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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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I was about to come on the board and whine about the fact that my external hard drive.....with ALL my Clack on it...has sort of disappeared. Properties says the files are all there but when I click on a folder..nada!! I tried to d/l something to it and it says the file is invalid and Its telling me the drive failed! I'm not a happy camper to say the least right now!

But seeing jumpingjacks post kind of puts things in perspective!

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I was about to come on the board and whine about the fact that my external hard drive.....with ALL my Clack on it...has sort of disappeared. Properties says the files are all there but when I click on a folder..nada!! I tried to d/l something to it and it says the file is invalid and Its telling me the drive failed! I'm not a happy camper to say the least right now!

Aaaaack...that's worse than a bad kidney!!!!

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I don't have many heros but JJ you are my hero!!! It's true that some people just get on with life at half mast, so to speak, while others piss, moan and whine about everything because real life has never really kicked their butt. You deserve a break and hopefully it will be soon.

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You're entitled to whine any damn time you want to, IMO. I'd suggest this kind of wine too...


...but you probably can't have that, I'm sure.

I actually can...I just don't drink wine. I do have a Mike's Hard Lime in the refrigerator, though!

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jumpingjacks, you just put my crappy day into perspective... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

What are the criteria for a kidney match?

Most important is that the blood types match. I'm O positive which limits me right off the bat...I am a universal donor but can only have O blood donated to me. After that, there's an indepth medical history taken and a tissue match. Not sure how that tissue match happens. Even that doesn't have to be a perfect match...I think a person has to match on 4 of 6 "traits"...

Family members are always first choice. It's not that I don't have other family members to choose from but they all have some kind of medical problem that precludes them. I also have several nieces and nephews but they are so young, I can't ask them to do it.

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jumpingjacks, prayers you keep on jumping! Both my parents have seen a nephrologist because of earlier stages of kidney failure; the doctor says his goal is for his patients to die of something other than kidney failure!) I hope your "stability" continues, but it is good that your doctor is planning ahead and that you are healthy enough to be a candidate for a transplant.
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jumpingjacks - :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm amazed that you are managing so well with so little kidney function. You're amazing! And I think it's a positive thing that your Dr. put you on the transplant list now, rather than waiting until you're really sick. But it must be pretty scary, too. The good thing is that there are lots of people who have had successful kidney transplants. You'll likely be one of them, someday!

Please PM me before you come to Denver the next time. I'd love to meet you and give you a big FCA hug. :hugs-1:

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jumpingjacks, prayers you keep on jumping! Both my parents have seen a nephrologist because of earlier stages of kidney failure; the doctor says his goal is for his patients to die of something other than kidney failure!) I hope your "stability" continues, but it is good that your doctor is planning ahead and that you are healthy enough to be a candidate for a transplant.

Thanks. I am pretty sure my doctor feels the same way. She is constantly amazed at how well my numbers do from check up to check up. They're bad but they don't get worse...it's sort of like being at a plateau...this is the next dip for me...I've been leveled out for a while now. It doesn't surprise me when the blood work falls a bit...it is a progressive disease and to be stable for as long as I have is a real blessing.

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Well, if we're breaking out the wine2.gif, I feel like a may need a couple of glasses before I can get to sleep tonight.

You see, I finally got around to watching last week's AIR Hollywood episode and I was exposed to the terror that was the Craggle. AAAACCCCCKKKK! Now I'm afraid to turn off my lights and close my eyes. THE HORROR. THE HORROR.


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jj... well said... hehehe. I just watched AIR, too, and unless all three of them were in love with Corey, I cannot see how he got put thru. His voice was horrible!

I will add you to my Reiki list, jj! Hopefully, the Divine understands about screenames... LOL

That AIW cover totally RAWKS as my desktop... life size and you can actually tell his eyes are green.... I'm in love!!! S.W.O.O.N!!!

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Whoa....cindilu....that is enough to bring anyone out of lurking! Thanks for sharing your artistic endeavors!!

