and there were a lot of surpising things (to me) on it. I'll try to search for it. He definitely is well rounded and is he has a well earned reputation. I don't know much about Josh Groban or Michael Buble but I don't really think their styles are in any way comparable other than being white males. So, that shows me right there that he can play to the strengths of the artist. So, nothing against David, just don't think he's the second coming and Clay needs that particular guy to have the best album ever. He seems excited about who he does have. That's all I care about.

Dang, I'm behind the times...need to go look at the other versions of solitaire..must catch every angle.

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I just watched SecretlyLovesClay's Solitaire video.

It was an orgasmic experience.


:cry4: :cry4: :cry4: He just rips my heart out....what a talent.

Yeah, but it would have been better if the big fat heads and bodies didn't keep getting in the way!!!

Don't they know to stay out of the way of the clack gatherers?????

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GAH!!! SLC's video is to die for. The closeups are FANTASTIC. Yeah, people get in the way, but I don't blame them for being so excited that they had to stand up and cheer and scream. At least in the middle of the video you can see Clay's gorgeous face with nothing in the way! The cheekbones are more visible in this video. And I love watching his throat vibrating when he has sustained notes. That vibrato is pretty to listen and to watch!

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I don't know why Clay hasn't chosen to announce the name of his producer, but quite frankly, I'm kind of glad. Any name, no matter how highly successful or respected, would inevitably unleash a storm of protest from different factions of fans. Before a single note was heard, we would have people proclaim the album a maliciously orchestrated failure. I'm not in a hurry to read those posts.

Personally, I don't feel the need to know that much about the album at this point. Eventually, we'll find out more, but why get the angst-engines revving up now, when there are so many other things to look forward to (AYSTAFG, Skating Show, Christmas Concerts, Spamalot)?

CG, I hope you were able to get some relief for you sinus headache.

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Personally, I don't feel the need to know that much about the album at this point. Eventually, we'll find out more, but why get the angst-engines revving up now, when there are so many other things to look forward to (AYSTAFG, Skating Show, Christmas Concerts, Spamalot)?


These Honey Crisps are divine! I guess it's true that size doesn't matter. ;)

Off to d/l SLC's clack now......

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If I paid $200 a ticket I wouldn't give a damn about ya'll at home. :cryingwlaughter: The show is for the people in attendance first and sometimes well you just wanna jump to your feet. The people that disturb clay and ruin the mood with assinine shouting and interruptions...well :onsoapbox: Those are the folks that I wanna hurt. Like I wonder what David would have said about Clay if he weren't interrupted by a "fan." Well that's how it appears to me. Could be wrong on that though.

Personally, I don't feel the need to know that much about the album at this point. Eventually, we'll find out more, but why get the angst-engines revving up now, when there are so many other things to look forward to (AYSTAFG, Skating Show, Christmas Concerts, Spamalot)?


These Honey Crisps are divine! I guess it's true that size doesn't matter. ;)


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Someone asked upthread about what Jaymes has done since ATDW. I, as usual, don't know shit.

But I do think she produced Bianca Ryan's first CD after coming off of America's Got Talent.

I was really glad when I heard JF would be producing because I feared for the young girl, who had managed to stay a young girl on the show even though, as she said, when she opens her mouth to sing a "big black woman comes out"! hee (Actually, she didn't say that. She said that's what other people said when they heard her.) She really does have a lot of power. But she never once dressed like a 'ho like some of the girls close to her age. Never a slinky dress. My Sis was a big fan so I gave her the album when it came out. I think it was pretty good. I think it had more of a young 'pop' sound than the songs she sang on the show. Now if Bianca ever does anything else again, or not, who knows?

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I don't know why Clay hasn't chosen to announce the name of his producer, but quite frankly, I'm kind of glad. Any name, no matter how highly successful or respected, would inevitably unleash a storm of protest from different factions of fans. Before a single note was heard, we would have people proclaim the album a maliciously orchestrated failure. I'm not in a hurry to read those posts.

Personally, I don't feel the need to know that much about the album at this point. Eventually, we'll find out more, but why get the angst-engines revving up now, when there are so many other things to look forward to (AYSTAFG, Skating Show, Christmas Concerts, Spamalot)?

CG, I hope you were able to get some relief for you sinus headache.

Word - again!

And my sinus headache does feel a bit better. Thank you. Must be the clack that helped (or else everything I tried that was suggested here....)

I KNOW everyone has a right to be excited, but I get so frustrated when boyfriend's gorgeous face gets obstructed by the back's of heads and bodies!! SLC does have some GORGEOUS close-ups, though. Think I might have to take a lot of screencaps.

So.... I kept thinking about all the times we have heard Clay sing "Solitaire" and how he - and his voice even - has changed and matured through the years. That got me watching all the TV performances, as well as selected performances from the NAT and the JBT and, of course, the Sedaka Tribute performance. That got me making a little montage of "Solitaire Through the Years". Now, its nothing fancy, nothing artsy. Its just Clay singing "Solitaire". I only put in one from the NAT and one from the JBT and I chose the last concert of each since that was his final performance of each tour - and the JBT (as far as I can remember) was the last time we heard him sing it (and if it wasn't can someone tell me what I missed and I will revise it...).

If you are interested in spending some time listening to Clay sing "Solitaire" here is the YSI (I don't know how to use anything else so if this runs out, let me know and I will do another). It is interesting to see how both Clay and this song and the performances changed.


Solitaire Through the Years

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