Speaking of lurking....I am out once again...ruining your fun weekend in search of some help....sorry... But you guys have been so helpful with other things....

Here's my problem...

The organization accepting the books is so excited, they are wanting to load all of the books on to a flat bed and at some point and time....wheel them out on stage.

I think they have a death wish.

My instinct is to tell them "NO!!!!!!!!!!! Not at a Christmas concert!!" Especially a Clay Aiken Christmas concert!!

Now she didn't say at what point in time they wanted to do this....should they get venue permission and a flat bed.

But I don't think there is a right time.

I am more inclined to urge them to just give a rough book count announcement...say...during intermission or some such time like that.

Am I being to fussy? Or should I worry about death threats for them....and me... afterwards, if they insist?

Back to lurking .....

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Whoa....cindilu....that is enough to bring anyone out of lurking! Thanks for sharing your artistic endeavors!!

Speaking of lurking....I am out once again...ruining your fun weekend in search of some help....sorry... But you guys have been so helpful with other things....

Here's my problem...

The organization accepting the books is so excited, they are wanting to load all of the books on to a flat bed and at some point and time....wheel them out on stage.

I think they have a death wish.

My instinct is to tell them "NO!!!!!!!!!!! Not at a Christmas concert!!" Especially a Clay Aiken Christmas concert!!

Now she didn't say at what point in time they wanted to do this....should they get venue permission and a flat bed.

But I don't think there is a right time.

I am more inclined to urge them to just give a rough book count announcement...say...during intermission or some such time like that.

Am I being to fussy? Or should I worry about death threats for them....and me... afterwards, if they insist?

Back to lurking .....


That is something that would have to be Clay's decision I would think? I've seen lots of charity drives at various concerts but I don't recall them ever becoming part of the show. They are the recipients, so it seems a little much to me to insist upon something like that.

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They want to roll them out on a flat bed and do what? I'm not sure I get the point....do they want Clay to see how many books were donated in honor of his birthday? Um.....I agree there is no right time as far as I can see. Just having them on display in the lobby would be plenty. Maybe they could have them set up at a table that also have information available to the patrons about their organization.

I've been kind of missing but lurking lately. I seem always to have you guys tucked away in a little corner of the task bar and I don't think I'm ever logged out. I did manage to squeak a story in under the deadline for the mid-December shows....if it ends up on the floor at the end of Clay's bed some night, my mission will have been accomplished.....by proxy. :D

Have I posted since John left for Baku? Hmm...not sure. He left for Baku on Wednesday....wait I must have posted that somewhere because Zena called me in the wee hours for a chat and said she wouldn't have done it except she knew I was alone. Anyone need a car? I have to sell one, or two, or both.....Let me see. I cleaned out the sock drawer. YAY! We are on our way out of Dodge now! I bought Christmas cards to get a jump on the year end sales when they get rid of all that holiday stuff. I have to make sure I pack them....

What else? I am so enamored of my sweet jug eared boyfriend again. It's been a long time since we've had a glimpse of that softest, whitest, little area behind those ears....which I love....a lot. For some reason he looked even more absolutely stunning this time around than he did when I first saw him on AI2....

OMG! This is Friday night!!! It's eHP Luncheon EVE! Oh.....that means I have to shave my legs in the morning. Hmmmm...I'll use the electric razor and call it a dry run for November 28th.

I really need to get into the tour planning thing, like where are my tickets....as in who is holding them in what city? What am I going to where and where am I staying? All that good stuff. I think I need a winter coat. Has it snowed up north yet?

cindilu2, you amaze me. I don't how you do that stuff that you do...at all. No clue. But I sure do like it.

jumpingjacks, I hope you get your kidney real soon. I think your spirit and determination NOT to be sick is keeping you feeling well enough to live your life on your own terms.

merieeee, I agree with you that is one hell of a beautiful picture and I think I really want to see that jacket recycled...one of my faves.

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